What about Custody Reform? How many kids will have to die?


Senior Member
May 12, 2004
Just like Airbags in cars, it seems lawmakers put children as 'less-important' than adults.

Here's a story about a guy - get this - with custody problems w/ his kids. Courts today absolutely SHIT on Fathers and go away patting themselves on the back as Poor-old-Dad lives in squander sending 1/4th - to 3/4th of his pay to a woman who WANTS a divorce, yet won't stop leaching.

They say "it's about allowing a woman to maintain her current lifestyle" when feminazis push allimony and child support dollars from men. Well, shit, part of MY lifestyle while married is getting a piece of tail 3 times a week - what about bj-amony?


NONE of my above rant is offered as EXCUSE for what this evil man did - however, I can at least understand what MAY have been his frustration. Sorta like postal workers..

ERRE HAUTE, Ind. -- Police said an Amber Alert issued Tuesday in Indiana has ended tragically.

A man faces a murder charge, accused by police of abducting his two sons, killing one of them and injuring the other following a custody dispute.

They were found early Wednesday morning in Blackhawk, Ind., a few miles southeast of Terre Haute.

The 4-year-old son, Collin Walker, is dead and his 2-year-old brother, Monte Walker, is injured. The boy's father also suffered what police said were self-inflicted knife wounds. Police said the boys were kidnapped by their father at knifepoint.

Police said 32-year-old Katron Walker had taken the boys to the lake, where witnesses told police they frequently went fishing. Police went to the lake after receiving a tip from a woman who told them she saw a man walking from the area, Indiana TV station WRT-TV reported.

Terre Haute Assistant Police Chief Bill Bergherm said Katron ran out of an abandoned trailer on the lake property as he held both children and jumped into the water at about 9 p.m. Officers went into the water, where they were able to rescue Monte. Officials said Katron Walker was very uncooperative as they grabbed Monte and tried to search for Collin.

Police said Collin's body was later found by a dive team, after an extensive search. He had also been stabbed in the chest and had a laceration on his neck. Investigators found a knife they believe was used in the stabbings and some children's clothing in the trailer, WRT-TV reported.

Monte is being treated at an Indianapolis hospital, where he is listed in good condition. He is suffering from stab wounds and a laceration in his neck. He was rescued from the water during a struggle with the boys' father, according to WRT.

Police said Katron Walker cut his own throat and stabbed himself in the chest.

An Amber Alert was issued Tuesday after the boys' abduction. Police said Katron Walker had abducted his sons at knifepoint in Terre Haute, Ind.

The boys' mother, Teresa Walker, said that her children were kidnapped from their grandfather's house at knifepoint after she called her husband to tell him she wanted a divorce.

She said she had dropped the boys off at the home of her father, Michael Dwyer, after making the call to her husband.

Read the rest:

I agree with Darin's rant, although I would like to see this guy hang high. I mean, what sort of freak kills his own children? :(
If the man leaves his family, he should have to pay. If the woman leaves bc of abuse, the man should have to pay. If a woman leaves bc she's "unhappy," she should expect nothing. If the woman is the primary breadwinner, and the man is the caregiver for the children, the woman should have to pay if she leaves, except in cases of abuse.

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