What A Mess.

That being said, when the Democrats took back control of the House, the debate within the party seemed to center on Pelosi having to be the leader because she was some sort of master strategist.

You tried running on Pelosi Derangement Syndrome in 2018.

You got massacred.

And now you're trying again. Well, good luck with that.
I did? Lol

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I get it. I gave you 8,515,264,339 examples of Rumpicissism off the top of my head and you can't come up with a single one to put legs on your assertion so you're feeling inadequate. Not my fault you went down that dead end, now is it.
It is a mess.
The tax refund/welfare checks debacle along with the SBA loan program disaster is further proof that Trump’s is a failed, incompetent ‘administration.’
And Trump should be voted out of office as a consequence.
At least Trump is working on possible cures for Coronavirus. What cures has Biden come up with?
At least Trump is working on possible cures for Coronavirus. What cures has Biden come up with?

Plugs says he's close to a vaccine for this outbreak of polio....

trump sent a tweet out about the ice cream in her freezer.
Pelosi responded by saying it's better to have ice cream in my freezer than Clorox in my lungs. In reference to trump saying he wanted to find a way to inject disinfectant into people who have the virus.
I hadn't heard her name in a while. How did that impeachment thing work out?
The Trumpublican base is made up of at least 2/3 autocratic, generally confused, barrel stroking, home-skooled hillbilly assclowns who live in flyover country and vote against their own self-interest. Those are the folks riding in Donnie's clown car. :uhoh3:

Us hillbillies are proud we put Trump in the White House in 2016.
It is a mess.
The tax refund/welfare checks debacle along with the SBA loan program disaster is further proof that Trump’s is a failed, incompetent ‘administration.’
And Trump should be voted out of office as a consequence.
At least Trump is working on possible cures for Coronavirus. What cures has Biden come up with?

Trump is not working for any kind of cure for anything. Without any knowledge or medical advice he heard some rumor that some drug might help, and started claiming he found a cure. When Trump suits up in medical scrubs, and walks into a lab for an 8 our shift looking for a cure, you can say he is working on it. Until then, he isn't doing any more than anyone sitting in a bar claiming they have a cure for the world's problems.

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to count how many times Trump has used the word I, or in his case, talk about himself in the third person, but I have no doubt the comparison with Obama would be the same as the comparison between their number of golf trips. You sound pretty pathetic whining about narcissism while supporting that big orange fool.

Trump does it too but nowhere near like the previous buffoon that occupied the WH.

Nonsense. Trump is the king of narcissists.
Trump has never said anything close to this.............

" this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"-Kind Narcissist Barry Hussein..

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to count how many times Trump has used the word I, or in his case, talk about himself in the third person, but I have no doubt the comparison with Obama would be the same as the comparison between their number of golf trips. You sound pretty pathetic whining about narcissism while supporting that big orange fool.

Trump does it too but nowhere near like the previous buffoon that occupied the WH.

Nonsense. Trump is the king of narcissists.
Trump has never said anything close to this.............

" this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"-Kind Narcissist Barry Hussein..

This says "But Hillary", but it is suitable for "But Obama" posts as well

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I get it. I gave you 8,515,264,339 examples of Rumpicissism off the top of my head and you can't come up with a single one to put legs on your assertion so you're feeling inadequate. Not my fault you went down that dead end, now is it.

No. O was a narcissist and glorified himself thousands of times although he did nothing. That is fact. There are hundreds of links showing his narcissism.

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I get it. I gave you 8,515,264,339 examples of Rumpicissism off the top of my head and you can't come up with a single one to put legs on your assertion so you're feeling inadequate. Not my fault you went down that dead end, now is it.

No. O was a narcissist and glorified himself thousands of times although he did nothing. That is fact. There are hundreds of links showing his narcissism.

You understand Obama isn't running for anything, Right?

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to count how many times Trump has used the word I, or in his case, talk about himself in the third person, but I have no doubt the comparison with Obama would be the same as the comparison between their number of golf trips. You sound pretty pathetic whining about narcissism while supporting that big orange fool.

Trump does it too but nowhere near like the previous buffoon that occupied the WH.

Nonsense. Trump is the king of narcissists.
Trump has never said anything close to this.............

" this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"-Kind Narcissist Barry Hussein..

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to count how many times Trump has used the word I, or in his case, talk about himself in the third person, but I have no doubt the comparison with Obama would be the same as the comparison between their number of golf trips. You sound pretty pathetic whining about narcissism while supporting that big orange fool.

Trump does it too but nowhere near like the previous buffoon that occupied the WH.

Nonsense. Trump is the king of narcissists.
Trump has never said anything close to this.............

" this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"-Kind Narcissist Barry Hussein..

They gave Obama Nobel Prize, but they wouldn't even let Trump buy one. Sucks to be you.

"If I could do that effectively, then -- you know -- I would create a hundred or a thousand or a million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas," Obama said. "Or, the next group of people who could take that baton in that relay race that is human progress."

Last edited:

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to count how many times Trump has used the word I, or in his case, talk about himself in the third person, but I have no doubt the comparison with Obama would be the same as the comparison between their number of golf trips. You sound pretty pathetic whining about narcissism while supporting that big orange fool.

Trump does it too but nowhere near like the previous buffoon that occupied the WH.

Nonsense. Trump is the king of narcissists.
Trump has never said anything close to this.............

" this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"-Kind Narcissist Barry Hussein..

This says "But Hillary", but it is suitable for "But Obama" posts as well
Hey Dummy, the discussion YOU were in was comparing Barry Hussein to President Trump. Sorry my facts made you so butthurt...............oh wait, no I'm not. :iyfyus.jpg:

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to count how many times Trump has used the word I, or in his case, talk about himself in the third person, but I have no doubt the comparison with Obama would be the same as the comparison between their number of golf trips. You sound pretty pathetic whining about narcissism while supporting that big orange fool.

Trump does it too but nowhere near like the previous buffoon that occupied the WH.

Nonsense. Trump is the king of narcissists.
Trump has never said anything close to this.............

" this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"-Kind Narcissist Barry Hussein..

They gave Obama Nobel Prize, but they wouldn't even let Trump buy one. Sucks to be you.

Honey, which everyone knew was a set up by the globalists. He hadn’t even done anything to deserve that Nobel Peace Prize

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to count how many times Trump has used the word I, or in his case, talk about himself in the third person, but I have no doubt the comparison with Obama would be the same as the comparison between their number of golf trips. You sound pretty pathetic whining about narcissism while supporting that big orange fool.

Trump does it too but nowhere near like the previous buffoon that occupied the WH.

Nonsense. Trump is the king of narcissists.
Trump has never said anything close to this.............

" this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"-Kind Narcissist Barry Hussein..

They gave Obama Nobel Prize, but they wouldn't even let Trump buy one. Sucks to be you.

Even Barry had to admit he did nothing to deserve the prize.
You can thank your children, after all it's their money Trump is giving away.
We'll get some of that money back by ending wasteful entitlement spending.
There would be nationwide riots if EBT was cut off. Before LBJ, there was nothing like that on that scale.

I've never even researched this, but my cousin that lived it like..gave me a history lesson one Christmas..it was pretty neat.

I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to post a Brent Bozo Bullshit Blog that utterly fails to understand what the term narcissist means just because Bozo can't find anything else to whine about. And this is exactly on the same low plane as "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not".

"I" is the first personal pronoun. It's so basic and necessary we've trimmed it down to ONE LETTER. It's the way English denotes "this person speaking". Try to get through your day's speech without it. Go ahead. And be sure to post us a video of how you did it. And if you can't ---- you're a narcissist. By the Bozo definition.

We get it. You're mad because O is narcissist and has been exposed. We get it. You don't like it and you're lashing out.

I'm not sure if anyone has bothered to count how many times Trump has used the word I, or in his case, talk about himself in the third person, but I have no doubt the comparison with Obama would be the same as the comparison between their number of golf trips. You sound pretty pathetic whining about narcissism while supporting that big orange fool.

Trump does it too but nowhere near like the previous buffoon that occupied the WH.

Nonsense. Trump is the king of narcissists.
Trump has never said anything close to this.............

" this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"-Kind Narcissist Barry Hussein..

They gave Obama Nobel Prize, but they wouldn't even let Trump buy one. Sucks to be you.

Didn't you just whine in your LAST POST that Barry isn't running for anything...............and then you bring him up.

Too fucking funny.:abgg2q.jpg:

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