Whaddya know! obama was really born in Kenya!

I'm still waiting for one of the two geniuses who think it is significant that Obama was once "called Barry Sotero for a while" to explain why that is important.

Because it brings up the issue as to what is his legal name and was he an Indonesian citizen when he traveled to Pakistan after that age of majority. Since Indonesia doesn't accept dual citizenship, that means he gave up his American citizenship, if he had any, AFTER the age of majority. Too many questions about his past.
So where's the evidence Obama was born in Kenya? Oh, that's right, you haven't any.

Where's the evidence his mother ever visited Kenya in her entire life? Oh, that's right, you haven't any.

I think you birfers hangs on to your delusions like a drowning man hangs onto a life preserver because you cannot hold your own in a debate on issues of actual importance. You can only parrot someone else's thoughts, as long as they are bite-sized thoughts.

It's sad, really, this sickness you have.

Why couldn't you have been raised to be Democrats? It is a crying shame we are stuck with you. It just isn't fair.

Let me field this one.

As far as I can ascertain, there is no actual evidence that the President's mom was in Kenya in 1961 (the year of the President's birth) or ever, for that matter.

This is one of the several reasons why I stopped harboring any real doubt about the President allegedly being a NON Natural Born Citizen. I see no good reason, anymore, to believe he wasn't born in Hawaii.

I am pretty damn confidant that this makes him a Natural Born Citizen.

There are LOTS of other good reasons to work to have him voted out of Office. No need to cling to the birther thingie. It was a false trail that ultimately led nowhere.

Absolutely. Plenty of good reasons to not vote for him. But the birfers are unable to articulate any that sound intelligible. So they stick to the Kenyan thing. It's all they know how to do.
There's another genius in this thread who thought this publicist ad was the origin of the birfer movement! :lol:

It just does not get any more stupid than that.

No. No. It's just that in terms of the question of who said it first, the publicist account is the oldest -- by far.

None of you ever heard of the ad until a few days ago. So for someone to say this was the ORIGIN of the birther movement indicates just how retarded you people are.
g5000 claims to not be a liberal but is quick to defend Obamination's cloudy past and his half-truth stories about himself......
Show me one item, post, picture, anything, dated from 2008 that mentions this ad. Anywhere on the internet.

Go ahead.

The birther movement started in early 2008. If this ad was the SOURCE material, you birfers would have been harping over it at least enough to get a MILLION hits when you google for it in 2008.

SniperFire runs away in flames after making this little gem up and asked to provide such evidence.

Any shithead can spout shit out of their mouths. Making a claim is easy enough for a retard to do. PROVING it is quite another.

When a birfer gets their ass handed to them, they just excrete some new turd from their mouth.

This is what is known in logical fallacy circles as "moving the goalposts".

So this ad comes to light a few days ago. And then the magical thinking kicks in with the retards. OH! This ad is over 20 years old! This is what STARTED the birther movement!

Holy shit, you just cannot fight dumb that deep.

But it is fun to watch. Kind of like that old news clip of the robot bashing itself to bits.
Show me one item, post, picture, anything, dated from 2008 that mentions this ad. Anywhere on the internet.

Obama and his publicist have been proven to have been promoting Obama as having been born in Kenya as far back as 1991 - and it continued up until 2007.

That is the fact of the matter.

Obama is First Birfer.
g5000 claims to not be a liberal but is quick to defend Obamination's cloudy past and his half-truth stories about himself......

I am quick to defend the truth. There is no need to lie about Obama, there is plenty of REAL shit to use against him. But you appear to be incapable of grasping more complex issues and holding your own in a debate, so you stick to retarded birfer shit. That's your comfort zone. We get it.

I kick birfers in the nuts because Obama's Hawaiian birth is the truth, even though I do not like him. That is what honor, honesty, and integrity are about.

It is precisely because the GOP panders to retarded turd-generators like yourself that I have stopped voting. The party has lost its honor, honesty, and integrity.

You are so used to making shit up, you just can't stop yourself. So now you invent things about me.

Go right ahead. My vote which would have cancelled out someone else's vote for Obama, won't be there. Again. Just like it wasn't there in 2008.

YOU are the one electing and re-electing Obama. Intelligent people are turning away from the GOP because the elephant has a bad case of worms. You and your ilk have convinced me I am making the right choice by not voting again.

My vote has not been earned.
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When Obama is re-elected in November because people like me stayed home, the GOP can comfort itself with, "Well, at least we have the birfers."
g5000 claims to not be a liberal but is quick to defend Obamination's cloudy past and his half-truth stories about himself......

I am quick to defend the truth.


Let's test that.

Everyone agrees Obama has a HUGE ego.

Do you actually believe that even if the claim that Obama was born in Kenya was a miraculous copy error, do you not think that young, ambitious potential first time author Barack even SAW the error in his bio, much less gave them the input?

Or put another way, are you really that fucking stupid to believe that Obama was not complicit in promoting his birther story?

Remember now, you are a defender of truth.

g5000 claims to not be a liberal but is quick to defend Obamination's cloudy past and his half-truth stories about himself......

I am quick to defend the truth. There is no need to lie about Obama, there is plenty of REAL shit to use against him. But you appear to be incapable of grasping more complex issues and holding your own in a debate, so you stick to retarded birfer shit. That's your comfort zone. We get it.

I kick birfers in the nuts because Obama's Hawaiian birth is the truth, even though I do not like him. That is what honor, honesty, and integrity are about.

It is precisely because the GOP panders to retarded turd-generators like yourself that I have stopped voting. The party has lost its honor, honesty, and integrity.

You are so used to making shit up, you just can't stop yourself. So now you invent things about me.

Go right ahead. My vote which would have cancelled out someone else's vote for Obama, won't be there. Again. Just like it wasn't there in 2008.

YOU are the one electing and re-electing Obama. Intelligent people are turning away from the GOP because the elephant has a bad case of worms. You and your ilk have convinced me I am making the right choice by not voting again.

My vote has not been earned.

Who told that publisher that Obama was born in Kenya?
Sorry bout that,

g5000 claims to not be a liberal but is quick to defend Obamination's cloudy past and his half-truth stories about himself......

I am quick to defend the truth.


Let's test that.

Everyone agrees Obama has a HUGE ego.

Do you actually believe that even if the claim that Obama was born in Kenya was a miraculous copy error, do you not think that young, ambitious potential first time author Barack even SAW the error in his bio, much less gave them the input?

Or put another way, are you really that fucking stupid to believe that Obama was not complicit in promoting his birther story?

Remember now, you are a defender of truth.



This is totally bizarre... How can the media continue to be so corrupt in how they cover this presidents murky past and shady associations? This constant move to cover Obama's ass is outrageously ridiculous.

May 19, 2012
Why Kenyan Birth Claim Was No 'Fact Checking Error'
By Jack Cashill

No sooner did the literary agency brochure in which Barack Obama was said to be Kenyan-born surface than the media went to work to deep-six it.

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me - an agency assistant at the time," Miriam Goderich, now a named partner in the literary agency, Dystel & Goderich, wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News, which was then picked up ABC News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

This confession rings false to the point of preposterous for any number of reasons. Let us start with the obvious. At the time, 1991, the Acton & Dystel agency listed 90 clients, Obama among its least significant. How likely is it that Goderich would have remembered enough about a 1991 "error" to know it was hers, especially since it went uncorrected through several revisions until changed in 2007? To make this claim credible, there would have to be an existing paper trail leading to an Obama submission in which he lists an Hawaiian birth. I am confident that there is no such submission.

Former publisher Tom Lipscomb does not buy Goderich's explanation for a New York minute. "As someone who has run a number of top bestseller publishers, I think this is an amazing MIRACLE," writes Lipscomb emphatically on Power Line. "It is the ONLY case I have ever heard of in which an editorial assistant INVENTED a biographical detail. I have heard of typos, wrong dates, misspellings of names. But to pick a really weird country of origin like Kenya for an author?"

The Breitbart people followed up with a piece by Steve Boman, a Jane Dystel client in the mid-1990s, who noted, "All material she used in our proposals came directly from me and my writing partner." This is standard. In the eight books I have written under my own name, I have reviewed all biographical information sent out about me either by agent or publisher. Like most authors, I have let a little fluff pass, but not much.

Read more:


Fact check?

They picked a birth place at random and arrived at Kenya, right?


Fact check

With a corrupt press who refuse to actually help vet this president, a number of facts will always be murky at best.
Now, since this is really a non-issue, I'm going to extricate myself from this inane conversation.

Since arguing the point only makes it seem like there was a point to begin with.

Precisely why I'm not actively engaged in this asinine thread.

Some posters have lost some good will and credibility with me, after gaining it...sad.

That's what this thread was good for...identifying the local circus barkers.

Why would his own publishers produce this back in 1991? It's not like they were 'Birthers' or something. They also didn't have an 'Evil Republican' agenda. So why did they claim he was born in Kenya? I know Obamabots will dismiss this, but it is a fair question worthy of investigation. Something's not right.

Why would his own publishers produce this back in 1991? It's not like they were 'Birthers' or something. They also didn't have an 'Evil Republican' agenda. So why did they claim he was born in Kenya? I know Obamabots will dismiss this, but it is a fair question worthy of investigation. Something's not right.

Orly got a time machine and convinced the publishers Obama was born in Kenya, nothing else makes sense

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