What an IDIOT!!! Guarantees USA to Rid fossil fuels" yet promotes the worse emitting country!

The Democratic party is destroying the USA, not Biden. Biden is simply the idiot they wish all of us to blame. If we blame Biden, and not the Democratic party, the party never goes away and the damage will be continual.
True. Our real enemy is "wicked spirits in high places". :omg:
They cannot replace all medicines from petroleum either.
Many over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription drugs and medicinal products are made with the help of petrochemicals—these include antihistamines, antibacterials, suppositories, cough syrups, lubricants, creams, ointments, salves, analgesics and gels (like hand sanitizers).
People dying, living in misery and poverty is a small price to pay for clean air.
The Goals set are to reduce fossil fuel use, primarily in personal use autos. There is no viable non-fossil fuel for the passenger and air cargo jets, 18 wheelers, railroad locomotives. large seagoing cargo or passenger ships. Bioplastics have come a long way but they can not replace all plastics made from petroleum.

Even if we devote a huge amount resources to reducing dependence on oil, it will take at least a century just get away from fossil fuel autos.
Evidently not very many people have figured out how much electricity will be needed for cars/trucks to be EVs.
I have. I've provided links to verify my numbers. And in summary:
1) Total additional kWh is 10,151,170,439,575 in ADDITION to current out put of 4,165,030,000,000 or total of 14,316,200,439,575 kWh.
2) To cover just the additional 10.1 Trillion kWh will need:
a) 10,151 ADDITIONAL nuclear plants at cost of $71 Trillion
b) 26,719,299,066 solar panels at total costs of $5.8 Trillion
c) 1,003,477 wind turbines WT at total cost of $101.5 Trillion...
Finally just one question for all you "rid fossil fuels" advocates... What will you pay for your tires (2 billion made per year use 300 million barrels of oil) and you ride on asphalt roads that use (1.4 BILLION barrels of oil)....how much MORE will that cost?
These are just 2 products that use oil to make over 6,000 products.

AGAIN folks I'm not making this up! Check out the links before you criticize because these are the realities!

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India and China certainly accept filthy air. They are secure that the American left will blame Americans for Beijing and Mumbai Air pollution.

You miss the point entirely. There is plenty of “filthy air” in all developing countries, including of course high population density ones like India and China that have only relatively recently become “factories of the world.” But some, including in particular China, where a huge “middle class” has developed, have made big efforts recently to alleviate this pollution.

China’s huge nuclear program, its efforts in solar and EV and battery technology, show its seriousness. Anyone who has lived in tier one Chinese cities has seen dramatic improvements in the last decade — though of course China faces HUGE problems in other provinces (where coal is still very widely mined or used) and in second tier cities too. Their nuclear is built mostly along their coast (where volcanic eruptions may one day wreck havoc).

Almost all developing countries with large and educated populations and growing middle classes, where the people seek modern standards of living, and where rulers to one extent or another actually fear popular resistance, face this conundrum. Add to this that China (and India) both lack sufficient domestic oil and gas resources, and we see the root of serious political problems in the world at large.
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I expect Chevron will run a much cleaner operation. Sanctions haven't helped Venezuela reduce production emissions.
Sanctions? Seriously? You blame sanctions for production emissions? Cleaner operations erode profit margins. The non US fossil fuel producing nations are going to tell the Environmental Left to go pound sand. China has already made a mockery of their signature on the Paris Accords.
Biden: "I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

BUT what has Biden done? Approved the worst Co2 emissions , oil producing country - Venezuela!
All the while GUARANTEEING the USA will be out of the oil production business!
HOW totally stupid! When will you people wake up that this GUY wants to destroy the USA!
Totally DUMB!

Chevron Could Get Approval To Ramp Up Oil Production In Venezuela | OilPrice.com Biden now does what with the worst polluting country?

View attachment 730783
View attachment 730784

Can a Joey fart not be declared a "fossil fuel" ?
Sanctions? Seriously? You blame sanctions for production emissions? Cleaner operations erode profit margins. The non US fossil fuel producing nations are going to tell the Environmental Left to go pound sand. China has already made a mockery of their signature on the Paris Accords.

We're talking production emissions.. sanctions didn't help. Trump just wanted to punish Maduro.. that's what caused the surge of immigrants from Venezuela.
True. Our real enemy is "wicked spirits in high places". :omg:
Absolutely right! A human fart "may contain odorless gases, such as nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane"
METHANE???? Isn't that why veggies want to "rid cattle"...?
People dying, living in misery and poverty is a small price to pay for clean air.
Did you know aspirin and medications using time-release capsules are made possible using oil and natural gas-based petrochemicals?
What are petrochemicals?
Petrochemicals are chemical compounds that come from oil and natural gas. They are used to create many products that we use every day. Products like pills, medical supplies and more.

Petroleum in Real Life: Contact lenses
It’s an eye-opening fact: Contact lenses are an indispensable petroleum product for 150 million people around the world.

Much of the medical equipment used today, many of which are life-saving devices, is made from oil. Not only are heart valves and artificial limbs made from petroleum, but also much of the cleaning and safety products medical personnel use. Aspirins and other pharmaceuticals also contain petroleum.

And yet this IDIOT President has
Biden: "I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

He has NO idea that these products come from oil THAT he wants to "RID of"!!!
1) Tires that use 300 million barrels yearly to produce 2 billion tires and
2) 3% of all oil production for ASPHALT that makes up 94% of roads!

We're talking production emissions.. sanctions didn't help. Trump just wanted to punish Maduro.. that's what caused the surge of immigrants from Venezuela.
How do sanctions or no sanctions impact a Country’s ability or even intent to clean up product emissions???
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Money... Venezuela has also refined Iranian petroleum for years and years.
So you are saying remove the sanctions, and Venezuela will be full force investing in clean emissions at the level of US??
So you are saying remove the sanctions, and Venezuela will be full force investing in clean emissions at the level of US??

I'm saying they will improve. Sanctions against Venezuela was just a spite move that caused a surge of Venezuelan illegals.
But if the GOP's investigations ding them hard enough

I won't hold my breath expecting much from the GOP; with Mitch and Kevin, I'll believe it when I see it.

My momma taught me not to expect a different outcome from doing the same thing over and over.

Since Reagan (who the GOP were dead against), the GOP hasn't had a whole lot of success--- even when they controlled the full congress and had the WH, they didn't get anything big done! They just fought and squabbled between themselves. Remember how for 8 years they told us to just get them back in power and they would fix healthcare? They finally got all that and more in 2016 and then they didn't even have a plan ready yet. Then when they tried to do just a little, McCain flew back from his deathbed just so that he could shoot it down and make that fail too before he died.

The biggest gig they've had going in ages has been Trump, then despite working against him and withholding funding from MAGA people, now when they didn't do so hot in the midterms as a result, what did they say?

"TRUMP is the problem! We gotta unload that bag of dead weight so we can be winners again?"

Somebody's full of crap and I know it ain't me.
I won't hold my breath expecting much from the GOP; with Mitch and Kevin, I'll believe it when I see it.

My momma taught me not to expect a different outcome from doing the same thing over and over.

Since Reagan (who the GOP were dead against), the GOP hasn't had a whole lot of success--- even when they controlled the full congress and had the WH, they didn't get anything big done! They just fought and squabbled between themselves. Remember how for 8 years they told us to just get them back in power and they would fix healthcare? They finally got all that and more in 2016 and then they didn't even have a plan ready yet. Then when they tried to do just a little, McCain flew back from his deathbed just so that he could shoot it down and make that fail too before he died.

The biggest gig they've had going in ages has been Trump, then despite working against him and withholding funding from MAGA people, now when they didn't do so hot in the midterms as a result, what did they say?

"TRUMP is the problem! We gotta unload that bag of dead weight so we can be winners again?"

Somebody's full of crap and I know it ain't me.

I have no faith in them either. I don't have a link, but have you seen the ungodly huge amounts of money FTX gave to the never-Trumpers like Mitch and Kevin to throw the 2020 midterms?
I have no faith in them either. I don't have a link, but have you seen the ungodly huge amounts of money FTX gave to the never-Trumpers like Mitch and Kevin to throw the 2020 midterms?

Yep. money is being lifted off the taxpayers, sent to Ukraine by the billions, they launder it then send it back as donations to the democrats and anti-Trump RINOS. FTX was the SECOND LARGEST donator to the democrat party! YOUR money is being used to keep people who represent your interests out of office! And no point complaining to the GOP because Mitch is one of the enablers.

And of course, democrats see no evil unless it were being done to them, then their faces would be splitting open; they don't care that the entire government is a racket and your "representation" is a joke.


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