What a Mess: General Electorate Hates What Dem Primary Voters Love

Joe are you smart enough to ever say anything different? Oh wait you're not. I already knew that

Says the person who consistently whines about my "Mail Order Bride from Hell" joke?

Yes Joe, making RACIST jokes when you don't like what someone says is racist.

Wow. Even really stupid racist people can catch on.

(It takes a real lot for me to call someone stupid, but Joe has earned that in spades)

Everything is racist to you but statements calling blacks savages and dumb.

You don't criticize that. Funny how this happens so much at USMB.

You're lying. I just criticized that in another thread, which I'm very sure you read. Snouter's post, at the same time you posted. I've criticized many others for same.
You're so stupid Joe that you whine about my racism, of which you have NO PROOF, while you are actually racist.

Joe when's the last time you had a gay person over for dinner?

I don't have anyone over for dinner... so that's not really a valid argument. I go out for dinner with gay friends all the time.

Yes Joe, making RACIST jokes when you don't like what someone says is racist.

Except the joke wasn't racist in that Mail Order Brides come from all over the world. I know this is going to horrify you, but you can even get them from the Middle East. That'll make you wet your panties.

Racial stereotypes, Joe.

NBC’s ‘Mail Order Family’ Spiked After Backlash Over Ethnic Stereotyping, Human-Rights Concerns
What are your core principles and what Dem candidates represent your personal principles best?

Okay, fair question.

Here's a quick list.

1) The government should be on the side of consumers and workers over the interest of corporations.

2) Health care should be a right provided to ALL CITIZENS

3) People should be treated fairly regardless of race, gender, national origin or sexual orientation. (No, I don't think there should be exemptions for religion)

4) Government should spend effectively on infrastructure and education to keep us competitive in the world.

5) Strong national defense, employed in America's interests, not the interest of Israel or the Oil Companies.

6) A woman's right to choose should be protected.

7) Serious reform of our broken immigration system

I think any of the Democrats would do a far better job of getting us there

The OP addressed number 2. If you are talking about "Medicare for All", that's a loser proposition.
You're so stupid Joe that you whine about my racism, of which you have NO PROOF, while you are actually racist.

Joe when's the last time you had a gay person over for dinner?

I don't have anyone over for dinner... so that's not really a valid argument. I go out for dinner with gay friends all the time.

Yes Joe, making RACIST jokes when you don't like what someone says is racist.

Except the joke wasn't racist in that Mail Order Brides come from all over the world. I know this is going to horrify you, but you can even get them from the Middle East. That'll make you wet your panties.

Thursday night, Joe. Last time we had a gay friend for dinner. So shut your stupid mouth.
Thanks for the thoughtful reply.

What Dem candidate do you think has the best chance at beating Trump?

To be honest, I have no idea. Conventional wisdom that you need to run Biden because he is a moderate and can attract the center I think is fallacious. there isn't enough of a center anymore to make a difference.

I think the ability to beat Trump will depend on four factors.

1) The state of the economy in November 2020.
2) The personal appeal of the democratic nominee.
3) How serious Trump's mental deterioration is by November 2020.
4) Possible War with Iran

To detail.

The economy will be in some kind of downturn by next year. GDP Growth is slowing, job growth is slowing, the trade wars are having a negative effect on the economy. Will it be a bad enough recession to unseat Trump? Maybe.

While I don't think that idealogy plays that much of a factor, the candidate has to be appealing on some level. It really kind of depends on what appeals to us next year. Biden is about as exciting as watching paint dry, but by this time next year, we'll probably want someone who is calming after four years of insanity. On the other hand, we might want someone who can really fire up the base.

The flaw with Hillary was that she was unlikable on a personal level and no one really thought she stood for anything.

Third, there is the issue of Trump's mental state. Sorry, man, I know this comes as a shock to the Branch Trumpidians, but Trump isn't right in the head. His crazy twitter rants, his bizarre personal feuds with people on his side, his narcissistic desire to be praised... and he is showing early signs of senile dementia. I think these things will get worse in a long campaign, particularly if he is being ripped on every day if the economy goes south.

Finally, there is a wild card, of what if we stumble into a war with Iran. I think there would be a rally to the flag moment for Trump that might help him, but when the thing drags on, it will have the opposite effect.
Thanks for the thoughtful reply.

What Dem candidate do you think has the best chance at beating Trump?

To be honest, I have no idea. Conventional wisdom that you need to run Biden because he is a moderate and can attract the center I think is fallacious. there isn't enough of a center anymore to make a difference.

I think the ability to beat Trump will depend on four factors.

1) The state of the economy in November 2020.
2) The personal appeal of the democratic nominee.
3) How serious Trump's mental deterioration is by November 2020.
4) Possible War with Iran

To detail.

The economy will be in some kind of downturn by next year. GDP Growth is slowing, job growth is slowing, the trade wars are having a negative effect on the economy. Will it be a bad enough recession to unseat Trump? Maybe.

While I don't think that idealogy plays that much of a factor, the candidate has to be appealing on some level. It really kind of depends on what appeals to us next year. Biden is about as exciting as watching paint dry, but by this time next year, we'll probably want someone who is calming after four years of insanity. On the other hand, we might want someone who can really fire up the base.

The flaw with Hillary was that she was unlikable on a personal level and no one really thought she stood for anything.

Third, there is the issue of Trump's mental state. Sorry, man, I know this comes as a shock to the Branch Trumpidians, but Trump isn't right in the head. His crazy twitter rants, his bizarre personal feuds with people on his side, his narcissistic desire to be praised... and he is showing early signs of senile dementia. I think these things will get worse in a long campaign, particularly if he is being ripped on every day if the economy goes south.

Finally, there is a wild card, of what if we stumble into a war with Iran. I think there would be a rally to the flag moment for Trump that might help him, but when the thing drags on, it will have the opposite effect.

That is a pretty good analysis.

It seems to me that any Dem will have a tough time against Trump, but it’s all about Florida.

If Trump wins Florida he likely wins the election. If he loses Florida he likely loses the election.

He can lose the popular vote by 10 million and still win.
By a 15 point margin, Dem primary voters want to give free health care to illegal immigrants. Voters oppose that by a 28 point margin.

Only 21% of Americans support completely replacing private health care insurance with Medicare For All.

I've been saying it's to Democrats' disadvantage to focus on the "Russia Investigation"...or what's left of it's smoldering carcass. But with deeply unpopular platform positions, maybe they are better off to shout "Squirrel" right through Election Day....

Poll information and lots of links below:

Surprise: Poll Shows General Electorate Widely Opposed to Left-Wing Policies Popular Among Democratic Primary Voters

Extreme: New Poll Shows Large Majorities of Voters Rejecting 2020 Dems' Extremism on Healthcare, Immigration

Townhall is a conservative forum.
So then they aren't liars, thanks.
Thursday night, Joe. Last time we had a gay friend for dinner. So shut your stupid mouth.

That's nice. SO when are you going to stop supporting homophobic policies and politicians?

The Cry of the bigot "But some of my best friends are ______."

That's what bigots say Joe. People that call racist names like you, that are exposed as actual racists. You're such a simple thinker that you think you can hide your racism behind "yeah but I vote for Democrats!" You and about a million other simple thinkers...or more
The OP addressed number 2. If you are talking about "Medicare for All", that's a loser proposition.

Because the Insurance Industry says so?

frankly, I think if we had the national discussion, we'd win in the long term.

All of this is academic, because the top issue in 2020 will be "Do we want to keep a crazy person next to the nukes?"

Trillions and trillions of dollars in ten years. It's dead in the water.
That's what bigots say Joe. People that call racist names like you, that are exposed as actual racists. You're such a simple thinker that you think you can hide your racism behind "yeah but I vote for Democrats!" You and about a million other simple thinkers...or more

Oh, Sue.... nobody but you whined about what I said to PC, because most people think she's nuts.
Precisely my point. They do not want a socialist nominee. I do find it funny that the polls would show them beating Trump though. Are these California, New York and other Bubble Dwelling area only polls?

Well, they are national polls... so there's that. I guess Trump could have another case where the people say no and they make him president anyway because the Founding Slave Rapists came up with the Electoral College.

I suspect that people who stayed home in the swing states in 2016 because "hillary had it in the bag" won't make the same mistake twice, though.

Now, with the economy, Trump should be at 67% approval and a shoe-in for re-election. However, his conduct is so awful, a lot of people just don't want four more years of this insanity.
You're kidding, right? The only insanity is the $40,000,000 YOUR Democrat Congressrats stole from the taxpayer for holding President Trump's feet to the fire, knowing FULL WELL HE WAS INNOCENT. And your Commie gang of 4 want Trump to take a dirt nap for begging them for their votes to give justice to the detainees at the border, and one of them was quick to go over to the border to find bad stuff preannounced, and when she got there, 10 minutes later she lied that she had seen with her own eyes all the lies she had been listening to from her partners in slime who claimed the Concentration Camps made people detained drink from poopy toilets. How false does one's narrative have to be in order to please the leftist followers who believe AOC's shitload that has been named as a lie from the Border Patrol who has funded free meals out of their own pockets for hungry kids and adults alike who had no money and no chance of getting fed because the Demonrats withheld even humanitarian aide whilst spending wildly on their own pet rock projects. After shunning the made-up "victims" of the border, AOC claimed her goals were higher than the immediate appearances. In other, she was lying her butt off, she dissed the good Border Patrolers who assisted the hungry and forgotten children and their mothers and fathers by bringing fast food until the Democrats decide to fund real nutrition over and beyond starvation rations of nothing, nothing, and more nothing from these selfish, selfish, selfish creepsisters. <shudder>

So when you don't get half the votes in America, and you don't even get three-quarters of the votes in America in the next election, you heard it right here first. With what you know about your crook criminals of Congress, you shouldn't vote for them, either. So vote Republican, they'll get a decent meal, because REPUBLICANS WILL PROVIDE APPROPRIATE NUTRITION OF THE BASIC 7 FOR PEOPLE YOUR CREEPSISTER CONGRESSWOMAN ESCOBAR SOLICITED caravaners last week when she visited Mexico to talk people into coming over here so they could jump all over President Trump some more. You ought to be ashamed of the Democrats you support. They're rats of the filthiest order to do what V. Escobar did. She knows your Congresscritters won't provide humanitarian aid because they're not lucid or caring people. She wants to discourage and break the system all by her criminally-intentioned selfish self. She doesn't care who the hell she hurts, she wants some deaths to prove what a caring saint she is when actually, she is soliciting people to come on over and get nothing, just to prove her point. Somebody ought to lock her up and throw the key away. And those who go along for the DNC ride are in for a rude awakening when the train wreck they would like to cause becomes their own train wreck. Oh, wait, they're already a damn train wreck when it comes to lying to the public, doing bad stuff in secret to make Republicans look bad, calling Republicans bad names after lying their butts off about this, that, and the other lie they made up to fit the occasion of their convenience.

All in all, when the public views Democrats after the huge lie about President Trump's and half of the criminally-insane Congresscritters called for Trump's impeachment over details dreampt in the good ol' Clinton's lie-a-minute spin room, they're going to vote for anyone but Democrats on voting day. And you helped. :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

I'm calling it just deserts. You heard it here first. :D
You're kidding, right? The only insanity is the $40,000,000 YOUR Democrat Congressrats stole from the taxpayer for holding President Trump's feet to the fire, knowing FULL WELL HE WAS INNOCENT.

I find this amusing, since you guys had Ken Starr spend $70 million investigating whether or not Clinton lied about getting a blowjob.

So when you don't get half the votes in America, and you don't even get three-quarters of the votes in America in the next election, you heard it right here first. With what you know about your crook criminals of Congress, you shouldn't vote for them, either. So vote Republican, they'll get a decent meal, because REPUBLICANS WILL PROVIDE APPROPRIATE NUTRITION OF THE BASIC 7 FOR PEOPLE YOUR CREEPSISTER CONGRESSWOMAN ESCOBAR SOLICITED caravaners last week when she visited Mexico to talk people into coming over here so they could jump all over President Trump some more. You ought to be ashamed of the Democrats you support. They're rats of the filthiest order to do what V. Escobar did. She knows your Congresscritters won't provide humanitarian aid because they're not lucid or caring people.

They don't have to. These folks are more than willing to work to earn their keep.

When the election comes next year, the majority will throw Trump out on his can.
I thought this one was interesting:

Page 5: "Do you think the government should provide a national health insurance program for all Americans, even if it would require higher taxes?"

Yes: 56%
No: 40%

I think Democrats are over-reaching with their statements on health insurance for illegal immigrants. I wouldn't be surprised to see those ideas walked back in the next debate.

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