What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like

But the truth is, that there would be dead republicans as well...A second civil war would destroy America. But, none the less, I think that is where we are headed...
Thats not where we are headed. We are headed for secession. If Texas secedes from the US, other red states will immediately follow and form a coaliton of red states, thereby ending the United States of America.
The demented LEFT are hell-bent on pushing through their neo-Marxist revolution in this country, but they seem to forget that EVERY retarded Marxist revolution in the 20th century REQUIRED MASS-MURDER to come to be, before ultimately FAILING.

Lawfare is where they are now, but if that doesn't work (it won't), then what's next......?

It was the contributing issue. Every other contributing issue comes back to the slavery question. The Southern economy and the whole of Southern society were established on the foundation of a slave-based economy and slave-based aristocracy.
No it doesent

How much tariff to charge on imported goods from England and France has nothing to do with slavery
sure sure and you need to now say that ANTIFA / BLM are all part of the Vast Right Wing conspiracy while the FBI funded leftist Fascists expand the police state.
Your Village Idiot Biden is building a New SECRET POLICE COMPOUND FOR THE FBI that is bigger than the Pentagon.
It's Trump that wants to do that.
All cotton in the South was estimated to be 90% of the regional wealth.

Cotton means slavery, slavery means Civil War.

Mac-7, cotton means slavery, which all leads to the Civil War.
No it doesent

How much tariff to charge on imported goods from England and France has nothing to do with slavery

Looks like someone needs to crack open a history book because slavery was the issue. South Carolina got bent over tariffs a time or two but that is not why all of the Southern states left the Union.
Looks like someone needs to crack open a history book because slavery was the issue. South Carolina got bent over tariffs a time or two but that is not why all of the Southern states left the Union.
It was not the only issue
Nah, the north had a history of white and Black slaves also.
The war was over the south wanting to trade with England instead of the north.

Having a history of it is irrelvant. The abololitionist movement was in the north

The war was over slavery
It was not the only issue

But the most important one by far. Tariffs and so forth were just more salt in the gaping wound, but the future of slavery was the gaping, infected wound. It is correct to point out that the Union didn't necessarily fight to end slavery immediately - they knew that wasn't realistic and they didn't want to piss off the South. They hoped that they could contain the growth of slave-holding territory and thus the growth of their political power by ending slavery's expansion, but the South knew what they would mean in terms of the political balance of power and weren't havin it. And Northern radicals weren't havin that.
But the most important one by far. Tariffs and so forth were just more salt in the gaping wound, but the future of slavery was the gaping, infected wound. It is correct to point out that the Union didn't necessarily fight to end slavery immediately - they knew that wasn't realistic and they didn't want to piss off the South. They hoped that they could contain the growth of slave-holding territory and thus the growth of their political power by ending slavery's expansion, but the South knew what they would mean in terms of the political balance of power and weren't havin it. And Northern radicals weren't havin that.
Slavery was the leading issue for some people but was not the only issue

Libs turn their noses up at the the idea of states rights, but it predated the problem of slavery

People in South Carolina did not want to be told what to do by strangers in Boston or New York

Tariffs, slavery, the gold standard were all pieces of the puzzle

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