What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like

Nothing in the Constitution prohibits the leaving of the Union. A shortsightedness on the founders....

In fact stopping States from leaving clearly violates the whole foundation of our country, consent of the governed. There is no possible way to justify conquering someone and forcing them into a free country
Opposition by either side is fine, that's what a democracy is about.

Your problem is you won't accept that your side lost fairly and squarely.

Because you and your comrades are being driven by your irrational fears, you are driving us into an authoritarian state that will be governed by one side or the other.

You are like the Whigs and Know Nothings and Confederates.
Your problem is the fact that this nation is not a Democracy...
In fact stopping States from leaving clearly violates the whole foundation of our country, consent of the governed. There is no possible way to justify conquering someone and forcing them into a free country
Quit talking and do something you fat fuck.
Why not?

America was at the top of its game

No queers in the ladies dressing rooms, prayer in schools, porn was still a dirty word

Two parent families supported by one man snd a stay at home mom

We had the greatest economy in the world and the highest standard of living

I imagine you are screaming at your monitor with “black people were mistreated!!!” and I must regrettably agree

But that could have been fixed without taking a step backward everywhere else
It would be a hoot if we could hijack Biden's teleprompter. I'd have him saying all sorts of stuff about free markets and low taxes he didn't mean, but he would just keep reading anyway because his mind is so addled at this point

He's a baked potato
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The North went to war simply to tell the South "no".

Defeating Trump, if he runs, is an inevitable "no" to MAGA

The same will happen to MAGA as it did to the South if it keeps up the stupidity.
Thats bold talk

But its only hot air from an internet tough guy
Why not?

America was at the top of its game

No queers in the ladies dressing rooms, prayer in schools, porn was still a dirty word

Two parent families supported by one man snd a stay at home mom

We had the greatest economy in the world and the highest standard of living

I imagine you are screaming at your monitor with “black people were mistreated!!!” and I must regrettably agree

But that could have been fixed without taking a step backward everywhere else
Who are you going to murder dumbass?
It does not matter now.

Trump will be convicted before the National Conventions meet.

Impossible, since the court has denied the speed up that Jack Smith requested.
Using charges to prevent an election is not just illegal, but the most treasonous act imaginable.
And we know none of the charges are remotely valid.
Presidents can give themselves permanent copies of any classified doc they want.
Loan applicants are not allowed make official valuations.
It is impossible for candidates to interfere with any aspect of the election process.
Jean Carroll volunteered to get naked to model lingerie.
It is challenging to predict the exact details of a hypothetical situation like a Second American Civil War, as it depends on numerous complex factors. However, engaging in such speculation can be sensitive and should be approached with caution. That being said, here are a few broad possibilities and considerations:

1. Ideological divide: A significant ideological divide within the country, along political, social, or economic lines, could be a potential catalyst for a second civil war. This divide could intensify due to political polarization, social unrest, or structural inequalities.

2. Armed conflict: If tensions escalate to violence, it could bring about sporadic episodes of armed conflict. This might involve the emergence of paramilitary groups, acts of domestic terrorism, or localized skirmishes.

3. Fragmentation: The country might face the risk of fragmentation, where different regions or states with distinct beliefs or political leanings seek to assert their independence or autonomy. Divisions could align along geographical or cultural lines, leading to the possibility of territorial disputes.

4. Cyberwarfare and information warfare: In the modern era, conflicts are not limited to physical battles. Cyberwarfare and information warfare could play a significant role, with each side utilizing disinformation campaigns, hacking, or efforts to control the narrative.

5. Economic consequences: A civil war would have severe economic consequences, affecting essential services and disrupting supply chains. It could lead to deteriorating living conditions, poverty, and economic downturns.

This is purely speculative, and these possibilities should not be considered as predictions or foregone conclusions. The United States has a long history of resolving political disputes through democratic processes and dialogue. It is crucial to prioritize peaceful and constructive means of resolving conflicts, fostering unity, and embracing shared values and aspirations.
I agree with all but the last one...How do we resolve through democratic process, and dialogue when the sides are unwilling to talk to each other with any respect at all?
Impossible, since the court has denied the speed up that Jack Smith requested.
Using charges to prevent an election is not just illegal, but the most treasonous act imaginable.
And we know none of the charges are remotely valid.
Presidents can give themselves permanent copies of any classified doc they want.
Loan applicants are not allowed make official valuations.
It is impossible for candidates to interfere with any aspect of the election process.
Jean Carroll volunteered to get naked to model lingerie.

It's called due process
The North went to war simply to tell the South "no".

Defeating Trump, if he runs, is an inevitable "no" to MAGA

The same will happen to MAGA as it did to the South if it keeps up the stupidity.

The north going to war was totally illegal.
The states are inherent local autonomy due to the rights of the residents they represent.
The federal government is a totally voluntary organization states joined only when it was to their advantage.
The federal government has no inherent authority since it is not representative of any local residents.
tRumpling please!!

You dipshits ain't gonna do NUTHIN'.

You morons tried an insurrection once and when you got past the wall all you did was shit in the halls and steal stuff. Your guns were on the wrong side of the potomac, your leader got taken from the scene by his protective detail, and the guy who got the most press was a moron wearing cows horns.

You people are useless and incompetent. You freaks couldn't organize a kegger in a brewery or get laid in a whorehouse, so please, spare us your lame assed threats.

Or don't.

We're only laughing at you either way..
Well, I hope I'm wrong, but when reading crap like what you posted here brings dark thoughts...
possibility....Right now, the left is trying harder than ever to keep Trump off the ballot.
Trump's own criminal behavior is now coming back to him to bite him in the ass and render him ineligible to hold office again.

Too bad, so sad.

Trump is really only a symptom of the problem though. The REAL threat to our country is the ignorance out there that allows a cult like MAGAts to exist in the first place.
People this stupid shouldn't have the right to vote.
But here we are.

We need a national purge of these vermin.
MAGAts are poisoning the blood of America with their ignorant, sheeple-like, blind worship of a narcissistic fascist criminal like Trump.

If they haven't figured it out yet, that Trump belongs in prison; not anywhere near The Oval Office, then they are beyond hope.
Nothing short of systematically rounding them all up and exterminating them will purify America's blood again and free us from this invasion.
So, that's what this "civil war" needs to look like after Trump is disqualified from running and finally locked up.
The ignorance that allowed it (him) to come this far needs to be rooted out of society.

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