What All Lives Matter Looks like in Real Life

All life should matter.

The cops life included.
Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon....said racist liberal BLM'ers.....

Yeah . At the Minnesota state fair, where the motto is everything is fried on a stick . Get the joke ?

Really they should be called black lives matter ALSO. Because there are so many being killed , on tape even, and nothing ever gets done about it .
No....dead cops are only a joke to you fucktard liberals....

Man you PC righties really can't take a joke .

the black lives matter movement isn't about black lives being more important than white, polynesian, asian lives. It's about black lives being JUST AS IMPORTANT.

It might help you understand if you understand that there is an invisible "too" right after black lives matter.

i.e. #blacklivesmattertoo

Bullshit, Catzshit.
For those who don't understand what black lives matter is about...this is a good explanation written by a young black man.

LMani S. Viney - For those of you pushing the... | Facebook

For those of you pushing the ‪#‎AllLivesMatter‬ mantra here is why many in the African American community are hurt by that statement.

When 9/11 happened African Americans placed American flags outside their house or helped out at Ground Zero

When Columbine took place we shared in the same Grief and support as all Americans

When the massacre at Sandy Hook took place we hugged our children just as tight. We sent our prayers just as strong as all Americans

We the massacre at Virginia Tech took place we too shouted for gun control.

When Charlie Hebo's staff was massacred by terrorists we too as African Americans changed our avatars to France's Flag.

When the Orlando shooting took place we too either changed our avatar in solidarity with the LGBT community or offered our prayers and condolences.

When the two officers were senselessly killed in NY last year we too prayed for the families and those officers.

When news of the 5 officers were killed yesterday the only thing that changed for African Americans was the level of grief, sadness and depression increasing and prayers for the slain officers and their families.

Why? Because we as African Americans believe in All Lives Mattering. So why do we say Black Lives matter?

Every time there has been an unjust death of a Black person, the only community that seems to express that grief is the Black community. As the shooting of ‪#‎AltonSterling‬ and ‪#‎PhilandroCastile‬ happened there was nothing but pure traumatizing grief on darn near every Black persons page. Yet when I went onto my white friends pages? Nothing. You would almost think it was a normal day.
And this is not the first time.

This happened with Tamir Rice.
This happened with Oscar Grant
This happened with Mike Brown
This happened with Walter Scott

The most heartbreaking of all for me was Hurricane Katrina. I will never forget how thousands of African Americans lay stranded with nothing in New Orleans and yet 100,000 people -mostly white-filled LSU's stadium (only an hour away) to watch a football game as people lay dying.

Like the most evil game of groundhogs day, grief and anger for the Black community and not a peep of support from the white community in general.

So don't tell me #AllLivesMatter when every time there is a tragedy in the Black community we have to justify our anger and grief. Don't tell me #AllLivesMatter when the victims of racial discrimination, police brutality and hate crimes are put on trial rather than the assailants. Don't tell me #AllLivesMatter when instead of sharing in my pain, my fears and empathizing you challenge me to justify it. Enough.

So the reason we say ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ is because all we want is the same level of support that every other group gets.

#AllLivesMatter? Of course. And we know it
More than others because you will be hard pressed to Find ANY African American that would want anyone to go through what we go through in having to justify our existence and right to human dignity in this country.

But until we get that we will continue to say #BlackLivesMatter until our lives matter just as much as the lives of people from other countries, Officers, your neighborhoods, a lion named Cecil, and a gorilla named Harambee means to you.

Prayers to every person affected by violence.

Just take a minute to learn about someone else's perspective, before shouting your own.
I wish they would get this fired up about black black crime. Every profession has its share of assholes and people that are flat out incompetent. Police are no exception. More whites are killed each by police and I don't hear a pep from the activists. We also don't label all cops by the sins of the few.

Other professions do somthing about bad apples . Not so much with the police .
Because you don't consider every human life as important as the next is not my problem. I know you believe that only Blacks are dealt a bad hand in life because of the color of their skin while you ignore the abuse that Asians, Native Americans and Hispanics go through but All Lives do Matter well except to the Progressive Liberal Whore that believe only those that vote for their political party matters and the rest can go get fuck...
This is funny.

When Hispanics form the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association to combat the "abuse" you just mentioned, Trump's Chumps call them racist! :lol:

And yet you don't have a problem labeling all blacks by the sins of the few. That is part of the issue. Innocent black people are regularly treated like criminals during every interaction with the police.

A lot of those people involved in these protests are, in fact, involved in trying to reduce violence in urban neighborhoods. I know that is definitely true in my community.

Catzshit, did you GRASP that more whites are killed by cops every year than blacks are? A LOT MORE,

The reason you and the other BLM filth don't care, is that your movement really is "White Lives Don't Matter."

Nobel Prize-winning novelist Toni Morrison says she wants to see an officer shoot an unarmed white teenager in the back before agreeing that the “conversation about race” is over, but she almost certainly already has received her wish.

An analysis released last week shows that more white people died at the hands of law enforcement than those of any other race in the last two years, even as the Justice Department, social-justice groups and media coverage focus on black victims of police force.}

Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage: analysis
All life should matter.

The cops life included.
Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon....said racist liberal BLM'ers.....

Yeah . At the Minnesota state fair, where the motto is everything is fried on a stick . Get the joke ?

Really they should be called black lives matter ALSO. Because there are so many being killed , on tape even, and nothing ever gets done about it .
So at the Minnesota State Fair rodeo you're good with jokes about roping blacks?

You're an idiot.

I've been to the Minnesota state fair . Fried cheese curds are a staple.
Why are happy with joking about roping blacks over at the arena?
This is funny.

When Hispanics form the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association to combat the "abuse" you just mentioned, Trump's Chumps call them racist! :lol:

What was the Klan going to do about the "abuse" Comrade?

You do love you some Klan, doncha?
I just love it when you tards confuse an organization devoted to racial equality with one devoted to racial superiority. :lol:

You just can't buy this kind of entertainment.

My plate matters too :D

Because you don't consider every human life as important as the next is not my problem. I know you believe that only Blacks are dealt a bad hand in life because of the color of their skin while you ignore the abuse that Asians, Native Americans and Hispanics go through but All Lives do Matter well except to the Progressive Liberal Whore that believe only those that vote for their political party matters and the rest can go get fuck...




the black lives matter movement isn't about black lives being more important than white, polynesian, asian lives. It's about black lives being JUST AS IMPORTANT.

It might help you understand if you understand that there is an invisible "too" right after black lives matter.

i.e. #blacklivesmattertoo

All lives are equal. Why don't you tell that to the blacks murdering blacks by the thousands in chicago. BLM is a terrorist group. They can burn in hell.
My plate matters too :D
Funny vid. But they call that sophism. Spin. It would have been more realistic if that person had just sat down and demanded a plate. And when he was turned down, asked the waiter why he was racist because everyone else got a plate. Spin can go either way here. Let's get rid of spin.
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For those who don't understand what black lives matter is about...this is a good explanation written by a young black man.

LMani S. Viney - For those of you pushing the... | Facebook

For those of you pushing the ‪#‎AllLivesMatter‬ mantra here is why many in the African American community are hurt by that statement.

When 9/11 happened African Americans placed American flags outside their house or helped out at Ground Zero

When Columbine took place we shared in the same Grief and support as all Americans

When the massacre at Sandy Hook took place we hugged our children just as tight. We sent our prayers just as strong as all Americans

We the massacre at Virginia Tech took place we too shouted for gun control.

When Charlie Hebo's staff was massacred by terrorists we too as African Americans changed our avatars to France's Flag.

When the Orlando shooting took place we too either changed our avatar in solidarity with the LGBT community or offered our prayers and condolences.

When the two officers were senselessly killed in NY last year we too prayed for the families and those officers.

When news of the 5 officers were killed yesterday the only thing that changed for African Americans was the level of grief, sadness and depression increasing and prayers for the slain officers and their families.

Why? Because we as African Americans believe in All Lives Mattering. So why do we say Black Lives matter?

Every time there has been an unjust death of a Black person, the only community that seems to express that grief is the Black community. As the shooting of ‪#‎AltonSterling‬ and ‪#‎PhilandroCastile‬ happened there was nothing but pure traumatizing grief on darn near every Black persons page. Yet when I went onto my white friends pages? Nothing. You would almost think it was a normal day.
And this is not the first time.

This happened with Tamir Rice.
This happened with Oscar Grant
This happened with Mike Brown
This happened with Walter Scott

The most heartbreaking of all for me was Hurricane Katrina. I will never forget how thousands of African Americans lay stranded with nothing in New Orleans and yet 100,000 people -mostly white-filled LSU's stadium (only an hour away) to watch a football game as people lay dying.

Like the most evil game of groundhogs day, grief and anger for the Black community and not a peep of support from the white community in general.

So don't tell me #AllLivesMatter when every time there is a tragedy in the Black community we have to justify our anger and grief. Don't tell me #AllLivesMatter when the victims of racial discrimination, police brutality and hate crimes are put on trial rather than the assailants. Don't tell me #AllLivesMatter when instead of sharing in my pain, my fears and empathizing you challenge me to justify it. Enough.

So the reason we say ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ is because all we want is the same level of support that every other group gets.

#AllLivesMatter? Of course. And we know it
More than others because you will be hard pressed to Find ANY African American that would want anyone to go through what we go through in having to justify our existence and right to human dignity in this country.

But until we get that we will continue to say #BlackLivesMatter until our lives matter just as much as the lives of people from other countries, Officers, your neighborhoods, a lion named Cecil, and a gorilla named Harambee means to you.

Prayers to every person affected by violence.

Just take a minute to learn about someone else's perspective, before shouting your own.
I wish they would get this fired up about black black crime. Every profession has its share of assholes and people that are flat out incompetent. Police are no exception. More whites are killed each by police and I don't hear a pep from the activists. We also don't label all cops by the sins of the few.

Other professions do somthing about bad apples . Not so much with the police .
oh you mean like sports? where they do squat as long as you run a 4.5 40?
It would make more sense if you had that guy and then 30 other blacks not served by other blacks...

Then have 35 whites not serve whites (whites kill each other in more sheer numbers than blacks do)

then have the two cops not serve whites.
THEN have a one cop not serve a black.

then you might get the point.

you just keep walking into it, closed, doesn't your face hurt yet?

My plate matters too :D

Because you don't consider every human life as important as the next is not my problem. I know you believe that only Blacks are dealt a bad hand in life because of the color of their skin while you ignore the abuse that Asians, Native Americans and Hispanics go through but All Lives do Matter well except to the Progressive Liberal Whore that believe only those that vote for their political party matters and the rest can go get fuck...




the black lives matter movement isn't about black lives being more important than white, polynesian, asian lives. It's about black lives being JUST AS IMPORTANT.

It might help you understand if you understand that there is an invisible "too" right after black lives matter.

i.e. #blacklivesmattertoo

Bullshit. Black Lies Matters is a racist hate group. They have cheered the murder of police officers. They should be outlawed. All its members should be rounded up and jailed.
All life should matter.

The cops life included.
Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon....said racist liberal BLM'ers.....

Yeah . At the Minnesota state fair, where the motto is everything is fried on a stick . Get the joke ?

Really they should be called black lives matter ALSO. Because there are so many being killed , on tape even, and nothing ever gets done about it .
So at the Minnesota State Fair rodeo you're good with jokes about roping blacks?

You're an idiot.

I've been to the Minnesota state fair . Fried cheese curds are a staple.
Why are happy with joking about roping blacks over at the arena?

Is there some history of cops being wrapped up in blankets and being thrown into deep friars that I don't know about ?
For those who don't understand what black lives matter is about...this is a good explanation written by a young black man.

LMani S. Viney - For those of you pushing the... | Facebook

For those of you pushing the ‪#‎AllLivesMatter‬ mantra here is why many in the African American community are hurt by that statement.

When 9/11 happened African Americans placed American flags outside their house or helped out at Ground Zero

When Columbine took place we shared in the same Grief and support as all Americans

When the massacre at Sandy Hook took place we hugged our children just as tight. We sent our prayers just as strong as all Americans

We the massacre at Virginia Tech took place we too shouted for gun control.

When Charlie Hebo's staff was massacred by terrorists we too as African Americans changed our avatars to France's Flag.

When the Orlando shooting took place we too either changed our avatar in solidarity with the LGBT community or offered our prayers and condolences.

When the two officers were senselessly killed in NY last year we too prayed for the families and those officers.

When news of the 5 officers were killed yesterday the only thing that changed for African Americans was the level of grief, sadness and depression increasing and prayers for the slain officers and their families.

Why? Because we as African Americans believe in All Lives Mattering. So why do we say Black Lives matter?

Every time there has been an unjust death of a Black person, the only community that seems to express that grief is the Black community. As the shooting of ‪#‎AltonSterling‬ and ‪#‎PhilandroCastile‬ happened there was nothing but pure traumatizing grief on darn near every Black persons page. Yet when I went onto my white friends pages? Nothing. You would almost think it was a normal day.
And this is not the first time.

This happened with Tamir Rice.
This happened with Oscar Grant
This happened with Mike Brown
This happened with Walter Scott

The most heartbreaking of all for me was Hurricane Katrina. I will never forget how thousands of African Americans lay stranded with nothing in New Orleans and yet 100,000 people -mostly white-filled LSU's stadium (only an hour away) to watch a football game as people lay dying.

Like the most evil game of groundhogs day, grief and anger for the Black community and not a peep of support from the white community in general.

So don't tell me #AllLivesMatter when every time there is a tragedy in the Black community we have to justify our anger and grief. Don't tell me #AllLivesMatter when the victims of racial discrimination, police brutality and hate crimes are put on trial rather than the assailants. Don't tell me #AllLivesMatter when instead of sharing in my pain, my fears and empathizing you challenge me to justify it. Enough.

So the reason we say ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ is because all we want is the same level of support that every other group gets.

#AllLivesMatter? Of course. And we know it
More than others because you will be hard pressed to Find ANY African American that would want anyone to go through what we go through in having to justify our existence and right to human dignity in this country.

But until we get that we will continue to say #BlackLivesMatter until our lives matter just as much as the lives of people from other countries, Officers, your neighborhoods, a lion named Cecil, and a gorilla named Harambee means to you.

Prayers to every person affected by violence.

Just take a minute to learn about someone else's perspective, before shouting your own.
What a load of sanctimonious bullshit.
I wish they would get this fired up about black black crime. Every profession has its share of assholes and people that are flat out incompetent. Police are no exception. More whites are killed each by police and I don't hear a pep from the activists. We also don't label all cops by the sins of the few.

And yet you don't have a problem labeling all blacks by the sins of the few. That is part of the issue. Innocent black people are regularly treated like criminals during every interaction with the police.

A lot of those people involved in these protests are, in fact, involved in trying to reduce violence in urban neighborhoods. I know that is definitely true in my community.
More horseshit. Perhaps in one out of 100,000 encounters a black person is unjustly treated like a criminal. I've had cops treat me like a criminal. I had a cop pull a gun on me simply because I walked in his direction. So quit your blubbering.

The people involved in these protests are members of a racist hate group. They are encouraging the murder of police officers.
why do police wear black bands on their sheild when a cop dies ? Don't ALL lives matter?

Police from everywhere will show up to the funerals . Why didn't they show up to the funerals of the people killed in Orlando? Don't ALL lives matter?

Are you really so stupid you can't figure that one out? I'm not even going to bother explaining it to you.
Because you don't consider every human life as important as the next is not my problem. I know you believe that only Blacks are dealt a bad hand in life because of the color of their skin while you ignore the abuse that Asians, Native Americans and Hispanics go through but All Lives do Matter well except to the Progressive Liberal Whore that believe only those that vote for their political party matters and the rest can go get fuck...
This is funny.

When Hispanics form the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association to combat the "abuse" you just mentioned, Trump's Chumps call them racist! :lol:

The goal of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association is to get Hispanic lawyers hired in preference to lawyers of other race.
This is funny.

When Hispanics form the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association to combat the "abuse" you just mentioned, Trump's Chumps call them racist! :lol:

What was the Klan going to do about the "abuse" Comrade?

You do love you some Klan, doncha?
I just love it when you tards confuse an organization devoted to racial equality with one devoted to racial superiority. :lol:

You just can't buy this kind of entertainment.
It's not devoted to racial equality. It says so right on their webpage.
I wish they would get this fired up about black black crime. Every profession has its share of assholes and people that are flat out incompetent. Police are no exception. More whites are killed each by police and I don't hear a pep from the activists. We also don't label all cops by the sins of the few.

And yet you don't have a problem labeling all blacks by the sins of the few. That is part of the issue. Innocent black people are regularly treated like criminals during every interaction with the police.

A lot of those people involved in these protests are, in fact, involved in trying to reduce violence in urban neighborhoods. I know that is definitely true in my community.
More horseshit. Perhaps in one out of 100,000 encounters a black person is unjustly treated like a criminal. I've had cops treat me like a criminal. I had a cop pull a gun on me simply because I walked in his direction. So quit your blubbering.

The people involved in these protests are members of a racist hate group. They are encouraging the murder of police officers.

Great story bro. Maybe next time you tell it you can add a car chase or somthing ?

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