What a Mess: General Electorate Hates What Dem Primary Voters Love

By a 15 point margin, Dem primary voters want to give free health care to illegal immigrants. Voters oppose that by a 28 point margin.

Only 21% of Americans support completely replacing private health care insurance with Medicare For All.

I've been saying it's to Democrats' disadvantage to focus on the "Russia Investigation"...or what's left of it's smoldering carcass. But with deeply unpopular platform positions, maybe they are better off to shout "Squirrel" right through Election Day....

Poll information and lots of links below:

Surprise: Poll Shows General Electorate Widely Opposed to Left-Wing Policies Popular Among Democratic Primary Voters

Extreme: New Poll Shows Large Majorities of Voters Rejecting 2020 Dems' Extremism on Healthcare, Immigration

Townhall is a conservative forum.
Well doh! The truth will come out because they're conservatives. All the Democrats have done lately is:

Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, lie, lie, lie, and then...
Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, lie, lie, lie, and then...
Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, lie, lie, lie, and then...
Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, lie, lie, lie, and then...
Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, lie, lie, lie
What were you thinkin'!

Trump has told over 10,000 lies that were proven so by actual fact. You choose to believe the lies regardless. So you aren't to be taken seriously.
By a 15 point margin, Dem primary voters want to give free health care to illegal immigrants. Voters oppose that by a 28 point margin.

Only 21% of Americans support completely replacing private health care insurance with Medicare For All.

I've been saying it's to Democrats' disadvantage to focus on the "Russia Investigation"...or what's left of it's smoldering carcass. But with deeply unpopular platform positions, maybe they are better off to shout "Squirrel" right through Election Day....

Poll information and lots of links below:

Surprise: Poll Shows General Electorate Widely Opposed to Left-Wing Policies Popular Among Democratic Primary Voters

Extreme: New Poll Shows Large Majorities of Voters Rejecting 2020 Dems' Extremism on Healthcare, Immigration

Townhall is a conservative forum.
Well doh! The truth will come out because they're conservatives. All the Democrats have done lately is:

Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, lie, lie, lie, and then...
Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, lie, lie, lie, and then...
Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, lie, lie, lie, and then...
Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, lie, lie, lie, and then...
Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, lie, lie, lie
What were you thinkin'!

Trump has told over 10,000 lies that were proven so by actual fact. You choose to believe the lies regardless. So you aren't to be taken seriously.

You keep saying that but Trump is in the Oval Office right now. You folks didn't take him seriously in 2015 and 2016 and look where that got you. You just keep right on not taking us or him seriously. It works beautifully.

Precisely my point. They do not want a socialist nominee. I do find it funny that the polls would show them beating Trump though. Are these California, New York and other Bubble Dwelling area only polls?

Well, they are national polls... so there's that. I guess Trump could have another case where the people say no and they make him president anyway because the Founding Slave Rapists came up with the Electoral College.

I suspect that people who stayed home in the swing states in 2016 because "hillary had it in the bag" won't make the same mistake twice, though.

Now, with the economy, Trump should be at 67% approval and a shoe-in for re-election. However, his conduct is so awful, a lot of people just don't want four more years of this insanity.
I don't believe Polls, but it is obvious the Democrat candidates are picking Illegal Aliens, and Special Interest Groups over the American Citizens, and that can't fly well with people that aren't brain dead.
Joe are you smart enough to ever say anything different? Oh wait you're not. I already knew that

Says the person who consistently whines about my "Mail Order Bride from Hell" joke?

You're so stupid Joe that you whine about my racism, of which you have NO PROOF, while you are actually racist.

Joe when's the last time you had a gay person over for dinner?
If Dems are so good why are 75% of their constituents poor, pissed off and dependent on government? Living in squalor in a cardboard box doesn't qualify as the American dream. Hell, inmates are in the upper 25% of Democrats as far as quality of life issues go. Viva Trump. KAG
Joe are you smart enough to ever say anything different? Oh wait you're not. I already knew that

Says the person who consistently whines about my "Mail Order Bride from Hell" joke?

Yes Joe, making RACIST jokes when you don't like what someone says is racist.

Wow. Even really stupid racist people can catch on.

(It takes a real lot for me to call someone stupid, but Joe has earned that in spades)
By a 15 point margin, Dem primary voters want to give free health care to illegal immigrants. Voters oppose that by a 28 point margin.

Only 21% of Americans support completely replacing private health care insurance with Medicare For All.

I've been saying it's to Democrats' disadvantage to focus on the "Russia Investigation"...or what's left of it's smoldering carcass. But with deeply unpopular platform positions, maybe they are better off to shout "Squirrel" right through Election Day....

Poll information and lots of links below:

Surprise: Poll Shows General Electorate Widely Opposed to Left-Wing Policies Popular Among Democratic Primary Voters

Extreme: New Poll Shows Large Majorities of Voters Rejecting 2020 Dems' Extremism on Healthcare, Immigration

Townhall is a conservative forum.

The polling that they cite is not "conservative". It's polling. But by all means, please, just keep calling information you don't like "conservative".

It works so beautifully for us.

Since that's not being done just keep making dumb childish comments. It works so beautifully for all the sane people here who know the democratic platform has not been created and townhall wouldn't post anything showing support for democratic policies.

If you do not think you have a big, looming problem on your hands, I don't know what you tell you. I just don't. It should be obvious. Look at the links.

Democrats are way, waaaaay over here:


The rest of Americans are here:


Since the democrats have neither neither nominated a candidate or produced a party platform you are premature in making these comments . According to Trumps approval ratings, the nation doesn't approve of his job. The rest of the country is not to the right. You are part of a 35 percent sub group with no morals that support Trump because he promises you a return to American whiteness. So you just get prepared for a return to the law of coverture. That's what MAGA means for you.
If Dems are so good why are 75% of their constituents poor, pissed off and dependent on government? Living in squalor in a cardboard box doesn't qualify as the American dream. Hell, inmates are in the upper 25% of Democrats as far as quality of life issues go. Viva Trump. KAG
Since that is a lie, well just move on past this silly post.
By a 15 point margin, Dem primary voters want to give free health care to illegal immigrants. Voters oppose that by a 28 point margin.

Only 21% of Americans support completely replacing private health care insurance with Medicare For All.

I've been saying it's to Democrats' disadvantage to focus on the "Russia Investigation"...or what's left of it's smoldering carcass. But with deeply unpopular platform positions, maybe they are better off to shout "Squirrel" right through Election Day....

Poll information and lots of links below:

Surprise: Poll Shows General Electorate Widely Opposed to Left-Wing Policies Popular Among Democratic Primary Voters

Extreme: New Poll Shows Large Majorities of Voters Rejecting 2020 Dems' Extremism on Healthcare, Immigration

Townhall is a conservative forum.

The polling that they cite is not "conservative". It's polling. But by all means, please, just keep calling information you don't like "conservative".

It works so beautifully for us.

Since that's not being done just keep making dumb childish comments. It works so beautifully for all the sane people here who know the democratic platform has not been created and townhall wouldn't post anything showing support for democratic policies.

If you do not think you have a big, looming problem on your hands, I don't know what you tell you. I just don't. It should be obvious. Look at the links.

Democrats are way, waaaaay over here:


The rest of Americans are here:


Since the democrats have neither neither nominated a candidate or produced a party platform you are premature in making these comments . According to Trumps approval ratings, the nation doesn't approve of his job. The rest of the country is not to the right. You are part of a 35 percent sub group with no morals that support Trump because he promises you a return to American whiteness. So you just get prepared for a return to the law of coverture. That's what MAGA means for you.

Joe are you smart enough to ever say anything different? Oh wait you're not. I already knew that

Says the person who consistently whines about my "Mail Order Bride from Hell" joke?

Yes Joe, making RACIST jokes when you don't like what someone says is racist.

Wow. Even really stupid racist people can catch on.

(It takes a real lot for me to call someone stupid, but Joe has earned that in spades)

Everything is racist to you but statements calling blacks savages and dumb.

You don't criticize that. Funny how this happens so much at USMB.
Townhall is a conservative forum.

The polling that they cite is not "conservative". It's polling. But by all means, please, just keep calling information you don't like "conservative".

It works so beautifully for us.

Since that's not being done just keep making dumb childish comments. It works so beautifully for all the sane people here who know the democratic platform has not been created and townhall wouldn't post anything showing support for democratic policies.

If you do not think you have a big, looming problem on your hands, I don't know what you tell you. I just don't. It should be obvious. Look at the links.

Democrats are way, waaaaay over here:


The rest of Americans are here:


Since the democrats have neither neither nominated a candidate or produced a party platform you are premature in making these comments . According to Trumps approval ratings, the nation doesn't approve of his job. The rest of the country is not to the right. You are part of a 35 percent sub group with no morals that support Trump because he promises you a return to American whiteness. So you just get prepared for a return to the law of coverture. That's what MAGA means for you.


Keep thinking it can't happen, number 1 beneficiary of affirmative action so dumb to think it's only for blacks that you oppose it even as women would be stuck In the kitchen without the policy.
The Democrat Primaries are good for Trump, though polling is rarely trustworthy of late it seems, possibly not even responded to honestly.

For instance, I don't believe that open borders, Communist China loving, healthcare for illegal immigrants Joe Biden is 10 point favourite over Trump. There is no way at this point, with Trumps economy and accomplishments that this is legit.

If I were a jaded person I would say Fox is trying to influence the Primaries as they are big business and don't want a Bernie or Warren as the nominee.

The polls show Bernie or Warren would beat him by just as much.

What are your core principles and what Dem candidates represent your personal principles best?
You're so stupid Joe that you whine about my racism, of which you have NO PROOF, while you are actually racist.

Joe when's the last time you had a gay person over for dinner?

I don't have anyone over for dinner... so that's not really a valid argument. I go out for dinner with gay friends all the time.

Yes Joe, making RACIST jokes when you don't like what someone says is racist.

Except the joke wasn't racist in that Mail Order Brides come from all over the world. I know this is going to horrify you, but you can even get them from the Middle East. That'll make you wet your panties.
What are your core principles and what Dem candidates represent your personal principles best?

Okay, fair question.

Here's a quick list.

1) The government should be on the side of consumers and workers over the interest of corporations.

2) Health care should be a right provided to ALL CITIZENS

3) People should be treated fairly regardless of race, gender, national origin or sexual orientation. (No, I don't think there should be exemptions for religion)

4) Government should spend effectively on infrastructure and education to keep us competitive in the world.

5) Strong national defense, employed in America's interests, not the interest of Israel or the Oil Companies.

6) A woman's right to choose should be protected.

7) Serious reform of our broken immigration system

I think any of the Democrats would do a far better job of getting us there
By a 15 point margin, Dem primary voters want to give free health care to illegal immigrants. Voters oppose that by a 28 point margin.

Only 21% of Americans support completely replacing private health care insurance with Medicare For All.

I've been saying it's to Democrats' disadvantage to focus on the "Russia Investigation"...or what's left of it's smoldering carcass. But with deeply unpopular platform positions, maybe they are better off to shout "Squirrel" right through Election Day....

Poll information and lots of links below:

Surprise: Poll Shows General Electorate Widely Opposed to Left-Wing Policies Popular Among Democratic Primary Voters

Extreme: New Poll Shows Large Majorities of Voters Rejecting 2020 Dems' Extremism on Healthcare, Immigration

Townhall is a conservative forum.
Well doh! The truth will come out because they're conservatives. All the Democrats have done lately is:

Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, lie, lie, lie, and then...
Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, lie, lie, lie, and then...
Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, lie, lie, lie, and then...
Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, lie, lie, lie, and then...
Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, lie, lie, lie
What were you thinkin'!

Trump has told over 10,000 lies that were proven so by actual fact. You choose to believe the lies regardless. So you aren't to be taken seriously.
IM2 sez: "Trump has told over 10,000 lies that were proven so by actual fact. You choose to believe the lies regardless. So you aren't to be taken seriously."​


Oh, yeah, and that comes from the likes of the Al Franken "Lying Liars" Oration Institute. Why you oughta be shamed of yourself and your garbage mouth. :rolleyes:
What are your core principles and what Dem candidates represent your personal principles best?

Okay, fair question.

Here's a quick list.

1) The government should be on the side of consumers and workers over the interest of corporations.

2) Health care should be a right provided to ALL CITIZENS

3) People should be treated fairly regardless of race, gender, national origin or sexual orientation. (No, I don't think there should be exemptions for religion)

4) Government should spend effectively on infrastructure and education to keep us competitive in the world.

5) Strong national defense, employed in America's interests, not the interest of Israel or the Oil Companies.

6) A woman's right to choose should be protected.

7) Serious reform of our broken immigration system

I think any of the Democrats would do a far better job of getting us there

Thanks for the thoughtful reply.

What Dem candidate do you think has the best chance at beating Trump?

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