What actions should be taken at the border in respect to the caravan arriving ?

Debate !!

That’s a tough one-

On one hand, as the leader of the free world we need to extend ourselves to the less fortunate and spread the idea of freedom and liberty against tyranny, but on the other hand, if we allow these people to inundate across our borders we will encourage more people to come, and overwhelm our already stressed system of caring for those unwilling and incapable of caring for themselves.

I know this- if we allow anybody to walk in and tap in, our experiment will fail much sooner.

Your “experiment” has already failed. When the richest nation in the world turns its back humanitarian refugees, you have betrayed the very values you claim to hold dear.

When you do so because “you can’t afford it”, after giving away trillions of dollars in tax cuts to your wealthiest citizens and corporations, you are a hypocrite.

Your nation’s values are now personal greed and xenophobia.

Your WRONG! This country is still the greatest country on earth. Why else would we even be discussing how to manage ALL THE PEOPLE who want to come here. The fact that so many would risk so much to come here makes it obvious how great this country is.....obvious to everyone except the very stupid, like you.
Instead of ruining this country by coming here they should make their countries great by duplicating effort where they live.

Your assumption that refugees will “ruin this country by coming here” fairly reeks of racism and xenophobia.
This type of deal is bad news for the country, that is why these people should have to wait 12 to 15 years to get into this country
You know, while the caravan IS at the border, none of them are entering "illegally". They are lining up at the border entrance station and are waiting to see if they can be processed for asylum.

The hold up is coming because the BP says that they don't have enough people to process all of them and that the system is "at full capacity" at this time.

They are camping out on the Mexican side of the border while they are waiting to be processed.

You guys really need to throttle back on the scary rhetoric.
That’s why they should go to the back of the line
1. Should they be allowed to cross into the United States ??

2. Why didn't they find refuge in Mexico ??

3. Should the national guard set temporary camps up that will feed them, vett them, and then turn them back into the direction from which they came ??

4. Should the nation listen to their stories all about the horrors in which they are fleeing from, and if believed, then go with them back to their country, make war with the forces within that country in which caused them to flee to begin with, and help to liberate their Homeland for their soon to be triumphant return ??
It's perfectly legal to request asylum the way they are; it's just kind of a lot of people at once. Immigrants in the US are doing the same at the Canadian border, you know. Humiliating to me that immigrants are fleeing the US due to a hostile environment. And I think folks like you are to blame.
Quit calling these illegal pieces of scum immigrants. It's an affront to the millions who came here LEGALLY. Stay in your own country and clean up your own shitholes.
The people in the caravan are NOT doing anything illegal by requesting asylum. I think if anything WE are screwing up by refusing to process their requests.
They need to wait in line at the back of the line, make them wait 12 to 15 or more years
You know, while the caravan IS at the border, none of them are entering "illegally". They are lining up at the border entrance station and are waiting to see if they can be processed for asylum.

The hold up is coming because the BP says that they don't have enough people to process all of them and that the system is "at full capacity" at this time.

They are camping out on the Mexican side of the border while they are waiting to be processed.

You guys really need to throttle back on the scary rhetoric.
That’s why they should go to the back of the line

Hate to tell you, but the procedures for legal immigration and asylum seekers are two different sets of things.
Debate !!

That’s a tough one-

On one hand, as the leader of the free world we need to extend ourselves to the less fortunate and spread the idea of freedom and liberty against tyranny, but on the other hand, if we allow these people to inundate across our borders we will encourage more people to come, and overwhelm our already stressed system of caring for those unwilling and incapable of caring for themselves.

I know this- if we allow anybody to walk in and tap in, our experiment will fail much sooner.

Your “experiment” has already failed. When the richest nation in the world turns its back humanitarian refugees, you have betrayed the very values you claim to hold dear.

When you do so because “you can’t afford it”, after giving away trillions of dollars in tax cuts to your wealthiest citizens and corporations, you are a hypocrite.

Your nation’s values are now personal greed and xenophobia.

Your WRONG! This country is still the greatest country on earth. Why else would we even be discussing how to manage ALL THE PEOPLE who want to come here. The fact that so many would risk so much to come here makes it obvious how great this country is.....obvious to everyone except the very stupid, like you.
Instead of ruining this country by coming here they should make their countries great by duplicating effort where they live.
If they had safe places to live and jobs to work, they no doubt would. Who willingly moves to a foreign country where you don't know the language and the customs and lifestyle are so different? Who would leave home if they didn't feel it was a desperate situation?
If the U.S. would spend a little attention on helping those Central American countries get stabilized and safe, it might solve the problem better, and be money better spent, than a wall.
Globalism sucks, it’s none of our business these people need to go back to where they came from and wait in line
You know, while the caravan IS at the border, none of them are entering "illegally". They are lining up at the border entrance station and are waiting to see if they can be processed for asylum.

The hold up is coming because the BP says that they don't have enough people to process all of them and that the system is "at full capacity" at this time.

They are camping out on the Mexican side of the border while they are waiting to be processed.

You guys really need to throttle back on the scary rhetoric.
That’s why they should go to the back of the line

Hate to tell you, but the procedures for legal immigration and asylum seekers are two different sets of things.
They should be the same thing, wait in line… At the back of the line
Let the thousands of you claiming to be Christians amass on the border, ready to welcome these refugee sojourners in and provide them with comfortable and safe homes. Don't let trump stop you. You are "believers."
It’s not their job

They claim it is. They yap away about God/Jesus all the time and how much they "believe" and everybody should. As a matter of fact, they never shut up.
Let the thousands of you claiming to be Christians amass on the border, ready to welcome these refugee sojourners in and provide them with comfortable and safe homes. Don't let trump stop you. You are "believers."
It’s not their job

They claim it is. They yap away about God/Jesus all the time and how much they "believe" and everybody should. As a matter of fact, they never shut up.
It’s best if these people just stay in Mexico, and if they want to be citizens they can go to the back of the line
Process them by the law that was created by Congress on refugees or change the laws in Congress. That is the only choice..
No, we have a choice to threaten with sanctions the country of Mexico for not allowing them to take up asylum there, and instead facilitates their journey to our border.

The whole thing is a conspired plan by those within these other countries to bring hell to our doorstep every chance they get. Just as we are not to remain the policeman of the world, nor should we remain the ignorant caretakers of the world. We have enough problems of our own already.
Laws will need to be changed..

Laws get changed and then the courts in Hawaii or the 9th Circuit say you can't change the law!
You're whining. The laws passed by Congress tend to work. It is the half-assed ideas from Trump's bigoted brain that are getting shot down, for good reason.

Really? Obama issues an executive order violating the law as written by Congress and signed by the President at the time. Trump comes along and cancels the illegal executive order. Some nimrod in Hawaii or the 9th Circuit says that he can't do that, despite the very program itself being an unconstitutional overreach of power by Obama. The illegal policy enacted by Obama must stay in place despite the court having zero jurisdiction to do so! If the liberals on the SCOTUS were capable of intelligent thought, the ruling would be 9-0 in favor of Trump.

The nation as it was intended and known is no longer. Slowly morphing into a more European, diverse nation of mega self interest groups
Much of the USA no longer speaks English.
Many of the people who get in Congress are more inclined to look after their own or the the best interests of illegals FIRST
Congress has gone along with things such as The "Patriot Act" etc etc etc.....which are simply permissions to take away citizens rights.
There was no fucking TSA when I grew up. It's unnecessary. Just stop playing games with criminals and terrorists that cross the border.....but nooooo
I won't fly on Commercial airlines any longer.

Kinda thinking the USA deserves what it gets at this point.....open borders......fools

If a lot of people die and suffer....it's what was wanted and allowed....apparently.

You counted on laws and elected officials to keep you and the Constitution "safe".

Did that work out for you?

Good for you! Now, what should I do if I want to see my granddaughter, hop a freight train to the Pacific Northwest and hope for the best?

I want the person next to me to be my wife, not some radicalized jihadi from Dearborn, MI who wants to meet Allah!
1. Should they be allowed to cross into the United States ??


2. Why didn't they find refuge in Mexico ??

Because Mexico does not want them.

3. Should the national guard set temporary camps up that will feed them, vett them, and then turn them back into the direction from which they came ??

No, and they should be denied any aid. If Mexico want to aid them, that is their business.

4. Should the nation listen to their stories all about the horrors in which they are fleeing from, and if believed, then go with them back to their country, make war with the forces within that country in which caused them to flee to begin with, and help to liberate their Homeland for their soon to be triumphant return ??

No, let Mexico do it if they feel the need to help those people.
No one would be listening to them or even know about them if Trump's hair hadn't caught fire over them a month ago. Invaders, my ass.

What do you call them then?

They do not have the legal right to enter this country and to attempt to illegally is invading our border.

Old Lady the reality is this Nation has borders and immigration laws that should be followed but for some reason the left feel those laws should be ignored.

Also Old Lady the fact is Mexico encourages illegal migration into this country and turn a blind eye to the illegal migration through it country, and why?

Simple, Mexico believe if enough illegals from Mexico and Central America flood our Nation it will put a drain on our resources while with the hope of causing havoc within our border.

Now Old Lady imagine what the laws are in Mexico if you overstayed your visa or went there illegally and went to work?

Now do you believe Mexico has a right to their Immigration Laws and if so why not this country?

I am fair Old Lady but I also know this is Mexico and Central America way to flood this country with it unwanted citizens while sneaking in their criminal element, and if you disagree then you should do more research on this subject matter.

America has no obligation to take Central America unwanted and in fact it is about time to start telling Mexico either take care of business at it border or suffer with the illegals because they will not cross here!

They do have the legal right to request asylum and to make their case. That right is enshrined in US Law. They are entitled to legally apply for asylum if they fear for their lives if they return to their native countries.

They are looking for safety for themselves and their children. They should complete the requisite paperwork and get the process going.

This is not a “caravan of illegals” as portrayed by FOX News and your idiot President, this is a caravan of legal asylum seekers attempting to enter the US using the legal means available to them.

Feel stupid yet? If not, you should. Your President and the right wing media has lied to you again. Your “hoardes of illegal immigrants are travelling in caravans through Mexico to swarm the border and cross into the US illegally”, has turned into not more than 200 mostly women and children who have travelled together for safety, are now at the US Border, asking for political asylum in the US.

These 200 asylum seekers would cost each US Resident less than one penny per person to feed, clothe and house them for the rest of their lives, but like the Mad Hatter, you’ve “no room, no room”.

It’s not going to cost you $24 million for these people. They’ll get jobs and become contributing members of your nation, like the DACA kids.

Stop vilifying immigrants. They’re not the ones stealing your jobs. They’re the ones who are saving them. Clothing, housing and furnishing the lives of new immigrants drives sales of furniture, clothing, appliances and automobiles.

The numbers Trump showed you are the costs but he took out the contributions to the public purse legal immigrants make. They pay taxes just like citizens. They pay into SS, property taxes, value added taxes, just like citizens. And just like he claimed a trade deficit with Canada when in fact there’s a surplus, immigrants contribute more to the public coffers than they receive in government services.

Immigrants provide a net financial gain to the government. Didn’t you want government to profit on the services they provide?

Do me a favor! The next time you need a load of horseshit that large, I suggest Churchill Downs after the Kentucky Derby this coming Saturday.

That has to be one of the most ridiculous posts made on this forum. Did you make that up or did someone else write it for you?
You know, while the caravan IS at the border, none of them are entering "illegally". They are lining up at the border entrance station and are waiting to see if they can be processed for asylum.

The hold up is coming because the BP says that they don't have enough people to process all of them and that the system is "at full capacity" at this time.

They are camping out on the Mexican side of the border while they are waiting to be processed.

You guys really need to throttle back on the scary rhetoric.

I think we should process them all at a rate of one person per week, for about the next 4 years. What do you think?
You know, while the caravan IS at the border, none of them are entering "illegally". They are lining up at the border entrance station and are waiting to see if they can be processed for asylum.

The hold up is coming because the BP says that they don't have enough people to process all of them and that the system is "at full capacity" at this time.

They are camping out on the Mexican side of the border while they are waiting to be processed.

You guys really need to throttle back on the scary rhetoric.

I think we should process them all at a rate of one person per week, for about the next 4 years. What do you think?

How about they do their jobs and process them in a timely manner? If they are eligible, let them stay, if not, let Mexico take care of them.

Punishing refugees because of political affiliation is just wrong in my opinion.
You know, while the caravan IS at the border, none of them are entering "illegally". They are lining up at the border entrance station and are waiting to see if they can be processed for asylum.

The hold up is coming because the BP says that they don't have enough people to process all of them and that the system is "at full capacity" at this time.

They are camping out on the Mexican side of the border while they are waiting to be processed.

You guys really need to throttle back on the scary rhetoric.

I think we should process them all at a rate of one person per week, for about the next 4 years. What do you think?

How about they do their jobs and process them in a timely manner? If they are eligible, let them stay, if not, let Mexico take care of them.

Punishing refugees because of political affiliation is just wrong in my opinion.

How about none of them are eligible because they should have made application at the US Embassy in their home country?
They are after the juicy benefits that they get when they come here. That's what they are really after. That, and easy pickings for criminal activity.

There are no “juicy benefits” to coming to the US. They left homes where they at least had health care coverage.

Americans exaggerate the largess of welfare and other subsistence program. The US offers little in the way of assistance to refugees, and leaves them vulnerable to abuses by government officials, aka ICE officers who molest female claimants at will.

“Molest female claimants at will”….uh no.

Hopefully that is some of the “useful hyperbole” that our President often engages in.

You’re correct about the supposed “bed of roses” north of the border. It doesn’t exist. Trump has turned being ignorant into almost an honor badge and his supporters are continuously trying to outdo one another in that department.
Debate !!
For openers, Jerry needs to call out his state's National Guard as a blocking force.

Numbers require numbers.

Then the Feds should move a Marine BLT down there to relieve the Nat Guard.

Nat Guard can move in 24 hours.

Marines need about 48 or so.
Process them by the law that was created by Congress on refugees or change the laws in Congress. That is the only choice..
No, we have a choice to threaten with sanctions the country of Mexico for not allowing them to take up asylum there, and instead facilitates their journey to our border.

The whole thing is a conspired plan by those within these other countries to bring hell to our doorstep every chance they get. Just as we are not to remain the policeman of the world, nor should we remain the ignorant caretakers of the world. We have enough problems of our own already.
Laws will need to be changed..

Laws get changed and then the courts in Hawaii or the 9th Circuit say you can't change the law!
You're whining. The laws passed by Congress tend to work. It is the half-assed ideas from Trump's bigoted brain that are getting shot down, for good reason.

Really? Obama issues an executive order violating the law as written by Congress and signed by the President at the time. Trump comes along and cancels the illegal executive order. Some nimrod in Hawaii or the 9th Circuit says that he can't do that, despite the very program itself being an unconstitutional overreach of power by Obama. The illegal policy enacted by Obama must stay in place despite the court having zero jurisdiction to do so! If the liberals on the SCOTUS were capable of intelligent thought, the ruling would be 9-0 in favor of Trump.
DACA is in place because the way the dept of homeland security presented the case not the actual details of the legality of the act.

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