What A Novel Idea - Ordering Embassy Staff Out Of Harm's Way Before Anyone Gets Killed...

Now imagine if .....

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out when every other nation pulled their people out, 4 Americans would still be alive.

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out after the 1st terrorist attack on the compound, 4 Americans would still be alive.

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out after the 2nd terrorist attack on the compound, 4 Americans would still be alive.
They had been ordered out. Went back anyways.

That is an out and out lie! Shame on you! The blame for the four deaths lies at the feet of the terrorists who killed them and the Obama Administration who failed to protect them.
Republicans blocked funding for increasing security at embassies, Stevens was told it was dangerous to go and went anyways, and you inbred pieces of shit have spent years trying to abdicate the terrorists of their crimes in order to damage somebody's political campaign. Go fuck yourself.
Bull crap. That was the lie spread. Maybe just for 9nce don’t believe what your tabloids feed you and read the actual emails and the final report.

Mike Pompeo said Iran-backed militias moved rockets near American bases in Iraq
You don’t think you will be called out for your outright lies? You are. That is a lie. In fact they discussed how they wanted it to look like things were under control there.
Now imagine if .....

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out when every other nation pulled their people out, 4 Americans would still be alive.

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out after the 1st terrorist attack on the compound, 4 Americans would still be alive.

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out after the 2nd terrorist attack on the compound, 4 Americans would still be alive.
They had been ordered out. Went back anyways.
He was told the dangers and went anyways. Maybe if republicans hadn't spitefully blocked security funding for embassies things would have turned out different.

Trump ordering people out of Iraq is a ploy, anyways. The Iraqi government and our allies have all said there are no increased threats to our people there. Bolton wants war, Trump wants to look tough, and bluffing is Trump's favorite strategy.
Bull crap. That was the lie spread. Maybe just for 9nce don’t believe what your tabloids feed you and read the actual emails and the final report.

Mike Pompeo said Iran-backed militias moved rockets near American bases in Iraq
You don’t think you will be called out for your outright lies? You are. That is a lie. In fact they discussed how they wanted it to look like things were under control there.
Now imagine if .....

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out when every other nation pulled their people out, 4 Americans would still be alive.

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out after the 1st terrorist attack on the compound, 4 Americans would still be alive.

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out after the 2nd terrorist attack on the compound, 4 Americans would still be alive.
They had been ordered out. Went back anyways.
He was told the dangers and went anyways. Maybe if republicans hadn't spitefully blocked security funding for embassies things would have turned out different.

Trump ordering people out of Iraq is a ploy, anyways. The Iraqi government and our allies have all said there are no increased threats to our people there. Bolton wants war, Trump wants to look tough, and bluffing is Trump's favorite strategy.
Fuck you and fuck Mike Pompeo. You're both lying scum who would love to see American soldiers dead.
No, the liar is the one denying facts for their own agenda.
Bull crap. That was the lie spread. Maybe just for 9nce don’t believe what your tabloids feed you and read the actual emails and the final report.

Mike Pompeo said Iran-backed militias moved rockets near American bases in Iraq
You don’t think you will be called out for your outright lies? You are. That is a lie. In fact they discussed how they wanted it to look like things were under control there.
Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out when every other nation pulled their people out, 4 Americans would still be alive.

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out after the 1st terrorist attack on the compound, 4 Americans would still be alive.

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out after the 2nd terrorist attack on the compound, 4 Americans would still be alive.
They had been ordered out. Went back anyways.
He was told the dangers and went anyways. Maybe if republicans hadn't spitefully blocked security funding for embassies things would have turned out different.

Trump ordering people out of Iraq is a ploy, anyways. The Iraqi government and our allies have all said there are no increased threats to our people there. Bolton wants war, Trump wants to look tough, and bluffing is Trump's favorite strategy.
Fuck you and fuck Mike Pompeo. You're both lying scum who would love to see American soldiers dead.
No, the liar is the one denying facts for their own agenda.
Bull crap. That was the lie spread. Maybe just for 9nce don’t believe what your tabloids feed you and read the actual emails and the final report.

Mike Pompeo said Iran-backed militias moved rockets near American bases in Iraq
You don’t think you will be called out for your outright lies? You are. That is a lie. In fact they discussed how they wanted it to look like things were under control there.
They had been ordered out. Went back anyways.
He was told the dangers and went anyways. Maybe if republicans hadn't spitefully blocked security funding for embassies things would have turned out different.

Trump ordering people out of Iraq is a ploy, anyways. The Iraqi government and our allies have all said there are no increased threats to our people there. Bolton wants war, Trump wants to look tough, and bluffing is Trump's favorite strategy.
Fuck you and fuck Mike Pompeo. You're both lying scum who would love to see American soldiers dead.
Iraq and all allies call Pompeo, a known liar that works for the most prolific liar in American history, a liar. I believe them over this criminal administration. If the fat fucks and Bolton succeed at starting a war, the blood of our soldiers will be on your hands again.
Now imagine if .....

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out when every other nation pulled their people out, 4 Americans would still be alive.

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out after the 1st terrorist attack on the compound, 4 Americans would still be alive.

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out after the 2nd terrorist attack on the compound, 4 Americans would still be alive.
They had been ordered out. Went back anyways.

That is an out and out lie! Shame on you! The blame for the four deaths lies at the feet of the terrorists who killed them and the Obama Administration who failed to protect them.
Republicans blocked funding for increasing security at embassies, Stevens was told it was dangerous to go and went anyways, and you inbred pieces of shit have spent years trying to abdicate the terrorists of their crimes in order to damage somebody's political campaign. Go fuck yourself.

Oh, bullshit! Hillary's department head of security for the Middle East testified that funding cuts were in no way responsible for security levels in Benghazi! She stated that the Clinton State Department thought security was fine! Steven's was telling Clinton back in Washington that it was getting increasingly dangerous and he thought he needed more security. She ignored those warnings! That isn't on Stevens. He was doing his job! If Hillary had done HERS then those four men might still be alive today!
Now imagine if .....

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out when every other nation pulled their people out, 4 Americans would still be alive.

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out after the 1st terrorist attack on the compound, 4 Americans would still be alive.

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out after the 2nd terrorist attack on the compound, 4 Americans would still be alive.
They had been ordered out. Went back anyways.
Fake news.
"The U.S. Embassy in Iraq confirmed Wednesday the State Department has ordered all non-essential, non-emergency government staff to leave the country immediately as tensions with neighbouring Iran increase.Employees from both the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and its consulate in Erbil will be affected by the order.

The alert, published on the embassy website, comes after Washington last week said it had detected new and urgent threats from Iran and its proxy forces in the region targeting Americans and American interests."

Hmmm....hearing about threats / potential future threats to Americans and then being pro-active in the name of safety to protect American lives. What a GREAT FREAKIN' IDEA!


Leave Now: U.S. Non-Essential Embassy Staff Ordered out of Iraq
How many wars again?
Iran 2 in 2000 years
USA 250 in 300 years?
We overturned a dem to install the shah?
And we don't trust them??
Now imagine if .....

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out when every other nation pulled their people out, 4 Americans would still be alive.

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out after the 1st terrorist attack on the compound, 4 Americans would still be alive.

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out after the 2nd terrorist attack on the compound, 4 Americans would still be alive.
They had been ordered out. Went back anyways.
Fake news.
12 investigations for 4 dead
Two? for ronnies 250 dead Beirut marines?
He was told the dangers and went anyways. Maybe if republicans hadn't spitefully blocked security funding for embassies things would have turned out different.

Trump ordering people out of Iraq is a ploy, anyways. The Iraqi government and our allies have all said there are no increased threats to our people there. Bolton wants war, Trump wants to look tough, and bluffing is Trump's favorite strategy.

Nice response:

Part 1: 'Blame the dead guy sho worked for Hillary and who was responsible for him and every other American there....
-- Dude, blaming the dead guy who was abandoned to die is NOT cool!

Part 2: "I am in deep sh!t DISTRACT! Change the Topic of Discussion....Truuuuuuuuuuup!"

:lmao: Bwuhahahahahahahahahaha
Republicans blocked funding for increasing security at embassies,
This is how f*ing stupid snowflakes who defend the POS Hillary and the POS Obama.

"The GOP cut funding for security."
- If Hillary had ordered them out when every other country forced their people out there would have been no need for security at the compound.

"The GOP cut funding for security."
- Hillary had enough money to pay al AL QAEDA-ASSOCIATED MILITIA to defend the compound .... FROM AL QAEDA (Until they quit just before the final attack)

"The GOP cut funding for security."
- Talking about 'CUTTING CORNERS' and having absolutely NO VALUE FOR AMERICAN LIFE, the 'lowest bidder' security company they hired to defend a US compound right in the heart of Al Qaeda country was a security firm who had NEVER 1) Provided Security for anyone in a combat zone before - EVER, and 2)had NEVER CARRIED WEAPONS before - EVER! (They might as well hired a bunch of Wal Mart Greeters to do the damn job!)

"The GOP cut funding for security."
- After the FIRST terrorist attack on the compound Stephens begged for additional security and once again were told 'No'. No order to make them pull out was given...and as pointed out earlier, if they had been ordered out there would have been no need for funding any security team there.

"The GOP cut funding for security."
- After the SECOND terrorist attack on the compound - which left a 4-foot hole in the compound wall - an e-mail from Stephens to Clinton was revealed showing he told her that if we do not have additional security before another attack happens "I WILL DIE!" On, but wait, they could not afford to send any more security because of the nasty old GOP (not to mention they probably could not find any existing security team that did not carry weapons and were willing to go...).
--- No order to make them pull out was given...and as pointed out earlier, if they had been ordered out there would have been no need for funding any security team there.

12 investigations for 4 dead
Two? for ronnies 250 dead Beirut marines?

Not just for 4 dead Americans....
For the complete and utter failure at every level of the Secretary of State to do her job, to protect Americans abroad, because she lied her ass off, as e-mails and testimony proved, because she and the President initially lied about it being the result of a PROTEST over some video - for which they promised the families of the dead and America they would arrest him and hold him accountable for exercising his Constitutional right in America......

One things snowflakes - especially the lying weasels - keep repeating over and over is that Hillary was never indicted or convicted as a result of the Benghazi hearings......

12 investigations for 4 dead
Two? for ronnies 250 dead Beirut marines?

Not just for 4 dead Americans....
For the complete and utter failure at every level of the Secretary of State to do her job, to protect Americans abroad, because she lied her ass off, as e-mails and testimony proved, because she and the President initially lied about it being the result of a PROTEST over some video - for which they promised the families of the dead and America they would arrest him and hold him accountable for exercising his Constitutional right in America......

One things snowflakes - especially the lying weasels - keep repeating over and over is that Hillary was never indicted or convicted as a result of the Benghazi hearings......

Why not?
Trey didn't think it was worth it?
Still too stupid to know the definition of snowflake I see.
Original pro slavery boys?
And what did you do for 911 families snowflake?
Do tell, just a dumb cartoon pic?
Hey maybe Trumpybear could shoot down another Iranian civilian airliner like we did in 88. That'll show those Iranians who's the boss.
12 investigations for 4 dead
Two? for ronnies 250 dead Beirut marines?

Not just for 4 dead Americans....
For the complete and utter failure at every level of the Secretary of State to do her job, to protect Americans abroad, because she lied her ass off, as e-mails and testimony proved, because she and the President initially lied about it being the result of a PROTEST over some video - for which they promised the families of the dead and America they would arrest him and hold him accountable for exercising his Constitutional right in America......

One things snowflakes - especially the lying weasels - keep repeating over and over is that Hillary was never indicted or convicted as a result of the Benghazi hearings......


Liar. The only thing they got wrong was there was no initial protest as alleged, that the extremist who came to the consulate with heavy weapons joined in and/or used for cover. Furthermore nearly every public statement from the administration came with the conditional statement about the investigation and that it will determine what really happened.

Stephens made the decision not only to go to Benghazi but also to stay at the Consulate Building instead of the more secure CIA Annex.

Has Trumpybear shared his so-called Intel with any members of Congress yet?
Hey maybe Trumpybear could shoot down another Iranian civilian airliner like we did in 88. That'll show those Iranians who's the boss.
Bwuhahahaha..... SERIOUSLY? You had to go back 31 years to find something to use to falsely accuse / insinuate something about the President?!


Your pathetic attempt to use that incident to attack Trump - an event in which 290 people lost their life - is both shameless and proves you know nothing about what happened.

Iran and Iraq were in the middle of a war.
The United States had a Navy Missile Defense Cruiser positioned strategically in position to defend US assets from 'accidental' targeting / strikes
Iranian Air flight 655 took off in a heading straight toward the Navy Cruiser, NOT within its standard flight route.
The USN ship attempted to call the Iranians numerous times to get info and warn them off - they would NOT be allowed to fly over the ship
There was no response by the Iranians
Although the plane had taken off, on its direct heading towards the USN ship it began to descend
The pilot did not respond to Guard Calls
In the end, U.S. officials concluded that it was “a tragic and regrettable accident.”
$61.8 million to the victims’ families

I will admit that it was heinous that in 1990 the USN awarded the captain of the ship the Legion of Merit for his “outstanding service” during operations in the Persian Gulf. How they justified giving him this award and how he justified accepting it is beyond me.

Attempting to use this tragedy to insult / attack the President, however, was pretty damn low, too.

Iran Air flight 655 | Background, Events, Investigation, & Facts
"The U.S. Embassy in Iraq confirmed Wednesday the State Department has ordered all non-essential, non-emergency government staff to leave the country immediately as tensions with neighbouring Iran increase.Employees from both the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and its consulate in Erbil will be affected by the order.

The alert, published on the embassy website, comes after Washington last week said it had detected new and urgent threats from Iran and its proxy forces in the region targeting Americans and American interests."

Hmmm....hearing about threats / potential future threats to Americans and then being pro-active in the name of safety to protect American lives. What a GREAT FREAKIN' IDEA!


Leave Now: U.S. Non-Essential Embassy Staff Ordered out of Iraq

Well that's not at all how the demodummies always did it. That Trump just can't get anything right. :21:

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