What actions should be taken at the border in respect to the caravan arriving ?

Quit calling these illegal pieces of scum immigrants. It's an affront to the millions who came here LEGALLY. Stay in your own country and clean up your own shitholes.
The people in the caravan are NOT doing anything illegal by requesting asylum. I think if anything WE are screwing up by refusing to process their requests.

How so?

You do realize that Mexico willingly allowed illegal carvan through their country to attack the U.S. Border just because they dislike the idea of the possible border wall, right?

I for one have been against the border wall because it is a waste of money and believe the best way to combat illegal immigration is to:

1. Dry up all legal and illegal resources.

2. Punish all employers that practice in illegal hiring of illegal immigrants.

Do that and poof many will leave.
I agree with you on #2, 100%. I don't know what #1 means, exactly.
But Bruce, this is not an attack:

Actually Old Lady it is a attack and you do not know why.

See Old Lady Mexico should have stopped the Caravan because they broke Mexico law of entering their country illegally, so they allowed thos caravan to cross it country through Cartel regions so that it could make it to our border.

So with that then mix in Cartel, MS 13 and other criminal elements that have joined those that really need help with the hope to invade our country.

Now Old Lady you might not know this but there is bigger players behind this and Russia, China and even Iran fuel the wars and gangs in that region to make our country look bad when we deny the real victims so it will cause unrest...

You will deny this but this has to do with more stuff than people want to realize...
Russia, China and even Iran fuel the wars and gangs in that region to make our country look bad
Is that just your opinion, Bruce, or do you know stuff I don't? In other words, you got a link on that?
I wouldn't be surprised by anything Russia does to stick a thorn in our boot, but that is not an activity I had heard of before.

Yeah Bruce ... Quit messing around ... :thup:

Go ahead and provide Old Lady with a link to foreign countries' Covert Operations Websites where they list all the secret shit they do.
I mean damn ... If Old Lady doesn't know about it ... The CIA is slipping.

Debate !!
For openers, Jerry needs to call out his state's National Guard as a blocking force.

Numbers require numbers.

Then the Feds should move a Marine BLT down there to relieve the Nat Guard.

Nat Guard can move in 24 hours.

Marines need about 48 or so.
A "blocking force?" Marines? Tough getting those toddlers under control, I know, but Marines?

Besides, the Marines would eat all of those kid's crayons!

More like they are breaking in their new field issue diaper bags ... :thup:


The people in the caravan are NOT doing anything illegal by requesting asylum. I think if anything WE are screwing up by refusing to process their requests.

How so?

You do realize that Mexico willingly allowed illegal carvan through their country to attack the U.S. Border just because they dislike the idea of the possible border wall, right?

I for one have been against the border wall because it is a waste of money and believe the best way to combat illegal immigration is to:

1. Dry up all legal and illegal resources.

2. Punish all employers that practice in illegal hiring of illegal immigrants.

Do that and poof many will leave.
I agree with you on #2, 100%. I don't know what #1 means, exactly.
But Bruce, this is not an attack:

Actually Old Lady it is a attack and you do not know why.

See Old Lady Mexico should have stopped the Caravan because they broke Mexico law of entering their country illegally, so they allowed thos caravan to cross it country through Cartel regions so that it could make it to our border.

So with that then mix in Cartel, MS 13 and other criminal elements that have joined those that really need help with the hope to invade our country.

Now Old Lady you might not know this but there is bigger players behind this and Russia, China and even Iran fuel the wars and gangs in that region to make our country look bad when we deny the real victims so it will cause unrest...

You will deny this but this has to do with more stuff than people want to realize...
Russia, China and even Iran fuel the wars and gangs in that region to make our country look bad
Is that just your opinion, Bruce, or do you know stuff I don't? In other words, you got a link on that?
I wouldn't be surprised by anything Russia does to stick a thorn in our boot, but that is not an activity I had heard of before.

Yeah Bruce ... Quit messing around ... :thup:

Go ahead and provide Old Lady with a link to foreign countries' Covert Operations Websites where they list all the secret shit they do.
I mean damn ... If Old Lady doesn't know about it ... The CIA is slipping.

Bad on you, blacksand, supporting such things. Do you believe an alien craft landed in Area 51, as well, and that live aliens were taken from the craft and examined by secret government doctors? Actually, there's probably a bit more actual evidence for that than what you are claiming. A lack of evidence--a complete lack of anything--allows anyone to make up whatever stories they want. Like Comet Ping Pong Pizza.
Debate !!

That’s a tough one-

On one hand, as the leader of the free world we need to extend ourselves to the less fortunate and spread the idea of freedom and liberty against tyranny, but on the other hand, if we allow these people to inundate across our borders we will encourage more people to come, and overwhelm our already stressed system of caring for those unwilling and incapable of caring for themselves.

I know this- if we allow anybody to walk in and tap in, our experiment will fail much sooner.

Your “experiment” has already failed. When the richest nation in the world turns its back humanitarian refugees, you have betrayed the very values you claim to hold dear.

When you do so because “you can’t afford it”, after giving away trillions of dollars in tax cuts to your wealthiest citizens and corporations, you are a hypocrite.

Your nation’s values are now personal greed and xenophobia.
Dumbass, it’s the peoples money not federal governments.
These people do not deserve immediate assistance, they can wait in line… At the back of the line

That’s exactly where they are: waiting patiently at the back of the line to complete their paperwork for permission to stay, and making their case for doing so.
That’s a tough one-

On one hand, as the leader of the free world we need to extend ourselves to the less fortunate and spread the idea of freedom and liberty against tyranny, but on the other hand, if we allow these people to inundate across our borders we will encourage more people to come, and overwhelm our already stressed system of caring for those unwilling and incapable of caring for themselves.

I know this- if we allow anybody to walk in and tap in, our experiment will fail much sooner.

Your “experiment” has already failed. When the richest nation in the world turns its back humanitarian refugees, you have betrayed the very values you claim to hold dear.

When you do so because “you can’t afford it”, after giving away trillions of dollars in tax cuts to your wealthiest citizens and corporations, you are a hypocrite.

Your nation’s values are now personal greed and xenophobia.

Your WRONG! This country is still the greatest country on earth. Why else would we even be discussing how to manage ALL THE PEOPLE who want to come here. The fact that so many would risk so much to come here makes it obvious how great this country is.....obvious to everyone except the very stupid, like you.
Instead of ruining this country by coming here they should make their countries great by duplicating effort where they live.

Your assumption that refugees will “ruin this country by coming here” fairly reeks of racism and xenophobia.
This type of deal is bad news for the country, that is why these people should have to wait 12 to 15 years to get into this country

Because the “richest nation in the world” can’t afford to help 200 women and children who are running for their lives? The “land of freedom and opportunity” offers no chance for either to people strong and resilient enough to flee, and to make the journey.

Just having made the journey has taken months of planning and preparation, as well as hard work and dedication and resourcefulness. Aren’t those the traits you’re looking for to succeed in your country?
1. Should they be allowed to cross into the United States ??

2. Why didn't they find refuge in Mexico ??

3. Should the national guard set temporary camps up that will feed them, vett them, and then turn them back into the direction from which they came ??

4. Should the nation listen to their stories all about the horrors in which they are fleeing from, and if believed, then go with them back to their country, make war with the forces within that country in which caused them to flee to begin with, and help to liberate their Homeland for their soon to be triumphant return ??
It's perfectly legal to request asylum the way they are; it's just kind of a lot of people at once. Immigrants in the US are doing the same at the Canadian border, you know. Humiliating to me that immigrants are fleeing the US due to a hostile environment. And I think folks like you are to blame.
Quit calling these illegal pieces of scum immigrants. It's an affront to the millions who came here LEGALLY. Stay in your own country and clean up your own shitholes.
The people in the caravan are NOT doing anything illegal by requesting asylum. I think if anything WE are screwing up by refusing to process their requests.
Gotta take a stand sooner or later, or this country will be a country no more. How about you getting together with your buds, and go to Honduras to petition that government to do right by its citizens, then report back here as to your findings. If no success in your journey, then get out the way, and let the US military go there, occupy the place, implement Martial law, and return these people back safely to their Homelands.
"Racist" Is a Richkid's Term

We have no obligation at all to these obsolete Indian savages. Blaming the Honduran ruling class instead of the nation's race is responsible for a false obligation laid on our working-class military to get killed for regime change.
Bad on you, blacksand, supporting such things. Do you believe an alien craft landed in Area 51, as well, and that live aliens were taken from the craft and examined by secret government doctors? Actually, there's probably a bit more actual evidence for that than what you are claiming. A lack of evidence--a complete lack of anything--allows anyone to make up whatever stories they want. Like Comet Ping Pong Pizza.

I didn't claim anything ... :thup:

I only suggested the fact that either you are aware of something or not ... Has no relevance to its existence.
Evidence that foreign powers have used our southern neighbors as political tools against us has been around since our arrival as a country.

I mean you can ignore everything from the Spanish American War, Bay of Pigs, and any number of other events if you like (not to exclude our own attempts to meddle).
To assume it isn't going on because you are not aware of the specific details ... Well, that's your folly.
If you need a link to covert operations ... Well, that would kind of defeat the definition of "covert".

But ... It is always interesting how you leap to the absurd in order to support your desires.
Then again ... I have no problem accepting you may need a link to prove standing in the rain will result in you getting wet.


Answer Me ...
What Are You Crying For?


The Corp Didn't Give You Permission To
Make Poopy In Your Pants Little One!

Every time I read an immigration thread, it destroys a little more of whatever faith I had left in humankind.
Every time I read an immigration thread, it destroys a little more of whatever faith I had left in humankind.

When the hell did this become an "immigration thread" ... :dunno:

You people are so screwed you don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about.
Now you are suggesting they are "immigrants".

What do you think the border is ... The local dog pound?
Are you going to show your humanity driving to the border and picking out a few "rescue puppies" to take home and feed?

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Every time I read an immigration thread, it destroys a little more of whatever faith I had left in humankind.

When the hell did this become an "immigration thread" ... :dunno:

You people are so screwed you don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about.
Now you are suggesting they are "immigrants".

What do you think the border is ... The local dog pound?
Are you going to show your humanity driving to the border and picking out a few "rescue puppies" to take home and feed?

Immigration is when a person moves from one country to another. The people in the caravan are hoping to move from Honduras to America. They are waiting to have their applications for asylum processed, legally.
So what do you call them? Are you inferring they're dogs?
Immigration is when a person moves from one country to another. The people in the caravan are hoping to move from Honduras to America. They are waiting to have their applications for asylum processed, legally.
So what do you call them? Are you inferring they're dogs?

They aren't immigrants ... And even if they are granted asylum ... The will be refugees (contingent to further processing).
There is a difference ... Because the law is required to account for them differently.
As refugees they would have access to benefits not offered immigrants as well.

Again ... You demonstrate your lack of knowledge.

As far as comparing them to dogs ... It certainly wasn't a direct comparison.
It's not like I actually thought you possessed anything other than imaginary third person humanity.
I seriously doubted you have the humanity it takes to sacrifice your own immediate long-term resources to accomplish a desirable outcome.

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Quit calling these illegal pieces of scum immigrants. It's an affront to the millions who came here LEGALLY. Stay in your own country and clean up your own shitholes.
The people in the caravan are NOT doing anything illegal by requesting asylum. I think if anything WE are screwing up by refusing to process their requests.

How so?

You do realize that Mexico willingly allowed illegal carvan through their country to attack the U.S. Border just because they dislike the idea of the possible border wall, right?

I for one have been against the border wall because it is a waste of money and believe the best way to combat illegal immigration is to:

1. Dry up all legal and illegal resources.

2. Punish all employers that practice in illegal hiring of illegal immigrants.

Do that and poof many will leave.
I agree with you on #2, 100%. I don't know what #1 means, exactly.
But Bruce, this is not an attack:

Actually Old Lady it is a attack and you do not know why.

See Old Lady Mexico should have stopped the Caravan because they broke Mexico law of entering their country illegally, so they allowed thos caravan to cross it country through Cartel regions so that it could make it to our border.

So with that then mix in Cartel, MS 13 and other criminal elements that have joined those that really need help with the hope to invade our country.

Now Old Lady you might not know this but there is bigger players behind this and Russia, China and even Iran fuel the wars and gangs in that region to make our country look bad when we deny the real victims so it will cause unrest...

You will deny this but this has to do with more stuff than people want to realize...
Russia, China and even Iran fuel the wars and gangs in that region to make our country look bad
Is that just your opinion, Bruce, or do you know stuff I don't? In other words, you got a link on that?
I wouldn't be surprised by anything Russia does to stick a thorn in our boot, but that is not an activity I had heard of before.

1980's were a blur for you?

Also you can Bing Russia involvement in the regions of Central America going as far back as the 1940's and the former USSR planting Communistic seeds in Central America and Mexico...

Hell Stalin had Trotsky killed in Mexico, so you know this has been a long battle for many years now...

Now if you nees more evidence realize the rise of MS-13 is from the proxy war in El Salvador in the 1980's and the opioid crisis and the fact China ships cheap chemicals to Mexico has been in the news:

China downplays role in US opioid epidemic - CNN
Immigration is when a person moves from one country to another. The people in the caravan are hoping to move from Honduras to America. They are waiting to have their applications for asylum processed, legally.
So what do you call them? Are you inferring they're dogs?

They aren't immigrants ... And even if they are granted asylum ... The will be refugees (contingent to further processing).
There is a difference ... Because the law is required to account for them differently.
As refugees they would have access to benefits not offered immigrants as well.

Again ... You demonstrate your lack of knowledge.

As far as comparing them to dogs ... It certainly wasn't a direct comparison.
It's not like I actually thought you possessed anything other than imaginary third person humanity.
I seriously doubted you have the humanity it takes to sacrifice your own immediate long-term resources to accomplish a desirable outcome.

Boy, you're really touchy about this, aren't you? Why is that? I am not going to play semantics games with you, BlackSand. The comments on this thread about people seeking to enter this country are just disheartening. As they usually are
How so?

You do realize that Mexico willingly allowed illegal carvan through their country to attack the U.S. Border just because they dislike the idea of the possible border wall, right?

I for one have been against the border wall because it is a waste of money and believe the best way to combat illegal immigration is to:

1. Dry up all legal and illegal resources.

2. Punish all employers that practice in illegal hiring of illegal immigrants.

Do that and poof many will leave.
I agree with you on #2, 100%. I don't know what #1 means, exactly.
But Bruce, this is not an attack:

Actually Old Lady it is a attack and you do not know why.

See Old Lady Mexico should have stopped the Caravan because they broke Mexico law of entering their country illegally, so they allowed thos caravan to cross it country through Cartel regions so that it could make it to our border.

So with that then mix in Cartel, MS 13 and other criminal elements that have joined those that really need help with the hope to invade our country.

Now Old Lady you might not know this but there is bigger players behind this and Russia, China and even Iran fuel the wars and gangs in that region to make our country look bad when we deny the real victims so it will cause unrest...

You will deny this but this has to do with more stuff than people want to realize...
Russia, China and even Iran fuel the wars and gangs in that region to make our country look bad
Is that just your opinion, Bruce, or do you know stuff I don't? In other words, you got a link on that?
I wouldn't be surprised by anything Russia does to stick a thorn in our boot, but that is not an activity I had heard of before.

Yeah Bruce ... Quit messing around ... :thup:

Go ahead and provide Old Lady with a link to foreign countries' Covert Operations Websites where they list all the secret shit they do.
I mean damn ... If Old Lady doesn't know about it ... The CIA is slipping.

Bad on you, blacksand, supporting such things. Do you believe an alien craft landed in Area 51, as well, and that live aliens were taken from the craft and examined by secret government doctors? Actually, there's probably a bit more actual evidence for that than what you are claiming. A lack of evidence--a complete lack of anything--allows anyone to make up whatever stories they want. Like Comet Ping Pong Pizza.

If you are a teacher teaching world events and history then this should be studied on by your stidents.

How the Civil wars in Central America and in South America fueled the crisis we suffer from today.

American and Soviet involvement in those Civil Wars and now China involvement in Cartel drugs has caused massive issues in this country.

Where do you really believe the money for gangs and terrorists come from?

Governmenta like ours along with Russia, China, Iran and North Korea find these gangs, Civil Wars and Cartels.
Every time I read an immigration thread, it destroys a little more of whatever faith I had left in humankind.

The question you should ask what can be done to fix the country those people are fleeing from?

Those at the border are not immigrants but refugees and some are members of MS-13 and Cartels.
I agree with you on #2, 100%. I don't know what #1 means, exactly.
But Bruce, this is not an attack:

Actually Old Lady it is a attack and you do not know why.

See Old Lady Mexico should have stopped the Caravan because they broke Mexico law of entering their country illegally, so they allowed thos caravan to cross it country through Cartel regions so that it could make it to our border.

So with that then mix in Cartel, MS 13 and other criminal elements that have joined those that really need help with the hope to invade our country.

Now Old Lady you might not know this but there is bigger players behind this and Russia, China and even Iran fuel the wars and gangs in that region to make our country look bad when we deny the real victims so it will cause unrest...

You will deny this but this has to do with more stuff than people want to realize...
Russia, China and even Iran fuel the wars and gangs in that region to make our country look bad
Is that just your opinion, Bruce, or do you know stuff I don't? In other words, you got a link on that?
I wouldn't be surprised by anything Russia does to stick a thorn in our boot, but that is not an activity I had heard of before.

Yeah Bruce ... Quit messing around ... :thup:

Go ahead and provide Old Lady with a link to foreign countries' Covert Operations Websites where they list all the secret shit they do.
I mean damn ... If Old Lady doesn't know about it ... The CIA is slipping.

Bad on you, blacksand, supporting such things. Do you believe an alien craft landed in Area 51, as well, and that live aliens were taken from the craft and examined by secret government doctors? Actually, there's probably a bit more actual evidence for that than what you are claiming. A lack of evidence--a complete lack of anything--allows anyone to make up whatever stories they want. Like Comet Ping Pong Pizza.

If you are a teacher teaching world events and history then this should be studied on by your stidents.

How the Civil wars in Central America and in South America fueled the crisis we suffer from today.

American and Soviet involvement in those Civil Wars and now China involvement in Cartel drugs has caused massive issues in this country.

Where do you really believe the money for gangs and terrorists come from?

Governmenta like ours along with Russia, China, Iran and North Korea find these gangs, Civil Wars and Cartels.
I'll look into it, Bruce, thanks.

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