What a real border crisis looks like, in a chart

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
If there's any question about a border crisis hitting the United States, take a look at this recent chart from the Customs and Border Protection agency. The latest line is the red line:


The figures show a border out of control, and absolutely no resources deployed to maintain any control over the border. The Border Patrol calls it, quite rightly, "an emergency." The lawmen can't house that many unvetted people looking for 'free' government services, and they're coming in huge waves now, fattening the cartels and allowing them to transport drugs as lawmen babysit moms-and-kids among the migrant waves, so catch-and-release is about all that can be done.

They've been calling it a crisis for months now, and there has been intelligence about a huge wave in the making. The Border Patrol, three months ago, projected a million migrants planning to enter the U.S. illegally, and a Gallup poll showed that five million Latin Americans plan to come here one way or another this year (with 42 million intending to come in total.) The presence of unvetted people from well beyond Latin America, such as the 153 apprehended from Africa in just one mass crossing, suggests that everything that's been predicted is coming true.

Incredibly, President Trump has been denied resources to halt the crisis by the Democrats in Congress, by leftist judges who block his every move at the request of unelected activists, and even by Deep State seeking to sabotage his efforts from within. This tweet pretty well sums up what's going on:

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

What’s the problem? No problem there say the DemonRATS ,just buy more diapers,get more busses to bring them to the demoNRATS vote centers in Texas,Florida,Ohio,Michigan,North Carolina.That should do it!
Over a million just since the first of the year. We have imported a nationwide crime wave that we have never seen before. Make sure all your guns are loaded.
Chancy and the DemWitted loons said there is no crisis, witheld funding, shut the GOVT down. This is what they want to happen to make President Trump look bad and gain votes. Commee posters here also said no crisis. Obama put ads (tax dollars paid) in newspapers down yonder to explain the process to storm the border. The beat goes on.
If there's any question about a border crisis hitting the United States, take a look at this recent chart from the Customs and Border Protection agency. The latest line is the red line:


The figures show a border out of control, and absolutely no resources deployed to maintain any control over the border. The Border Patrol calls it, quite rightly, "an emergency." The lawmen can't house that many unvetted people looking for 'free' government services, and they're coming in huge waves now, fattening the cartels and allowing them to transport drugs as lawmen babysit moms-and-kids among the migrant waves, so catch-and-release is about all that can be done.

They've been calling it a crisis for months now, and there has been intelligence about a huge wave in the making. The Border Patrol, three months ago, projected a million migrants planning to enter the U.S. illegally, and a Gallup poll showed that five million Latin Americans plan to come here one way or another this year (with 42 million intending to come in total.) The presence of unvetted people from well beyond Latin America, such as the 153 apprehended from Africa in just one mass crossing, suggests that everything that's been predicted is coming true.

Incredibly, President Trump has been denied resources to halt the crisis by the Democrats in Congress, by leftist judges who block his every move at the request of unelected activists, and even by Deep State seeking to sabotage his efforts from within. This tweet pretty well sums up what's going on:

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

What’s the problem? No problem there say the DemonRATS ,just buy more diapers,get more busses to bring them to the demoNRATS vote centers in Texas,Florida,Ohio,Michigan,North Carolina.That should do it!

they got 150 thousand
how many more didnt they grab or how many didnt line up claiming asylum and and asking where and when can they get their food stamp card issued
Squatemalan orc invasion.


Think about it....allllll they have to do is shit out one egg in the US and they are ours for life.

Our country is F-U-C-K-E-D
If there's any question about a border crisis hitting the United States, take a look at this recent chart from the Customs and Border Protection agency. The latest line is the red line:


The figures show a border out of control, and absolutely no resources deployed to maintain any control over the border. The Border Patrol calls it, quite rightly, "an emergency." The lawmen can't house that many unvetted people looking for 'free' government services, and they're coming in huge waves now, fattening the cartels and allowing them to transport drugs as lawmen babysit moms-and-kids among the migrant waves, so catch-and-release is about all that can be done.

They've been calling it a crisis for months now, and there has been intelligence about a huge wave in the making. The Border Patrol, three months ago, projected a million migrants planning to enter the U.S. illegally, and a Gallup poll showed that five million Latin Americans plan to come here one way or another this year (with 42 million intending to come in total.) The presence of unvetted people from well beyond Latin America, such as the 153 apprehended from Africa in just one mass crossing, suggests that everything that's been predicted is coming true.

Incredibly, President Trump has been denied resources to halt the crisis by the Democrats in Congress, by leftist judges who block his every move at the request of unelected activists, and even by Deep State seeking to sabotage his efforts from within. This tweet pretty well sums up what's going on:

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

What’s the problem? No problem there say the DemonRATS ,just buy more diapers,get more busses to bring them to the demoNRATS vote centers in Texas,Florida,Ohio,Michigan,North Carolina.That should do it!
Damn right their coming, crops are failing, gang violence continues to increase, Trump is cutting foreign aid, and much to the delight of Pueblo Sin Fronteras, the largest caravan organizer, Trump has convinced all of Central America that now is the time to leave while you can still get into the US before his big beautiful wall is built and before he closes the border.
Will Mexico's efforts be enough to avert the Trump administration's tariff plan?

Armed Mexican government forces stopped a northbound caravan of Central American migrants after it crossed over the country's southern border from Guatemala.

Reuters reported that the group of migrants met a collection of Mexican military personnel, immigration officials, and police after crossing near the town of Metapa in the southern state of Chiapas.

According to the Associated Press, the migrant column began at a border town and was headed to one of the main cities in the region when it encountered government forces who blocked the highway. Most of the migrants in the group complied with orders from immigration officials and got into vans, but some had to be wrestled to the ground, the report said.

The news comes as the short-term future of the trade relationship between the United States and Mexico hinges on the status of talks between Trump administration and Mexican government officials in Washington, D.C., which began the same day as the caravan interception in Chiapas took place.

(Excerpt) Read more at theblaze.com ...
Squatemalan orc invasion.

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Think about it....allllll they have to do is shit out one egg in the US and they are ours for life.

Our country is F-U-C-K-E-D
All Democrats see is more ignorant, needy VOTERS.
Swamp Republicans see cheap labor uneducated democrat voters wont do.

Contrary to tramp they do not vote.

Bullshit. California welcomes illegals, gives them drivers licenses and registers them to vote.
Squatemalan orc invasion.

View attachment 264199 View attachment 264200 View attachment 264201 View attachment 264202

Think about it....allllll they have to do is shit out one egg in the US and they are ours for life.

Our country is F-U-C-K-E-D
All Democrats see is more ignorant, needy VOTERS.
Swamp Republicans see cheap labor uneducated democrat voters wont do.

Contrary to tramp they do not vote.

Bullshit. California welcomes illegals, gives them drivers licenses and registers them to vote.

False Claim of California Registering Noncitizens to Vote - FactCheck.org
And the Dems don't think there is a crisis on the border and we don't need a wall?? The same wall they wanted a few years ago??

You can't cure stupid.
And the Dems don't think there is a crisis on the border and we don't need a wall?? The same wall they wanted a few years ago??

You can't cure stupid.
1. Democrats did not support the building a wall. They supported construction and repair of fencing.
2. You would have the migrant problem at the border with or without fencing because they are coming thru ports of entry to apply for asylum.
Maybe the democrats need to go to these countries and put a planned parenthood on every street corner. Sarcasm
Sounds like a great idea to me, a lot better than cutting aid to people that are going hungry to encourage them to stay put.

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