What Amnesty Really Is


This always tickles me. Makes you wonder why the Democrats don’t own Texas lock stock and barrel (and Arizona for that matter).

Oh yeah, the whole meme of democrats benefitting directly from immigration is bullshit. Thats why.
So the American Dream is to become a gardener?
Rewind a couple of hundred years, the American Dream was to hunt the buffalo, live in harmony with the land, and teach the children to respect their world.
Then some outsiders came and stole that dream, ravished the land, and killed the children.

Ha! But that is history, not reality. We are here now, you know, the descendants (oh wait, I'm a quarter Cherokee, so I'm not one of them), of those who "ravaged the land." You act as if we don't deserve to be here.
You can't even get a job, much less deserve to be here.
So. Those who you disagree with don't deserve to live here?

Don't deserve?
You are currently serving as proof that there are many Americans who have zero interest in working even a fraction as hard as any illegal immigrant. That's funnier than many jokes.

And what would you know of my life to insinuate that I have zero interest in working? Listen to yourself trying to justify illegal immigration based on the merits of those illegal immigrants working harder than other Americans. It still doesn't make what they did any less illegal.

See, I've had three jobs. I was fired from one, the economic downturn killed the other, and my nervous breakdown forced me to resign from the last one I had.

I bagged groceries for people and I cleaned up after man and beast alike at the UGA Veterinary School as a janitor. It wasn't the most appealing job in the world, but I was blessed to have it. I remember one day someone bringing in a dog that was nearly dead from a case of Canine parvovirus, and it did later die. As it lay there on the stretcher, being carried away, it was still vomiting, and trailing it all the way down the hall and into the emergency room. I had to clean that up, and as a result, I saw what was going on in the emergency room as those people were trying to save that poor dog's life. The attendant at the desk was livid. She asked me why an owner would wait that long to bring their dog in for treatment. I could see the anger in her face. Having taken care of three dogs myself, I wasn't too happy about it either. I'll never forget that.

But I'm never too good for any job. Never. But I would have never had any of them had I played second fiddle to an illegal immigrant for the same job.

Before lecturing me about being too good for a job, perhaps you should be aware of the circumstances behind why I don't have one. There are always unmitigated circumstances behind why someone doesn't have a job. And it isn't you place to judge them (or me) for it.

What a load of shit. You don't want to work. We all know this.

And what bearing would that potentially have on my argument? In fact that is your default response when you can't beat me in a debate. Ooooh TK (yes that's me for anyone curious) doesn't have a job! That makes his argument invalid!

That's incredibly lazy, LL.
Meanwhile back in reality,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--"

That is what the framers thought.
What some 2 bit loser from Georgia feels is insignificant.

Meanwhile, back in reality, the Declaration of Independence isn't a legally binding document. Nothing in it grants you any rights or privileges whatsoever.

You failed again.
Meanwhile back in reality,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--"

That is what the framers thought.
What some 2 bit loser from Georgia feels is insignificant.

Meanwhile, back in reality, the Declaration of Independence isn't a legally binding document. Nothing in it grants you any rights or privileges whatsoever.

You failed again.

And where, pray tell, did I say it was? You’re on the opposite side from the framers. And reality for that matter. But since we’re on the constitution…please tell us where in the Constitution that freedom is a privilege.
There are those of us who have a knowledge of history and then there are people like you who believe freedom is a privilege like driving.

Please, demonstrate your knowledge of history to me instead of bragging to me about it. I'd love to see this.

Preamble to the Constitution... Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Your move.
At someone else's expense.


Your move.

Check your logic…there is none.
And where, pray tell, did I say it was?

One, you called the Declaration of Independence the "Preamble to the Constitution"

Two, you keep citing the Declaration even after you were called on that mistake. So that tells me you think the Declaration implies rights on people when it doesn't.

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