What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like

We have had other threads like this in the past, however, never before do I think that this now is a possibility....Right now, the left is trying harder than ever to keep Trump off the ballot....So, deep is this desire that they are throwing caution to the wind, and openly showing their fascist side....It really seems like there is nothing we can agree on anymore...

So, what I am seeing is that we have a clear crossroads to deal with....Put Trump back in and the left will explode with their intent on destroying this nation, keep him from running, and the right will see this as the last nail in the coffin of freedom...So, my question to the board, is what do you think the spark will be?

Fuck your moronic crap.
Anyone not in the cult knows what time it is and your clock is broken.
Most on the Left are clueless when it comes to making things or growing food.
They exist as consumers mostly, and parasites of the economy and society mainly.
Between their ignorance and stupidity they think that a violent insurrection can occur yet the grocery stores and fast food joints will remain open and stocked.
The Left fails to realize that their insurrection of Summer of 2020 lasted as long as it did due to patience and tolerance of the Right. Which was close to exhaustion when the Leftist students and teachers quit to return to school.
Precisely, the RIGHT CREATES ,,,the LEFT CONSUMES. The violent Democrat riots of 2020 served to enrage the undecided voters to attack TRUMP. The low hanging fruit on the left thought the riots were Trumps fault.
It isnt a mistake that the CIVIL WAR movie is coming out in spring 2024. This movie will serve to implant the idea of a Civil War into the peoples minds.
Nah, the north had a history of white and Black slaves also.
The war was over the south wanting to trade with England instead of the north.

Nah, I agree that the North didn't necessarily want to ban slavery outright - at least not right away. So in that sense, it wasn't about ending slavery immediately.

The North (Linlcon, Republicans, etc) believed if they could prevent slavery's expansion, it would gradually die out b/c their agrarian economy would grow slowly compared to the North's industrial/mercantile economy, which would bring in more people and give it a huge population advantage.

But that advantage wouldn't be there if slavery could expand west because the South could keep adding new states, new senators, new representatives, and keep up with the North that way.

So it really was about slavery after all, it just wasn't about ending slavery right away. The North wanted to end slavery in 1890 or 1900, not 1860.
It was one of the contributing issues

It was the contributing issue. Every other contributing issue comes back to the slavery question. The Southern economy and the whole of Southern society were established on the foundation of a slave-based economy and slave-based aristocracy.
No civil war, just several bus loads of extreme Left and Right nutters who want to fight it out. Drop them off in the middle of nowhere and let them get it out of their system. 99.999% of the US population will just carry on.

History has always had characters like Trump that sail close to the wind, hence why laws get reviewed and tweaked.
It's all bluster.

Demoquacks are too sissy and Republicans know better

The "spark" will be generously-provided by those on the left, who would like nothing more than to create a divisive atmosphere, to gin up hatred between different classes of people based on racial, political, economic, and ethnic differences among the people. Thus has always been the primary tool which cultural Marxists have used to carry out their quest for "change."

Of course, one could also throw in the classic "victimhood" the left employs as one of their primary tactics. By instigating unrest which ultimately results in violence, the left absolves themselves of any moral responsibility, and graciously gives them the opportunity to claim that we fired the first shot, thereby giving them the full authority to respond by whatever means they deem necessary.

For a historical perspective, look up the "Reichstag Fire", that Hitler used to gain control. It's all about control, you know. He was more of a leftist than history would lead us to believe. In fact, both Hitler, Stalin, and Marx are probably sharing the same fiery cell in Hell right now.

kind of cute to see the people talking daily about a civil war accuse the other side of liking nothing more than to create a divisive atmosphere
sure sure and you need to now say that ANTIFA / BLM are all part of the Vast Right Wing conspiracy while the FBI funded leftist Fascists expand the police state.
Your Village Idiot Biden is building a New SECRET POLICE COMPOUND FOR THE FBI that is bigger than the Pentagon.

Links? Sources? This should be good, loll

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