What A Novel Idea - Ordering Embassy Staff Out Of Harm's Way Before Anyone Gets Killed...

12 investigations for 4 dead
Two? for ronnies 250 dead Beirut marines?

Not just for 4 dead Americans....
For the complete and utter failure at every level of the Secretary of State to do her job, to protect Americans abroad, because she lied her ass off, as e-mails and testimony proved, because she and the President initially lied about it being the result of a PROTEST over some video - for which they promised the families of the dead and America they would arrest him and hold him accountable for exercising his Constitutional right in America......

One things snowflakes - especially the lying weasels - keep repeating over and over is that Hillary was never indicted or convicted as a result of the Benghazi hearings......


Liar. The only thing they got wrong was there was no initial protest as alleged, that the extremist who came to the consulate with heavy weapons joined in and/or used for cover. Furthermore nearly every public statement from the administration came with the conditional statement about the investigation and that it will determine what really happened.

Stephens made the decision not only to go to Benghazi but also to stay at the Consulate Building instead of the more secure CIA Annex.

Has Trumpybear shared his so-called Intel with any members of Congress yet?
Bwuhahahaha....sorry This has been debunked.
- The Diplomat in Tripoli called within minutes of the attack to declare this was a terrorist attack.
- The very 1st 'protestors' showed up with RPGs...
- Hillary told the Turkish Ambassador 'We KNOW this was a terrorist attack, not a protest'....she told her daughter the same think.
- 22 Embassies and compounds were attacked simultaneously across the ME, as we knew was going to happen - Benghazi was the only one really reported because it was the only attack in which any Americans lost their lives....at no time did Hillary of Barry declare any of the other 21 attacks were the result of the same 'protest over a video'. ONLY the attack in Benghazi was explained away initially as a 'protest'.

Bwuhahahaha....you continue to lie / echo the lies your puppet masters have fed you.
Hey maybe Trumpybear could shoot down another Iranian civilian airliner like we did in 88. That'll show those Iranians who's the boss.
Bwuhahahaha..... SERIOUSLY? You had to go back 31 years to find something to use to falsely accuse / insinuate something about the President?!


Your pathetic attempt to use that incident to attack Trump - an event in which 290 people lost their life - is both shameless and proves you know nothing about what happened.

Iran and Iraq were in the middle of a war.
The United States had a Navy Missile Defense Cruiser positioned strategically in position to defend US assets from 'accidental' targeting / strikes
Iranian Air flight 655 took off in a heading straight toward the Navy Cruiser, NOT within its standard flight route.
The USN ship attempted to call the Iranians numerous times to get info and warn them off - they would NOT be allowed to fly over the ship
There was no response by the Iranians
Although the plane had taken off, on its direct heading towards the USN ship it began to descend
The pilot did not respond to Guard Calls
In the end, U.S. officials concluded that it was “a tragic and regrettable accident.”
$61.8 million to the victims’ families

I will admit that it was heinous that in 1990 the USN awarded the captain of the ship the Legion of Merit for his “outstanding service” during operations in the Persian Gulf. How they justified giving him this award and how he justified accepting it is beyond me.

Attempting to use this tragedy to insult / attack the President, however, was pretty damn low, too.

Iran Air flight 655 | Background, Events, Investigation, & Facts

The Iranian belief that the passenger plane was attacked on purpose was reinforced when the U.S. government made a series of inaccurate claims. One claim was that the plane was not on a normal flight path but was diving toward the ship; the truth is that the plane was climbing, and was on its correct path. Another was that the plane’s identification transponder was not working or had been altered; the truth is that the plane had actually been emitting, by radio, the standard commercial identifying data.

Months before the plane was shot down, air traffic controllers and the crews of other warships in the Persian Gulf had been warning that poorly trained U.S. crews, especially the gung-ho captain and crew of the Vincennes (or “Robocruiser,” as other crews had nicknamed it), were constantly misidentifying civilian aircraft over the Persian Gulf, making this horrific incident entirely predictable.

An Apology for a Different Plane Crash, 30 Years Later

But you have no problem denigrated a president and half the country with lies and falsehoods. Like this thread.
12 investigations for 4 dead
Two? for ronnies 250 dead Beirut marines?

Not just for 4 dead Americans....
For the complete and utter failure at every level of the Secretary of State to do her job, to protect Americans abroad, because she lied her ass off, as e-mails and testimony proved, because she and the President initially lied about it being the result of a PROTEST over some video - for which they promised the families of the dead and America they would arrest him and hold him accountable for exercising his Constitutional right in America......

One things snowflakes - especially the lying weasels - keep repeating over and over is that Hillary was never indicted or convicted as a result of the Benghazi hearings......


Liar. The only thing they got wrong was there was no initial protest as alleged, that the extremist who came to the consulate with heavy weapons joined in and/or used for cover. Furthermore nearly every public statement from the administration came with the conditional statement about the investigation and that it will determine what really happened.

Stephens made the decision not only to go to Benghazi but also to stay at the Consulate Building instead of the more secure CIA Annex.

Has Trumpybear shared his so-called Intel with any members of Congress yet?
Bwuhahahaha....sorry This has been debunked.
- The Diplomat in Tripoli called within minutes of the attack to declare this was a terrorist attack.
- The very 1st 'protestors' showed up with RPGs...
- Hillary told the Turkish Ambassador 'We KNOW this was a terrorist attack, not a protest'....she told her daughter the same think.
- 22 Embassies and compounds were attacked simultaneously across the ME, as we knew was going to happen - Benghazi was the only one really reported because it was the only attack in which any Americans lost their lives....at no time did Hillary of Barry declare any of the other 21 attacks were the result of the same 'protest over a video'. ONLY the attack in Benghazi was explained away initially as a 'protest'.

Bwuhahahaha....you continue to lie / echo the lies your puppet masters have fed you.

That's why they were called extremist who came with heavy weapons. Furthermore you think the Government is obligated to tell the world everything we know at any given time? The real scandal was the way the Republican candidate attacked the president for political gain while the attack on Americans was still ongoing. Attacking the President instead of following the example set in 2001 when all of Congress rallied behind the CIC when we were attacked. It was just a sign of how far the GOP politics of hatred had come.
12 investigations for 4 dead
Two? for ronnies 250 dead Beirut marines?

Not just for 4 dead Americans....
For the complete and utter failure at every level of the Secretary of State to do her job, to protect Americans abroad, because she lied her ass off, as e-mails and testimony proved, because she and the President initially lied about it being the result of a PROTEST over some video - for which they promised the families of the dead and America they would arrest him and hold him accountable for exercising his Constitutional right in America......

One things snowflakes - especially the lying weasels - keep repeating over and over is that Hillary was never indicted or convicted as a result of the Benghazi hearings......


Liar. The only thing they got wrong was there was no initial protest as alleged, that the extremist who came to the consulate with heavy weapons joined in and/or used for cover. Furthermore nearly every public statement from the administration came with the conditional statement about the investigation and that it will determine what really happened.

Stephens made the decision not only to go to Benghazi but also to stay at the Consulate Building instead of the more secure CIA Annex.

Has Trumpybear shared his so-called Intel with any members of Congress yet?
Bwuhahahaha....sorry This has been debunked.
- The Diplomat in Tripoli called within minutes of the attack to declare this was a terrorist attack.
- The very 1st 'protestors' showed up with RPGs...
- Hillary told the Turkish Ambassador 'We KNOW this was a terrorist attack, not a protest'....she told her daughter the same think.
- 22 Embassies and compounds were attacked simultaneously across the ME, as we knew was going to happen - Benghazi was the only one really reported because it was the only attack in which any Americans lost their lives....at no time did Hillary of Barry declare any of the other 21 attacks were the result of the same 'protest over a video'. ONLY the attack in Benghazi was explained away initially as a 'protest'.

Bwuhahahaha....you continue to lie / echo the lies your puppet masters have fed you.

That's why they were called extremist who came with heavy weapons. Furthermore you think the Government is obligated to tell the world everything we know at any given time? The real scandal was the way the Republican candidate attacked the president for political gain while the attack on Americans was still ongoing. Attacking the President instead of following the example set in 2001 when all of Congress rallied behind the CIC when we were attacked. It was just a sign of how far the GOP politics of hatred had come.
Hilarious - they Were in the middle of 'Al Qaeda Central' - Al Qaeda flags flying from local govt buildings, hundreds of Al Qaeda gathering reported, 'more' Al Qaeda terrorist training camps opening up...and you still refuse to call THE TERRORISTS - you want to claim a bunch of RPG-carrying 'EXTREMISTS' pissed off about a little-known video call in the US rushed out to 'protest' that video by at ya king the compound.

So I guess you expect people to believe the MOTONOC LIE / IDEA that the FIRST TWO PREVIOUS TERROTIST attacks on the compound - the last one leaving a 4-foot hole in the compound wall - were WHAT? NOT attacks checking out the defenses of the compound but instead earlier smaller attacks over the same video?

Stephens warning that if they did not ha e more security BEFORE THE 3RD ATTACK THEY KNEW ERE COMING ON 8/11/12 they would die - they knew a red attack was coming, knew they could not survive another stronger attack, YET HILLARY REFUSED TO ORDER THEM OUT....
- After 2 attacks already OVER THE F* Ing VIDEO, why didn't Stephens ask the State Department to pull the video, arrest the video-maker, and issue an apology?


Do I think the Govt is obligated to tell the world everything?

I did not expect Hillary and Obama to admit they were running weapons out of Benghazi to terrorists in Syria.

I did not expect Hillary and Obama, however, to be stupid enough to think they could HIDE the fact that 22 terrorist attacks happened at the same time on 9/11/12 - attacks they knew had been called for months previously in celebration of the slaughter of 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01....and left them there to die after w attacks on the compound and the knowledge they could not surbive a 3rd attack...

I did not expect Hillary and Barry to LIE to the American people by telling them 'extremistd' ONLY IN BENGHAZI were so pissed over a video back in the US that they stormed the US Compound with heavy weapon and RPGs...that had already been attacked twice before...in 'protest'.

I did not expect the President of the United States to blame a filmmaker for initiating the 'protest' and for him and the Secretary of State to tell the grieving family members they would make the FILMMAKER pay for the deaths of their loved ones.

There are so many holes in Barry's & Hillary's BS you continue to parrot, as you desperately try to defend / justify their leaving Americans to die, their knowing this MIDDLE EAST-WIDE ATTACK were coming yet doing almost nothing to keep Americans safe....right up to the 22-simultaneous terrorist attacks on 0/11/12 happened, just like they knew it would.

All Barry and Hillary had to do was to tell the American people that 4 Americans died in Libya due to a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11...and everythi g would have been fine...except Barry had declared the war on terror was over.

He and Hillary could not pull them out because;
- There was no threat - the war on terror was over
- They are running weapons to terrorists out of Benghazi...

And you are despicable liar who can't even safely, with common sense walk through the lies told and can't see for yourself where things don't add up....you just continue to parrot those lies...

...because Hillary and Barry just could NOT gave made any mistake that caused Americans there lives...


While we're living in the past, can we also take a moment to be all nostalgic about the Crusades. Good times.
12 investigations for 4 dead
Two? for ronnies 250 dead Beirut marines?

Not just for 4 dead Americans....
For the complete and utter failure at every level of the Secretary of State to do her job, to protect Americans abroad, because she lied her ass off, as e-mails and testimony proved, because she and the President initially lied about it being the result of a PROTEST over some video - for which they promised the families of the dead and America they would arrest him and hold him accountable for exercising his Constitutional right in America......

One things snowflakes - especially the lying weasels - keep repeating over and over is that Hillary was never indicted or convicted as a result of the Benghazi hearings......


Liar. The only thing they got wrong was there was no initial protest as alleged, that the extremist who came to the consulate with heavy weapons joined in and/or used for cover. Furthermore nearly every public statement from the administration came with the conditional statement about the investigation and that it will determine what really happened.

Stephens made the decision not only to go to Benghazi but also to stay at the Consulate Building instead of the more secure CIA Annex.

Has Trumpybear shared his so-called Intel with any members of Congress yet?
Bwuhahahaha....sorry This has been debunked.
- The Diplomat in Tripoli called within minutes of the attack to declare this was a terrorist attack.
- The very 1st 'protestors' showed up with RPGs...
- Hillary told the Turkish Ambassador 'We KNOW this was a terrorist attack, not a protest'....she told her daughter the same think.
- 22 Embassies and compounds were attacked simultaneously across the ME, as we knew was going to happen - Benghazi was the only one really reported because it was the only attack in which any Americans lost their lives....at no time did Hillary of Barry declare any of the other 21 attacks were the result of the same 'protest over a video'. ONLY the attack in Benghazi was explained away initially as a 'protest'.

Bwuhahahaha....you continue to lie / echo the lies your puppet masters have fed you.

That's why they were called extremist who came with heavy weapons. Furthermore you think the Government is obligated to tell the world everything we know at any given time? The real scandal was the way the Republican candidate attacked the president for political gain while the attack on Americans was still ongoing. Attacking the President instead of following the example set in 2001 when all of Congress rallied behind the CIC when we were attacked. It was just a sign of how far the GOP politics of hatred had come.
Hilarious - they Were in the middle of 'Al Qaeda Central' - Al Qaeda flags flying from local govt buildings, hundreds of Al Qaeda gathering reported, 'more' Al Qaeda terrorist training camps opening up...and you still refuse to call THE TERRORISTS - you want to claim a bunch of RPG-carrying 'EXTREMISTS' pissed off about a little-known video call in the US rushed out to 'protest' that video by at ya king the compound.

So I guess you expect people to believe the MOTONOC LIE / IDEA that the FIRST TWO PREVIOUS TERROTIST attacks on the compound - the last one leaving a 4-foot hole in the compound wall - were WHAT? NOT attacks checking out the defenses of the compound but instead earlier smaller attacks over the same video?

Stephens warning that if they did not ha e more security BEFORE THE 3RD ATTACK THEY KNEW ERE COMING ON 8/11/12 they would die - they knew a red attack was coming, knew they could not survive another stronger attack, YET HILLARY REFUSED TO ORDER THEM OUT....
- After 2 attacks already OVER THE F* Ing VIDEO, why didn't Stephens ask the State Department to pull the video, arrest the video-maker, and issue an apology?


Do I think the Govt is obligated to tell the world everything?

I did not expect Hillary and Obama to admit they were running weapons out of Benghazi to terrorists in Syria.

I did not expect Hillary and Obama, however, to be stupid enough to think they could HIDE the fact that 22 terrorist attacks happened at the same time on 9/11/12 - attacks they knew had been called for months previously in celebration of the slaughter of 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01....and left them there to die after w attacks on the compound and the knowledge they could not surbive a 3rd attack...

I did not expect Hillary and Barry to LIE to the American people by telling them 'extremistd' ONLY IN BENGHAZI were so pissed over a video back in the US that they stormed the US Compound with heavy weapon and RPGs...that had already been attacked twice before...in 'protest'.

I did not expect the President of the United States to blame a filmmaker for initiating the 'protest' and for him and the Secretary of State to tell the grieving family members they would make the FILMMAKER pay for the deaths of their loved ones.

There are so many holes in Barry's & Hillary's BS you continue to parrot, as you desperately try to defend / justify their leaving Americans to die, their knowing this MIDDLE EAST-WIDE ATTACK were coming yet doing almost nothing to keep Americans safe....right up to the 22-simultaneous terrorist attacks on 0/11/12 happened, just like they knew it would.

All Barry and Hillary had to do was to tell the American people that 4 Americans died in Libya due to a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11...and everythi g would have been fine...except Barry had declared the war on terror was over.

He and Hillary could not pull them out because;
- There was no threat - the war on terror was over
- They are running weapons to terrorists out of Benghazi...

And you are despicable liar who can't even safely, with common sense walk through the lies told and can't see for yourself where things don't add up....you just continue to parrot those lies...

...because Hillary and Barry just could NOT gave made any mistake that caused Americans there lives...


Barry? Say no more
Is this how you spend your tiny life?
Btw it's "their" not "there"
Trump u?
Hey maybe Trumpybear could shoot down another Iranian civilian airliner like we did in 88. That'll show those Iranians who's the boss.
Bwuhahahaha..... SERIOUSLY? You had to go back 31 years to find something to use to falsely accuse / insinuate something about the President?!


Your pathetic attempt to use that incident to attack Trump - an event in which 290 people lost their life - is both shameless and proves you know nothing about what happened.

Iran and Iraq were in the middle of a war.
The United States had a Navy Missile Defense Cruiser positioned strategically in position to defend US assets from 'accidental' targeting / strikes
Iranian Air flight 655 took off in a heading straight toward the Navy Cruiser, NOT within its standard flight route.
The USN ship attempted to call the Iranians numerous times to get info and warn them off - they would NOT be allowed to fly over the ship
There was no response by the Iranians
Although the plane had taken off, on its direct heading towards the USN ship it began to descend
The pilot did not respond to Guard Calls
In the end, U.S. officials concluded that it was “a tragic and regrettable accident.”
$61.8 million to the victims’ families

I will admit that it was heinous that in 1990 the USN awarded the captain of the ship the Legion of Merit for his “outstanding service” during operations in the Persian Gulf. How they justified giving him this award and how he justified accepting it is beyond me.

Attempting to use this tragedy to insult / attack the President, however, was pretty damn low, too.

Iran Air flight 655 | Background, Events, Investigation, & Facts

The Iranian belief that the passenger plane was attacked on purpose was reinforced when the U.S. government made a series of inaccurate claims. One claim was that the plane was not on a normal flight path but was diving toward the ship; the truth is that the plane was climbing, and was on its correct path. Another was that the plane’s identification transponder was not working or had been altered; the truth is that the plane had actually been emitting, by radio, the standard commercial identifying data.

Months before the plane was shot down, air traffic controllers and the crews of other warships in the Persian Gulf had been warning that poorly trained U.S. crews, especially the gung-ho captain and crew of the Vincennes (or “Robocruiser,” as other crews had nicknamed it), were constantly misidentifying civilian aircraft over the Persian Gulf, making this horrific incident entirely predictable.

An Apology for a Different Plane Crash, 30 Years Later

But you have no problem denigrated a president and half the country with lies and falsehoods. Like this thread.
How many women did the con grope again?
12 investigations for 4 dead
Two? for ronnies 250 dead Beirut marines?

Not just for 4 dead Americans....
For the complete and utter failure at every level of the Secretary of State to do her job, to protect Americans abroad, because she lied her ass off, as e-mails and testimony proved, because she and the President initially lied about it being the result of a PROTEST over some video - for which they promised the families of the dead and America they would arrest him and hold him accountable for exercising his Constitutional right in America......

One things snowflakes - especially the lying weasels - keep repeating over and over is that Hillary was never indicted or convicted as a result of the Benghazi hearings......


Liar. The only thing they got wrong was there was no initial protest as alleged, that the extremist who came to the consulate with heavy weapons joined in and/or used for cover. Furthermore nearly every public statement from the administration came with the conditional statement about the investigation and that it will determine what really happened.

Stephens made the decision not only to go to Benghazi but also to stay at the Consulate Building instead of the more secure CIA Annex.

Has Trumpybear shared his so-called Intel with any members of Congress yet?
Bwuhahahaha....sorry This has been debunked.
- The Diplomat in Tripoli called within minutes of the attack to declare this was a terrorist attack.
- The very 1st 'protestors' showed up with RPGs...
- Hillary told the Turkish Ambassador 'We KNOW this was a terrorist attack, not a protest'....she told her daughter the same think.
- 22 Embassies and compounds were attacked simultaneously across the ME, as we knew was going to happen - Benghazi was the only one really reported because it was the only attack in which any Americans lost their lives....at no time did Hillary of Barry declare any of the other 21 attacks were the result of the same 'protest over a video'. ONLY the attack in Benghazi was explained away initially as a 'protest'.

Bwuhahahaha....you continue to lie / echo the lies your puppet masters have fed you.
No problem with ronnies 250 dead Beirut marines baby boy?
Hey maybe Trumpybear could shoot down another Iranian civilian airliner like we did in 88. That'll show those Iranians who's the boss.
Bwuhahahaha..... SERIOUSLY? You had to go back 31 years to find something to use to falsely accuse / insinuate something about the President?!


Your pathetic attempt to use that incident to attack Trump - an event in which 290 people lost their life - is both shameless and proves you know nothing about what happened.

Iran and Iraq were in the middle of a war.
The United States had a Navy Missile Defense Cruiser positioned strategically in position to defend US assets from 'accidental' targeting / strikes
Iranian Air flight 655 took off in a heading straight toward the Navy Cruiser, NOT within its standard flight route.
The USN ship attempted to call the Iranians numerous times to get info and warn them off - they would NOT be allowed to fly over the ship
There was no response by the Iranians
Although the plane had taken off, on its direct heading towards the USN ship it began to descend
The pilot did not respond to Guard Calls
In the end, U.S. officials concluded that it was “a tragic and regrettable accident.”
$61.8 million to the victims’ families

I will admit that it was heinous that in 1990 the USN awarded the captain of the ship the Legion of Merit for his “outstanding service” during operations in the Persian Gulf. How they justified giving him this award and how he justified accepting it is beyond me.

Attempting to use this tragedy to insult / attack the President, however, was pretty damn low, too.

Iran Air flight 655 | Background, Events, Investigation, & Facts

The Iranian belief that the passenger plane was attacked on purpose was reinforced when the U.S. government made a series of inaccurate claims. One claim was that the plane was not on a normal flight path but was diving toward the ship; the truth is that the plane was climbing, and was on its correct path. Another was that the plane’s identification transponder was not working or had been altered; the truth is that the plane had actually been emitting, by radio, the standard commercial identifying data.

Months before the plane was shot down, air traffic controllers and the crews of other warships in the Persian Gulf had been warning that poorly trained U.S. crews, especially the gung-ho captain and crew of the Vincennes (or “Robocruiser,” as other crews had nicknamed it), were constantly misidentifying civilian aircraft over the Persian Gulf, making this horrific incident entirely predictable.

An Apology for a Different Plane Crash, 30 Years Later

But you have no problem denigrated a president and half the country with lies and falsehoods. Like this thread.
I thought living in the past with vince Foster stories was the point of our old white rube forum?
Hey maybe Trumpybear could shoot down another Iranian civilian airliner like we did in 88. That'll show those Iranians who's the boss.
Bwuhahahaha..... SERIOUSLY? You had to go back 31 years to find something to use to falsely accuse / insinuate something about the President?!


Your pathetic attempt to use that incident to attack Trump - an event in which 290 people lost their life - is both shameless and proves you know nothing about what happened.

Iran and Iraq were in the middle of a war.
The United States had a Navy Missile Defense Cruiser positioned strategically in position to defend US assets from 'accidental' targeting / strikes
Iranian Air flight 655 took off in a heading straight toward the Navy Cruiser, NOT within its standard flight route.
The USN ship attempted to call the Iranians numerous times to get info and warn them off - they would NOT be allowed to fly over the ship
There was no response by the Iranians
Although the plane had taken off, on its direct heading towards the USN ship it began to descend
The pilot did not respond to Guard Calls
In the end, U.S. officials concluded that it was “a tragic and regrettable accident.”
$61.8 million to the victims’ families

I will admit that it was heinous that in 1990 the USN awarded the captain of the ship the Legion of Merit for his “outstanding service” during operations in the Persian Gulf. How they justified giving him this award and how he justified accepting it is beyond me.

Attempting to use this tragedy to insult / attack the President, however, was pretty damn low, too.

Iran Air flight 655 | Background, Events, Investigation, & Facts

The Iranian belief that the passenger plane was attacked on purpose was reinforced when the U.S. government made a series of inaccurate claims. One claim was that the plane was not on a normal flight path but was diving toward the ship; the truth is that the plane was climbing, and was on its correct path. Another was that the plane’s identification transponder was not working or had been altered; the truth is that the plane had actually been emitting, by radio, the standard commercial identifying data.

Months before the plane was shot down, air traffic controllers and the crews of other warships in the Persian Gulf had been warning that poorly trained U.S. crews, especially the gung-ho captain and crew of the Vincennes (or “Robocruiser,” as other crews had nicknamed it), were constantly misidentifying civilian aircraft over the Persian Gulf, making this horrific incident entirely predictable.

An Apology for a Different Plane Crash, 30 Years Later

But you have no problem denigrated a president and half the country with lies and falsehoods. Like this thread.

Was our installing the shah a falsehood?
Iran 2000 yrs old one war?
USA 300 yrs old 270 wars?
I love our Pres.
Now I can drag my wife by the hair before raping her, lustaftermy daughter, peek into teens dressing rooms?
The commies say he didn't but I love him.
Terrific role model
Ps 50mm out of 350mm voted for my hero. 1/2?
12 investigations for 4 dead
Two? for ronnies 250 dead Beirut marines?

Not just for 4 dead Americans....
For the complete and utter failure at every level of the Secretary of State to do her job, to protect Americans abroad, because she lied her ass off, as e-mails and testimony proved, because she and the President initially lied about it being the result of a PROTEST over some video - for which they promised the families of the dead and America they would arrest him and hold him accountable for exercising his Constitutional right in America......

One things snowflakes - especially the lying weasels - keep repeating over and over is that Hillary was never indicted or convicted as a result of the Benghazi hearings......


Liar. The only thing they got wrong was there was no initial protest as alleged, that the extremist who came to the consulate with heavy weapons joined in and/or used for cover. Furthermore nearly every public statement from the administration came with the conditional statement about the investigation and that it will determine what really happened.

Stephens made the decision not only to go to Benghazi but also to stay at the Consulate Building instead of the more secure CIA Annex.

Has Trumpybear shared his so-called Intel with any members of Congress yet?
Bwuhahahaha....sorry This has been debunked.
- The Diplomat in Tripoli called within minutes of the attack to declare this was a terrorist attack.
- The very 1st 'protestors' showed up with RPGs...
- Hillary told the Turkish Ambassador 'We KNOW this was a terrorist attack, not a protest'....she told her daughter the same think.
- 22 Embassies and compounds were attacked simultaneously across the ME, as we knew was going to happen - Benghazi was the only one really reported because it was the only attack in which any Americans lost their lives....at no time did Hillary of Barry declare any of the other 21 attacks were the result of the same 'protest over a video'. ONLY the attack in Benghazi was explained away initially as a 'protest'.

Bwuhahahaha....you continue to lie / echo the lies your puppet masters have fed you.

That's why they were called extremist who came with heavy weapons. Furthermore you think the Government is obligated to tell the world everything we know at any given time? The real scandal was the way the Republican candidate attacked the president for political gain while the attack on Americans was still ongoing. Attacking the President instead of following the example set in 2001 when all of Congress rallied behind the CIC when we were attacked. It was just a sign of how far the GOP politics of hatred had come.
Hilarious - they Were in the middle of 'Al Qaeda Central' - Al Qaeda flags flying from local govt buildings, hundreds of Al Qaeda gathering reported, 'more' Al Qaeda terrorist training camps opening up...and you still refuse to call THE TERRORISTS - you want to claim a bunch of RPG-carrying 'EXTREMISTS' pissed off about a little-known video call in the US rushed out to 'protest' that video by at ya king the compound.

So I guess you expect people to believe the MOTONOC LIE / IDEA that the FIRST TWO PREVIOUS TERROTIST attacks on the compound - the last one leaving a 4-foot hole in the compound wall - were WHAT? NOT attacks checking out the defenses of the compound but instead earlier smaller attacks over the same video?

Stephens warning that if they did not ha e more security BEFORE THE 3RD ATTACK THEY KNEW ERE COMING ON 8/11/12 they would die - they knew a red attack was coming, knew they could not survive another stronger attack, YET HILLARY REFUSED TO ORDER THEM OUT....
- After 2 attacks already OVER THE F* Ing VIDEO, why didn't Stephens ask the State Department to pull the video, arrest the video-maker, and issue an apology?


Do I think the Govt is obligated to tell the world everything?

I did not expect Hillary and Obama to admit they were running weapons out of Benghazi to terrorists in Syria.

I did not expect Hillary and Obama, however, to be stupid enough to think they could HIDE the fact that 22 terrorist attacks happened at the same time on 9/11/12 - attacks they knew had been called for months previously in celebration of the slaughter of 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01....and left them there to die after w attacks on the compound and the knowledge they could not surbive a 3rd attack...

I did not expect Hillary and Barry to LIE to the American people by telling them 'extremistd' ONLY IN BENGHAZI were so pissed over a video back in the US that they stormed the US Compound with heavy weapon and RPGs...that had already been attacked twice before...in 'protest'.

I did not expect the President of the United States to blame a filmmaker for initiating the 'protest' and for him and the Secretary of State to tell the grieving family members they would make the FILMMAKER pay for the deaths of their loved ones.

There are so many holes in Barry's & Hillary's BS you continue to parrot, as you desperately try to defend / justify their leaving Americans to die, their knowing this MIDDLE EAST-WIDE ATTACK were coming yet doing almost nothing to keep Americans safe....right up to the 22-simultaneous terrorist attacks on 0/11/12 happened, just like they knew it would.

All Barry and Hillary had to do was to tell the American people that 4 Americans died in Libya due to a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11...and everythi g would have been fine...except Barry had declared the war on terror was over.

He and Hillary could not pull them out because;
- There was no threat - the war on terror was over
- They are running weapons to terrorists out of Benghazi...

And you are despicable liar who can't even safely, with common sense walk through the lies told and can't see for yourself where things don't add up....you just continue to parrot those lies...

...because Hillary and Barry just could NOT gave made any mistake that caused Americans there lives...


Wow, you don't expect a lot of things!
Amusing how you pick pieces to fit your made up tiny trump u mind.
War isover?
Why don't you quote the whole thing?
THE "GLOBAL WAR ON Terror" is over, President Barack Obama announced Thursday, saying the military and intelligence agencies will not wage war against a tactic but will instead focus on a specific group of networks determined to destroy the U.S.

This shift in rhetoric accompanies new or updated efforts to defeat al-Qaida and its affiliates, the president said in a speech at the National Defense University within Washington, DC's Fort McNair. Al-Qaida in Pakistan and Afghanistan is on a "path to defeat," he said, so the U.S. must focus instead on al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula -- "the most active" in plotting against the U.S. -- homegrown violent extremism and unrest in the Arab world that leads to attacks like the assault on the Benghazi diplomatic post.
Hope this helps.
Btw how are your commie benefits doing? . I presume you are a bitter old white fart who has nothing better to do?
12 investigations for 4 dead
Two? for ronnies 250 dead Beirut marines?

Not just for 4 dead Americans....
For the complete and utter failure at every level of the Secretary of State to do her job, to protect Americans abroad, because she lied her ass off, as e-mails and testimony proved, because she and the President initially lied about it being the result of a PROTEST over some video - for which they promised the families of the dead and America they would arrest him and hold him accountable for exercising his Constitutional right in America......

One things snowflakes - especially the lying weasels - keep repeating over and over is that Hillary was never indicted or convicted as a result of the Benghazi hearings......


Liar. The only thing they got wrong was there was no initial protest as alleged, that the extremist who came to the consulate with heavy weapons joined in and/or used for cover. Furthermore nearly every public statement from the administration came with the conditional statement about the investigation and that it will determine what really happened.

Stephens made the decision not only to go to Benghazi but also to stay at the Consulate Building instead of the more secure CIA Annex.

Has Trumpybear shared his so-called Intel with any members of Congress yet?
Bwuhahahaha....sorry This has been debunked.
- The Diplomat in Tripoli called within minutes of the attack to declare this was a terrorist attack.
- The very 1st 'protestors' showed up with RPGs...
- Hillary told the Turkish Ambassador 'We KNOW this was a terrorist attack, not a protest'....she told her daughter the same think.
- 22 Embassies and compounds were attacked simultaneously across the ME, as we knew was going to happen - Benghazi was the only one really reported because it was the only attack in which any Americans lost their lives....at no time did Hillary of Barry declare any of the other 21 attacks were the result of the same 'protest over a video'. ONLY the attack in Benghazi was explained away initially as a 'protest'.

Bwuhahahaha....you continue to lie / echo the lies your puppet masters have fed you.
How do you argue with a baby's made up mind?
Now imagine if .....

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out when every other nation pulled their people out, 4 Americans would still be alive.

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out after the 1st terrorist attack on the compound, 4 Americans would still be alive.

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out after the 2nd terrorist attack on the compound, 4 Americans would still be alive.
They had been ordered out. Went back anyways.

That is an out and out lie! Shame on you! The blame for the four deaths lies at the feet of the terrorists who killed them and the Obama Administration who failed to protect them.
Republicans blocked funding for increasing security at embassies, Stevens was told it was dangerous to go and went anyways, and you inbred pieces of shit have spent years trying to abdicate the terrorists of their crimes in order to damage somebody's political campaign. Go fuck yourself.
Obama didn't do right with that; he did all he could to keep us from realizing his war on terror wasn't going as well as he hoped. Not just in Benghazi but about ISIS as well. That wasn't right but that's politics. No one is perfect, not even Obama.
Bull crap. That was the lie spread. Maybe just for 9nce don’t believe what your tabloids feed you and read the actual emails and the final report.

Mike Pompeo said Iran-backed militias moved rockets near American bases in Iraq
You don’t think you will be called out for your outright lies? You are. That is a lie. In fact they discussed how they wanted it to look like things were under control there.
Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out when every other nation pulled their people out, 4 Americans would still be alive.

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out after the 1st terrorist attack on the compound, 4 Americans would still be alive.

Had Hillary and Obama ordered everyone out after the 2nd terrorist attack on the compound, 4 Americans would still be alive.
They had been ordered out. Went back anyways.
He was told the dangers and went anyways. Maybe if republicans hadn't spitefully blocked security funding for embassies things would have turned out different.

Trump ordering people out of Iraq is a ploy, anyways. The Iraqi government and our allies have all said there are no increased threats to our people there. Bolton wants war, Trump wants to look tough, and bluffing is Trump's favorite strategy.
Fuck you and fuck Mike Pompeo. You're both lying scum who would love to see American soldiers dead.

Of course, EVERYONE who disagrees with you is a "liar".

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