What a $1,400 Stimulus Check Will Get You

Is this low-effort trash the best you're capable of?
I have no idea what this means.

Can you live on $1,400 for the next 4 months?

Welcome to Biden's America
I'm pretty sure the article is saying that the extra money, on top of regular income, will be enough to let people pay their bills, not that the $1400 would pay those bills alone.
Do you have any idea how many lives have been DESTROYED by left wing covid lockdowns?

There are probably MILLIONS who owe a fortune in back rent that will eventually come due.

I wonder how many have lost their jobs and homes

$1,400 is a drop in the bucket.
Is this low-effort trash the best you're capable of?
I have no idea what this means.

Can you live on $1,400 for the next 4 months?

Welcome to Biden's America
I'm pretty sure the article is saying that the extra money, on top of regular income, will be enough to let people pay their bills, not that the $1400 would pay those bills alone.
Do you have any idea how many lives have been DESTROYED by left wing covid lockdowns?

There are probably MILLIONS who owe a fortune in back rent that will eventually come due.

I wonder how many have lost their jobs and homes

$1,400 is a drop in the bucket.
And? Did my comment say anything about that?
Is this low-effort trash the best you're capable of?
I have no idea what this means.

Can you live on $1,400 for the next 4 months?

Welcome to Biden's America

Wait a minute. I thought that $1400 was to go toward paying the backlog of $20,000 you already owe in back rent and utilities for May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, and January!
Is this low-effort trash the best you're capable of?
I have no idea what this means.

Can you live on $1,400 for the next 4 months?

Welcome to Biden's America
I'm pretty sure the article is saying that the extra money, on top of regular income, will be enough to let people pay their bills, not that the $1400 would pay those bills alone.
What regular income? You think dregs get paid for sitting in their basements in their facediapers? Oh you mean the additional unemployment the dregs get too......
Is this low-effort trash the best you're capable of?
I have no idea what this means.

Can you live on $1,400 for the next 4 months?

Welcome to Biden's America
Your fucking Republican buddies don't even wanna give that .
Actually, we "wanna" give everyone back the right to get back to work.
I never stopped working. This shit really did not change anything foe me except I had to piss in a ditch most the summer because public bathrooms were closed. I had to date locals because the rich drunk chicks were not around. If we had closed borders and distanced in the beginning of this freaking crap we could have been back to normal by now. The problem is we did not because of idiots. Now we are where we are. By the way Trump him self was for this stimulus or don't you remember that.
Is this low-effort trash the best you're capable of?
I have no idea what this means.

Can you live on $1,400 for the next 4 months?

Welcome to Biden's America
Your fucking Republican buddies don't even wanna give that .
Actually, we "wanna" give everyone back the right to get back to work.
Is this low-effort trash the best you're capable of?
I have no idea what this means.

Can you live on $1,400 for the next 4 months?

Welcome to Biden's America
Your fucking Republican buddies don't even wanna give that .
Actually, we "wanna" give everyone back the right to get back to work.
I never stopped working. This shit really did not change anything foe me except I had to piss in a ditch most the summer because public bathrooms were closed. I had to date locals because the rich drunk chicks were not around. If we had closed borders and distanced in the beginning of this freaking crap we could have been back to normal by now. The problem is we did not because of idiots. Now we are where we are. By the way Trump him self was for this stimulus or don't you remember that.
A single stimulus was fine but then opening up was the only thing to do to keep many more people from suffering than the virus will ever attack. We have always distanced during flu season, for years, and washed our hands and not coughed on people either. The President was chastised for trying to limit travel and close down borders by the left, remember? Continuing to encourage people to stay home and not work makes them forever dependent on the government teat.....sounds like a current administration plan to me how about you??
Depending on government, especially a Biden government means you are a fool

Maybe in 1960

maybe 2 months of cigars and booze,,,
Is this article even real?
$1400 won't pay most people's bill for 30 days.
Government over reaction to this stupid pandemic has destroyed the American economy and allowed the Democrats the opportunity of using the scam of unverified mail in ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts to steal an election.

Just like China Joe's Chicom buddies wanted.
Is this low-effort trash the best you're capable of?
I have no idea what this means.

Can you live on $1,400 for the next 4 months?

Welcome to Biden's America
Your fucking Republican buddies don't even wanna give that .
Actually, we "wanna" give everyone back the right to get back to work.
Is this low-effort trash the best you're capable of?
I have no idea what this means.

Can you live on $1,400 for the next 4 months?

Welcome to Biden's America
Your fucking Republican buddies don't even wanna give that .
Actually, we "wanna" give everyone back the right to get back to work.
I never stopped working. This shit really did not change anything foe me except I had to piss in a ditch most the summer because public bathrooms were closed. I had to date locals because the rich drunk chicks were not around. If we had closed borders and distanced in the beginning of this freaking crap we could have been back to normal by now. The problem is we did not because of idiots. Now we are where we are. By the way Trump him self was for this stimulus or don't you remember that.
A single stimulus was fine but then opening up was the only thing to do to keep many more people from suffering than the virus will ever attack. We have always distanced during flu season, for years, and washed our hands and not coughed on people either. The President was chastised for trying to limit travel and close down borders by the left, remember? Continuing to encourage people to stay home and not work makes them forever dependent on the government teat.....sounds like a current administration plan to me how about you??
Partisan bull shit about limiting border crossing was wrong. Does not mean we need more of it. I hate that these stimulus are needed but they are at this point unless you want a million foreclosures to happen when this shit is over. I also hate all the debt our children are left with because of the stimulus. How ever crashing the economy long term is a bad idea. To.e to stop the Partisan bull shit work together get past this. Here comes the part no one wants to hear but once things get rolling we have to raise taxes and start paying down the debt. As well as cut down on spending including military and all other facets of government. Nothing will be sacred when spending cuts come. That is reality like it or not.
Is this low-effort trash the best you're capable of?
I have no idea what this means.

Can you live on $1,400 for the next 4 months?

Welcome to Biden's America
I'm pretty sure the article is saying that the extra money, on top of regular income, will be enough to let people pay their bills, not that the $1400 would pay those bills alone.
What regular income? You think dregs get paid for sitting in their basements in their facediapers? Oh you mean the additional unemployment the dregs get too......
Is this stimulus money only going to “dregs”?
Is this low-effort trash the best you're capable of?
I have no idea what this means.

Can you live on $1,400 for the next 4 months?

Welcome to Biden's America
Your fucking Republican buddies don't even wanna give that .
Actually, we "wanna" give everyone back the right to get back to work.
Is this low-effort trash the best you're capable of?
I have no idea what this means.

Can you live on $1,400 for the next 4 months?

Welcome to Biden's America
Your fucking Republican buddies don't even wanna give that .
Actually, we "wanna" give everyone back the right to get back to work.
I never stopped working. This shit really did not change anything foe me except I had to piss in a ditch most the summer because public bathrooms were closed. I had to date locals because the rich drunk chicks were not around. If we had closed borders and distanced in the beginning of this freaking crap we could have been back to normal by now. The problem is we did not because of idiots. Now we are where we are. By the way Trump him self was for this stimulus or don't you remember that.
A single stimulus was fine but then opening up was the only thing to do to keep many more people from suffering than the virus will ever attack. We have always distanced during flu season, for years, and washed our hands and not coughed on people either. The President was chastised for trying to limit travel and close down borders by the left, remember? Continuing to encourage people to stay home and not work makes them forever dependent on the government teat.....sounds like a current administration plan to me how about you??
Partisan bull shit about limiting border crossing was wrong. Does not mean we need more of it. I hate that these stimulus are needed but they are at this point unless you want a million foreclosures to happen when this shit is over. I also hate all the debt our children are left with because of the stimulus. How ever crashing the economy long term is a bad idea. To.e to stop the Partisan bull shit work together get past this. Here comes the part no one wants to hear but once things get rolling we have to raise taxes and start paying down the debt. As well as cut down on spending including military and all other facets of government. Nothing will be sacred when spending cuts come. That is reality like it or not.

Foreclosures are going to happen whether there is stimulus checks or not. Evictions will also rise unless big government intervenes and really wants to stick it to landowners.
Is this low-effort trash the best you're capable of?
I have no idea what this means.

Can you live on $1,400 for the next 4 months?

Welcome to Biden's America
Your fucking Republican buddies don't even wanna give that .
Actually, we "wanna" give everyone back the right to get back to work.
Is this low-effort trash the best you're capable of?
I have no idea what this means.

Can you live on $1,400 for the next 4 months?

Welcome to Biden's America
Your fucking Republican buddies don't even wanna give that .
Actually, we "wanna" give everyone back the right to get back to work.
I never stopped working. This shit really did not change anything foe me except I had to piss in a ditch most the summer because public bathrooms were closed. I had to date locals because the rich drunk chicks were not around. If we had closed borders and distanced in the beginning of this freaking crap we could have been back to normal by now. The problem is we did not because of idiots. Now we are where we are. By the way Trump him self was for this stimulus or don't you remember that.
A single stimulus was fine but then opening up was the only thing to do to keep many more people from suffering than the virus will ever attack. We have always distanced during flu season, for years, and washed our hands and not coughed on people either. The President was chastised for trying to limit travel and close down borders by the left, remember? Continuing to encourage people to stay home and not work makes them forever dependent on the government teat.....sounds like a current administration plan to me how about you??
Partisan bull shit about limiting border crossing was wrong. Does not mean we need more of it. I hate that these stimulus are needed but they are at this point unless you want a million foreclosures to happen when this shit is over. I also hate all the debt our children are left with because of the stimulus. How ever crashing the economy long term is a bad idea. To.e to stop the Partisan bull shit work together get past this. Here comes the part no one wants to hear but once things get rolling we have to raise taxes and start paying down the debt. As well as cut down on spending including military and all other facets of government. Nothing will be sacred when spending cuts come. That is reality like it or not.

Foreclosures are going to happen whether there is stimulus checks or not. Evictions will also rise unless big government intervenes and really wants to stick it to landowners.
I agree with that assessment but the stimulus will mitigate some of it. What I do not understand is the rapid raise in real estate values considering the circumstances surrounding us. I am currently getting all my properties ready for sale to cash in hopefully before the shit hits the fan. I have to wonder what all these investors know that I don't though. Every indication I have used for forecasting the future market says get the fuck out but large west coast investors are buying like mad in my area. I am talking about investors with big money, the type of money to influence government. I would sure like to know what the fuck they know or are thinking.
Is this low-effort trash the best you're capable of?
I have no idea what this means.

Can you live on $1,400 for the next 4 months?

Welcome to Biden's America
Your fucking Republican buddies don't even wanna give that .
Maybe if we STOP GIVING FOREIGN SHITHOLE COUNTRIES MONEY WE DONT HAVE, the AMERICAN PEOPLE could be made whole from this government destruction that the DEMOCRATS DEMAND.

THOUSANDS of small businesses are FOREVER GONE in my own state. That doesnt count all the other states run into the ground by BLUE STATE GOVERNORS
Is this low-effort trash the best you're capable of?
I have no idea what this means.

Can you live on $1,400 for the next 4 months?

Welcome to Biden's America
Your fucking Republican buddies don't even wanna give that .
Actually, we "wanna" give everyone back the right to get back to work.
Is this low-effort trash the best you're capable of?
I have no idea what this means.

Can you live on $1,400 for the next 4 months?

Welcome to Biden's America
Your fucking Republican buddies don't even wanna give that .
Actually, we "wanna" give everyone back the right to get back to work.
I never stopped working. This shit really did not change anything foe me except I had to piss in a ditch most the summer because public bathrooms were closed. I had to date locals because the rich drunk chicks were not around. If we had closed borders and distanced in the beginning of this freaking crap we could have been back to normal by now. The problem is we did not because of idiots. Now we are where we are. By the way Trump him self was for this stimulus or don't you remember that.
A single stimulus was fine but then opening up was the only thing to do to keep many more people from suffering than the virus will ever attack. We have always distanced during flu season, for years, and washed our hands and not coughed on people either. The President was chastised for trying to limit travel and close down borders by the left, remember? Continuing to encourage people to stay home and not work makes them forever dependent on the government teat.....sounds like a current administration plan to me how about you??
Partisan bull shit about limiting border crossing was wrong. Does not mean we need more of it. I hate that these stimulus are needed but they are at this point unless you want a million foreclosures to happen when this shit is over. I also hate all the debt our children are left with because of the stimulus. How ever crashing the economy long term is a bad idea. To.e to stop the Partisan bull shit work together get past this. Here comes the part no one wants to hear but once things get rolling we have to raise taxes and start paying down the debt. As well as cut down on spending including military and all other facets of government. Nothing will be sacred when spending cuts come. That is reality like it or not.
Didn't have to be. The shutdown impacts millions more severely than what the virus ever would or will.
Is this low-effort trash the best you're capable of?
I have no idea what this means.

Can you live on $1,400 for the next 4 months?

Welcome to Biden's America
I'm pretty sure the article is saying that the extra money, on top of regular income, will be enough to let people pay their bills, not that the $1400 would pay those bills alone.
What regular income? You think dregs get paid for sitting in their basements in their facediapers? Oh you mean the additional unemployment the dregs get too......
Is this stimulus money only going to “dregs”?
People who didn't stop working don't need it.

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