What an IDIOT!!! Guarantees USA to Rid fossil fuels" yet promotes the worse emitting country!

For one thing Venezuelan oil is cheaper. The US has the highest lift costs in the world. Our domestic producers can't withstand a low ppb. We're producing about 12 million bpd and use 20 million barrels. The Paris Accord is good.

The Paris Accord

If venezuela wants to sell us oil, they can abide by the terms of the GOP and return the assets to private companies that they stole.

The price tag of the paris accords is too high and they accomplish nothing except destroy more of the earth, not less
The Paris Accord

Requires over $100 Trillion dollars in Renewables Heavy Industry manufacturing.


The burning of billions of tons of fossil fuels manufacturing Renewables every day forever.

The only limitation is how fast the USA can "print" over a $100 trillion dollars

The Paris Accords is a waste of money on renewables that pollute the world and destroy land by the square mile, 10s of thousands of square miles.
If venezuela wants to sell us oil, they can abide by the terms of the GOP and return the assets to private companies that they stole.

The price tag of the paris accords is too high and they accomplish nothing except destroy more of the earth, not less

You might consider our track record with Venezuela over the past 40 years.
I did, they stole private property from corporations that invested in venezuela

They exploi
I did, they stole private property from corporations that invested in venezuela

This is a fair explanation of what happened. Nationalization of oil and gas can be done properly. US companies were reimbursed.

Oh please.

Next you'll tell me he's gonna shut down American domestic fossil fuel energy while begging the Saudis to produce more.

No American President would do that.

I mean the only way that could possibly ever be a thing is if he were compromised at the behest of the ChiComs.
I know..I know... it is totally impossible that any American MUCH less the President would be so ignorant of the daily impact oil
has on ALL 300+ million Americans!
What is sad that many Americans have little knowledge of the impact of fossil fuels on our lives.
Tires... how many people know that all the tires they ride on, that trucks bringing our goods/services depend on 300 million barrels of oil to
build the 2 billion tires made Every year. Or that asphalt they drive on is made from oil! 3% of all oil produced used to make asphalt!

But Biden wants to get rid of fossil fuels.
They exploi

This is a fair explanation of what happened. Nationalization of oil and gas can be done properly. US companies were reimbursed.

Yes, your article shows that oil corporations will not invest in the marxist state of venezuela.

The losing assets and profit is a proven liability in the poorly run state owned oil industry of venezuela

We have suffered extremely high prices due to our dependence on state owned oil of venezuela
Yes, your article shows that oil corporations will not invest in the marxist state of venezuela.

The losing assets and profit is a proven liability in the poorly run state owned oil industry of venezuela

We have suffered extremely high prices due to our dependence on state owned oil of venezuela

US oil is always more expensive than OPEC... For the past 50 years.
US oil is always more expensive than OPEC... For the past 50 years.
Always? Bullshit!

The only way our oil is more expensive is when we ban drilling off the coast of florida, in the gulf of mexico, off the coast of california, in the interior of california, and alaska.

Then we saddle our oil industry with endless lawsuits, rules, regulations, and laws.

Yes, with the democrats jack boot on the throat of our oil industry it can barely breath.

The world is dying because of the democratic party's destroy the USA politics.
For one thing Venezuelan oil is cheaper. The US has the highest lift costs in the world. Our domestic producers can't withstand a low ppb. We're producing about 12 million bpd and use 20 million barrels. The Paris Accord is good.

The Paris Accord

So explain to me why it is that Venezuelan oil is better for the environment than oil that we produce? How does shutting down US production and then buying more oil from elsewhere fight climate change?

Then take a crack at explaining why allowing China to increase its use of fossil fuels while we decrease ours makes any sense at all if you're worried about the planet? The Paris Accord is so flawed it borders on farce!
Yes, your article shows that oil corporations will not invest in the marxist state of venezuela.

The losing assets and profit is a proven liability in the poorly run state owned oil industry of venezuela

We have suffered extremely high prices due to our dependence on state owned oil of venezuela
Oil companies will absolutely invest in Venezuela if the U.S. government ends its sanctions. Not merely Chevron and European oil companies, but the chastened Maduro government, the desperate Venezuelan people, even most opposition politicians there, are awaiting what they all hope will be successful negotiations to re-open the economy and extend more rights to the legal opposition.

Venezuelan oil reserves and industry was nationalized in 1975, long before Chavez or Maduro came on the scene. Oil nationalization in Mexico occurred before 1940, in Saudi Arabia and in most underdeveloped countries, it often came after Western companies helped train technicians and local specialists, and nationalists (or Western interests themselves) came to recognize that the previous extremely exploitative relations were impossible to sustain. In Iran after the anti-Soviet Democrat Mossadegh nationalized oil in the 1950s, he was overthrown by a CIA-organized coup that installed a monarch, and set the stage for subsequent decades of insecurity and religious fanaticism.

Nobody denies that the Maduro regime is now both extremely bureaucratic and corrupt. It does often claim to be “Bolivarian” or even “socialist.” What the negotiations going on now are attempting is merely demonstrate that outstanding problems can be dealt with, and dealt with profitably and in the West’s (and Venezuelan people’s) immediate interests.

As for Venezuela being “Marxist” — didn’t you write just last week that “Extreme, far left, marxists … are everyday democrats.”

Forgive me for thinking you are not quite right in the head, and have no ability to see the bigger picture. The U.S. does not itself need Venezuelan oil, but if willing Western oil companies (who know exactly what they will be dealing with) expand oil production there it will inevitably lower world prices. That will tend to weaken the Saudi-Putin alliance, and help our Asian and European allies especially.

The reality is that the U.S. is in a strong position vis-a-vis the desperate Venezuelan government, and of course Maduro knows the U.S. would re-introduce sanctions later if that were to prove necessary.

Like our 60+ year sanctions policy against Cuba, which is annually opposed by lopsided votes in the U.N. General Assembly (this year by 184 to 2) our present policy is a fossil which only convinces most of the world that we act as a bully and “imperialist” power in Latin America, and does nothing for the Cuban people, or to overthrow the Cuban regime.
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US oil is always more expensive than OPEC... For the past 50 years.
One reason for always more expensive:
The federal gasoline excise tax rate is 18.4 cents per gallon. It's 24.4 cents per gallon of diesel.
This tax pays for infrastructure projects and mass transportation costs and includes a .Nov 9, 2022
So no matter what the oil refineries pay for the oil, and the gas dealers pay the refineries for their gas, the bottom line IS alway 18.4 cents more!
Oil companies will absolutely invest in Venezuela if the U.S. government ends its sanctions. Not merely Chevron and European oil companies, but the chastened Maduro government, the desperate Venezuelan people, even most opposition politicians there, are awaiting what they all hope will be successful negotiations to re-open the economy and extend more rights to the legal opposition.

Venezuelan oil reserves and industry was nationalized in 1975, long before Chavez or Maduro came on the scene. Oil nationalization in Mexico occurred before 1940, in Saudi Arabia and in most underdeveloped countries, it often came after Western companies helped train technicians and local specialists, and nationalists (or Western interests themselves) came to recognize that the previous extremely exploitative relations were impossible to sustain. In Iran after the anti-Soviet Democrat Mossadegh nationalized oil in the 1950s, he was overthrown by a CIA-organized coup that installed a monarch, and set the stage for subsequent decades of insecurity and religious fanaticism.

Nobody denies that the Maduro regime is now both extremely bureaucratic and corrupt. It does often claim to be “Bolivarian” or even “socialist.” What the negotiations going on now are attempting is merely demonstrate that outstanding problems can be dealt with, and dealt with profitably and in the West’s (and Venezuelan people’s) immediate interests.

As for Venezuela being “Marxist” — didn’t you write just last week that “Extreme, far left, marxists … are everyday democrats.”

Forgive me for thinking you are not quite right in the head, and have no ability to see the bigger picture. The U.S. does not itself need Venezuelan oil, but if willing Western oil companies (who know exactly what they will be dealing with) expand oil production there it will inevitably lower world prices. That will tend to weaken the Saudi-Putin alliance, and help our Asian and European allies especially.

The reality is that the U.S. is in a strong position vis-a-vis the desperate Venezuelan government, and of course Maduro knows the U.S. would re-introduce sanctions later if that were to prove necessary.

Like our 60+ year sanctions policy against Cuba, which is annually opposed by lopsided votes in the U.N. General Assembly (this year by 184 to 2) our present policy is a fossil which only convinces most of the world that we act as a bully and “imperialist” power in Latin America, and does nothing for the Cuban people, or to overthrow the Cuban regime.

Nationalization of ARAMCO was laid out in the original concession agreement 50 years earlier. It was a seamless transition.
One reason for always more expensive:
The federal gasoline excise tax rate is 18.4 cents per gallon. It's 24.4 cents per gallon of diesel.
This tax pays for infrastructure projects and mass transportation costs and includes a .Nov 9, 2022
So no matter what the oil refineries pay for the oil, and the gas dealers pay the refineries for their gas, the bottom line IS alway 18.4 cents more!

You could do away with gas tax and increase income tax.
Always? Bullshit!

The only way our oil is more expensive is when we ban drilling off the coast of florida, in the gulf of mexico, off the coast of california, in the interior of california, and alaska.

Then we saddle our oil industry with endless lawsuits, rules, regulations, and laws.

Yes, with the democrats jack boot on the throat of our oil industry it can barely breath.

The world is dying because of the democratic party's destroy the USA politics.

You're ignorant. US oil has been a dollar higher than OPEC since the 1960s.

Before OPEC it was cheaper. Cheap oil from Arabia fueled the Marshal Plan.
So explain to me why it is that Venezuelan oil is better for the environment than oil that we produce? How does shutting down US production and then buying more oil from elsewhere fight climate change?

Then take a crack at explaining why allowing China to increase its use of fossil fuels while we decrease ours makes any sense at all if you're worried about the planet? The Paris Accord is so flawed it borders on farce!
And as I pointed out...
Oil companies will absolutely invest in Venezuela if the U.S. government ends its sanctions. Not merely Chevron and European oil companies, but the chastened Maduro government, the desperate Venezuelan people, even most opposition politicians there, are awaiting what they all hope will be successful negotiations to re-open the economy and extend more rights to the legal opposition.

Venezuelan oil reserves and industry was nationalized in 1975, long before Chavez or Maduro came on the scene. Oil nationalization in Mexico occurred before 1940, in Saudi Arabia and in most underdeveloped countries, it often came after Western companies helped train technicians and local specialists, and nationalists (or Western interests themselves) came to recognize that the previous extremely exploitative relations were impossible to sustain. In Iran after the anti-Soviet Democrat Mossadegh nationalized oil in the 1950s, he was overthrown by a CIA-organized coup that installed a monarch, and set the stage for subsequent decades of insecurity and religious fanaticism.

Nobody denies that the Maduro regime is now both extremely bureaucratic and corrupt. It does often claim to be “Bolivarian” or even “socialist.” What the negotiations going on now are attempting is merely demonstrate that outstanding problems can be dealt with, and dealt with profitably and in the West’s (and Venezuelan people’s) immediate interests.

As for Venezuela being “Marxist” — didn’t you write just last week that “Extreme, far left, marxists … are everyday democrats.”

Forgive me for thinking you are not quite right in the head, and have no ability to see the bigger picture. The U.S. does not itself need Venezuelan oil, but if willing Western oil companies (who know exactly what they will be dealing with) expand oil production there it will inevitably lower world prices. That will tend to weaken the Saudi-Putin alliance, and help our Asian and European allies especially.

The reality is that the U.S. is in a strong position vis-a-vis the desperate Venezuelan government, and of course Maduro knows the U.S. would re-introduce sanctions later if that were to prove necessary.

Like our 60+ year sanctions policy against Cuba, which is annually opposed by lopsided votes in the U.N. General Assembly (this year by 184 to 2) our present policy is a fossil which only convinces most of the world that we act as a bully and “imperialist” power in Latin America, and does nothing for the Cuban people, or to overthrow the Cuban regime.
The bigger picture? Socialism, Marxism, and Corruption.

Our 60 year policy against Cuba, seems to me it has worked very well. If you wish to be a Marxist state and nationalize all the investments that U.S. companies have made, economic ruin could be your future.

How come you don't mention the recent assets, companies that have been nationalized? Why not discuss that it was not just oil assets being nationalized, but other sectors of the economy?

Banking, Agriculture, Steel, Gold Mines, Telecomms, Shipping, Electricity, all nationalized. What should we call this? Socialism? Marxism? Good old fashion dictatorship?

You think we should invest in corruption? Give more to Venezuela?

Before 1975 Venezuela was a nice growing democracy. Venezuela was rich. But the greed of corrupt politicians took over.

Latin America? A more modern, more acceptable term would be South America. Brazil hates being called a Latin American country.

It is a shame, that some of our better American's ideas for South America were thwarted by the local corrupt military takeovers. How much better off, all of them would of been if only the IBEC thrived, instead of being thwarted.

I for one, am alarmed when after New Years in South America, simple things like sliced bread is not available to be bought.

Venezuela's oil, never kept the price of oil low in the past, it certainly will not help in the future. Foreign control of energy is proven, bad. Bad for the people of the entire world.

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