What a Schiff-head! Rep. Floats Conspiracy Theory Where 'Trump Could Offer Alaska to the Russians'

This clown's desperation is incredible. He will make up the most asinine claims and think people aren't laughing at him.

What a putz. Send him back to his Star Chamber in the basement, lock him in, and throw away the key.

Schiff warns that Trump could sell Alaska to Russia if unchecked

"If abuse of power is not impeachable ... Trump could offer Alaska to the Russians in exchange for support in the next election or decide to move to Mar-a-Lago permanently and let Jared Kushner run the country, delegating to him the decision whether to go to war," Schiff said. "Because those things are not necessarily criminal, this argument would allow that he could not be impeached for such abuses of power. Of course, this would be absurd. More than absurd, it would be dangerous."

Schiff warns that Trump could sell Alaska to Russia if unchecked
He doesn't distinguish between reality and his vivid imagination. He is working from the same M.O. as the impeachment trials in offering his imagination as if it were real and then using that to try to get Trump.

…..and all the while, the regressives just go along with him similarly incapable of distinguishing fantasy from reality.
I swear the level of moron Trumpers consistently reach never ceases to amaze....

"At least one individual involved in President Donald Trump’s defense thinks he can’t be impeached—even if he were to intentionally allow foreign armies to conquer and steal U.S. territory? The shocking claim was first made by Alan Dershowitz in his recent book, "The Case Against Impeaching Trump"

'Assume Putin decides to retake Alaska, the way he retook Crimea -- Assume further that a president lets him do it because he believed Russia had a legitimate claim to its original territory. That would be terrible, but would it be impeachable? Not under the Constitution"

Dershowitz Argument that Trump Could Let Putin Take Alaska Shows Up in House Brief

This was Dershowitz's actual defense against impeachment and you dic suckers didn't say a word...so when Schiff uses Dershowitz own defense against him -- you dumb asses think its a conspiracy...
You should google the word conspiracy you moron.....

You will find you have it confused with hypothetical....
Hello Mr Schiff, its about time you joined the party.
Refute one single thing that was said or shut the fuk up
You should google the word conspiracy you moron.....

You will find you have it confused with hypothetical....
Hello Mr Schiff, its about time you joined the party.
Refute one single thing that was said or shut the fuk up
Is it true you had no friends in High school?
His whole closing statement was like that.

'Trump asked Russia to hack Hillarys hard drive, and they did it immediately'.

The didn't hack Hillary, they hacked the DNC,
and I SERIOUSLY doubt they did it for him.
I seriously wonder if they even did it at all.
His whole closing statement was like that.

'Trump asked Russia to hack Hillarys hard drive, and they did it immediately'.

The didn't hack Hillary, they hacked the DNC,
and I SERIOUSLY doubt they did it for him.
Hillary's hard drive was out of commission for years prior to Trump making that joke.
I swear the level of moron Trumpers consistently reach never ceases to amaze....

"At least one individual involved in President Donald Trump’s defense thinks he can’t be impeached—even if he were to intentionally allow foreign armies to conquer and steal U.S. territory? The shocking claim was first made by Alan Dershowitz in his recent book, "The Case Against Impeaching Trump"

'Assume Putin decides to retake Alaska, the way he retook Crimea -- Assume further that a president lets him do it because he believed Russia had a legitimate claim to its original territory. That would be terrible, but would it be impeachable? Not under the Constitution"

Dershowitz Argument that Trump Could Let Putin Take Alaska Shows Up in House Brief

This was Dershowitz's actual defense against impeachment and you dic suckers didn't say a word...so when Schiff uses Dershowitz own defense against him -- you dumb asses think its a conspiracy...
I don't recall that argument being made during the trial. Gotta link?
This can't be described as anything other than a total melt-down!

Schiff MUST be facing life in prison or worse...I can't imagine anything else being able to drive a person to such insanity.

The guy has lost his mind...and he clearly can't see it or he wouldn't have said it on national TV.
His whole closing statement was like that.

'Trump asked Russia to hack Hillarys hard drive, and they did it immediately'.

The didn't hack Hillary, they hacked the DNC,
and I SERIOUSLY doubt they did it for him.

Just think. People actually elected that dumbass to Congress.

Oh and where is that evidence he said he had?? You know. Evidence that Trump colluded with Russia??

Anyone seen it??

Guys a moron.
His whole closing statement was like that.

'Trump asked Russia to hack Hillarys hard drive, and they did it immediately'.

Follow this logic.

Trump was talking about hillarys DELETED emails at the time.
So hillary had already DELETED those emails.
So hillary couldn't have gotten those DELETED emails herself because they had already been DELETED.

So what good would it be if russia hacked into her server? They couldn't get the DELETED emails because they had already been DELETED!

Yet the dem's still insist that's what Trump was trying to do.
His whole closing statement was like that.

'Trump asked Russia to hack Hillarys hard drive, and they did it immediately'.

The didn't hack Hillary, they hacked the DNC,
and I SERIOUSLY doubt they did it for him.

Literally no evidence that anyone hacked the DNC server.

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