What All Lives Matter Looks like in Real Life

why do police wear black bands on their sheild when a cop dies ? Don't ALL lives matter?

Police from everywhere will show up to the funerals . Why didn't they show up to the funerals of the people killed in Orlando? Don't ALL lives matter?

Are you really so stupid you can't figure that one out? I'm not even going to bother explaining it to you.
It's called sarcasm . I'm poking fun at this "all lives matter" stuff to expose how silly and disingenuous it is .
I wish they would get this fired up about black black crime. Every profession has its share of assholes and people that are flat out incompetent. Police are no exception. More whites are killed each by police and I don't hear a pep from the activists. We also don't label all cops by the sins of the few.

And yet you don't have a problem labeling all blacks by the sins of the few. That is part of the issue. Innocent black people are regularly treated like criminals during every interaction with the police.

A lot of those people involved in these protests are, in fact, involved in trying to reduce violence in urban neighborhoods. I know that is definitely true in my community.
More horseshit. Perhaps in one out of 100,000 encounters a black person is unjustly treated like a criminal. I've had cops treat me like a criminal. I had a cop pull a gun on me simply because I walked in his direction. So quit your blubbering.

The people involved in these protests are members of a racist hate group. They are encouraging the murder of police officers.

Great story bro. Maybe next time you tell it you can add a car chase or somthing ?
Where you get hit and become a hood ornament....:lol:
I wish they would get this fired up about black black crime. Every profession has its share of assholes and people that are flat out incompetent. Police are no exception. More whites are killed each by police and I don't hear a pep from the activists. We also don't label all cops by the sins of the few.

And yet you don't have a problem labeling all blacks by the sins of the few. That is part of the issue. Innocent black people are regularly treated like criminals during every interaction with the police.

A lot of those people involved in these protests are, in fact, involved in trying to reduce violence in urban neighborhoods. I know that is definitely true in my community.
The first part of your post is incorrect. You haven't been paying attention. I didn't label all blacks as anything. Repairing black neighborhoods is a challenge that has no easy answer. All of the possible solutions are going to lead to pain for some. I believe that to be true of any poor neighborhood regardless of color.

Getting men to behave as men is problematic when the young people in poor areas have no one to emulate. I have lived in the poorest of poor communities in the United States. I have walked in those shoes.

I take issue with race based groups that only care about skin tone. The issues are much larger than skin tone and the people hoping for positive change would do better by being inclusive. Instead the only thing that matters to them is skin tone. It saddens me.
Because you don't consider every human life as important as the next is not my problem. I know you believe that only Blacks are dealt a bad hand in life because of the color of their skin while you ignore the abuse that Asians, Native Americans and Hispanics go through but All Lives do Matter well except to the Progressive Liberal Whore that believe only those that vote for their political party matters and the rest can go get fuck...
This is funny.

When Hispanics form the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association to combat the "abuse" you just mentioned, Trump's Chumps call them racist! :lol:

Show me where I support Trump Chumps!?!

Oh wait because I am not a limp dick Progressive Liberal Whore like you, the OP'er and those that support the OP'er nonsense mean I am a Trump Chump, right?

I notice all of you fucking idiots enjoy ignoring the fact i am against all racism while some of you are only against racism when it support your political point of view.

It is those like the OP'er and those like you that enjoy calling non-Democratic voters Oreo, Uncle Tom and many other racial slurs but then want to tell others how you're not the fucking racists too!

So fuck off because you can review my responses and will see I have written against the idiots that were bashing the La Raza Lawyers, but you're too ignorant to search this!

The only lives that Matter to the Progressive Liberal Kunts of this board are the ones that voted for President Obama, and the rest can simply die and if you disagree then show it in your fucking writings and stop mocking people that are actually against all forms of racism...

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