What actions should be taken at the border in respect to the caravan arriving ?

The parents that take their children into that situation would be subjecting them. I didn't say shoot children but since you mentioned it what do you think of Palestinians teaching young children to be warriors with guns? Or their parents that think that is an honor for their children to be killed? You do know that when there is rot in a garden area you cut it out and burn it don't you?

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You think it is ok to shoot innocent people if the cross the border. You were quite clear on that.
No you are claiming that someone cross the border illegally is innocent when in fact that is breaking the law and you are very clear on that. Evidently the law doesn't mean anything to you.

You are not innocent if you knowingly are breaking the law!
Can I shoot you for cutting across the corner of my yard?
I suppose you will have to make that choice if I cut across the corner of your lawn. BTW, your argument of your lawn is you being really ridiculous.
No. The idea of shooting unarmed nonviolent people is ridiculous.
Funny your handle is coyote in this thread. lol.
Can I shoot people for jaywalking?
Can you shoot someone for jay walking ? No not you, because you hate guns I thought, so you will just have to dive on his back and hang on for the ride.. I'll get the popcorn.. :popcorn: lol
No we just want invaders to stay on the south side of the border. Its like Palestinians in Gaza jumping on the fence to over into Israel with foreknowledge that a bullet awaits them if that is what they choose to do. That doesn't sound like a wise choice to make it not only affects the recipient of said bullet but their family as well. Ooohh, the choices people make.
In other words you want to kill unarmed people who have committed no violence to you.
No I would consider that they are inflicting and subjecting themselves when they know that is what awaits them if they choose to cross over illegally. That is akin to suicide.

I don't get it. You have no problem with shooting down an innocent child crossing the border illegally but have big issues about life support being turned off for a critically child who is dying.

I don't get it. They are both children.
The parents that take their children into that situation would be subjecting them. I didn't say shoot children but since you mentioned it what do you think of Palestinians teaching young children to be warriors with guns? Or their parents that think that is an honor for their children to be killed? You do know that when there is rot in a garden area you cut it out and burn it don't you?

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You think it is ok to shoot innocent people if the cross the border. You were quite clear on that.
You shoot invading armies regardless as to age or armaments.
Let the thousands of you claiming to be Christians amass on the border, ready to welcome these refugee sojourners in and provide them with comfortable and safe homes. Don't let trump stop you. You are "believers."
Let the thousands of you claiming to be Christians amass on the border, ready to welcome these refugee sojourners in and provide them with comfortable and safe homes. Don't let trump stop you. You are "believers."
Calling on the Christian's now are you ? Figures!
Debate !!

That’s a tough one-

On one hand, as the leader of the free world we need to extend ourselves to the less fortunate and spread the idea of freedom and liberty against tyranny, but on the other hand, if we allow these people to inundate across our borders we will encourage more people to come, and overwhelm our already stressed system of caring for those unwilling and incapable of caring for themselves.

I know this- if we allow anybody to walk in and tap in, our experiment will fail much sooner.

Your “experiment” has already failed. When the richest nation in the world turns its back humanitarian refugees, you have betrayed the very values you claim to hold dear.

When you do so because “you can’t afford it”, after giving away trillions of dollars in tax cuts to your wealthiest citizens and corporations, you are a hypocrite.

Your nation’s values are now personal greed and xenophobia.

Your WRONG! This country is still the greatest country on earth. Why else would we even be discussing how to manage ALL THE PEOPLE who want to come here. The fact that so many would risk so much to come here makes it obvious how great this country is.....obvious to everyone except the very stupid, like you.
Debate !!

That’s a tough one-

On one hand, as the leader of the free world we need to extend ourselves to the less fortunate and spread the idea of freedom and liberty against tyranny, but on the other hand, if we allow these people to inundate across our borders we will encourage more people to come, and overwhelm our already stressed system of caring for those unwilling and incapable of caring for themselves.

I know this- if we allow anybody to walk in and tap in, our experiment will fail much sooner.

Your “experiment” has already failed. When the richest nation in the world turns its back humanitarian refugees, you have betrayed the very values you claim to hold dear.

When you do so because “you can’t afford it”, after giving away trillions of dollars in tax cuts to your wealthiest citizens and corporations, you are a hypocrite.

Your nation’s values are now personal greed and xenophobia.

Your WRONG! This country is still the greatest country on earth. Why else would we even be discussing how to manage ALL THE PEOPLE who want to come here. The fact that so many would risk so much to come here makes it obvious how great this country is.....obvious to everyone except the very stupid, like you.
Instead of ruining this country by coming here they should make their countries great by duplicating effort where they live.
Debate !!

That’s a tough one-

On one hand, as the leader of the free world we need to extend ourselves to the less fortunate and spread the idea of freedom and liberty against tyranny, but on the other hand, if we allow these people to inundate across our borders we will encourage more people to come, and overwhelm our already stressed system of caring for those unwilling and incapable of caring for themselves.

I know this- if we allow anybody to walk in and tap in, our experiment will fail much sooner.

Your “experiment” has already failed. When the richest nation in the world turns its back humanitarian refugees, you have betrayed the very values you claim to hold dear.

When you do so because “you can’t afford it”, after giving away trillions of dollars in tax cuts to your wealthiest citizens and corporations, you are a hypocrite.

Your nation’s values are now personal greed and xenophobia.

Your WRONG! This country is still the greatest country on earth. Why else would we even be discussing how to manage ALL THE PEOPLE who want to come here. The fact that so many would risk so much to come here makes it obvious how great this country is.....obvious to everyone except the very stupid, like you.
Instead of ruining this country by coming here they should make their countries great by duplicating effort where they live.

Your assumption that refugees will “ruin this country by coming here” fairly reeks of racism and xenophobia.
Handle it like we did in the past.
Send in UN troops to their home country and make a green zone and help them from there.
We have no obligation to let them into the US.
Of course the UN wants them here to further the globalist agenda so dont expect any help from that front.

I agree and we shouldn't let any of them in because if they get in we taxpayers will be supporting their lazy asses from now till the end of time.

I couldn't care less who they are or what they have to say. Don't let any of them in to the US. We have enough freeloaders.

Let Mexico support their sorry asses.
Debate !!

That’s a tough one-

On one hand, as the leader of the free world we need to extend ourselves to the less fortunate and spread the idea of freedom and liberty against tyranny, but on the other hand, if we allow these people to inundate across our borders we will encourage more people to come, and overwhelm our already stressed system of caring for those unwilling and incapable of caring for themselves.

I know this- if we allow anybody to walk in and tap in, our experiment will fail much sooner.

Your “experiment” has already failed. When the richest nation in the world turns its back humanitarian refugees, you have betrayed the very values you claim to hold dear.

When you do so because “you can’t afford it”, after giving away trillions of dollars in tax cuts to your wealthiest citizens and corporations, you are a hypocrite.

Your nation’s values are now personal greed and xenophobia.

Your WRONG! This country is still the greatest country on earth. Why else would we even be discussing how to manage ALL THE PEOPLE who want to come here. The fact that so many would risk so much to come here makes it obvious how great this country is.....obvious to everyone except the very stupid, like you.
Instead of ruining this country by coming here they should make their countries great by duplicating effort where they live.

Your assumption that refugees will “ruin this country by coming here” fairly reeks of racism and xenophobia.
My assumption is that they will flood the welfare system, lower wages, and make it harder for me and my family to survive in this country.
That’s a tough one-

On one hand, as the leader of the free world we need to extend ourselves to the less fortunate and spread the idea of freedom and liberty against tyranny, but on the other hand, if we allow these people to inundate across our borders we will encourage more people to come, and overwhelm our already stressed system of caring for those unwilling and incapable of caring for themselves.

I know this- if we allow anybody to walk in and tap in, our experiment will fail much sooner.

Your “experiment” has already failed. When the richest nation in the world turns its back humanitarian refugees, you have betrayed the very values you claim to hold dear.

When you do so because “you can’t afford it”, after giving away trillions of dollars in tax cuts to your wealthiest citizens and corporations, you are a hypocrite.

Your nation’s values are now personal greed and xenophobia.

Your WRONG! This country is still the greatest country on earth. Why else would we even be discussing how to manage ALL THE PEOPLE who want to come here. The fact that so many would risk so much to come here makes it obvious how great this country is.....obvious to everyone except the very stupid, like you.
Instead of ruining this country by coming here they should make their countries great by duplicating effort where they live.

Your assumption that refugees will “ruin this country by coming here” fairly reeks of racism and xenophobia.
My assumption is that they will flood the welfare system, lower wages, and make it harder for me and my family to survive in this country.

As with most assumptions it will be utterly false. 30% of all American citizens weren’t born in the US. They’re immigrants. And they’re not overwhelming the welfare system nor are they suppressing wages for American workers.

That you believe this is what happening, shows what a gullible idiot you are.
Most of the cons here want to kill people. One would assume the children there as well. Pro life?

Uh huh.
No we just want invaders to stay on the south side of the border. Its like Palestinians in Gaza jumping on the fence to over into Israel with foreknowledge that a bullet awaits them if that is what they choose to do. That doesn't sound like a wise choice to make it not only affects the recipient of said bullet but their family as well. Ooohh, the choices people make.
1. Should they be allowed to cross into the United States ??

2. Why didn't they find refuge in Mexico ??

3. Should the national guard set temporary camps up that will feed them, vett them, and then turn them back into the direction from which they came ??

4. Should the nation listen to their stories all about the horrors in which they are fleeing from, and if believed, then go with them back to their country, make war with the forces within that country in which caused them to flee to begin with, and help to liberate their Homeland for their soon to be triumphant return ??
First-class tickets to the sanctuary city of their choice, free housing and food stamps, instant citizenship and automatic voter registration.
You have got this so screwed up. Poisonous.
1. Should they be allowed to cross into the United States ??

2. Why didn't they find refuge in Mexico ??

3. Should the national guard set temporary camps up that will feed them, vett them, and then turn them back into the direction from which they came ??

4. Should the nation listen to their stories all about the horrors in which they are fleeing from, and if believed, then go with them back to their country, make war with the forces within that country in which caused them to flee to begin with, and help to liberate their Homeland for their soon to be triumphant return ??
It's perfectly legal to request asylum the way they are; it's just kind of a lot of people at once. Immigrants in the US are doing the same at the Canadian border, you know. Humiliating to me that immigrants are fleeing the US due to a hostile environment. And I think folks like you are to blame.
Quit calling these illegal pieces of scum immigrants. It's an affront to the millions who came here LEGALLY. Stay in your own country and clean up your own shitholes.
The people in the caravan are NOT doing anything illegal by requesting asylum. I think if anything WE are screwing up by refusing to process their requests.
1. Should they be allowed to cross into the United States ??


2. Why didn't they find refuge in Mexico ??

Because Mexico does not want them.

3. Should the national guard set temporary camps up that will feed them, vett them, and then turn them back into the direction from which they came ??

No, and they should be denied any aid. If Mexico want to aid them, that is their business.

4. Should the nation listen to their stories all about the horrors in which they are fleeing from, and if believed, then go with them back to their country, make war with the forces within that country in which caused them to flee to begin with, and help to liberate their Homeland for their soon to be triumphant return ??

No, let Mexico do it if they feel the need to help those people.
No one would be listening to them or even know about them if Trump's hair hadn't caught fire over them a month ago. Invaders, my ass.

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