What A Mess.

Only 6 people got it to work on the first day, Lol.


Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

Such is the dishonest, cowardly right.
Any of those crying about the "vanity letter" tear up the check and not cash it?

No? Then they can STFU.
That moron had nothing to do with the design of the CARES act. NOTHING. Even congressional republicans knew he was too fucking stupid to have any input. He doesn’t get points for signing off on the bill.
I didn't know much about it until I saw an article on MSN about Pelosi's response. I read the article. I didn't look for the video because I really didn't think it was worth the time.

I just now looked up the video to watch it. It was done with a comedian talk show. He asked her questions. She answered them. The first was asking her to show and tell something from her home. She's a woman after my own heart and has the same addiction I have. Her one word answer, Chocolate. I smiled because I'm a chocolate addict too. Then she said and showed, ice cream.

The guy you're responding too has shit for brains but what do you expect from a blob supporter?

That being said, when the Democrats took back control of the House, the debate within the party seemed to center on Pelosi having to be the leader because she was some sort of master strategist. My mind was boggled by this assertion then and this confusion has been regularly backed up by the congresswoman's behavior. Tearing up the SOTU speech, the whole interview she agreed to in her house, the impeachment stupidity that was doomed from the word "go" because the blob was not going to be removed from office. The Democrats have nobody to blame except themselves for putting her as the face of their party. Not only is she less than optimal as the leader of the party; she is an economic gold mine as far as fund raising goes for the opposition.

Again, mind boggling.
So trump can't even disburse the so called recovery revenues properly.

Can't he hire competent people?

The bush boy sent out checks twice. We didn't get any reports of incorrect checks. We didn't get letters of self praise including an information number that isn't informative. It only takes people to a computer recording that tells you to go on line.

People are not happy that trump is using that information letter as his own self praising and promoting letter too. Which I find totally disgusting. Especially since he has done the worst job with this pandemic than any other leader in the developed world.

It is a mess.

The tax refund/welfare checks debacle along with the SBA loan program disaster is further proof that Trump’s is a failed, incompetent ‘administration.’

And Trump should be voted out of office as a consequence.
moron, you do realize it was the democrats wanting to stop the President's travel restrictions from China?
You stupid son of a bitch.
So trump can't even disburse the so called recovery revenues properly.

Can't he hire competent people?

The bush boy sent out checks twice. We didn't get any reports of incorrect checks. We didn't get letters of self praise including an information number that isn't informative. It only takes people to a computer recording that tells you to go on line.

People are not happy that trump is using that information letter as his own self praising and promoting letter too. Which I find totally disgusting. Especially since he has done the worst job with this pandemic than any other leader in the developed world.

It is a mess.

The tax refund/welfare checks debacle along with the SBA loan program disaster is further proof that Trump’s is a failed, incompetent ‘administration.’

And Trump should be voted out of office as a consequence.
end your TDS pain I suggest a dose of lead poisoning
Yes, this thread is a mess coming from the mind of a TDS influenced moron.

Only 6 people got it to work on the first day, Lol.


Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

Such is the dishonest, cowardly right.

Thats not fallacy. That's fact. The left exposed: bitter, hate, contempt for america.
Gimme a ticket for elective gain
Ain't got time to make the market sane
Lockdown days are gone,gotta save their homes
'Cause I’m potus just a-wrote you a letter.
‘Cuz I’m potus just a-wrote you a letter.

I don't care how much money I gotta spend,
Gonna get backed by one stroke of my pen
People need my loan, like a bama clone
'Cause I’m potus just a-wrote you a letter.

Well, I’ll write you a letter
Cuz you couldn't live without me no mo'.
Listen mister can't you see I got your back
So keep me in to twenty four…--anyway...

Gimme a ticket for elective gain
Ain’t got time to make the market sane
Socialistic poon, all to grease the loons
'Cause I’m potus just a-wrote you a letter.

‘Cuz I’m potus just a-wrote you a letter.

~S~w/apologies to the Box Tops
So trump can't even disburse the so called recovery revenues properly.

Can't he hire competent people?

The bush boy sent out checks twice. We didn't get any reports of incorrect checks. We didn't get letters of self praise including an information number that isn't informative. It only takes people to a computer recording that tells you to go on line.

People are not happy that trump is using that information letter as his own self praising and promoting letter too. Which I find totally disgusting. Especially since he has done the worst job with this pandemic than any other leader in the developed world.

/——/ Need a tissue, Cupcake?


Only 6 people got it to work on the first day, Lol.

The entire IRS website -- the whole thing, stimulus part and everything else -- was down a week ago. And before that all the button that was supposed to track payments did was return "Data not available".

When it finally did work I got in there, it told me I was eligible but had no bank info on file for me. Even though I'm sitting right here looking at it clearly printed on the form I sent them a year ago. So tell me about crashing websites.

So far I know a total of one (1) person who's received either a deposit or a check. And it isn't myself.

I know 5..and of a few more than that. :cuckoo:

They don't see me, and I don't want no $1200 check bad enough to be saying "Here I am!" :eusa_naughty:

I don't qualify. It's OK. :)

I can't believe this thread was posted yesterday. :cuckoo:

This is April 30th. Those checks burned holes in people's pockets weeks ago.

'It will not cost a dime...it will pay for itself.'
- Barak Obama

He was talking about Obamacare, which he as wrong about. He never said the WEB SITE would work or that it would not cost an ass-load of money.


Yeah. OP was flailing around like a fish on a jetty and forgot to mention all of O's failings so thought I'd help out.

"O's failings" aren't a part of the topic, are they. You owe Pogo's Law a nickel.

Aw yes, complain about being off topic when there is a valid comparison......a comparison of the previous buffoon, to the OP's incessant whimpering. Tears are starting to well up. Lol. Oh yeah, and nary a peep when O was screwing up the country. Nary a peep. Now run along and go take a hike up that orange mountain.

Tu Quoque is never a "valid comparison". It's a fallacy. And you just went right back to it.

"O" left office three years ago. "O" has nothing to do with Rump's egomania. Period. GET OVER IT.

Yeah, it do. Doesn't matter when he left. O narcissism is/was way worse than orange man. You don't want to admit though.

I have yet to see it, not that it isn't STILL OFF THE ENTIRE TOPIC.

But go ahead, show the class where O printed up a fake Time Mag with his mug on it. Show us where O declared "only I can fix it". Show us O walked in on teenage girls' dressing rooms and declared "it doesn't really matter what [the media] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass." Show us where O wrote up a fake letter for a doctor to sign declaring "astonishingly excellent" health where he'd be the healthiest POTUS in history, and then stole the doctor's files. Show us where O sat up all night sending whiny tweets because his fragile widdle ego couldn't take the heat. Show us where O sat out a debate because a woman might be there bleeding from her wherever. Show us where O sat out every White House Correspondents Dinner because AGAIN he couldn't take the heat. Show us where O blamed imaginary "three million illegals" for votes he didn't get. Show us where O went onstage and gyrated to mock a reporter's arthrogryposis because the reporter wouldn't lie for him. Show us where O posed with one of his daughters in a collection of soft-porn pics to massage his own ego. Show us where O rang up gossip tabloids and assumed fake names for the sole purpose of planting salacious rumors about himself philandering on his wife. Show us where O started whining that "Bush tappppppppppppped my wires". Show us where O boinks porn stars while his own wife is nursing then pays them to shut up. Show us where O sent a shill to buy a portrait of himself just so he could bleat about how much it sold for. Show us where O tweeted a photo of himself playing the violin à la Nero with a pandemic coming on. Show us where O went around bleating "I'm rich, I'm really really rich" and then refused to release his taxes --- after promising to do so. Show us where O started crowing about "ratings' during a national crisis. Show us where O yammered about "all the women flirted with me, that's to be expected". Show us where O sent reporters out of the room because he couldn't handle their "nasty questions". Show us where O shoved a Prime Minister out of the way so he could be in front of the camera. And show us where O painted his face orange every day because he doesn't dare show us what he really looks like.

Go ahead, get started on that. I'll come back and see what you came up with.

Holy SHIT Denial is a deep river innit?

Your rant doesn't change the fact that O was a horrid narcissist who hated this country to the core. Deal with it.
Funny, he sure treated it better. Look at us now. Sad.

No, he didn't. Sad.

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.
That being said, when the Democrats took back control of the House, the debate within the party seemed to center on Pelosi having to be the leader because she was some sort of master strategist.

You tried running on Pelosi Derangement Syndrome in 2018.

You got massacred.

And now you're trying again. Well, good luck with that.

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to count how many times Trump has used the word I, or in his case, talk about himself in the third person, but I have no doubt the comparison with Obama would be the same as the comparison between their number of golf trips. You sound pretty pathetic whining about narcissism while supporting that big orange fool.

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to count how many times Trump has used the word I, or in his case, talk about himself in the third person, but I have no doubt the comparison with Obama would be the same as the comparison between their number of golf trips. You sound pretty pathetic whining about narcissism while supporting that big orange fool.

Trump does it too but nowhere near like the previous buffoon that occupied the WH.
So far so good here. I haven't yet received a phone call from an IRS agent with Indian accent saying the deposit to our account was in error and to avoid arrest I'll need to go to Target and pick up $2400 in Google or iTune play cards as form of repayment.

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to count how many times Trump has used the word I, or in his case, talk about himself in the third person, but I have no doubt the comparison with Obama would be the same as the comparison between their number of golf trips. You sound pretty pathetic whining about narcissism while supporting that big orange fool.

Trump does it too but nowhere near like the previous buffoon that occupied the WH.

Nonsense. Trump is the king of narcissists.

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