What an IDIOT!!! Guarantees USA to Rid fossil fuels" yet promotes the worse emitting country!

U.S. oil is only one dollar higher per barrel?

The Marshall plan?


An idiot calls me ignorant, of what?

OPEC came into being when Zaki Yamani was oil minister.. in the mid 1960s. Did you know him?

Before that the US used petroleum from Ghawar to fuel the Marshall Plan because it was cheap.

Domestic oil is more expensive and margins are small because we have the highest production costs in the world. US oil companies do a very good job.
OPEC came into being when Zaki Yamani was oil minister.. in the mid 1960s. Did you know him?

Before that the US used petroleum from Ghawar to fuel the Marshall Plan because it was cheap.

Domestic oil is more expensive and margins are small because we have the highest production costs in the world. US oil companies do a very good job.
And part of those costs have increased 50% under Biden!
A) Biden signs the fewest federal oil leases..since 1945!
The Biden administration has leased fewer acres for oil-and-gas drilling offshore and on federal land than any other administration in its early stages dating back to the end of World War II, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis.Sep 6, 2022
B) Biden increases the COST of oil exploration!
Biden increases oil royalty rate and scales back lease sales on federal lands
The royalty rate for new leases will increase to 18.75% from 12.5%.
That's a 50% jump and marks the first increase to royalties for the federal government since they were imposed in the 1920s.
And part of those costs have increased 50% under Biden!
A) Biden signs the fewest federal oil leases..since 1945!
The Biden administration has leased fewer acres for oil-and-gas drilling offshore and on federal land than any other administration in its early stages dating back to the end of World War II, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis.Sep 6, 2022
B) Biden increases the COST of oil exploration!
Biden increases oil royalty rate and scales back lease sales on federal lands
The royalty rate for new leases will increase to 18.75% from 12.5%.
That's a 50% jump and marks the first increase to royalties for the federal government since they were imposed in the 1920s.

A lot of your information is wrong. Especially about the number of oil leases.
OPEC came into being when Zaki Yamani was oil minister.. in the mid 1960s. Did you know him?

Before that the US used petroleum from Ghawar to fuel the Marshall Plan because it was cheap.
Zaki Yamani? Nope, I dont know him.

I do know Abdullah ibn Hamoud al Tariki, the fiery and radical Sa'udi Oil Minister who proceded Sheikh Yamani in the job, and who did more than any other Arab to bring about the creation of OPEC...

You should read some books instead of doing a google search. Google searching gave you the wrong answer. I really dont see what point you are trying to make but if you would like a real lesson in oil I will gladly give you one. I wont be using google. I will have to rely on my private library. Here is a sample, so ask whatever you wish and will gladly educate you.

Zaki Yamani? Nope, I dont know him.

I do know Abdullah ibn Hamoud al Tariki, the fiery and radical Sa'udi Oil Minister who proceded Sheikh Yamani in the job, and who did more than any other Arab to bring about the creation of OPEC...

You should read some books instead of doing a google search. Google searching gave you the wrong answer. I really dont see what point you are trying to make but if you would like a real lesson in oil I will gladly give you one. I wont be using google. I will have to rely on my private library. Here is a sample, so ask whatever you wish and will gladly educate you.

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I knew Tariki too. He hated Americans. He married an American woman who was not socially accepted. The king fired him and he went to Libya. He nationalized the oil business prematurely and nearly killed Libya's oil business. Yamani was a good guy. Used to come to the house for dinner.
Zaki Yamani? Nope, I dont know him.

I do know Abdullah ibn Hamoud al Tariki, the fiery and radical Sa'udi Oil Minister who proceded Sheikh Yamani in the job, and who did more than any other Arab to bring about the creation of OPEC...

You should read some books instead of doing a google search. Google searching gave you the wrong answer. I really dont see what point you are trying to make but if you would like a real lesson in oil I will gladly give you one. I wont be using google. I will have to rely on my private library. Here is a sample, so ask whatever you wish and will gladly educate you.

View attachment 731304View attachment 731305View attachment 731306View attachment 731307

Margot knows everything. Just ask her.
I knew Tariki too. He hated Americans. He married an American woman who was not socially accepted. The king fired him and he went to Libya. He nationalized the oil business prematurely and nearly killed Libya's oil business. Yamani was a good guy. Used to come to the house for dinner.
I am glad you are willing to show your lack of education so that I can correct you. You really are a good sport.

The King? King Sa'ud? Sorry, but he got ill and was flown out of the country whereas Crown Prince Faisal took over. In 1962 the Crown Prince fired Tariki, not the King as you thought.
I am glad you are willing to show your lack of education so that I can correct you. You really are a good sport.

The King? King Sa'ud? Sorry, but he got ill and was flown out of the country whereas Crown Prince Faisal took over. In 1962 the Crown Prince fired Tariki, not the King as you thought.

Faisel acted as king for Saud for years before 1962. Saud had a drinking problem.

Did you know Faisel? He was smart, respected, well liked... Serious. Horrible he died too soon.

I like your books. I've read several. It's fun because I know many of the people in the books.[/QUOTE]
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The Marshall Plan was replaced with the Mutual Security Act before Al-Ghawar came into production.

Feel free to keep posting, I dont mind educating you.

Ghawar was discovered in 1948 and production began in 1951... The Marshall Plan lasted until 1953 or 1954. Do you remember Manifa or Sufaniya? Or Uthmania ? You're pretty knowledgeable.
Ghawar was discovered in 1948 and production began in 1951... The Marshall Plan lasted until 1953 or 1954. Do you remember Manifa or Sufaniya? Or Uthmania ? You're pretty knowledgeable.
The Marshall plan was replaced with the Mutual Security Act, your comment that the Marshall plan was paid for by the Al-Ghawar oil field is pure bullshit.

I dont pretend to know everything, but what I do know is you have bullshitted yourself as far away from your original comments as anybody possibly could. In doing so you have shown you have a very shallow knowledge you express with comments that are very much, incorrect.
The Marshall plan was replaced with the Mutual Security Act, your comment that the Marshall plan was paid for by the Al-Ghawar oil field is pure bullshit.

I dont pretend to know everything, but what I do know is you have bullshitted yourself as far away from your original comments as anybody possibly could. In doing so you have shown you have a very shallow knowledge you express with comments that are very much, incorrect.

I think technically the mutual security act managed the Marshall Plan after 1951.
A lot of your information is wrong. Especially about the number of oil leases.
Well then take it up with the authors of the articles of Wall Street Journal, NPR, Politifact.org,et.al.....
A) Biden signs the fewest federal oil leases..since 1945!
Over the weekend, the Wall Street Journal released a new analysis of the Biden administration’s war on American energy.
Specifically, the Journal examined the total acreage of land leased by the Biden administration for oil and gas production. The amount is historically low.
The Journal reports, “The Biden administration has leased fewer acres for oil-and-gas drilling offshore and on federal land than any other administration in its early stages dating back to the end of World War II, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis. President Biden’s Interior Department leased 126,228 acres for drilling through Aug. 20, his first 19 months in office, the analysis found. No other president since Richard Nixon in 1969-70 leased out fewer than 4.4 million acres at this stage in his first term
B) Biden increases the COST of oil exploration!
Biden increases oil royalty rate and scales back lease sales on federal lands
The royalty rate for new leases will increase to 18.75% from 12.5%.
That's a 50% jump and marks the first increase to royalties for the federal government since they were imposed in the 1920s.

Biden increases oil royalty rate, scales back lease sales​

The royalty rate for new leases will increase to 18.75% from 12.5%. That’s a 50% jump and marks the first increase to royalties for the federal government since they were imposed in the 1920s.

Biden suspended new leasing just a week after taking office in January 2021. A federal judge in Louisiana ordered the sales to resume, saying Interior officials had offered no “rational explanation” for canceling them.
Leases for 225 square miles (580 square kilometers) of federal lands primarily in the West will be offered for sale in a notice to be posted on Monday, officials said. The parcels represent about 30 % less land than officials had proposed for sale in November and 80% less than what was originally nominated by the industry.
By MATTHEW BROWNApril 15, 2022

Federal Oil Leases Slow to a Trickle Under Biden​

President, citing climate change, spurns resources his predecessors relied on to boost U.S. energy production​

The Journal continues: “Under Mr. Biden’s stewardship the decline has quickened, with leasing down 97% from the first 19 months of his predecessor Donald Trump’s term…In all, the Interior Department has awarded 203 leases for oil and gas development during Mr. Biden’s first 19 months in office. Former presidents Trump and Obama each approved 10 times as many leases during the same period, the Journal’s analysis shows.”

Now what was YOUR personal, knowledge that is so much more informed than these people who GET paid for their work?
Oh I bet you are referring to President Biden claimed that there are 9,000 unused oil drilling permits. That’s mostly true.
Companies have to contract rigs to drill the wells, and build a sufficient inventory of permits before rigs are contracted, said Jennifer Pett, a spokesperson for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, a trade group that represents oil and natural gas producers.
“Producers also have to put a drilling plan together, secure rights of way and work with state and private landowners,” Pett said.
Thousands of unused permits are not uncommon in any presidential administration.

BUT THESE HAVE ALREADY BEEN SIGNED! AGAIN the experts are telling you that what you have been mislead is those leases have
been signed most under Trump!
It is the NEW leases. But as normal you didn't do ANY RESEARCH!
I think technically the mutual security act managed the Marshall Plan after 1951.
No, the Marshall plan was replaced by the Mutual Security act. The Mutual Security Agency managed the Mutual Security Act.

The Economic Cooperation Administration managed the Marshall Plan.

And like I said, post whatever you think and I will be happy to correct you.
We have a very long way to go before we can exist without the petrochemical industry. Everything some doofus wants to end fossil fuels what he is really saying is "I want as many dead people as possible".
Biden: "I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

BUT what has Biden done? Approved the worst Co2 emissions , oil producing country - Venezuela!
All the while GUARANTEEING the USA will be out of the oil production business!
HOW totally stupid! When will you people wake up that this GUY wants to destroy the USA!
Totally DUMB!

Chevron Could Get Approval To Ramp Up Oil Production In Venezuela | OilPrice.com Biden now does what with the worst polluting country?

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As of 2022 China is has highest total greenhouse admission. However if you consider population; China's per capita emissions is half that of US.
Get rid of fossil fuels and your entire life will change for the worse. We will be back in the 19th century.
We have a very long way to go before we can exist without the petrochemical industry. Everything some doofus wants to end fossil fuels what he is really saying is "I want as many dead people as possible".
The Goals set are to reduce fossil fuel use, primarily in personal use autos. There is no viable non-fossil fuel for the passenger and air cargo jets, 18 wheelers, railroad locomotives. large seagoing cargo or passenger ships. Bioplastics have come a long way but they can not replace all plastics made from petroleum.

Even if we devote a huge amount resources to reducing dependence on oil, it will take at least a century just get away from fossil fuel autos.
The Goals set are to reduce fossil fuel use, primarily in personal use autos. There is no viable non-fossil fuel for the passenger and air cargo jets, 18 wheelers, railroad locomotives. large seagoing cargo or passenger ships. Bioplastics have come a long way but they can not replace all plastics made from petroleum.

Even if we devote a huge amount resources to reducing dependence on oil, it will take at least a century just get away from fossil fuel autos.
They cannot replace all medicines from petroleum either.
Many over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription drugs and medicinal products are made with the help of petrochemicals—these include antihistamines, antibacterials, suppositories, cough syrups, lubricants, creams, ointments, salves, analgesics and gels (like hand sanitizers).
Get rid of fossil fuels and your entire life will change for the worse. We will be back in the 19th century.
I agree 100%! Just 2 of 6,000 products that use OIL!
The very tires of all EVs, Cars,Trucks, bicycles, motorcycles,depend on 300 million barrels of oil a year to make 2 billion tires!
Or that the nearly 2.2 million miles of asphalt roads theses EVs will travel on is made from 1.4 Billion barrels of oil.

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