What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like

Dems control...

High Tech
Social Media
Major League Sports
Popular Culture
Giant Corporations
Higher Education, Colleges and Universities.

Do you earn an income and support a family Saint Invisibleflash from some type of engagement with any of the above?
Orange Man BAD
I want Orange man’s J6 badness proven in a court of law after giving him the same due process of any person who has met a live birth requirement and is under the jurisdiction of the United Staes of America ir sny member state such as Georgia and New York. nf.24.01.04 #706
I want Orange man’s J6 badness proven in a court of law after giving him the same due process of any person who has met a live birth requirement and is under the jurisdiction of the United Staes of America ir sny member state such as Georgia and New York. nf.24.01.04 #706
The FBI said there was no insurrection.
So sorry, better luck next time. :itsok:
NFBW wrote: I never claimed Trump was involved in an organized plot t
The FBI said there was no insurrection
So what. Jack Smith got a grand jury majority to vote to indict on specific charges that are bad enough.

Before Jack Smith, I wrote #254 21.10. 23
to Saint Lantern #253 21.10.23 .

lantern2814 in #253 21.10.23 wrote: Another leftard who needs to be informed that the FBI found NO evidence of an organized plot. No charges or accusations against Trump.

NotfooledbyW in #254 21.10. 23 wrote: I never claimed Trump was involved in an organized plot to commit the violence on Jan6 or had direct involvement with any of the violent criminals that the FBI has arrested thus far.

So what are you talking about here lantern2814 ? I wrote this, The riot happened because DJT lied there was fake ballots and rigged voting machines that stole the election from Trump/Pence. TRUMP’s lie caused the riots. THAT is a fact that needs no investigation. nf.21.10.23 #254
On 21OCT23 NotfooledbyW in #254 INSERTED :

“”” Although the FBI has not found an organized plot or direct involvement by Trump, that doesn't mean that Trump didn't play an important role in instigating the violence.

FBI finds no evidence that Trump and his allies were directly involved with organizing the violence of the Capitol riot: report

The FBI has not found evidence of an "organized plot" to overturn the election, and it hasn't found any evidence that Trump organized the violence.


Earlier this year, the House Representatives impeached Trump on the charge of "incitement of insurrection" after he spent weeks promoting conspiracy theories about the results of the 2020 election. On January 6, Trump gave a speech on The Ellipse where he urged supporters to march on the Capitol.””” nf.21.10.23 #254
So what. Jack Smith got a grand jury majority to vote to induct on specific charges that are bad enough.

Before Jack Smith I wrote #254 21.10. 23
to Saint Lantern #253 21.10.23 .

lantern2814 in #253 21.10.23 wrote: Another leftard who needs to be informed that the FBI found NO evidence of an organized plot. No charges or accusations against Trump.

NotfooledbyW in #254 21.10. 23 wrote: I never claimed Trump was involved in an organized plot to commit the violence on Jan6 or had direct involvement with any of the violent criminals that the FBI has arrested thus far.

So what are you talking about here lantern2814 ? I wrote this, The riot happened because DJT lied there was fake ballots and rigged voting machines that stole the election from Trump/Pence. TRUMP’s lie caused the riots. THAT is a fact that needs no investigation. nf.21.10.23 #254
On 21OCT23 NotfooledbyW in #254 INSERTED :

“”” Although the FBI has not found an organized plot or direct involvement by Trump, that doesn't mean that Trump didn't play an important role in instigating the violence.

FBI finds no evidence that Trump and his allies were directly involved with organizing the violence of the Capitol riot: report

The FBI has not found evidence of an "organized plot" to overturn the election, and it hasn't found any evidence that Trump organized the violence.


Earlier this year, the House of Representatives impeached Trump on the charge of "incitement of insurrection" after he spent weeks promoting conspiracy theories about the results of the 2020 election. On January 6, Trump gave a speech on The Ellipse where he urged supporters to march on the Capitol.””” nf.21.10.23 #254
Stalinists gonna Stalin
So what. Jack Smith got a grand jury majority to vote to indict on specific charges that are bad enough.

Before Jack Smith, I wrote #254 21.10. 23
to Saint Lantern #253 21.10.23 .

lantern2814 in #253 21.10.23 wrote: Another leftard who needs to be informed that the FBI found NO evidence of an organized plot. No charges or accusations against Trump.

NotfooledbyW in #254 21.10. 23 wrote: I never claimed Trump was involved in an organized plot to commit the violence on Jan6 or had direct involvement with any of the violent criminals that the FBI has arrested thus far.

So what are you talking about here lantern2814 ? I wrote this, The riot happened because DJT lied there was fake ballots and rigged voting machines that stole the election from Trump/Pence. TRUMP’s lie caused the riots. THAT is a fact that needs no investigation. nf.21.10.23 #254
On 21OCT23 NotfooledbyW in #254 INSERTED :

“”” Although the FBI has not found an organized plot or direct involvement by Trump, that doesn't mean that Trump didn't play an important role in instigating the violence.

FBI finds no evidence that Trump and his allies were directly involved with organizing the violence of the Capitol riot: report

The FBI has not found evidence of an "organized plot" to overturn the election, and it hasn't found any evidence that Trump organized the violence.


Earlier this year, the House Representatives impeached Trump on the charge of "incitement of insurrection" after he spent weeks promoting conspiracy theories about the results of the 2020 election. On January 6, Trump gave a speech on The Ellipse where he urged supporters to march on the Capitol.””” nf.21.10.23 #254
Jack Smith got some brown shirts to indict trump, big deal!
I was there and experienced such first hand. The first real effort on part of USA enemies to infiltrate the American youth and turn them against our Constitution, Founding Principles, and Nation in general.

Civil Rights might have been a partial essential but the "anti-war" was manifestation of ignorance, stupidity, subversion and insurrection.
But far worse than the summer of 2020. :rolleyes:
So just give up then…Sounds like that’s what you’re promoting…
Accept the status quo. You can't revolt, you have neither the manpower or willingness or supplies or commandcontrolcommunication etc etc etc.

After the J6 riot, LEO hates you. The military will support the government.

Your neighbors will put you down and go back to streaming their favorite 'get the bad guys' show.

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