What A Mess.

The Trumpublican base is made up of at least 2/3 autocratic, generally confused, barrel stroking, home-skooled hillbilly assclowns who live in flyover country and vote against their own self-interest. Those are the folks riding in Donnie's clown car. :uhoh3:

Us hillbillies are proud we put Trump in the White House in 2016.

Every nation needs an autocratic, incompetent, amoral clown to lead them to hell in a hand basket. USA USA!! :D


I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to count how many times Trump has used the word I, or in his case, talk about himself in the third person, but I have no doubt the comparison with Obama would be the same as the comparison between their number of golf trips. You sound pretty pathetic whining about narcissism while supporting that big orange fool.

Trump does it too but nowhere near like the previous buffoon that occupied the WH.

Nonsense. Trump is the king of narcissists.
Trump has never said anything close to this.............

" this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"-Kind Narcissist Barry Hussein..

They gave Obama Nobel Prize, but they wouldn't even let Trump buy one. Sucks to be you.

Didn't you just whine in your LAST POST that Barry isn't running for anything...............and then you bring him up.

Too fucking funny.:abgg2q.jpg:

I mentioned him in response to a video of him. That's not bringing him up. That's engaging a nut bag who continually brings him up. Try to keep up.

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to count how many times Trump has used the word I, or in his case, talk about himself in the third person, but I have no doubt the comparison with Obama would be the same as the comparison between their number of golf trips. You sound pretty pathetic whining about narcissism while supporting that big orange fool.

Trump does it too but nowhere near like the previous buffoon that occupied the WH.

Nonsense. Trump is the king of narcissists.
Trump has never said anything close to this.............

" this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"-Kind Narcissist Barry Hussein..

They gave Obama Nobel Prize, but they wouldn't even let Trump buy one. Sucks to be you.

Didn't you just whine in your LAST POST that Barry isn't running for anything...............and then you bring him up.

Too fucking funny.:abgg2q.jpg:

I mentioned him in response to a video of him. That's not bringing him up. That's engaging a nut bag who continually brings him up. Try to keep up.

I mentioned him in response to you mentioning him..............then you cried about me mentioning him.

Hehe. :iyfyus.jpg:

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to count how many times Trump has used the word I, or in his case, talk about himself in the third person, but I have no doubt the comparison with Obama would be the same as the comparison between their number of golf trips. You sound pretty pathetic whining about narcissism while supporting that big orange fool.

Trump does it too but nowhere near like the previous buffoon that occupied the WH.

Nonsense. Trump is the king of narcissists.
Trump has never said anything close to this.............

" this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"-Kind Narcissist Barry Hussein..

Oh look! Fresh cherries! Yum. No, I don't need no steenking research to agree that Rump never said anything like this, what with no reference to the speaker himself. Rump wouldn't be capable of that. And besides, it makes direct reference to planet abuse, which Rump would never acknowledge.

Now let's pit these cherries. And I'll put it in great big obnoxious font so even you can read it. Roll context:

>>The journey will be difficult. The road will be long. I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people. Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth. This was the moment - this was the time - when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals. <<
The closest quotes I could find from Rump would be:​
"Well maybe he should have been roughed up"​
"Beat the crap out of him wouldja?" and​
"Get that sumbitch off the field, he's fired".​
And of coarse the infamous:​
"I alone can fix it"

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to count how many times Trump has used the word I, or in his case, talk about himself in the third person, but I have no doubt the comparison with Obama would be the same as the comparison between their number of golf trips. You sound pretty pathetic whining about narcissism while supporting that big orange fool.

Trump does it too but nowhere near like the previous buffoon that occupied the WH.

Nonsense. Trump is the king of narcissists.
Trump has never said anything close to this.............

" this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"-Kind Narcissist Barry Hussein..

Oh look! Fresh cherries! Yum. No, I don't need no steenking research to agree that Rump never said anything like this, what with no reference to the speaker himself. Rump wouldn't be capable of that.

Now let's pit these cherries. And I'll put it in great big obnoxious font so even you can read it. Roll context:

>>The journey will be difficult. The road will be long. I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people. Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth. This was the moment - this was the time - when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals. <<
The closest quotes I could find from Rump would be:​
"Well maybe he should have been roughed up"​
"Beat the crap out of him wouldja?" and​
"Get that sumbitch off the field, he's fired".​
Thanks for confirming Barry Hussein thinks he is God.

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to count how many times Trump has used the word I, or in his case, talk about himself in the third person, but I have no doubt the comparison with Obama would be the same as the comparison between their number of golf trips. You sound pretty pathetic whining about narcissism while supporting that big orange fool.

Trump does it too but nowhere near like the previous buffoon that occupied the WH.

Nonsense. Trump is the king of narcissists.
Trump has never said anything close to this.............

" this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"-Kind Narcissist Barry Hussein..

Thanks for the backup, I just gave him the full context. He's hiding in the bushes with Sean Spicer right about now.

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to count how many times Trump has used the word I, or in his case, talk about himself in the third person, but I have no doubt the comparison with Obama would be the same as the comparison between their number of golf trips. You sound pretty pathetic whining about narcissism while supporting that big orange fool.

Trump does it too but nowhere near like the previous buffoon that occupied the WH.

Nonsense. Trump is the king of narcissists.
Trump has never said anything close to this.............

" this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"-Kind Narcissist Barry Hussein..

Oh look! Fresh cherries! Yum. No, I don't need no steenking research to agree that Rump never said anything like this, what with no reference to the speaker himself. Rump wouldn't be capable of that.

Now let's pit these cherries. And I'll put it in great big obnoxious font so even you can read it. Roll context:

>>The journey will be difficult. The road will be long. I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people. Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth. This was the moment - this was the time - when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals. <<
The closest quotes I could find from Rump would be:​
"Well maybe he should have been roughed up"​
"Beat the crap out of him wouldja?" and​
"Get that sumbitch off the field, he's fired".​
Thanks for confirming Barry Hussein thinks he is God.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, "we" is the Kenyan language word for "god" amirite?

SMH Denial is a deep river, obviously deep enough to drown in.

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I get it. I gave you 8,515,264,339 examples of Rumpicissism off the top of my head and you can't come up with a single one to put legs on your assertion so you're feeling inadequate. Not my fault you went down that dead end, now is it.

No. O was a narcissist and glorified himself thousands of times although he did nothing. That is fact. There are hundreds of links showing his narcissism.

"Links" which you are not at liberty to divulge right now. Or yesterday. Or this year. Etc.

I know whatcha mean, I just Googled for that fake magazine cover O'bama made up with his mug on it. Couldn't find it. Obviously the Derp State had it disappeared.

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to count how many times Trump has used the word I, or in his case, talk about himself in the third person, but I have no doubt the comparison with Obama would be the same as the comparison between their number of golf trips. You sound pretty pathetic whining about narcissism while supporting that big orange fool.

Trump does it too but nowhere near like the previous buffoon that occupied the WH.

Nonsense. Trump is the king of narcissists.
Trump has never said anything close to this.............

" this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"-Kind Narcissist Barry Hussein..

Oh look! Fresh cherries! Yum. No, I don't need no steenking research to agree that Rump never said anything like this, what with no reference to the speaker himself. Rump wouldn't be capable of that.

Now let's pit these cherries. And I'll put it in great big obnoxious font so even you can read it. Roll context:

>>The journey will be difficult. The road will be long. I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people. Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth. This was the moment - this was the time - when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals. <<
The closest quotes I could find from Rump would be:​
"Well maybe he should have been roughed up"​
"Beat the crap out of him wouldja?" and​
"Get that sumbitch off the field, he's fired".​
Thanks for confirming Barry Hussein thinks he is God.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, "we" is the Kenyan language word for "god" amirite?

SMH Denial is a deep river, obviously deep enough to drown in.
No denying what your Messiah said, Sparky.

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I get it. I gave you 8,515,264,339 examples of Rumpicissism off the top of my head and you can't come up with a single one to put legs on your assertion so you're feeling inadequate. Not my fault you went down that dead end, now is it.

No. O was a narcissist and glorified himself thousands of times although he did nothing. That is fact. There are hundreds of links showing his narcissism.

"Links" which you are not at liberty to divulge right now. Or yesterday. Or this year. Etc.

I know whatcha mean, I just Googled for that fake magazine cover O'bama made up with his mug on it. Couldn't find it. Obviously the Derp State had it disappeared.

Whenever you quote words with quotations, it shows low levels of childishness and immaturity. I don't agree with your rants but I will afford you the courtesy of discourse without petulantly taking your words and slashing quotes on them. Unbelievable. I thought that you were above that. I guess not.
So trump can't even disburse the so called recovery revenues properly.

Can't he hire competent people?

The bush boy sent out checks twice. We didn't get any reports of incorrect checks. We didn't get letters of self praise including an information number that isn't informative. It only takes people to a computer recording that tells you to go on line.

People are not happy that trump is using that information letter as his own self praising and promoting letter too. Which I find totally disgusting. Especially since he has done the worst job with this pandemic than any other leader in the developed world.

TDS thread 1,472

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I get it. I gave you 8,515,264,339 examples of Rumpicissism off the top of my head and you can't come up with a single one to put legs on your assertion so you're feeling inadequate. Not my fault you went down that dead end, now is it.

No. O was a narcissist and glorified himself thousands of times although he did nothing. That is fact. There are hundreds of links showing his narcissism.

"Links" which you are not at liberty to divulge right now. Or yesterday. Or this year. Etc.

I know whatcha mean, I just Googled for that fake magazine cover O'bama made up with his mug on it. Couldn't find it. Obviously the Derp State had it disappeared.

Whenever you quote words with quotations, it shows low levels of childishness and immaturity. I don't agree with your rants but I will afford you the courtesy of discourse without petulantly taking your words and slashing quotes on them. Unbelievable. I thought that you were above that. I guess not.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you're saying "facts are evil" huh.
I just Googled for that fake magazine cover O'bama made up with his mug on it. Couldn't find it. Obviously the Derp State had it disappeared.
Even liberals have to admit the Deep State uses dirty tricks.

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I get it. I gave you 8,515,264,339 examples of Rumpicissism off the top of my head and you can't come up with a single one to put legs on your assertion so you're feeling inadequate. Not my fault you went down that dead end, now is it.

No. O was a narcissist and glorified himself thousands of times although he did nothing. That is fact. There are hundreds of links showing his narcissism.

"Links" which you are not at liberty to divulge right now. Or yesterday. Or this year. Etc.

I know whatcha mean, I just Googled for that fake magazine cover O'bama made up with his mug on it. Couldn't find it. Obviously the Derp State had it disappeared.

Whenever you quote words with quotations, it shows low levels of childishness and immaturity. I don't agree with your rants but I will afford you the courtesy of discourse without petulantly taking your words and slashing quotes on them. Unbelievable. I thought that you were above that. I guess not.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you're saying "facts are evil" huh.

No, not at all. Truth is truth and lies are lies. As an aside, I'll go a step further. You may/may not have seen the latest documentary from michael moore. Needless to say, Im no fan of his political ideology BUT he released a film, Planet of the Humans, which shows how deceptive and bogus green energy really is and backed it up with facts. I've known about how green energy has to be backed up with fossil fuels for a long time and was really impressed with moore. He was able to put aside his bias and dig for truth. He found it.
Last edited:

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I get it. I gave you 8,515,264,339 examples of Rumpicissism off the top of my head and you can't come up with a single one to put legs on your assertion so you're feeling inadequate. Not my fault you went down that dead end, now is it.

No. O was a narcissist and glorified himself thousands of times although he did nothing. That is fact. There are hundreds of links showing his narcissism.

"Links" which you are not at liberty to divulge right now. Or yesterday. Or this year. Etc.

I know whatcha mean, I just Googled for that fake magazine cover O'bama made up with his mug on it. Couldn't find it. Obviously the Derp State had it disappeared.

Whenever you quote words with quotations, it shows low levels of childishness and immaturity. I don't agree with your rants but I will afford you the courtesy of discourse without petulantly taking your words and slashing quotes on them. Unbelievable. I thought that you were above that. I guess not.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you're saying "facts are evil" huh.

No, not at all. Truth is truth and lies are lies. As an aside, I'll go a step further. You may/may not have seen the latest documentary from michael moore. Needless to say, Im no fan of his political ideology BUT he released a film, Planet of the Humans, which shows how deceptive and bogus green energy really is and backed it up with facts. I've known about how green energy has to be backed up with fossil fuels for a long time and was really impressed with moore. He was able to put aside his bias and dig for truth. He found it.

How vaguely interesting.
Still doesn't build your case from two days ago now does it.

But as long as you bring up the name I would submit that to bring up narcissism as a critique of somebody else, as a way of shilling for Orange Crash, is like consulting Michael Moore for dietary advice to combat obesity.

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I get it. I gave you 8,515,264,339 examples of Rumpicissism off the top of my head and you can't come up with a single one to put legs on your assertion so you're feeling inadequate. Not my fault you went down that dead end, now is it.

No. O was a narcissist and glorified himself thousands of times although he did nothing. That is fact. There are hundreds of links showing his narcissism.

"Links" which you are not at liberty to divulge right now. Or yesterday. Or this year. Etc.

I know whatcha mean, I just Googled for that fake magazine cover O'bama made up with his mug on it. Couldn't find it. Obviously the Derp State had it disappeared.

Whenever you quote words with quotations, it shows low levels of childishness and immaturity. I don't agree with your rants but I will afford you the courtesy of discourse without petulantly taking your words and slashing quotes on them. Unbelievable. I thought that you were above that. I guess not.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you're saying "facts are evil" huh.

No, not at all. Truth is truth and lies are lies. As an aside, I'll go a step further. You may/may not have seen the latest documentary from michael moore. Needless to say, Im no fan of his political ideology BUT he released a film, Planet of the Humans, which shows how deceptive and bogus green energy really is and backed it up with facts. I've known about how green energy has to be backed up with fossil fuels for a long time and was really impressed with moore. He was able to put aside his bias and dig for truth. He found it.

How vaguely interesting.
Still doesn't build your case from two days ago now does it.

But as long as you bring up the name I would submit that to bring up narcissism as a critique of somebody else, as a way of shilling for Orange Crash, is like consulting Michael Moore for dietary advice to combat obesity.

I dont need to build a case. O already did it for you. Orange man did too. BTW, Im not shilling for orange man. Anyway, it sounds like you're mad at moore for pointing out the lies. Haha.
"what a wonderful world"?

no no

what a disastrous unfair unjust world! FUCK THE WORLD! GODDAMN THE WORLD!

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