What a tragedy, Louie Gohmert tests positive.

I'm suspicious of the manufactured sensitivity of the various PCR tests.

When he actually shows symptoms? Then we can say he has it.

Till then, let him just take precautions and wait.

The inventor of the PCR test has even clearly stated that the PCR test was never meant to be a diagnostic tool.
Typical libtard happy someone is sick.

Karma, dipshit

Seeing the irony in the Goobers situation and finding that irony humorous is not quite the same as being happy that he caught the virus. I hope he makes a full recovers and no one in his family gets it either.
This is not how normal people behave?

It is sad really.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he'll be just FINE. MOST ARE. The actual percentage that recover is something like 98.99641%.

It is a FACT that this covid is being POLITICALLY DRIVEN by the DEMOCRATS. They want to milk it for everything they can, they want to keep it going, they want to make is as BAD AS POSSIBLY THEY CAN, because they believe that it will hurt President Trump.

Well, that's their retarded calculation. They have no clue that the vast majority of Americans don't blame the president for JACK SHIT when it comes to this covid scare, and that many, many of the numbers of dead have been GROSSLY LIED about, all to HURT the president.
It's working.

Karens and SJW's across America screaming bloody murder if you dare don't wear a mask or even come anywhere near them.

it is insanity.

And If it prevails...........
I don't know if it's safe for him to have that party.

Will anyone show up?
Sure, a bunch of maskless, MAGA loving nitwits who enjoy playing roulette with their lives and all the lives of the people closest to them.
Biden supporters are lying more than normal today!

Wow ok so you don't believe he has the virus.

Seriously, what is wrong with you?
They don't believe anything unless and until it comes from their universe.

Not kidding.

Mr. Projecting again, I see.
Yep, there he is, right on que... still with the flaming case of TDS.
TDS is when you support trump no matter what.

He has to go. From colluding with russia to the Ukraine to trade wars to his handling of corona.

You had ODS then I guess?
Biden supporters are lying more than normal today!

Wow ok so you don't believe he has the virus.

Seriously, what is wrong with you?
They don't believe anything unless and until it comes from their universe.

Not kidding.

Mr. Projecting again, I see.
Yep, there he is, right on que... still with the flaming case of TDS.
TDS is when you support trump no matter what.

He has to go. From colluding with russia to the Ukraine to trade wars to his handling of corona.

You had ODS then I guess?
No one is more deranged about Trump than a smitten, obedient Trumpster.

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