What A Mess.

'It will not cost a dime...it will pay for itself.'
- Barak Obama

He was talking about Obamacare, which he as wrong about. He never said the WEB SITE would work or that it would not cost an ass-load of money.


Yeah. OP was flailing around like a fish on a jetty and forgot to mention all of O's failings so thought I'd help out.

"O's failings" aren't a part of the topic, are they. You owe Pogo's Law a nickel.

Aw yes, complain about being off topic when there is a valid comparison......a comparison of the previous buffoon, to the OP's incessant whimpering. Tears are starting to well up. Lol. Oh yeah, and nary a peep when O was screwing up the country. Nary a peep. Now run along and go take a hike up that orange mountain.

Tu Quoque is never a "valid comparison". It's a fallacy. And you just went right back to it.

"O" left office three years ago. "O" has nothing to do with Rump's egomania. Period. GET OVER IT.

Yeah, it do. Doesn't matter when he left. O narcissism is/was way worse than orange man. You don't want to admit though.

I have yet to see it, not that it isn't STILL OFF THE ENTIRE TOPIC.

But go ahead, show the class where O printed up a fake Time Mag with his mug on it. Show us where O declared "only I can fix it". Show us O walked in on teenage girls' dressing rooms and declared "it doesn't really matter what [the media] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass." Show us where O wrote up a fake letter for a doctor to sign declaring "astonishingly excellent" health where he'd be the healthiest POTUS in history, and then stole the doctor's files. Show us where O sat up all night sending whiny tweets because his fragile widdle ego couldn't take the heat. Show us where O sat out a debate because a woman might be there bleeding from her wherever. Show us where O sat out every White House Correspondents Dinner because AGAIN he couldn't take the heat. Show us where O blamed imaginary "three million illegals" for votes he didn't get. Show us where O went onstage and gyrated to mock a reporter's arthrogryposis because the reporter wouldn't lie for him. Show us where O posed with one of his daughters in a collection of soft-porn pics to massage his own ego. Show us where O rang up gossip tabloids and assumed fake names for the sole purpose of planting salacious rumors about himself philandering on his wife. Show us where O started whining that "Bush tappppppppppppped my wires". Show us where O boinks porn stars while his own wife is nursing then pays them to shut up. Show us where O sent a shill to buy a portrait of himself just so he could bleat about how much it sold for. Show us where O tweeted a photo of himself playing the violin à la Nero with a pandemic coming on. Show us where O went around bleating "I'm rich, I'm really really rich" and then refused to release his taxes --- after promising to do so. Show us where O started crowing about "ratings' during a national crisis. Show us where O yammered about "all the women flirted with me, that's to be expected". Show us where O sent reporters out of the room because he couldn't handle their "nasty questions". Show us where O shoved a Prime Minister out of the way so he could be in front of the camera. And show us where O painted his face orange every day because he doesn't dare show us what he really looks like.

Go ahead, get started on that. I'll come back and see what you came up with.

Holy SHIT Denial is a deep river innit?

Your rant doesn't change the fact that O was a horrid narcissist who hated this country to the core. Deal with it.
Funny, he sure treated it better. Look at us now. Sad.
So trump can't even disburse the so called recovery revenues properly.

Can't he hire competent people?

The bush boy sent out checks twice. We didn't get any reports of incorrect checks. We didn't get letters of self praise including an information number that isn't informative. It only takes people to a computer recording that tells you to go on line.

People are not happy that trump is using that information letter as his own self praising and promoting letter too. Which I find totally disgusting. Especially since he has done the worst job with this pandemic than any other leader in the developed world.

1. Person who complains about anything Trump does Complains about Trump
2. Person expects this final round of complaining is what will be accepted by others who will finally see the light
3. Person does not get what is expected, and then tries again doing the exact same thing
4. Person wonders why only fellow travelers agree with them
5. Person then decides it is Trump's fault, finds something else to blame him for, and returns to Step 1.

Actually it's far far simpler than that. Lemme demonstrate.

1. Nobody likes an asshole.

The other thing is, anyone who's received a check in the past with Rump's name on it usually find it bounces. Unless their name was Stormy Daniels.

Usual tangent from the usual asshole.

So you have documented proof a majority (a definition of usually) of Checks Trumps organizations have written bounce?
So trump can't even disburse the so called recovery revenues properly.

Can't he hire competent people?

The bush boy sent out checks twice. We didn't get any reports of incorrect checks. We didn't get letters of self praise including an information number that isn't informative. It only takes people to a computer recording that tells you to go on line.

People are not happy that trump is using that information letter as his own self praising and promoting letter too. Which I find totally disgusting. Especially since he has done the worst job with this pandemic than any other leader in the developed world.

1. Person who complains about anything Trump does Complains about Trump
2. Person expects this final round of complaining is what will be accepted by others who will finally see the light
3. Person does not get what is expected, and then tries again doing the exact same thing
4. Person wonders why only fellow travelers agree with them
5. Person then decides it is Trump's fault, finds something else to blame him for, and returns to Step 1.

Actually it's far far simpler than that. Lemme demonstrate.

1. Nobody likes an asshole.

The other thing is, anyone who's received a check in the past with Rump's name on it usually find it bounces. Unless their name was Stormy Daniels.

Lemme correct myself before someone else does.

The check to Stormy Daniels didn't have Rump's name on it. It had Michael Cohen's. So the point stands unqualified, that anyone who gets a check from Rump usually finds it works great as a Super Ball.

Imagine that --- Stormy Daniels didn't have to put up with a check with Rump's name on it, but we do.

Of course you have documented proof of this, a majority of checks written by Trump's companies bounce.
it doesn't matter who hired them most government employees are incompetent
So trump can't even disburse the so called recovery revenues properly.

Can't he hire competent people?

The bush boy sent out checks twice. We didn't get any reports of incorrect checks. We didn't get letters of self praise including an information number that isn't informative. It only takes people to a computer recording that tells you to go on line.

People are not happy that trump is using that information letter as his own self praising and promoting letter too. Which I find totally disgusting. Especially since he has done the worst job with this pandemic than any other leader in the developed world.

1. Person who complains about anything Trump does Complains about Trump
2. Person expects this final round of complaining is what will be accepted by others who will finally see the light
3. Person does not get what is expected, and then tries again doing the exact same thing
4. Person wonders why only fellow travelers agree with them
5. Person then decides it is Trump's fault, finds something else to blame him for, and returns to Step 1.

Actually it's far far simpler than that. Lemme demonstrate.

1. Nobody likes an asshole.

The other thing is, anyone who's received a check in the past with Rump's name on it usually find it bounces. Unless their name was Stormy Daniels.

Or it comes with a personal campaign letter. What an arshole.

His assholery and ego know NO bounds ... Do they? :mad:


How is this a "campaign letter"?

He thanked congress, half of which is democratically controlled.
So trump can't even disburse the so called recovery revenues properly.

Can't he hire competent people?

The bush boy sent out checks twice. We didn't get any reports of incorrect checks. We didn't get letters of self praise including an information number that isn't informative. It only takes people to a computer recording that tells you to go on line.

People are not happy that trump is using that information letter as his own self praising and promoting letter too. Which I find totally disgusting. Especially since he has done the worst job with this pandemic than any other leader in the developed world.

1. Person who complains about anything Trump does Complains about Trump
2. Person expects this final round of complaining is what will be accepted by others who will finally see the light
3. Person does not get what is expected, and then tries again doing the exact same thing
4. Person wonders why only fellow travelers agree with them
5. Person then decides it is Trump's fault, finds something else to blame him for, and returns to Step 1.

Actually it's far far simpler than that. Lemme demonstrate.

1. Nobody likes an asshole.

The other thing is, anyone who's received a check in the past with Rump's name on it usually find it bounces. Unless their name was Stormy Daniels.

Or it comes with a personal campaign letter. What an arshole.

Ironic he would start it with "my fellow American" after insisting over and over that his father was born in a very wonderful place in Germany, that the eighteenth century continental army took over airports, that the Chiefs play for Kansas City Kansas, and that three million Americans who voted against him were "illegals".

Up your meds, hack.
Any of those crying about the "vanity letter" tear up the check and not cash it?

No? Then they can STFU.

There's a historical way to say that.

"Let 'em eat cake".

Oh and you'll be most interested to hear what happened to the gal who said it.
Or, let them eat ice cream?


Not to sound like Jerry Seinfeld but ----- what's the deal with the ice cream? Rumpbots keep babbling this meme about Nancy Pelosi and ice cream, what for? Is Nancy Pelosi the only human who eats ice cream or some shit? I can tell ya right now she's not because I see Talenti in there and I've got that right here. It's great stuff. Whence comes this ice cream malarkey? Did Rash Limpblob order y'all to start peppering message boards with ice cream? Do you do everything your handlers order you to? Are you mouthing your words as you read this?

trump sent a tweet out about the ice cream in her freezer.

Pelosi responded by saying it's better to have ice cream in my freezer than Clorox in my lungs. In reference to trump saying he wanted to find a way to inject disinfectant into people who have the virus.

I see this on the same childish level as the republicans coming all unglued that Obama ate poupon mustard on is hot dog and wearing a tan suit. Along with their utter outrage that Michelle Obama wore a short sleeve dress.

It's all a bunch of BS from people who want to vilify someone. They don't have any thing substantial so they go after the lame.

Hell I've got ice cream in my freezer too. Where else would you keep it?
I have Talenti too, although my choice is Coconut Almond Chocolate. Two scoops.

I've got ice cream in my freezer too.

It's locally made, Huckleberry. All natural and real ingredients with whole huckleberries in it. Super good.

If you ever get to the Skagit Valley in the spring into the fall, stop at Snow Goose Market. They make their own ice cream and sell Lopez Island ice cream. Both are fantastic.

In the middle of a national emergency with a Relief bill required for struggling Americans sitting on the desk just waiting for a house vote and signature, Pelosi gave those Americans her boney middle finger, shut down Congress, went home to one of her several houses, and showed off her $25k fridge and 13 flavors of gourmet ice creams while Americans lost their business and had their lives ruined because she pulled this shit.....

...and you compare that to some BS complaint about Barry not wearing a flag pin?

WTF is wrong with you? SERIOUSLY....

Again, I don't know what comedy TV shows or far-right wacko radio clowns you follow but I never heard of this. If I want ice cream --- it's in my freezer. I don't need no Nancy Pelosi. Would you care to guess the number of fucks I give how much ice cream she, or anybody, has in their fuckin' freezer?

I didn't know much about it until I saw an article on MSN about Pelosi's response. I read the article. I didn't look for the video because I really didn't think it was worth the time.

I just now looked up the video to watch it. It was done with a comedian talk show. He asked her questions. She answered them. The first was asking her to show and tell something from her home. She's a woman after my own heart and has the same addiction I have. Her one word answer, Chocolate. I smiled because I'm a chocolate addict too. Then she said and showed, ice cream.

Two things everyone loves and eats.

Gee she's just like the rest of us.

This is all stupid. Making a big deal of ice cream is just idiots screaming to show everyone what small and petty people they are and that they don't have anything real to attack her with. The worst thing they can attack her with is ice cream. LOL.

In the middle of a national emergency with a Relief bill required for struggling Americans sitting on the desk just waiting for a house vote and signature, Pelosi gave those Americans her boney middle finger, shut down Congress, went home to one of her several houses, and showed off her $25k fridge and 13 flavors of gourmet ice creams while Americans lost their business and had their lives ruined because she pulled this shit.....

...and you compare that to some BS complaint about Barry not wearing a flag pin?

WTF is wrong with you? SERIOUSLY....

Again, I don't know what comedy TV shows or far-right wacko radio clowns you follow but I never heard of this. If I want ice cream --- it's in my freezer. I don't need no Nancy Pelosi. Would you care to guess the number of fucks I give how much ice cream she, or anybody, has in their fuckin' freezer?

I didn't know much about it until I saw an article on MSN about Pelosi's response. I read the article. I didn't look for the video because I really didn't think it was worth the time.

I just now looked up the video to watch it. It was done with a comedian talk show. He asked her questions. She answered them. The first was asking her to show and tell something from her home. She's a woman after my own heart and has the same addiction I have. Her one word answer, Chocolate. I smiled because I'm a chocolate addict too. Then she said and showed, ice cream.

Two things everyone loves and eats.

Gee she's just like the rest of us.

This is all stupid. Making a big deal of ice cream is just idiots screaming to show everyone what small and petty people they are and that they don't have anything real to attack her with. The worst thing they can attack her with is ice cream. LOL.

Are all snowflakes this stupid or do they just act like they at?

The important part was that Pelosi skipped out of DC without signing an agreed upon deal that was good to go, screwing over thousands of Americans / small business owners in the process....then made a big deal of showing off her own wealth, rubbing it in the faces of those she just screwed.

Do you get it now, snowflake, or - like Nancy - you could care less about her deliberately f*ing over hard-working Americans?!
Any of those crying about the "vanity letter" tear up the check and not cash it?

No? Then they can STFU.

There's a historical way to say that.

"Let 'em eat cake".

Oh and you'll be most interested to hear what happened to the gal who said it.
Or, let them eat ice cream?


Not to sound like Jerry Seinfeld but ----- what's the deal with the ice cream? Rumpbots keep babbling this meme about Nancy Pelosi and ice cream, what for? Is Nancy Pelosi the only human who eats ice cream or some shit? I can tell ya right now she's not because I see Talenti in there and I've got that right here. It's great stuff. Whence comes this ice cream malarkey? Did Rash Limpblob order y'all to start peppering message boards with ice cream? Do you do everything your handlers order you to? Are you mouthing your words as you read this?

trump sent a tweet out about the ice cream in her freezer.

Pelosi responded by saying it's better to have ice cream in my freezer than Clorox in my lungs. In reference to trump saying he wanted to find a way to inject disinfectant into people who have the virus.

I see this on the same childish level as the republicans coming all unglued that Obama ate poupon mustard on is hot dog and wearing a tan suit. Along with their utter outrage that Michelle Obama wore a short sleeve dress.

It's all a bunch of BS from people who want to vilify someone. They don't have any thing substantial so they go after the lame.

Hell I've got ice cream in my freezer too. Where else would you keep it?
I have Talenti too, although my choice is Coconut Almond Chocolate. Two scoops.

I've got ice cream in my freezer too.

It's locally made, Huckleberry. All natural and real ingredients with whole huckleberries in it. Super good.

If you ever get to the Skagit Valley in the spring into the fall, stop at Snow Goose Market. They make their own ice cream and sell Lopez Island ice cream. Both are fantastic.

Whoa HUCKLEBERRIES. I'm so jealous. I loooooove huckles. I've got a few spots in these mountains where I can harvest a bunch when they fruit in late summer. So elusive. I start making pancakes.
So trump can't even disburse the so called recovery revenues properly.

Can't he hire competent people?

The bush boy sent out checks twice. We didn't get any reports of incorrect checks. We didn't get letters of self praise including an information number that isn't informative. It only takes people to a computer recording that tells you to go on line.

People are not happy that trump is using that information letter as his own self praising and promoting letter too. Which I find totally disgusting. Especially since he has done the worst job with this pandemic than any other leader in the developed world.

You could say the same for the Stimulus, and a number of other programs, throughout all US history.

When has government been completely and utterly competent at anything? When was that? Is surely wasn't when Obama was president.

This is the nature of government. It doesn't matter how is in office, it's going to be run badly.

The OP ---which is the same post you just quoted --- took pains to point out that Bush II didn't have this kind of fiasco. Did you even READ the post?

Really? What about the FEMA trailers?

What about 'em? :dunno:

I've never lived in a trailer even temporarily. FEMA was fast and efficient in my experience (Katrina). I had no complaints at all.
In the middle of a national emergency with a Relief bill required for struggling Americans sitting on the desk just waiting for a house vote and signature, Pelosi gave those Americans her boney middle finger, shut down Congress, went home to one of her several houses, and showed off her $25k fridge and 13 flavors of gourmet ice creams while Americans lost their business and had their lives ruined because she pulled this shit.....

...and you compare that to some BS complaint about Barry not wearing a flag pin?

WTF is wrong with you? SERIOUSLY....

Again, I don't know what comedy TV shows or far-right wacko radio clowns you follow but I never heard of this. If I want ice cream --- it's in my freezer. I don't need no Nancy Pelosi. Would you care to guess the number of fucks I give how much ice cream she, or anybody, has in their fuckin' freezer?

I didn't know much about it until I saw an article on MSN about Pelosi's response. I read the article. I didn't look for the video because I really didn't think it was worth the time.

I just now looked up the video to watch it. It was done with a comedian talk show. He asked her questions. She answered them. The first was asking her to show and tell something from her home. She's a woman after my own heart and has the same addiction I have. Her one word answer, Chocolate. I smiled because I'm a chocolate addict too. Then she said and showed, ice cream.

Two things everyone loves and eats.

Gee she's just like the rest of us.

This is all stupid. Making a big deal of ice cream is just idiots screaming to show everyone what small and petty people they are and that they don't have anything real to attack her with. The worst thing they can attack her with is ice cream. LOL.

That's a basic human interest story. Kind of reminds me of when David Letterman would go "well it's the third Thursday of the month and that means it's time to call Joe Frazier and find out how much gas is in his car". I don't seem to recall anybody wetting their pants about Joe Frazier's gas tank.

These morons here just self-trigger, don't they.
Why do we have to keep reminding lefties that this isn't a monarchy. Where is the democrat majority in congress? Why do lefties think it's entertaining when Pelosi takes viewers on a trip to see her $40 pints of designer ice cream?
Any of those crying about the "vanity letter" tear up the check and not cash it?

No? Then they can STFU.

There's a historical way to say that.

"Let 'em eat cake".

Oh and you'll be most interested to hear what happened to the gal who said it.
Or, let them eat ice cream?


Not to sound like Jerry Seinfeld but ----- what's the deal with the ice cream? Rumpbots keep babbling this meme about Nancy Pelosi and ice cream, what for? Is Nancy Pelosi the only human who eats ice cream or some shit? I can tell ya right now she's not because I see Talenti in there and I've got that right here. It's great stuff. Whence comes this ice cream malarkey? Did Rash Limpblob order y'all to start peppering message boards with ice cream? Do you do everything your handlers order you to? Are you mouthing your words as you read this?

trump sent a tweet out about the ice cream in her freezer.

Pelosi responded by saying it's better to have ice cream in my freezer than Clorox in my lungs. In reference to trump saying he wanted to find a way to inject disinfectant into people who have the virus.

I see this on the same childish level as the republicans coming all unglued that Obama ate poupon mustard on is hot dog and wearing a tan suit. Along with their utter outrage that Michelle Obama wore a short sleeve dress.

It's all a bunch of BS from people who want to vilify someone. They don't have any thing substantial so they go after the lame.

Hell I've got ice cream in my freezer too. Where else would you keep it?
I have Talenti too, although my choice is Coconut Almond Chocolate. Two scoops.

I've got ice cream in my freezer too.

It's locally made, Huckleberry. All natural and real ingredients with whole huckleberries in it. Super good.

If you ever get to the Skagit Valley in the spring into the fall, stop at Snow Goose Market. They make their own ice cream and sell Lopez Island ice cream. Both are fantastic.

Whoa HUCKLEBERRIES. I'm so jealous. I loooooove huckles. I've got a few spots in these mountains where I can harvest a bunch when they fruit in late summer. So elusive. I start making pancakes.

Huckleberries grow wild all over the western side of my state. Mostly in the mountains but also in the foothills. I've been picking and eating them all my life.

I've been eating that ice cream for many years. It's the bomb. You might want to contact them to see if they ship it. I think they do but it might be expensive.
JP Morgan sent out 2.5 million foreclosure statements to people who weren't JP Morgan Chase customers.
And you expect the US to get it right.

I expect all Liberals to transfer their assets from JP Morgan Chase to another bank now that they know how scummy JP Morgan Chase is.
I don't care if he puts his name on every government document as long as he takes us back to the best economy I've seen in 73yrs, the lowest unemployment and factories moving back to the USA.

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