What an IDIOT!!! Guarantees USA to Rid fossil fuels" yet promotes the worse emitting country!

Trump's signature is all over this fraud.

Your TDS is showing again. The obtuse political antics of Biden related to the border, immigration, foreign policy, and anti-fossil fuels is enough to negate your statement.
Biden: "I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

BUT what has Biden done? Approved the worst Co2 emissions , oil producing country - Venezuela!
All the while GUARANTEEING the USA will be out of the oil production business!
HOW totally stupid! When will you people wake up that this GUY wants to destroy the USA!
Totally DUMB!

Chevron Could Get Approval To Ramp Up Oil Production In Venezuela | OilPrice.com Biden now does what with the worst polluting country?

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it’s not about cleaning up CO2…it’s a war on the working class. The Demafasict, lead by xiden, want to make americans poorer and dependent. They actually idolize the Venezuelan govt
Your TDS is showing again. The obtuse political antics of Biden related to the border, immigration, foreign policy, and anti-fossil fuels is enough to negate your statement.
while xiden and the demafasict are making working americans poorer…they are prosecuting a company for giving too many benefits to its employees

let that sink in
I expect Chevron will run a much cleaner operation. Sanctions haven't helped Venezuela reduce production emissions.
OK... you said it..."Chevron cleaner"...
So why would the Chevron CEO say this?
U.S. Will Never Build Another Oil Refinery, Chevron CEO Says
My personal view is there will never be another new refinery built” on U.S. soil, said Wirth. “You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”
When then would BIDEN want the world's leading Co2 emissions in oil processing oil?
What is wrong with using US oil?
Why would we be further dependent on oil tankers bringing gas which is far more expensive than processing oil in the USA?
Here is the practical that evidently people don't understand.
To bring gas/diesel fuel without pipelines is so expensive because one barrel of oil makes 20 gallons of gas.
As a result it will take 2 oil tankers to haul the refined gas from Venezuela to the USA versus 1 oil tanker of unrefined oil!
And the reason that is important is what the below list shows.
1 barrel of oil provides 7 gallons of oil to make 1 tire of the 2 billion tires made every year.
3% of all oil produced is used to make asphalt!
Again the issue is refineries!
And Biden has told the fossil fuel industry he wants to get rid of them!
OK... you said it..."Chevron cleaner"...
So why would the Chevron CEO say this?
U.S. Will Never Build Another Oil Refinery, Chevron CEO Says
My personal view is there will never be another new refinery built” on U.S. soil, said Wirth. “You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”
When then would BIDEN want the world's leading Co2 emissions in oil processing oil?
What is wrong with using US oil?
Why would we be further dependent on oil tankers bringing gas which is far more expensive than processing oil in the USA?
Here is the practical that evidently people don't understand.
To bring gas/diesel fuel without pipelines is so expensive because one barrel of oil makes 20 gallons of gas.
As a result it will take 2 oil tankers to haul the refined gas from Venezuela to the USA versus 1 oil tanker of unrefined oil!
And the reason that is important is what the below list shows.
1 barrel of oil provides 7 gallons of oil to make 1 tire of the 2 billion tires made every year.
3% of all oil produced is used to make asphalt!
Again the issue is refineries!
And Biden has told the fossil fuel industry he wants to get rid of them!
View attachment 730831
not to mention shipping gas/oil etc on tankers is far more dangerous to the environment
not to mention shipping gas/oil etc on tankers is far more dangerous to the environment
You are absolutely right! I'm sure Gen Zs don't know what Exxon Valdez is about and to help them here are some links!

On March 24, 1989 the oil tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground in Prince William Sound, Alaska, spilling 11 million gallons of oil. The ecologically sensitive location, season of the year, and large scale of this spill resulted in one of the largest environmental disasters in U.S. history.
Exxon settled in 1991 with funds disbursed in three discrete parts: criminal plea agreement ($25 million), criminal restitution ($100 million), and civil settlement ($900 million).

What Were the Impacts?​

The spill affected more than 1,300 miles of shoreline, with immense impacts for fish and wildlife and their habitats, as well as for local industries and communities.
The oil killed:
  • An estimated 250,000 seabirds
  • 2,800 sea otters
  • 300 harbor seals
  • 250 bald eagles
  • As many as 22 killer whales
  • Billions of salmon and herring eggs
More than 25 years since the spill, the following species remain in a “Not Recovering” or “Unknown” status:

That was another reason Biden's killing Keystone was so ridiculous because that oil pipeline cancellation is NOW causing Canada to
ship oil via tankers!

Fate of oil sands export could rest with Trans Mountain Expansion​

With Keystone XL now off the table at least for a few years, hopes to profit on oil sands production turn to the Trans Mountain Expansion pipeline project, which aims to build a second pipe roughly parallel to an existing one, running 700 miles from Alberta to Vancouver, British Columbia. It would add 590,000 barrels per day to its existing capacity of 300,000 barrels per day.
From Vancouver, the oil could be shipped on tankers to Asia or elsewhere.
The Biden Administration absolutely SHOULD go ahead and encourage oil majors like Chevron to vastly expand profitable oil production in Venezuela, the country which the OP article admits “is home to the largest oil reserves in the world.”

The U.S. should, as part of a larger settlement, recognize Venezuela and return the billions in gold bullion and bank reserves it and its allies has outright stolen from that country and its people. We should help bring a settlement with the opposition parties there (they have been urging us to do so even as we have adopted a failed “maximum pressure sanction campaign”) and also mediate various complex debt issues the country has outstanding. We should never have forbidden / sanctioned European and other nation’s companies that wish to buy oil and invest and trade with Venezuela.

This will dramatically help resolve the immigration problems we face on our Southern border, where recently half the requests for refugee status has been from desperate and hungry Venezuelans fleeing their own country.

Unlike Saudi Arabia, Maduro’s semi-dictatorial government at least allows a legal opposition to exist, doesn’t invade nearby countries, doesn’t engage in terrorism (though the U.S. has tried to overthrow and kill government leaders there), and doesn’t butcher opposition journalists like MbS did to Kashoggi.

I can go on forever in explaining why this tentative opening to Venezuela (long sought by our European friends) is the correct thing to do now, and probably one of the the only things that can dramatically lower the world price of oil in the next year or two. It is crucially necessary now that the Gulf States, especially the Saudis, are de facto allies of Russia in Putin’s bloody invasion of Ukraine.
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Democrats would never allow the impeachment of Biden. Biden could turn completely rogue tyrannically Commie and Democrats would just smile.
It takes a two-thirds vote in the Senate to convict on impeachment.

They won't even have to impeach him if he becomes too much of an embarrassment to the Democrats. He'll be politely asked to step down.
You are absolutely right! I'm sure Gen Zs don't know what Exxon Valdez is about and to help them here are some links!

On March 24, 1989 the oil tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground in Prince William Sound, Alaska, spilling 11 million gallons of oil. The ecologically sensitive location, season of the year, and large scale of this spill resulted in one of the largest environmental disasters in U.S. history.
Exxon settled in 1991 with funds disbursed in three discrete parts: criminal plea agreement ($25 million), criminal restitution ($100 million), and civil settlement ($900 million).

What Were the Impacts?​

The spill affected more than 1,300 miles of shoreline, with immense impacts for fish and wildlife and their habitats, as well as for local industries and communities.
The oil killed:
  • An estimated 250,000 seabirds
  • 2,800 sea otters
  • 300 harbor seals
  • 250 bald eagles
  • As many as 22 killer whales
  • Billions of salmon and herring eggs
More than 25 years since the spill, the following species remain in a “Not Recovering” or “Unknown” status:

That was another reason Biden's killing Keystone was so ridiculous because that oil pipeline cancellation is NOW causing Canada to
ship oil via tankers!

Fate of oil sands export could rest with Trans Mountain Expansion​

With Keystone XL now off the table at least for a few years, hopes to profit on oil sands production turn to the Trans Mountain Expansion pipeline project, which aims to build a second pipe roughly parallel to an existing one, running 700 miles from Alberta to Vancouver, British Columbia. It would add 590,000 barrels per day to its existing capacity of 300,000 barrels per day.
From Vancouver, the oil could be shipped on tankers to Asia or elsewhere.
pipelines are by far the safest and in the long run better for the environment
The Biden Administration absolutely SHOULD go ahead and encourage oil majors like Chevron to vastly expand profitable oil production in Venezuela, the country which the OP article admits “is home to the largest oil reserves in the world.”

The U.S. should, as part of a larger settlement, recognize Venezuela and return the billions in gold bullion and bank reserves it and its allies has outright stolen from that country and its people. We should help bring a settlement with the opposition parties there (they have been urging us to do so even as we have adopted a failed “maximum pressure sanction campaign”) and also mediate various complex debt issues the country has outstanding. We should never have forbidden / sanctioned European and other nation’s companies that wish to buy oil and invest and trade with Venezuela.
Reward a Marxist state for stealing private companies assets? Why would we do that? So that they could again steal private companies assets?

We had low prices for oil without Venezuela, why would that be the only solution now?

So much corruption in Venezuela, leeches on the oil industry. There is more than enough of that in the World, no sense in using our tax money to reward another country for it's corruption.
Your post is fantasy.
Did Biden not agree to let China have "developing nation" status? If you REALLY think the world is teetering on a global meltdown because of climate then why would you support someone who wants to let the biggest polluters continue to increase their pollution for years?
Did Biden not agree to let China have "developing nation" status? If you REALLY think the world is teetering on a global meltdown because of climate then why would you support someone who wants to let the biggest polluters continue to increase their pollution for years?

Biden has no control over China.

We have been importing oil from Venezuela since the 1950s. Trump put sanctions on Venezuela so we began buying more oil from Russia. We don't buy any oil from Iran.

New oilfields are opening up in Guyana... and somewhere else that slips my mind.
The Biden Administration absolutely SHOULD go ahead and encourage oil majors like Chevron to vastly expand profitable oil production in Venezuela, the country which the OP article admits “is home to the largest oil reserves in the world.”

The U.S. should, as part of a larger settlement, recognize Venezuela and return the billions in gold bullion and bank reserves it and its allies has outright stolen from that country and its people. We should help bring a settlement with the opposition parties there (they have been urging us to do so even as we have adopted a failed “maximum pressure sanction campaign”) and also mediate various complex debt issues the country has outstanding. We should never have forbidden / sanctioned European and other nation’s companies that wish to buy oil and invest and trade with Venezuela.

This will dramatically help resolve the immigration problems we face on our Southern border, where recently half the requests for refugee status has been from desperate and hungry Venezuelans fleeing their own country.

Unlike Saudi Arabia, Maduro’s semi-dictatorial government at least allows a legal opposition to exist, doesn’t invade nearby countries, doesn’t engage in terrorism (though the U.S. has tried to overthrow and kill government leaders there), and doesn’t butcher opposition journalists like MbS did to Kashoggi.

I can go on forever in explaining why this tentative opening to Venezuela (long sought by our European friends) is the correct thing to do now, and probably one of the the only things that can dramatically lower the world price of oil in the next year or two. It is crucially necessary now that the Gulf States, especially the Saudis, are de facto allies of Russia in Putin’s bloody invasion of Ukraine.
Saudi Arabia endured cross border attacks from Yemen for six years. They moved their villages back from the border 20 kilometers in 1999.

Al Qaeda left Afghanistan and Sudan and settled in Yemen.. Boko Haram moved and the Al Houthis overthrew the government. You must remember the bombing of the USS Cole.
Biden: "I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

BUT what has Biden done? Approved the worst Co2 emissions , oil producing country - Venezuela!
All the while GUARANTEEING the USA will be out of the oil production business!
HOW totally stupid! When will you people wake up that this GUY wants to destroy the USA!
Totally DUMB!

Chevron Could Get Approval To Ramp Up Oil Production In Venezuela | OilPrice.com Biden now does what with the worst polluting country?

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View attachment 730784

Oh please.

Next you'll tell me he's gonna shut down American domestic fossil fuel energy while begging the Saudis to produce more.

No American President would do that.

I mean the only way that could possibly ever be a thing is if he were compromised at the behest of the ChiComs.
Biden has no control over China.

We have been importing oil from Venezuela since the 1950s. Trump put sanctions on Venezuela so we began buying more oil from Russia. We don't buy any oil from Iran.

New oilfields are opening up in Guyana... and somewhere else that slips my mind.
Biden put us back into the Paris Accords which gives China a "pass" to continue to pollute the planet for years while forcing us to damage our economy with energy policies that increase costs.
Would you like to explain how buying oil from Venezuela or anywhere else is better for the environment than producing it here ourselves, Surada?
Biden put us back into the Paris Accords which gives China a "pass" to continue to pollute the planet for years while forcing us to damage our economy with energy policies that increase costs.
Would you like to explain how buying oil from Venezuela or anywhere else is better for the environment than producing it here ourselves, Surada?

For one thing Venezuelan oil is cheaper. The US has the highest lift costs in the world. Our domestic producers can't withstand a low ppb. We're producing about 12 million bpd and use 20 million barrels. The Paris Accord is good.

The Paris Accord

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For one thing Venezuelan oil is cheaper. The US has the highest lift costs in the world. Our domestic producers can't withstand a low ppb. We're producing about 12 million bpd and use 20 million barrels. The Paris Accord is good.
But we paid less. We go to the stores and pay utility bills and gasoline and other things, and we are worth a lot less.

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