What Anchor Babies Are Doing In The US


Jun 10, 2010
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSuqU0Yx4jw&feature=related]YouTube - Mexican Students Knock U.S. Flag to the Ground[/ame]​

Are Mexican the only race? LA RAZA will make it so!​
This Government better get a handle on this situation. We will only tolerate so much before blood fills the streets.

God Bless American and all who WOULD defend her. Think about a war with Mexico. Would we have to fight a civil was as well? Would all these anchor babies rise against us? I think so...
If they're indeed anchor babies, why do we call them Mexican students? Why aren't they American students of Mexican decent? Remember, an American is an American and nothing else.
This Government better get a handle on this situation. We will only tolerate so much before blood fills the streets.

God Bless American and all who WOULD defend her. Think about a war with Mexico. Would we have to fight a civil was as well? Would all these anchor babies rise against us? I think so...

I served with a lot...a LOT of Hispanic people during my 20. It would be interesting to see what would happen if we fought a war against Ensenada or Tijuana. lol

Anchor babies? Rand, go get em! lol
They are citizens, deal with it.
There are people in this country that disrepect the flag every day, and most are too stupid to know that they are. If you fly your flag when it raining, at night with no light, drap it over a chair, etc.
I get more pissed when someone does one of the examples I gave, than someone do something in protest.
They are citizens, deal with it.

They are Mexican soldiers. Try talking to the Vietnam vets who saw their buddies in camp trying to feed children, killed by those same childen with hand grenades they had hidden under their clothes.

Look at those videos again. Those people are ANIMALS.

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