What are REPUBLICANS going to do to clean up Trump's 7 trillion debt?

You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool

Things were fine in 1999 we should have elected Gore and things were fine in 2016 we should have nominated Hillary.

So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.

Yes, then the United States would be free and rich. There would be no crime, no poverty. Hangovers and hangnails would not exist. Pixie dust would cover the world. Oh hallelujah, save us oh wonderful Democrats!
No 9-11. No Iraq. No Great Recession.

Let me point out to you that in the 2000's you Republicans waged war on the middle class when you attacked unions. You said they were lazy and overpaid. You did this because you knew you were going to be sending all those jobs overseas.

But Union workers didn't suck. This is from 1997 to 1999

So what was the problem? No problem. But I remember back then you Republicans loved Toyota and Honda. You are ignorant mother fuckers. Jealous that us Blue states had it so good. Instead of getting it for yourselves you argued if you don't have it so good, no one else should either. Jealous fucks.

Now Trump gives you a $2 raise and brings a few manufacturing jobs home and you suck his dick for it? You Republican voters are stupid. I don't blame the rich for trying to con you. I blame you for being stupid. You're ruining America not the rich. For them America is great. And to be honest, you aint hurting me. But you are hurting yourselves and you don't even seem to care. You don't realize we took a huge step backward in the 2000's with all those manufacturing jobs going bye bye and you don't even remember you were all for them going bye bye.

You even nominated Mitt Romney Mr. Bain Capital. Bain would break up US companies and send those jobs overseas. You republicans don't remember because you have very short memories. Funny you have an elephant for a mascot.

The 9-11 attackers were in the US training for their mission under Clinton.

Democrats voted for the Iraq Invasion

Both parties did the 2008 Great Recession. Clinton started the policies to lower lending standards and Bush continued it.

No your stupid partisan shit is just that, stupid and partisan. You don't know what the hell you're talking about
They couldn't pull off 9.11 until Bush was in off because Clinton wanted to create a domestic terrorism team, which Republicans opposed. So the terrorists waited until Bush was president and sleeping at the wheel, to attack us.

An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen. Bush was busy planning how to start a war with Iraq and told the guy, “you covered your ass, now get. That was in Crawford texas.

Then bush lyingly linked 9-11 to Iraq and lied about them having wmds

Even trump said it when he was running in the primaries at a debate. When pressed he said there were no wmds and they knew it. They lied. They lied”

If trump said it youd nod. When I say it you’ll go into republican mode where you make shit up and say Hillary voted to invade.

You forget it was after 9-11. Bush said not going along was unpatriotic. Who would believe besides us liberals that he might be lying. Certainly not the corporate media which you think is liberal. And so what? It should be. Call out any liars democrats or republicans

"An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen."

You're full of shit. No one told W the names, location or date or any actionable information. The government gets millions of intelligence tips. And to say they told "bush" himself is idiotic, which is what you are, a total douche idiot.

They were IN THE US training under Clinton. They had motive, means and opportunity. It was just random.

I'm not blaming Clinton for it, I'm saying your blaming W is the stupid ass hat partisan whore that you are. Go fuck yourself, you're just being a finger pointing dick
An intelligence officer went to Crawford, bush said yea yea you covered your ass now get. Then he went back to painting.

Youre not blaming Clinton because he wasn’t hit on 9-11.

Meanwhile, trump is not letting biden get intelligence briefings. You motherfuckers tried saying bush was new on the job when he got hit on 9-11 but bush was getting Intelligence briefings in November 2000. You might want to let trump know he’s making us less safe by not letting biden get ready for his taking over.

You read too many Clancy novels. Dude was a great writer, no doubt. But the President still isn't responsible for weeding out intelligence reports. Get your panties out of their bundle.

Intelligence officers don't report to the President, they report to their leadership who brief the President

God you are so wrong and it was so easy to find.

The content of the memo was kept secret, as with all but a handful of PDBs, until it was leaked in 2002.[2] CBS Evening News reported on the document on May 15.[1][5]

The PDB was declassified and approved for release to the 9/11 Commission on April 10, 2004, and reported in the 9/11 Commission Report on July 22, 2004.

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US was the title of the President's Daily Brief prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency and given to U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday, August 6, 2001. The brief warned, 36 days before the September 11 attacks, of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, including "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for a hijacking" of U.S. aircraft.

In response to accusations that the Administration failed to act on the contents of the briefing, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and General Richard Myers emphasized that the CIA's PDB did not warn the President of a specific new threat but "contained historical information based on old reporting".

President Bush later claimed that if he had "had any inkling whatsoever that the people were going to fly airplanes into buildings we would have moved heaven and earth to save the country." The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) conducted a training exercise in the two years prior to September 11, 2001, in which it simulated a civilian airliner being hijacked and used as a missile to crash into buildings in the United States, including the World Trade Center. In October 2000, the U.S. Department of Defense had conducted exercises rehearsing a plane crashing into the Pentagon.

And where's the part that the intelligence community recommended actions that W torpedoed?

The CIA told Bush what was going to happen. Is it their job to tell him what to do with the threat? No. They told Bush/Rumsfeld and Chaney and they questioned whether these reports might not be deception on the part of al-Qaeda, purposely designed to needlessly expend resources in response.

So the Bush team thought Al Queda was bluffing.

Bottom line is you didn't even believe or know that the CIA warned Bush about the coming attacks. They did, and he did nothing, and we got hit.

Actually, yes, it is specifically their job to tell W what to do with the threat. What is wrong with you? You still think the President sits down and goes through thousands of threats and decides what to do about each one?

You're dumb as shit. No wonder you want a minimum wage increase
...about the same thing that the Democrats did to clean up Obama's ten trillion dollar debt.
So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.
You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool

Things were fine in 1999 we should have elected Gore and things were fine in 2016 we should have nominated Hillary.

So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.

Yes, then the United States would be free and rich. There would be no crime, no poverty. Hangovers and hangnails would not exist. Pixie dust would cover the world. Oh hallelujah, save us oh wonderful Democrats!
No 9-11. No Iraq. No Great Recession.

Let me point out to you that in the 2000's you Republicans waged war on the middle class when you attacked unions. You said they were lazy and overpaid. You did this because you knew you were going to be sending all those jobs overseas.

But Union workers didn't suck. This is from 1997 to 1999

So what was the problem? No problem. But I remember back then you Republicans loved Toyota and Honda. You are ignorant mother fuckers. Jealous that us Blue states had it so good. Instead of getting it for yourselves you argued if you don't have it so good, no one else should either. Jealous fucks.

Now Trump gives you a $2 raise and brings a few manufacturing jobs home and you suck his dick for it? You Republican voters are stupid. I don't blame the rich for trying to con you. I blame you for being stupid. You're ruining America not the rich. For them America is great. And to be honest, you aint hurting me. But you are hurting yourselves and you don't even seem to care. You don't realize we took a huge step backward in the 2000's with all those manufacturing jobs going bye bye and you don't even remember you were all for them going bye bye.

You even nominated Mitt Romney Mr. Bain Capital. Bain would break up US companies and send those jobs overseas. You republicans don't remember because you have very short memories. Funny you have an elephant for a mascot.

The 9-11 attackers were in the US training for their mission under Clinton.

Democrats voted for the Iraq Invasion

Both parties did the 2008 Great Recession. Clinton started the policies to lower lending standards and Bush continued it.

No your stupid partisan shit is just that, stupid and partisan. You don't know what the hell you're talking about
They couldn't pull off 9.11 until Bush was in off because Clinton wanted to create a domestic terrorism team, which Republicans opposed. So the terrorists waited until Bush was president and sleeping at the wheel, to attack us.

An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen. Bush was busy planning how to start a war with Iraq and told the guy, “you covered your ass, now get. That was in Crawford texas.

Then bush lyingly linked 9-11 to Iraq and lied about them having wmds

Even trump said it when he was running in the primaries at a debate. When pressed he said there were no wmds and they knew it. They lied. They lied”

If trump said it youd nod. When I say it you’ll go into republican mode where you make shit up and say Hillary voted to invade.

You forget it was after 9-11. Bush said not going along was unpatriotic. Who would believe besides us liberals that he might be lying. Certainly not the corporate media which you think is liberal. And so what? It should be. Call out any liars democrats or republicans

"An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen."

You're full of shit. No one told W the names, location or date or any actionable information. The government gets millions of intelligence tips. And to say they told "bush" himself is idiotic, which is what you are, a total douche idiot.

They were IN THE US training under Clinton. They had motive, means and opportunity. It was just random.

I'm not blaming Clinton for it, I'm saying your blaming W is the stupid ass hat partisan whore that you are. Go fuck yourself, you're just being a finger pointing dick
An intelligence officer went to Crawford, bush said yea yea you covered your ass now get. Then he went back to painting.

Youre not blaming Clinton because he wasn’t hit on 9-11.

Meanwhile, trump is not letting biden get intelligence briefings. You motherfuckers tried saying bush was new on the job when he got hit on 9-11 but bush was getting Intelligence briefings in November 2000. You might want to let trump know he’s making us less safe by not letting biden get ready for his taking over.

You read too many Clancy novels. Dude was a great writer, no doubt. But the President still isn't responsible for weeding out intelligence reports. Get your panties out of their bundle.

Intelligence officers don't report to the President, they report to their leadership who brief the President

God you are so wrong and it was so easy to find.

The content of the memo was kept secret, as with all but a handful of PDBs, until it was leaked in 2002.[2] CBS Evening News reported on the document on May 15.[1][5]

The PDB was declassified and approved for release to the 9/11 Commission on April 10, 2004, and reported in the 9/11 Commission Report on July 22, 2004.

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US was the title of the President's Daily Brief prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency and given to U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday, August 6, 2001. The brief warned, 36 days before the September 11 attacks, of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, including "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for a hijacking" of U.S. aircraft.

In response to accusations that the Administration failed to act on the contents of the briefing, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and General Richard Myers emphasized that the CIA's PDB did not warn the President of a specific new threat but "contained historical information based on old reporting".

President Bush later claimed that if he had "had any inkling whatsoever that the people were going to fly airplanes into buildings we would have moved heaven and earth to save the country." The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) conducted a training exercise in the two years prior to September 11, 2001, in which it simulated a civilian airliner being hijacked and used as a missile to crash into buildings in the United States, including the World Trade Center. In October 2000, the U.S. Department of Defense had conducted exercises rehearsing a plane crashing into the Pentagon.

And where's the part that the intelligence community recommended actions that W torpedoed?

The CIA told Bush what was going to happen. Is it their job to tell him what to do with the threat? No. They told Bush/Rumsfeld and Chaney and they questioned whether these reports might not be deception on the part of al-Qaeda, purposely designed to needlessly expend resources in response.

So the Bush team thought Al Queda was bluffing.

Bottom line is you didn't even believe or know that the CIA warned Bush about the coming attacks. They did, and he did nothing, and we got hit.

Actually, yes, it is specifically their job to tell W what to do with the threat. What is wrong with you? You still think the President sits down and goes through thousands of threats and decides what to do about each one?

You're dumb as shit. No wonder you want a minimum wage increase
This isn't 1 of thousands of threats. This is a specific threat that the CIA warned Bush about.

Does the CIA tell Trump what to do? Nope. They tell him what they know and it's his job to do something about it. The buck stops there pal.

So you are saying it was the CIA's responsibility to contact the airlines? Why even bother going to the President?

And did the CIA go to the airlines? If it's not Bush's job, then who went to the airlines and what did the airlines say? Did they blow off the CIA like Bush did?

Forget it. You'll defend Bush/Trump no matter how damning the evidence is. We already know.
You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool

Things were fine in 1999 we should have elected Gore and things were fine in 2016 we should have nominated Hillary.

So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.

Yes, then the United States would be free and rich. There would be no crime, no poverty. Hangovers and hangnails would not exist. Pixie dust would cover the world. Oh hallelujah, save us oh wonderful Democrats!
No 9-11. No Iraq. No Great Recession.

Let me point out to you that in the 2000's you Republicans waged war on the middle class when you attacked unions. You said they were lazy and overpaid. You did this because you knew you were going to be sending all those jobs overseas.

But Union workers didn't suck. This is from 1997 to 1999

So what was the problem? No problem. But I remember back then you Republicans loved Toyota and Honda. You are ignorant mother fuckers. Jealous that us Blue states had it so good. Instead of getting it for yourselves you argued if you don't have it so good, no one else should either. Jealous fucks.

Now Trump gives you a $2 raise and brings a few manufacturing jobs home and you suck his dick for it? You Republican voters are stupid. I don't blame the rich for trying to con you. I blame you for being stupid. You're ruining America not the rich. For them America is great. And to be honest, you aint hurting me. But you are hurting yourselves and you don't even seem to care. You don't realize we took a huge step backward in the 2000's with all those manufacturing jobs going bye bye and you don't even remember you were all for them going bye bye.

You even nominated Mitt Romney Mr. Bain Capital. Bain would break up US companies and send those jobs overseas. You republicans don't remember because you have very short memories. Funny you have an elephant for a mascot.

The 9-11 attackers were in the US training for their mission under Clinton.

Democrats voted for the Iraq Invasion

Both parties did the 2008 Great Recession. Clinton started the policies to lower lending standards and Bush continued it.

No your stupid partisan shit is just that, stupid and partisan. You don't know what the hell you're talking about
They couldn't pull off 9.11 until Bush was in off because Clinton wanted to create a domestic terrorism team, which Republicans opposed. So the terrorists waited until Bush was president and sleeping at the wheel, to attack us.

An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen. Bush was busy planning how to start a war with Iraq and told the guy, “you covered your ass, now get. That was in Crawford texas.

Then bush lyingly linked 9-11 to Iraq and lied about them having wmds

Even trump said it when he was running in the primaries at a debate. When pressed he said there were no wmds and they knew it. They lied. They lied”

If trump said it youd nod. When I say it you’ll go into republican mode where you make shit up and say Hillary voted to invade.

You forget it was after 9-11. Bush said not going along was unpatriotic. Who would believe besides us liberals that he might be lying. Certainly not the corporate media which you think is liberal. And so what? It should be. Call out any liars democrats or republicans

"An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen."

You're full of shit. No one told W the names, location or date or any actionable information. The government gets millions of intelligence tips. And to say they told "bush" himself is idiotic, which is what you are, a total douche idiot.

They were IN THE US training under Clinton. They had motive, means and opportunity. It was just random.

I'm not blaming Clinton for it, I'm saying your blaming W is the stupid ass hat partisan whore that you are. Go fuck yourself, you're just being a finger pointing dick
An intelligence officer went to Crawford, bush said yea yea you covered your ass now get. Then he went back to painting.

Youre not blaming Clinton because he wasn’t hit on 9-11.

Meanwhile, trump is not letting biden get intelligence briefings. You motherfuckers tried saying bush was new on the job when he got hit on 9-11 but bush was getting Intelligence briefings in November 2000. You might want to let trump know he’s making us less safe by not letting biden get ready for his taking over.

You read too many Clancy novels. Dude was a great writer, no doubt. But the President still isn't responsible for weeding out intelligence reports. Get your panties out of their bundle.

Intelligence officers don't report to the President, they report to their leadership who brief the President

God you are so wrong and it was so easy to find.

The content of the memo was kept secret, as with all but a handful of PDBs, until it was leaked in 2002.[2] CBS Evening News reported on the document on May 15.[1][5]

The PDB was declassified and approved for release to the 9/11 Commission on April 10, 2004, and reported in the 9/11 Commission Report on July 22, 2004.

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US was the title of the President's Daily Brief prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency and given to U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday, August 6, 2001. The brief warned, 36 days before the September 11 attacks, of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, including "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for a hijacking" of U.S. aircraft.

In response to accusations that the Administration failed to act on the contents of the briefing, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and General Richard Myers emphasized that the CIA's PDB did not warn the President of a specific new threat but "contained historical information based on old reporting".

President Bush later claimed that if he had "had any inkling whatsoever that the people were going to fly airplanes into buildings we would have moved heaven and earth to save the country." The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) conducted a training exercise in the two years prior to September 11, 2001, in which it simulated a civilian airliner being hijacked and used as a missile to crash into buildings in the United States, including the World Trade Center. In October 2000, the U.S. Department of Defense had conducted exercises rehearsing a plane crashing into the Pentagon.

And where's the part that the intelligence community recommended actions that W torpedoed?

The CIA told Bush what was going to happen. Is it their job to tell him what to do with the threat? No. They told Bush/Rumsfeld and Chaney and they questioned whether these reports might not be deception on the part of al-Qaeda, purposely designed to needlessly expend resources in response.

So the Bush team thought Al Queda was bluffing.

Bottom line is you didn't even believe or know that the CIA warned Bush about the coming attacks. They did, and he did nothing, and we got hit.

Actually, yes, it is specifically their job to tell W what to do with the threat. What is wrong with you? You still think the President sits down and goes through thousands of threats and decides what to do about each one?

You're dumb as shit. No wonder you want a minimum wage increase
This isn't 1 of thousands of threats. This is a specific threat that the CIA warned Bush about.

Does the CIA tell Trump what to do? Nope. They tell him what they know and it's his job to do something about it. The buck stops there pal.

So you are saying it was the CIA's responsibility to contact the airlines? Why even bother going to the President?

And did the CIA go to the airlines? If it's not Bush's job, then who went to the airlines and what did the airlines say? Did they blow off the CIA like Bush did?

Forget it. You'll defend Bush/Trump no matter how damning the evidence is. We already know.

"So you are saying it was the CIA's responsibility to contact the airlines?"

The sort of stupid shit you completely make up that shows how pointless you are. I said no such thing. What is wrong with you? Seriously?

And yes, you stupid shit. There are THOUSANDS of threats, they are constant. You don't know that? How stupid are you?

You're a fart in the wind
You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool

Things were fine in 1999 we should have elected Gore and things were fine in 2016 we should have nominated Hillary.

So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.

Yes, then the United States would be free and rich. There would be no crime, no poverty. Hangovers and hangnails would not exist. Pixie dust would cover the world. Oh hallelujah, save us oh wonderful Democrats!
No 9-11. No Iraq. No Great Recession.

Let me point out to you that in the 2000's you Republicans waged war on the middle class when you attacked unions. You said they were lazy and overpaid. You did this because you knew you were going to be sending all those jobs overseas.

But Union workers didn't suck. This is from 1997 to 1999

So what was the problem? No problem. But I remember back then you Republicans loved Toyota and Honda. You are ignorant mother fuckers. Jealous that us Blue states had it so good. Instead of getting it for yourselves you argued if you don't have it so good, no one else should either. Jealous fucks.

Now Trump gives you a $2 raise and brings a few manufacturing jobs home and you suck his dick for it? You Republican voters are stupid. I don't blame the rich for trying to con you. I blame you for being stupid. You're ruining America not the rich. For them America is great. And to be honest, you aint hurting me. But you are hurting yourselves and you don't even seem to care. You don't realize we took a huge step backward in the 2000's with all those manufacturing jobs going bye bye and you don't even remember you were all for them going bye bye.

You even nominated Mitt Romney Mr. Bain Capital. Bain would break up US companies and send those jobs overseas. You republicans don't remember because you have very short memories. Funny you have an elephant for a mascot.

The 9-11 attackers were in the US training for their mission under Clinton.

Democrats voted for the Iraq Invasion

Both parties did the 2008 Great Recession. Clinton started the policies to lower lending standards and Bush continued it.

No your stupid partisan shit is just that, stupid and partisan. You don't know what the hell you're talking about
They couldn't pull off 9.11 until Bush was in off because Clinton wanted to create a domestic terrorism team, which Republicans opposed. So the terrorists waited until Bush was president and sleeping at the wheel, to attack us.

An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen. Bush was busy planning how to start a war with Iraq and told the guy, “you covered your ass, now get. That was in Crawford texas.

Then bush lyingly linked 9-11 to Iraq and lied about them having wmds

Even trump said it when he was running in the primaries at a debate. When pressed he said there were no wmds and they knew it. They lied. They lied”

If trump said it youd nod. When I say it you’ll go into republican mode where you make shit up and say Hillary voted to invade.

You forget it was after 9-11. Bush said not going along was unpatriotic. Who would believe besides us liberals that he might be lying. Certainly not the corporate media which you think is liberal. And so what? It should be. Call out any liars democrats or republicans

"An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen."

You're full of shit. No one told W the names, location or date or any actionable information. The government gets millions of intelligence tips. And to say they told "bush" himself is idiotic, which is what you are, a total douche idiot.

They were IN THE US training under Clinton. They had motive, means and opportunity. It was just random.

I'm not blaming Clinton for it, I'm saying your blaming W is the stupid ass hat partisan whore that you are. Go fuck yourself, you're just being a finger pointing dick

Yeah, because the only way Bush could stop them was if he knew their names and seat assignments on those planes. :cuckoo:

Still, Bush was warned of an imminent attack and did nothing. He just let the attack happen. Unlike Clinton who was also warned an attack was imminent so he thwarted the attack by immediately taking action of raising airport security in the northeast.

Yes. of course the President personally goes through and evaluates every piece of intelligence and determines what the real threats are. A standard you've applied to Democrats never, jackass

You're such a retard. :cuckoo:

No, moron, presidents are provided daily briefings. Clinton was given one warning terrorists could be planning hijackings. Clinton acted that same day by having security raised at east coast airports. Result? Zero planes hijacked, zero people killed, zero buildings bombed or destroyed.

Three years later, the terrorists tried again. This time, Bush was the president receiving a daily briefing warning terrorists could be planning hijackings. Bush took no actions other than to warn his Attorney General, who stopped flying on commercial flights. Result? 4 planes hijacked in one morning, 3000 people killed, at least 11 buildings bombed or destroyed.

So you're a fiction writer. Then there was how Clinton passed on Bin Laden and Obama called ISIS the "JV team."

This is just more of your stupid shit. The President doesn't personally determine what the legitimate threats are. Which explains your dearth of links

You dumbfuck, sounds like you think presidents get daily briefings to use as toilet paper. And Obama had nothing to do with it. 9.11 happened long before his presidency. And no, nothing I wrote is fiction. It was all memorialized in Congressional reports. Sucks to be as stupid and uninformed as you.

Links, still zero.

And that time you couldn't even read my post. I never said Presidents aren't briefed on intelligence, I said they don't make the risk assessments.

But you're just Stoopid, of course you can't read
On Friday, December 4, 1998, the CIA included an article in the Presidential Daily Brief describing intelligence, received from a friendly government, about a threatened hijacking in the United States. This article was declassified at our request.

The same day, Clarke convened a meeting of his CSG to discuss both the hijacking concern and the antiaircraft missile threat. To address the hijacking warning, the group agreed that New York airports should go to maximum security starting that weekend. They agreed to boost security at other East coast airports. The CIA agreed to distribute versions of the report to the FBI and FAA to pass to the New York Police Department and the airlines. The FAA issued a security directive on December 8, with specific requirements for more intensive air carrier screening of passengers and more oversight of the screening process, at all three New York City area airports.

The intelligence community could learn little about the source of the information. Later in December and again in early January 1999, more information arrived from the same source, reporting that the planned hijacking had been stalled because two of the operatives, who were sketchily described, had been arrested near Washington, D.C. or New York. After investigation, the FBI could find no information to support the hijack threat; nor could it verify any arrests like those described in the report. The FAA alert at the New York area airports ended on January 31, 1999.

You made it personal. This article doesn't support that.

You said Clinton PERSONALLY is to credit for this. Why?

You said W is PERSONALLY to blame for 9/11. Why?

Do you have any idea how many security risks are reported to the government every year? That's why there are thousands of analysts assessing those risks and reporting to their management. Some of which is reported to the President.

You provided ZERO supporting making either Clinton or W to be PERSONALLY the one who made any call at all. Yet you make it sound like Clinton cut through a pile of intelligence reports and said ... "That one." And you make it sound like they were begging W to lock down the airports and he refused. And you haven't provided shit to support that.

Of course you can't, your argument is just flat out stupid. Presidents are not involved at that low level analysis nor should they be

Poor kazzer ... he doesn't know the president gets presidential daily briefs. :lmao:

Dumbfuck, how was anything done to prevent the attack under Clinton's mindful watch if Clinton, the recipient of that PDB, didn't meet with others to discuss how to thwart the attack? :eusa_doh:
You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool

Things were fine in 1999 we should have elected Gore and things were fine in 2016 we should have nominated Hillary.

So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.

Yes, then the United States would be free and rich. There would be no crime, no poverty. Hangovers and hangnails would not exist. Pixie dust would cover the world. Oh hallelujah, save us oh wonderful Democrats!
No 9-11. No Iraq. No Great Recession.

Let me point out to you that in the 2000's you Republicans waged war on the middle class when you attacked unions. You said they were lazy and overpaid. You did this because you knew you were going to be sending all those jobs overseas.

But Union workers didn't suck. This is from 1997 to 1999

So what was the problem? No problem. But I remember back then you Republicans loved Toyota and Honda. You are ignorant mother fuckers. Jealous that us Blue states had it so good. Instead of getting it for yourselves you argued if you don't have it so good, no one else should either. Jealous fucks.

Now Trump gives you a $2 raise and brings a few manufacturing jobs home and you suck his dick for it? You Republican voters are stupid. I don't blame the rich for trying to con you. I blame you for being stupid. You're ruining America not the rich. For them America is great. And to be honest, you aint hurting me. But you are hurting yourselves and you don't even seem to care. You don't realize we took a huge step backward in the 2000's with all those manufacturing jobs going bye bye and you don't even remember you were all for them going bye bye.

You even nominated Mitt Romney Mr. Bain Capital. Bain would break up US companies and send those jobs overseas. You republicans don't remember because you have very short memories. Funny you have an elephant for a mascot.

The 9-11 attackers were in the US training for their mission under Clinton.

Democrats voted for the Iraq Invasion

Both parties did the 2008 Great Recession. Clinton started the policies to lower lending standards and Bush continued it.

No your stupid partisan shit is just that, stupid and partisan. You don't know what the hell you're talking about
They couldn't pull off 9.11 until Bush was in off because Clinton wanted to create a domestic terrorism team, which Republicans opposed. So the terrorists waited until Bush was president and sleeping at the wheel, to attack us.

An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen. Bush was busy planning how to start a war with Iraq and told the guy, “you covered your ass, now get. That was in Crawford texas.

Then bush lyingly linked 9-11 to Iraq and lied about them having wmds

Even trump said it when he was running in the primaries at a debate. When pressed he said there were no wmds and they knew it. They lied. They lied”

If trump said it youd nod. When I say it you’ll go into republican mode where you make shit up and say Hillary voted to invade.

You forget it was after 9-11. Bush said not going along was unpatriotic. Who would believe besides us liberals that he might be lying. Certainly not the corporate media which you think is liberal. And so what? It should be. Call out any liars democrats or republicans

"An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen."

You're full of shit. No one told W the names, location or date or any actionable information. The government gets millions of intelligence tips. And to say they told "bush" himself is idiotic, which is what you are, a total douche idiot.

They were IN THE US training under Clinton. They had motive, means and opportunity. It was just random.

I'm not blaming Clinton for it, I'm saying your blaming W is the stupid ass hat partisan whore that you are. Go fuck yourself, you're just being a finger pointing dick
An intelligence officer went to Crawford, bush said yea yea you covered your ass now get. Then he went back to painting.

Youre not blaming Clinton because he wasn’t hit on 9-11.

Meanwhile, trump is not letting biden get intelligence briefings. You motherfuckers tried saying bush was new on the job when he got hit on 9-11 but bush was getting Intelligence briefings in November 2000. You might want to let trump know he’s making us less safe by not letting biden get ready for his taking over.

You read too many Clancy novels. Dude was a great writer, no doubt. But the President still isn't responsible for weeding out intelligence reports. Get your panties out of their bundle.

Intelligence officers don't report to the President, they report to their leadership who brief the President

God you are so wrong and it was so easy to find.

The content of the memo was kept secret, as with all but a handful of PDBs, until it was leaked in 2002.[2] CBS Evening News reported on the document on May 15.[1][5]

The PDB was declassified and approved for release to the 9/11 Commission on April 10, 2004, and reported in the 9/11 Commission Report on July 22, 2004.

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US was the title of the President's Daily Brief prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency and given to U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday, August 6, 2001. The brief warned, 36 days before the September 11 attacks, of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, including "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for a hijacking" of U.S. aircraft.

In response to accusations that the Administration failed to act on the contents of the briefing, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and General Richard Myers emphasized that the CIA's PDB did not warn the President of a specific new threat but "contained historical information based on old reporting".

President Bush later claimed that if he had "had any inkling whatsoever that the people were going to fly airplanes into buildings we would have moved heaven and earth to save the country." The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) conducted a training exercise in the two years prior to September 11, 2001, in which it simulated a civilian airliner being hijacked and used as a missile to crash into buildings in the United States, including the World Trade Center. In October 2000, the U.S. Department of Defense had conducted exercises rehearsing a plane crashing into the Pentagon.

And where's the part that the intelligence community recommended actions that W torpedoed?

The CIA told Bush what was going to happen. Is it their job to tell him what to do with the threat? No. They told Bush/Rumsfeld and Chaney and they questioned whether these reports might not be deception on the part of al-Qaeda, purposely designed to needlessly expend resources in response.

So the Bush team thought Al Queda was bluffing.

Bottom line is you didn't even believe or know that the CIA warned Bush about the coming attacks. They did, and he did nothing, and we got hit.

Actually, yes, it is specifically their job to tell W what to do with the threat. What is wrong with you? You still think the President sits down and goes through thousands of threats and decides what to do about each one?

You're dumb as shit. No wonder you want a minimum wage increase
And yet, when Clinton received a similar warning, he had airport security raised in the NE and thwarted the attack. Proving a) you're a moron; b) Clinton succeeded where Bush failed miserably; and c) you're a moron.
...about the same thing that the Democrats did to clean up Obama's ten trillion dollar debt.
Deficits were going down till trump took office.
Impeached Trump gave us a whopping $4.2 trillion deficit for one single fiscal year. Not a peep out of the brain-dead right who cried hourly about the deficit while Obama was president.
All we got for that shithead Obama's tremendous debt was increased poverty, war, decreased family income, more taxes, failed healthcare, weakened military, millions of Illegals and dismal economic growth.
You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool

Things were fine in 1999 we should have elected Gore and things were fine in 2016 we should have nominated Hillary.

So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.

Yes, then the United States would be free and rich. There would be no crime, no poverty. Hangovers and hangnails would not exist. Pixie dust would cover the world. Oh hallelujah, save us oh wonderful Democrats!
No 9-11. No Iraq. No Great Recession.

Let me point out to you that in the 2000's you Republicans waged war on the middle class when you attacked unions. You said they were lazy and overpaid. You did this because you knew you were going to be sending all those jobs overseas.

But Union workers didn't suck. This is from 1997 to 1999

So what was the problem? No problem. But I remember back then you Republicans loved Toyota and Honda. You are ignorant mother fuckers. Jealous that us Blue states had it so good. Instead of getting it for yourselves you argued if you don't have it so good, no one else should either. Jealous fucks.

Now Trump gives you a $2 raise and brings a few manufacturing jobs home and you suck his dick for it? You Republican voters are stupid. I don't blame the rich for trying to con you. I blame you for being stupid. You're ruining America not the rich. For them America is great. And to be honest, you aint hurting me. But you are hurting yourselves and you don't even seem to care. You don't realize we took a huge step backward in the 2000's with all those manufacturing jobs going bye bye and you don't even remember you were all for them going bye bye.

You even nominated Mitt Romney Mr. Bain Capital. Bain would break up US companies and send those jobs overseas. You republicans don't remember because you have very short memories. Funny you have an elephant for a mascot.

The 9-11 attackers were in the US training for their mission under Clinton.

Democrats voted for the Iraq Invasion

Both parties did the 2008 Great Recession. Clinton started the policies to lower lending standards and Bush continued it.

No your stupid partisan shit is just that, stupid and partisan. You don't know what the hell you're talking about
They couldn't pull off 9.11 until Bush was in off because Clinton wanted to create a domestic terrorism team, which Republicans opposed. So the terrorists waited until Bush was president and sleeping at the wheel, to attack us.

An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen. Bush was busy planning how to start a war with Iraq and told the guy, “you covered your ass, now get. That was in Crawford texas.

Then bush lyingly linked 9-11 to Iraq and lied about them having wmds

Even trump said it when he was running in the primaries at a debate. When pressed he said there were no wmds and they knew it. They lied. They lied”

If trump said it youd nod. When I say it you’ll go into republican mode where you make shit up and say Hillary voted to invade.

You forget it was after 9-11. Bush said not going along was unpatriotic. Who would believe besides us liberals that he might be lying. Certainly not the corporate media which you think is liberal. And so what? It should be. Call out any liars democrats or republicans

"An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen."

You're full of shit. No one told W the names, location or date or any actionable information. The government gets millions of intelligence tips. And to say they told "bush" himself is idiotic, which is what you are, a total douche idiot.

They were IN THE US training under Clinton. They had motive, means and opportunity. It was just random.

I'm not blaming Clinton for it, I'm saying your blaming W is the stupid ass hat partisan whore that you are. Go fuck yourself, you're just being a finger pointing dick

Yeah, because the only way Bush could stop them was if he knew their names and seat assignments on those planes. :cuckoo:

Still, Bush was warned of an imminent attack and did nothing. He just let the attack happen. Unlike Clinton who was also warned an attack was imminent so he thwarted the attack by immediately taking action of raising airport security in the northeast.

Yes. of course the President personally goes through and evaluates every piece of intelligence and determines what the real threats are. A standard you've applied to Democrats never, jackass

You're such a retard. :cuckoo:

No, moron, presidents are provided daily briefings. Clinton was given one warning terrorists could be planning hijackings. Clinton acted that same day by having security raised at east coast airports. Result? Zero planes hijacked, zero people killed, zero buildings bombed or destroyed.

Three years later, the terrorists tried again. This time, Bush was the president receiving a daily briefing warning terrorists could be planning hijackings. Bush took no actions other than to warn his Attorney General, who stopped flying on commercial flights. Result? 4 planes hijacked in one morning, 3000 people killed, at least 11 buildings bombed or destroyed.

So you're a fiction writer. Then there was how Clinton passed on Bin Laden and Obama called ISIS the "JV team."

This is just more of your stupid shit. The President doesn't personally determine what the legitimate threats are. Which explains your dearth of links

You dumbfuck, sounds like you think presidents get daily briefings to use as toilet paper. And Obama had nothing to do with it. 9.11 happened long before his presidency. And no, nothing I wrote is fiction. It was all memorialized in Congressional reports. Sucks to be as stupid and uninformed as you.

Links, still zero.

And that time you couldn't even read my post. I never said Presidents aren't briefed on intelligence, I said they don't make the risk assessments.

But you're just Stoopid, of course you can't read
On Friday, December 4, 1998, the CIA included an article in the Presidential Daily Brief describing intelligence, received from a friendly government, about a threatened hijacking in the United States. This article was declassified at our request.

The same day, Clarke convened a meeting of his CSG to discuss both the hijacking concern and the antiaircraft missile threat. To address the hijacking warning, the group agreed that New York airports should go to maximum security starting that weekend. They agreed to boost security at other East coast airports. The CIA agreed to distribute versions of the report to the FBI and FAA to pass to the New York Police Department and the airlines. The FAA issued a security directive on December 8, with specific requirements for more intensive air carrier screening of passengers and more oversight of the screening process, at all three New York City area airports.

The intelligence community could learn little about the source of the information. Later in December and again in early January 1999, more information arrived from the same source, reporting that the planned hijacking had been stalled because two of the operatives, who were sketchily described, had been arrested near Washington, D.C. or New York. After investigation, the FBI could find no information to support the hijack threat; nor could it verify any arrests like those described in the report. The FAA alert at the New York area airports ended on January 31, 1999.

You made it personal. This article doesn't support that.

You said Clinton PERSONALLY is to credit for this. Why?

You said W is PERSONALLY to blame for 9/11. Why?

Do you have any idea how many security risks are reported to the government every year? That's why there are thousands of analysts assessing those risks and reporting to their management. Some of which is reported to the President.

You provided ZERO supporting making either Clinton or W to be PERSONALLY the one who made any call at all. Yet you make it sound like Clinton cut through a pile of intelligence reports and said ... "That one." And you make it sound like they were begging W to lock down the airports and he refused. And you haven't provided shit to support that.

Of course you can't, your argument is just flat out stupid. Presidents are not involved at that low level analysis nor should they be

Poor kazzer ... he doesn't know the president gets presidential daily briefs. :lmao:

Dumbfuck, how was anything done to prevent the attack under Clinton's mindful watch if Clinton, the recipient of that PDB, didn't meet with others to discuss how to thwart the attack? :eusa_doh:

So you actually believe the President evaluates the threats, determines which ones he believes and determines the course of action, all analysts and intel leadership does is tell them what they heard.

You may be the dumbest Democrat I ever met, that that's a hell of a hurdle.

Well it's clear you've never managed anyone
You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool

Things were fine in 1999 we should have elected Gore and things were fine in 2016 we should have nominated Hillary.

So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.

Yes, then the United States would be free and rich. There would be no crime, no poverty. Hangovers and hangnails would not exist. Pixie dust would cover the world. Oh hallelujah, save us oh wonderful Democrats!
No 9-11. No Iraq. No Great Recession.

Let me point out to you that in the 2000's you Republicans waged war on the middle class when you attacked unions. You said they were lazy and overpaid. You did this because you knew you were going to be sending all those jobs overseas.

But Union workers didn't suck. This is from 1997 to 1999

So what was the problem? No problem. But I remember back then you Republicans loved Toyota and Honda. You are ignorant mother fuckers. Jealous that us Blue states had it so good. Instead of getting it for yourselves you argued if you don't have it so good, no one else should either. Jealous fucks.

Now Trump gives you a $2 raise and brings a few manufacturing jobs home and you suck his dick for it? You Republican voters are stupid. I don't blame the rich for trying to con you. I blame you for being stupid. You're ruining America not the rich. For them America is great. And to be honest, you aint hurting me. But you are hurting yourselves and you don't even seem to care. You don't realize we took a huge step backward in the 2000's with all those manufacturing jobs going bye bye and you don't even remember you were all for them going bye bye.

You even nominated Mitt Romney Mr. Bain Capital. Bain would break up US companies and send those jobs overseas. You republicans don't remember because you have very short memories. Funny you have an elephant for a mascot.

The 9-11 attackers were in the US training for their mission under Clinton.

Democrats voted for the Iraq Invasion

Both parties did the 2008 Great Recession. Clinton started the policies to lower lending standards and Bush continued it.

No your stupid partisan shit is just that, stupid and partisan. You don't know what the hell you're talking about
They couldn't pull off 9.11 until Bush was in off because Clinton wanted to create a domestic terrorism team, which Republicans opposed. So the terrorists waited until Bush was president and sleeping at the wheel, to attack us.

An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen. Bush was busy planning how to start a war with Iraq and told the guy, “you covered your ass, now get. That was in Crawford texas.

Then bush lyingly linked 9-11 to Iraq and lied about them having wmds

Even trump said it when he was running in the primaries at a debate. When pressed he said there were no wmds and they knew it. They lied. They lied”

If trump said it youd nod. When I say it you’ll go into republican mode where you make shit up and say Hillary voted to invade.

You forget it was after 9-11. Bush said not going along was unpatriotic. Who would believe besides us liberals that he might be lying. Certainly not the corporate media which you think is liberal. And so what? It should be. Call out any liars democrats or republicans

"An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen."

You're full of shit. No one told W the names, location or date or any actionable information. The government gets millions of intelligence tips. And to say they told "bush" himself is idiotic, which is what you are, a total douche idiot.

They were IN THE US training under Clinton. They had motive, means and opportunity. It was just random.

I'm not blaming Clinton for it, I'm saying your blaming W is the stupid ass hat partisan whore that you are. Go fuck yourself, you're just being a finger pointing dick
An intelligence officer went to Crawford, bush said yea yea you covered your ass now get. Then he went back to painting.

Youre not blaming Clinton because he wasn’t hit on 9-11.

Meanwhile, trump is not letting biden get intelligence briefings. You motherfuckers tried saying bush was new on the job when he got hit on 9-11 but bush was getting Intelligence briefings in November 2000. You might want to let trump know he’s making us less safe by not letting biden get ready for his taking over.

You read too many Clancy novels. Dude was a great writer, no doubt. But the President still isn't responsible for weeding out intelligence reports. Get your panties out of their bundle.

Intelligence officers don't report to the President, they report to their leadership who brief the President

God you are so wrong and it was so easy to find.

The content of the memo was kept secret, as with all but a handful of PDBs, until it was leaked in 2002.[2] CBS Evening News reported on the document on May 15.[1][5]

The PDB was declassified and approved for release to the 9/11 Commission on April 10, 2004, and reported in the 9/11 Commission Report on July 22, 2004.

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US was the title of the President's Daily Brief prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency and given to U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday, August 6, 2001. The brief warned, 36 days before the September 11 attacks, of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, including "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for a hijacking" of U.S. aircraft.

In response to accusations that the Administration failed to act on the contents of the briefing, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and General Richard Myers emphasized that the CIA's PDB did not warn the President of a specific new threat but "contained historical information based on old reporting".

President Bush later claimed that if he had "had any inkling whatsoever that the people were going to fly airplanes into buildings we would have moved heaven and earth to save the country." The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) conducted a training exercise in the two years prior to September 11, 2001, in which it simulated a civilian airliner being hijacked and used as a missile to crash into buildings in the United States, including the World Trade Center. In October 2000, the U.S. Department of Defense had conducted exercises rehearsing a plane crashing into the Pentagon.

And where's the part that the intelligence community recommended actions that W torpedoed?

The CIA told Bush what was going to happen. Is it their job to tell him what to do with the threat? No. They told Bush/Rumsfeld and Chaney and they questioned whether these reports might not be deception on the part of al-Qaeda, purposely designed to needlessly expend resources in response.

So the Bush team thought Al Queda was bluffing.

Bottom line is you didn't even believe or know that the CIA warned Bush about the coming attacks. They did, and he did nothing, and we got hit.

Actually, yes, it is specifically their job to tell W what to do with the threat. What is wrong with you? You still think the President sits down and goes through thousands of threats and decides what to do about each one?

You're dumb as shit. No wonder you want a minimum wage increase
And yet, when Clinton received a similar warning, he had airport security raised in the NE and thwarted the attack. Proving a) you're a moron; b) Clinton succeeded where Bush failed miserably; and c) you're a moron.

You haven't shown that Clinton did shit. Show how you know that Clinted sifted through thousands of threats and said "that one." So? You're a total boob. Incredible
I've figured it out on paper, we're good :yes_text12:

We sell leftists to other countries at 15K each. Countries will be on-board too yahoo. We pay their SSA to the contract, and we give them 5K severance pay. It all works out to cost the USA another 6-7 trillion dollars.

So now we're deeper in debt, well that's short term. We close our gates to the rest of the world less our interests. Business will pop up everywhere replenishing debt. No more bureaucrats, no more waste. We kick out worthless illegals, make others permanent. Life is renewed and we're normal again. 30 years we're in the black and regarded the greatest era since our first revolution.

We dump the Democrat party. A new party comes into replace Demonicrats by mandate. We hold media & parties accountable for integrity. Trickeries are called early, with give them a severance package too.
Last edited:
You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool

Things were fine in 1999 we should have elected Gore and things were fine in 2016 we should have nominated Hillary.

So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.

Yes, then the United States would be free and rich. There would be no crime, no poverty. Hangovers and hangnails would not exist. Pixie dust would cover the world. Oh hallelujah, save us oh wonderful Democrats!
No 9-11. No Iraq. No Great Recession.

Let me point out to you that in the 2000's you Republicans waged war on the middle class when you attacked unions. You said they were lazy and overpaid. You did this because you knew you were going to be sending all those jobs overseas.

But Union workers didn't suck. This is from 1997 to 1999

So what was the problem? No problem. But I remember back then you Republicans loved Toyota and Honda. You are ignorant mother fuckers. Jealous that us Blue states had it so good. Instead of getting it for yourselves you argued if you don't have it so good, no one else should either. Jealous fucks.

Now Trump gives you a $2 raise and brings a few manufacturing jobs home and you suck his dick for it? You Republican voters are stupid. I don't blame the rich for trying to con you. I blame you for being stupid. You're ruining America not the rich. For them America is great. And to be honest, you aint hurting me. But you are hurting yourselves and you don't even seem to care. You don't realize we took a huge step backward in the 2000's with all those manufacturing jobs going bye bye and you don't even remember you were all for them going bye bye.

You even nominated Mitt Romney Mr. Bain Capital. Bain would break up US companies and send those jobs overseas. You republicans don't remember because you have very short memories. Funny you have an elephant for a mascot.

The 9-11 attackers were in the US training for their mission under Clinton.

Democrats voted for the Iraq Invasion

Both parties did the 2008 Great Recession. Clinton started the policies to lower lending standards and Bush continued it.

No your stupid partisan shit is just that, stupid and partisan. You don't know what the hell you're talking about
They couldn't pull off 9.11 until Bush was in off because Clinton wanted to create a domestic terrorism team, which Republicans opposed. So the terrorists waited until Bush was president and sleeping at the wheel, to attack us.

An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen. Bush was busy planning how to start a war with Iraq and told the guy, “you covered your ass, now get. That was in Crawford texas.

Then bush lyingly linked 9-11 to Iraq and lied about them having wmds

Even trump said it when he was running in the primaries at a debate. When pressed he said there were no wmds and they knew it. They lied. They lied”

If trump said it youd nod. When I say it you’ll go into republican mode where you make shit up and say Hillary voted to invade.

You forget it was after 9-11. Bush said not going along was unpatriotic. Who would believe besides us liberals that he might be lying. Certainly not the corporate media which you think is liberal. And so what? It should be. Call out any liars democrats or republicans

"An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen."

You're full of shit. No one told W the names, location or date or any actionable information. The government gets millions of intelligence tips. And to say they told "bush" himself is idiotic, which is what you are, a total douche idiot.

They were IN THE US training under Clinton. They had motive, means and opportunity. It was just random.

I'm not blaming Clinton for it, I'm saying your blaming W is the stupid ass hat partisan whore that you are. Go fuck yourself, you're just being a finger pointing dick
An intelligence officer went to Crawford, bush said yea yea you covered your ass now get. Then he went back to painting.

Youre not blaming Clinton because he wasn’t hit on 9-11.

Meanwhile, trump is not letting biden get intelligence briefings. You motherfuckers tried saying bush was new on the job when he got hit on 9-11 but bush was getting Intelligence briefings in November 2000. You might want to let trump know he’s making us less safe by not letting biden get ready for his taking over.

You read too many Clancy novels. Dude was a great writer, no doubt. But the President still isn't responsible for weeding out intelligence reports. Get your panties out of their bundle.

Intelligence officers don't report to the President, they report to their leadership who brief the President

God you are so wrong and it was so easy to find.

The content of the memo was kept secret, as with all but a handful of PDBs, until it was leaked in 2002.[2] CBS Evening News reported on the document on May 15.[1][5]

The PDB was declassified and approved for release to the 9/11 Commission on April 10, 2004, and reported in the 9/11 Commission Report on July 22, 2004.

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US was the title of the President's Daily Brief prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency and given to U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday, August 6, 2001. The brief warned, 36 days before the September 11 attacks, of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, including "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for a hijacking" of U.S. aircraft.

In response to accusations that the Administration failed to act on the contents of the briefing, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and General Richard Myers emphasized that the CIA's PDB did not warn the President of a specific new threat but "contained historical information based on old reporting".

President Bush later claimed that if he had "had any inkling whatsoever that the people were going to fly airplanes into buildings we would have moved heaven and earth to save the country." The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) conducted a training exercise in the two years prior to September 11, 2001, in which it simulated a civilian airliner being hijacked and used as a missile to crash into buildings in the United States, including the World Trade Center. In October 2000, the U.S. Department of Defense had conducted exercises rehearsing a plane crashing into the Pentagon.

And where's the part that the intelligence community recommended actions that W torpedoed?

The CIA told Bush what was going to happen. Is it their job to tell him what to do with the threat? No. They told Bush/Rumsfeld and Chaney and they questioned whether these reports might not be deception on the part of al-Qaeda, purposely designed to needlessly expend resources in response.

So the Bush team thought Al Queda was bluffing.

Bottom line is you didn't even believe or know that the CIA warned Bush about the coming attacks. They did, and he did nothing, and we got hit.

Actually, yes, it is specifically their job to tell W what to do with the threat. What is wrong with you? You still think the President sits down and goes through thousands of threats and decides what to do about each one?

You're dumb as shit. No wonder you want a minimum wage increase
This isn't 1 of thousands of threats. This is a specific threat that the CIA warned Bush about.

Does the CIA tell Trump what to do? Nope. They tell him what they know and it's his job to do something about it. The buck stops there pal.

So you are saying it was the CIA's responsibility to contact the airlines? Why even bother going to the President?

And did the CIA go to the airlines? If it's not Bush's job, then who went to the airlines and what did the airlines say? Did they blow off the CIA like Bush did?

Forget it. You'll defend Bush/Trump no matter how damning the evidence is. We already know.

"So you are saying it was the CIA's responsibility to contact the airlines?"

The sort of stupid shit you completely make up that shows how pointless you are. I said no such thing. What is wrong with you? Seriously?

And yes, you stupid shit. There are THOUSANDS of threats, they are constant. You don't know that? How stupid are you?

You're a fart in the wind
Bush was warned almost EXACTLY what was going to happen. Why would they even tell the president if there's nothing he should do about it? They didn't go to him and tell him 1000 things. They warned him about planes being flown into buildings and he did nothing and it happened. He got hit on 9-11. Then he lied us into Iraq.

Don't believe me?

Maybe you'll believe Don

Trump did say Bush lied, and on more than one occasion.

In the Feb. 13 debate in South Carolina, debate moderator John Dickerson asked Trump about an October 2008 interview in which Trump said it would have been a “wonderful thing” if Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi tried to impeach Bush because he lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. Asked if he still believes that Bush should have been impeached, Trump called the Iraq war a “big fat mistake.” Pressed again for an answer, Trump went on to say, “They lied.”

Trump, Feb. 13: You call it whatever you want. I want to tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction; there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.
All we got for that shithead Obama's tremendous debt was increased poverty, war, decreased family income, more taxes, failed healthcare, weakened military, millions of Illegals and dismal economic growth.

This was the facts in 2007. So don't blame Obama for Bush handing him a shitty economy, that he fixed by the way.

Since Bush has been president:

  • over 5 million people have slipped into poverty;
  • nearly 7 million Americans have lost their health insurance;
  • median household income has gone down by nearly $1,300;
  • three million manufacturing jobs have been lost;
  • three million American workers have lost their pensions;
  • home foreclosures are now the highest on record;
  • the personal savings rate is below zero - which hasn't happened since the great depression;
  • the real earnings of college graduates have gone down by about 5% in the last few years;
  • entry level wages for male and female high school graduates have fallen by over 3%;
  • wages and salaries are now at the lowest share of GDP since 1929.

I can't wait to hear what you have to say about this.
You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool

Things were fine in 1999 we should have elected Gore and things were fine in 2016 we should have nominated Hillary.

So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.

Yes, then the United States would be free and rich. There would be no crime, no poverty. Hangovers and hangnails would not exist. Pixie dust would cover the world. Oh hallelujah, save us oh wonderful Democrats!
No 9-11. No Iraq. No Great Recession.

Let me point out to you that in the 2000's you Republicans waged war on the middle class when you attacked unions. You said they were lazy and overpaid. You did this because you knew you were going to be sending all those jobs overseas.

But Union workers didn't suck. This is from 1997 to 1999

So what was the problem? No problem. But I remember back then you Republicans loved Toyota and Honda. You are ignorant mother fuckers. Jealous that us Blue states had it so good. Instead of getting it for yourselves you argued if you don't have it so good, no one else should either. Jealous fucks.

Now Trump gives you a $2 raise and brings a few manufacturing jobs home and you suck his dick for it? You Republican voters are stupid. I don't blame the rich for trying to con you. I blame you for being stupid. You're ruining America not the rich. For them America is great. And to be honest, you aint hurting me. But you are hurting yourselves and you don't even seem to care. You don't realize we took a huge step backward in the 2000's with all those manufacturing jobs going bye bye and you don't even remember you were all for them going bye bye.

You even nominated Mitt Romney Mr. Bain Capital. Bain would break up US companies and send those jobs overseas. You republicans don't remember because you have very short memories. Funny you have an elephant for a mascot.

The 9-11 attackers were in the US training for their mission under Clinton.

Democrats voted for the Iraq Invasion

Both parties did the 2008 Great Recession. Clinton started the policies to lower lending standards and Bush continued it.

No your stupid partisan shit is just that, stupid and partisan. You don't know what the hell you're talking about
They couldn't pull off 9.11 until Bush was in off because Clinton wanted to create a domestic terrorism team, which Republicans opposed. So the terrorists waited until Bush was president and sleeping at the wheel, to attack us.

An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen. Bush was busy planning how to start a war with Iraq and told the guy, “you covered your ass, now get. That was in Crawford texas.

Then bush lyingly linked 9-11 to Iraq and lied about them having wmds

Even trump said it when he was running in the primaries at a debate. When pressed he said there were no wmds and they knew it. They lied. They lied”

If trump said it youd nod. When I say it you’ll go into republican mode where you make shit up and say Hillary voted to invade.

You forget it was after 9-11. Bush said not going along was unpatriotic. Who would believe besides us liberals that he might be lying. Certainly not the corporate media which you think is liberal. And so what? It should be. Call out any liars democrats or republicans

"An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen."

You're full of shit. No one told W the names, location or date or any actionable information. The government gets millions of intelligence tips. And to say they told "bush" himself is idiotic, which is what you are, a total douche idiot.

They were IN THE US training under Clinton. They had motive, means and opportunity. It was just random.

I'm not blaming Clinton for it, I'm saying your blaming W is the stupid ass hat partisan whore that you are. Go fuck yourself, you're just being a finger pointing dick

Yeah, because the only way Bush could stop them was if he knew their names and seat assignments on those planes. :cuckoo:

Still, Bush was warned of an imminent attack and did nothing. He just let the attack happen. Unlike Clinton who was also warned an attack was imminent so he thwarted the attack by immediately taking action of raising airport security in the northeast.

Yes. of course the President personally goes through and evaluates every piece of intelligence and determines what the real threats are. A standard you've applied to Democrats never, jackass

You're such a retard. :cuckoo:

No, moron, presidents are provided daily briefings. Clinton was given one warning terrorists could be planning hijackings. Clinton acted that same day by having security raised at east coast airports. Result? Zero planes hijacked, zero people killed, zero buildings bombed or destroyed.

Three years later, the terrorists tried again. This time, Bush was the president receiving a daily briefing warning terrorists could be planning hijackings. Bush took no actions other than to warn his Attorney General, who stopped flying on commercial flights. Result? 4 planes hijacked in one morning, 3000 people killed, at least 11 buildings bombed or destroyed.

So you're a fiction writer. Then there was how Clinton passed on Bin Laden and Obama called ISIS the "JV team."

This is just more of your stupid shit. The President doesn't personally determine what the legitimate threats are. Which explains your dearth of links

You dumbfuck, sounds like you think presidents get daily briefings to use as toilet paper. And Obama had nothing to do with it. 9.11 happened long before his presidency. And no, nothing I wrote is fiction. It was all memorialized in Congressional reports. Sucks to be as stupid and uninformed as you.

Links, still zero.

And that time you couldn't even read my post. I never said Presidents aren't briefed on intelligence, I said they don't make the risk assessments.

But you're just Stoopid, of course you can't read
On Friday, December 4, 1998, the CIA included an article in the Presidential Daily Brief describing intelligence, received from a friendly government, about a threatened hijacking in the United States. This article was declassified at our request.

The same day, Clarke convened a meeting of his CSG to discuss both the hijacking concern and the antiaircraft missile threat. To address the hijacking warning, the group agreed that New York airports should go to maximum security starting that weekend. They agreed to boost security at other East coast airports. The CIA agreed to distribute versions of the report to the FBI and FAA to pass to the New York Police Department and the airlines. The FAA issued a security directive on December 8, with specific requirements for more intensive air carrier screening of passengers and more oversight of the screening process, at all three New York City area airports.

The intelligence community could learn little about the source of the information. Later in December and again in early January 1999, more information arrived from the same source, reporting that the planned hijacking had been stalled because two of the operatives, who were sketchily described, had been arrested near Washington, D.C. or New York. After investigation, the FBI could find no information to support the hijack threat; nor could it verify any arrests like those described in the report. The FAA alert at the New York area airports ended on January 31, 1999.

You made it personal. This article doesn't support that.

You said Clinton PERSONALLY is to credit for this. Why?

You said W is PERSONALLY to blame for 9/11. Why?

Do you have any idea how many security risks are reported to the government every year? That's why there are thousands of analysts assessing those risks and reporting to their management. Some of which is reported to the President.

You provided ZERO supporting making either Clinton or W to be PERSONALLY the one who made any call at all. Yet you make it sound like Clinton cut through a pile of intelligence reports and said ... "That one." And you make it sound like they were begging W to lock down the airports and he refused. And you haven't provided shit to support that.

Of course you can't, your argument is just flat out stupid. Presidents are not involved at that low level analysis nor should they be

Poor kazzer ... he doesn't know the president gets presidential daily briefs. :lmao:

Dumbfuck, how was anything done to prevent the attack under Clinton's mindful watch if Clinton, the recipient of that PDB, didn't meet with others to discuss how to thwart the attack? :eusa_doh:

So you actually believe the President evaluates the threats, determines which ones he believes and determines the course of action, all analysts and intel leadership does is tell them what they heard.

You may be the dumbest Democrat I ever met, that that's a hell of a hurdle.

Well it's clear you've never managed anyone

Donald J. Trump


Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

2:01 PM · Nov 8, 2013·Twitter Web Client
You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool

Things were fine in 1999 we should have elected Gore and things were fine in 2016 we should have nominated Hillary.

So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.

Yes, then the United States would be free and rich. There would be no crime, no poverty. Hangovers and hangnails would not exist. Pixie dust would cover the world. Oh hallelujah, save us oh wonderful Democrats!
No 9-11. No Iraq. No Great Recession.

Let me point out to you that in the 2000's you Republicans waged war on the middle class when you attacked unions. You said they were lazy and overpaid. You did this because you knew you were going to be sending all those jobs overseas.

But Union workers didn't suck. This is from 1997 to 1999

So what was the problem? No problem. But I remember back then you Republicans loved Toyota and Honda. You are ignorant mother fuckers. Jealous that us Blue states had it so good. Instead of getting it for yourselves you argued if you don't have it so good, no one else should either. Jealous fucks.

Now Trump gives you a $2 raise and brings a few manufacturing jobs home and you suck his dick for it? You Republican voters are stupid. I don't blame the rich for trying to con you. I blame you for being stupid. You're ruining America not the rich. For them America is great. And to be honest, you aint hurting me. But you are hurting yourselves and you don't even seem to care. You don't realize we took a huge step backward in the 2000's with all those manufacturing jobs going bye bye and you don't even remember you were all for them going bye bye.

You even nominated Mitt Romney Mr. Bain Capital. Bain would break up US companies and send those jobs overseas. You republicans don't remember because you have very short memories. Funny you have an elephant for a mascot.

The 9-11 attackers were in the US training for their mission under Clinton.

Democrats voted for the Iraq Invasion

Both parties did the 2008 Great Recession. Clinton started the policies to lower lending standards and Bush continued it.

No your stupid partisan shit is just that, stupid and partisan. You don't know what the hell you're talking about
They couldn't pull off 9.11 until Bush was in off because Clinton wanted to create a domestic terrorism team, which Republicans opposed. So the terrorists waited until Bush was president and sleeping at the wheel, to attack us.

An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen. Bush was busy planning how to start a war with Iraq and told the guy, “you covered your ass, now get. That was in Crawford texas.

Then bush lyingly linked 9-11 to Iraq and lied about them having wmds

Even trump said it when he was running in the primaries at a debate. When pressed he said there were no wmds and they knew it. They lied. They lied”

If trump said it youd nod. When I say it you’ll go into republican mode where you make shit up and say Hillary voted to invade.

You forget it was after 9-11. Bush said not going along was unpatriotic. Who would believe besides us liberals that he might be lying. Certainly not the corporate media which you think is liberal. And so what? It should be. Call out any liars democrats or republicans

"An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen."

You're full of shit. No one told W the names, location or date or any actionable information. The government gets millions of intelligence tips. And to say they told "bush" himself is idiotic, which is what you are, a total douche idiot.

They were IN THE US training under Clinton. They had motive, means and opportunity. It was just random.

I'm not blaming Clinton for it, I'm saying your blaming W is the stupid ass hat partisan whore that you are. Go fuck yourself, you're just being a finger pointing dick
An intelligence officer went to Crawford, bush said yea yea you covered your ass now get. Then he went back to painting.

Youre not blaming Clinton because he wasn’t hit on 9-11.

Meanwhile, trump is not letting biden get intelligence briefings. You motherfuckers tried saying bush was new on the job when he got hit on 9-11 but bush was getting Intelligence briefings in November 2000. You might want to let trump know he’s making us less safe by not letting biden get ready for his taking over.

You read too many Clancy novels. Dude was a great writer, no doubt. But the President still isn't responsible for weeding out intelligence reports. Get your panties out of their bundle.

Intelligence officers don't report to the President, they report to their leadership who brief the President

God you are so wrong and it was so easy to find.

The content of the memo was kept secret, as with all but a handful of PDBs, until it was leaked in 2002.[2] CBS Evening News reported on the document on May 15.[1][5]

The PDB was declassified and approved for release to the 9/11 Commission on April 10, 2004, and reported in the 9/11 Commission Report on July 22, 2004.

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US was the title of the President's Daily Brief prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency and given to U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday, August 6, 2001. The brief warned, 36 days before the September 11 attacks, of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, including "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for a hijacking" of U.S. aircraft.

In response to accusations that the Administration failed to act on the contents of the briefing, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and General Richard Myers emphasized that the CIA's PDB did not warn the President of a specific new threat but "contained historical information based on old reporting".

President Bush later claimed that if he had "had any inkling whatsoever that the people were going to fly airplanes into buildings we would have moved heaven and earth to save the country." The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) conducted a training exercise in the two years prior to September 11, 2001, in which it simulated a civilian airliner being hijacked and used as a missile to crash into buildings in the United States, including the World Trade Center. In October 2000, the U.S. Department of Defense had conducted exercises rehearsing a plane crashing into the Pentagon.

And where's the part that the intelligence community recommended actions that W torpedoed?

The CIA told Bush what was going to happen. Is it their job to tell him what to do with the threat? No. They told Bush/Rumsfeld and Chaney and they questioned whether these reports might not be deception on the part of al-Qaeda, purposely designed to needlessly expend resources in response.

So the Bush team thought Al Queda was bluffing.

Bottom line is you didn't even believe or know that the CIA warned Bush about the coming attacks. They did, and he did nothing, and we got hit.

Actually, yes, it is specifically their job to tell W what to do with the threat. What is wrong with you? You still think the President sits down and goes through thousands of threats and decides what to do about each one?

You're dumb as shit. No wonder you want a minimum wage increase
This isn't 1 of thousands of threats. This is a specific threat that the CIA warned Bush about.

Does the CIA tell Trump what to do? Nope. They tell him what they know and it's his job to do something about it. The buck stops there pal.

So you are saying it was the CIA's responsibility to contact the airlines? Why even bother going to the President?

And did the CIA go to the airlines? If it's not Bush's job, then who went to the airlines and what did the airlines say? Did they blow off the CIA like Bush did?

Forget it. You'll defend Bush/Trump no matter how damning the evidence is. We already know.

"So you are saying it was the CIA's responsibility to contact the airlines?"

The sort of stupid shit you completely make up that shows how pointless you are. I said no such thing. What is wrong with you? Seriously?

And yes, you stupid shit. There are THOUSANDS of threats, they are constant. You don't know that? How stupid are you?

You're a fart in the wind
Bush was warned almost EXACTLY what was going to happen. Why would they even tell the president if there's nothing he should do about it? They didn't go to him and tell him 1000 things. They warned him about planes being flown into buildings and he did nothing and it happened. He got hit on 9-11. Then he lied us into Iraq.

Don't believe me?

Maybe you'll believe Don

Trump did say Bush lied, and on more than one occasion.

In the Feb. 13 debate in South Carolina, debate moderator John Dickerson asked Trump about an October 2008 interview in which Trump said it would have been a “wonderful thing” if Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi tried to impeach Bush because he lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. Asked if he still believes that Bush should have been impeached, Trump called the Iraq war a “big fat mistake.” Pressed again for an answer, Trump went on to say, “They lied.”

Trump, Feb. 13: You call it whatever you want. I want to tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction; there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.

If you can't dazzle them with your wit, baffle them with your bull shit.

Still looking for your proof that W rejected the recommendation of the intelligence community. The rest of it is you pissing in the wind. The intelligence community picks up thousands of threats. That's what they are there for, to assess threats and make recommendations to the President. So did they? What did they recommend? And no making shit up, prove it
You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool

Things were fine in 1999 we should have elected Gore and things were fine in 2016 we should have nominated Hillary.

So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.

Yes, then the United States would be free and rich. There would be no crime, no poverty. Hangovers and hangnails would not exist. Pixie dust would cover the world. Oh hallelujah, save us oh wonderful Democrats!
No 9-11. No Iraq. No Great Recession.

Let me point out to you that in the 2000's you Republicans waged war on the middle class when you attacked unions. You said they were lazy and overpaid. You did this because you knew you were going to be sending all those jobs overseas.

But Union workers didn't suck. This is from 1997 to 1999

So what was the problem? No problem. But I remember back then you Republicans loved Toyota and Honda. You are ignorant mother fuckers. Jealous that us Blue states had it so good. Instead of getting it for yourselves you argued if you don't have it so good, no one else should either. Jealous fucks.

Now Trump gives you a $2 raise and brings a few manufacturing jobs home and you suck his dick for it? You Republican voters are stupid. I don't blame the rich for trying to con you. I blame you for being stupid. You're ruining America not the rich. For them America is great. And to be honest, you aint hurting me. But you are hurting yourselves and you don't even seem to care. You don't realize we took a huge step backward in the 2000's with all those manufacturing jobs going bye bye and you don't even remember you were all for them going bye bye.

You even nominated Mitt Romney Mr. Bain Capital. Bain would break up US companies and send those jobs overseas. You republicans don't remember because you have very short memories. Funny you have an elephant for a mascot.

The 9-11 attackers were in the US training for their mission under Clinton.

Democrats voted for the Iraq Invasion

Both parties did the 2008 Great Recession. Clinton started the policies to lower lending standards and Bush continued it.

No your stupid partisan shit is just that, stupid and partisan. You don't know what the hell you're talking about
They couldn't pull off 9.11 until Bush was in off because Clinton wanted to create a domestic terrorism team, which Republicans opposed. So the terrorists waited until Bush was president and sleeping at the wheel, to attack us.

An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen. Bush was busy planning how to start a war with Iraq and told the guy, “you covered your ass, now get. That was in Crawford texas.

Then bush lyingly linked 9-11 to Iraq and lied about them having wmds

Even trump said it when he was running in the primaries at a debate. When pressed he said there were no wmds and they knew it. They lied. They lied”

If trump said it youd nod. When I say it you’ll go into republican mode where you make shit up and say Hillary voted to invade.

You forget it was after 9-11. Bush said not going along was unpatriotic. Who would believe besides us liberals that he might be lying. Certainly not the corporate media which you think is liberal. And so what? It should be. Call out any liars democrats or republicans

"An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen."

You're full of shit. No one told W the names, location or date or any actionable information. The government gets millions of intelligence tips. And to say they told "bush" himself is idiotic, which is what you are, a total douche idiot.

They were IN THE US training under Clinton. They had motive, means and opportunity. It was just random.

I'm not blaming Clinton for it, I'm saying your blaming W is the stupid ass hat partisan whore that you are. Go fuck yourself, you're just being a finger pointing dick
An intelligence officer went to Crawford, bush said yea yea you covered your ass now get. Then he went back to painting.

Youre not blaming Clinton because he wasn’t hit on 9-11.

Meanwhile, trump is not letting biden get intelligence briefings. You motherfuckers tried saying bush was new on the job when he got hit on 9-11 but bush was getting Intelligence briefings in November 2000. You might want to let trump know he’s making us less safe by not letting biden get ready for his taking over.

You read too many Clancy novels. Dude was a great writer, no doubt. But the President still isn't responsible for weeding out intelligence reports. Get your panties out of their bundle.

Intelligence officers don't report to the President, they report to their leadership who brief the President

God you are so wrong and it was so easy to find.

The content of the memo was kept secret, as with all but a handful of PDBs, until it was leaked in 2002.[2] CBS Evening News reported on the document on May 15.[1][5]

The PDB was declassified and approved for release to the 9/11 Commission on April 10, 2004, and reported in the 9/11 Commission Report on July 22, 2004.

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US was the title of the President's Daily Brief prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency and given to U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday, August 6, 2001. The brief warned, 36 days before the September 11 attacks, of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, including "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for a hijacking" of U.S. aircraft.

In response to accusations that the Administration failed to act on the contents of the briefing, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and General Richard Myers emphasized that the CIA's PDB did not warn the President of a specific new threat but "contained historical information based on old reporting".

President Bush later claimed that if he had "had any inkling whatsoever that the people were going to fly airplanes into buildings we would have moved heaven and earth to save the country." The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) conducted a training exercise in the two years prior to September 11, 2001, in which it simulated a civilian airliner being hijacked and used as a missile to crash into buildings in the United States, including the World Trade Center. In October 2000, the U.S. Department of Defense had conducted exercises rehearsing a plane crashing into the Pentagon.

And where's the part that the intelligence community recommended actions that W torpedoed?

The CIA told Bush what was going to happen. Is it their job to tell him what to do with the threat? No. They told Bush/Rumsfeld and Chaney and they questioned whether these reports might not be deception on the part of al-Qaeda, purposely designed to needlessly expend resources in response.

So the Bush team thought Al Queda was bluffing.

Bottom line is you didn't even believe or know that the CIA warned Bush about the coming attacks. They did, and he did nothing, and we got hit.

Actually, yes, it is specifically their job to tell W what to do with the threat. What is wrong with you? You still think the President sits down and goes through thousands of threats and decides what to do about each one?

You're dumb as shit. No wonder you want a minimum wage increase
This isn't 1 of thousands of threats. This is a specific threat that the CIA warned Bush about.

Does the CIA tell Trump what to do? Nope. They tell him what they know and it's his job to do something about it. The buck stops there pal.

So you are saying it was the CIA's responsibility to contact the airlines? Why even bother going to the President?

And did the CIA go to the airlines? If it's not Bush's job, then who went to the airlines and what did the airlines say? Did they blow off the CIA like Bush did?

Forget it. You'll defend Bush/Trump no matter how damning the evidence is. We already know.

"So you are saying it was the CIA's responsibility to contact the airlines?"

The sort of stupid shit you completely make up that shows how pointless you are. I said no such thing. What is wrong with you? Seriously?

And yes, you stupid shit. There are THOUSANDS of threats, they are constant. You don't know that? How stupid are you?

You're a fart in the wind
Bush was warned almost EXACTLY what was going to happen. Why would they even tell the president if there's nothing he should do about it? They didn't go to him and tell him 1000 things. They warned him about planes being flown into buildings and he did nothing and it happened. He got hit on 9-11. Then he lied us into Iraq.

Don't believe me?

Maybe you'll believe Don

Trump did say Bush lied, and on more than one occasion.

In the Feb. 13 debate in South Carolina, debate moderator John Dickerson asked Trump about an October 2008 interview in which Trump said it would have been a “wonderful thing” if Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi tried to impeach Bush because he lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. Asked if he still believes that Bush should have been impeached, Trump called the Iraq war a “big fat mistake.” Pressed again for an answer, Trump went on to say, “They lied.”

Trump, Feb. 13: You call it whatever you want. I want to tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction; there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.

If you can't dazzle them with your wit, baffle them with your bull shit.

Still looking for your proof that W rejected the recommendation of the intelligence community. The rest of it is you pissing in the wind. The intelligence community picks up thousands of threats. That's what they are there for, to assess threats and make recommendations to the President. So did they? What did they recommend? And no making shit up, prove it
Why make recommendations when the president doesn’t decide or weigh in?
You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool

Things were fine in 1999 we should have elected Gore and things were fine in 2016 we should have nominated Hillary.

So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.

Yes, then the United States would be free and rich. There would be no crime, no poverty. Hangovers and hangnails would not exist. Pixie dust would cover the world. Oh hallelujah, save us oh wonderful Democrats!
No 9-11. No Iraq. No Great Recession.

Let me point out to you that in the 2000's you Republicans waged war on the middle class when you attacked unions. You said they were lazy and overpaid. You did this because you knew you were going to be sending all those jobs overseas.

But Union workers didn't suck. This is from 1997 to 1999

So what was the problem? No problem. But I remember back then you Republicans loved Toyota and Honda. You are ignorant mother fuckers. Jealous that us Blue states had it so good. Instead of getting it for yourselves you argued if you don't have it so good, no one else should either. Jealous fucks.

Now Trump gives you a $2 raise and brings a few manufacturing jobs home and you suck his dick for it? You Republican voters are stupid. I don't blame the rich for trying to con you. I blame you for being stupid. You're ruining America not the rich. For them America is great. And to be honest, you aint hurting me. But you are hurting yourselves and you don't even seem to care. You don't realize we took a huge step backward in the 2000's with all those manufacturing jobs going bye bye and you don't even remember you were all for them going bye bye.

You even nominated Mitt Romney Mr. Bain Capital. Bain would break up US companies and send those jobs overseas. You republicans don't remember because you have very short memories. Funny you have an elephant for a mascot.

The 9-11 attackers were in the US training for their mission under Clinton.

Democrats voted for the Iraq Invasion

Both parties did the 2008 Great Recession. Clinton started the policies to lower lending standards and Bush continued it.

No your stupid partisan shit is just that, stupid and partisan. You don't know what the hell you're talking about
They couldn't pull off 9.11 until Bush was in off because Clinton wanted to create a domestic terrorism team, which Republicans opposed. So the terrorists waited until Bush was president and sleeping at the wheel, to attack us.

An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen. Bush was busy planning how to start a war with Iraq and told the guy, “you covered your ass, now get. That was in Crawford texas.

Then bush lyingly linked 9-11 to Iraq and lied about them having wmds

Even trump said it when he was running in the primaries at a debate. When pressed he said there were no wmds and they knew it. They lied. They lied”

If trump said it youd nod. When I say it you’ll go into republican mode where you make shit up and say Hillary voted to invade.

You forget it was after 9-11. Bush said not going along was unpatriotic. Who would believe besides us liberals that he might be lying. Certainly not the corporate media which you think is liberal. And so what? It should be. Call out any liars democrats or republicans

"An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen."

You're full of shit. No one told W the names, location or date or any actionable information. The government gets millions of intelligence tips. And to say they told "bush" himself is idiotic, which is what you are, a total douche idiot.

They were IN THE US training under Clinton. They had motive, means and opportunity. It was just random.

I'm not blaming Clinton for it, I'm saying your blaming W is the stupid ass hat partisan whore that you are. Go fuck yourself, you're just being a finger pointing dick
An intelligence officer went to Crawford, bush said yea yea you covered your ass now get. Then he went back to painting.

Youre not blaming Clinton because he wasn’t hit on 9-11.

Meanwhile, trump is not letting biden get intelligence briefings. You motherfuckers tried saying bush was new on the job when he got hit on 9-11 but bush was getting Intelligence briefings in November 2000. You might want to let trump know he’s making us less safe by not letting biden get ready for his taking over.

You read too many Clancy novels. Dude was a great writer, no doubt. But the President still isn't responsible for weeding out intelligence reports. Get your panties out of their bundle.

Intelligence officers don't report to the President, they report to their leadership who brief the President

God you are so wrong and it was so easy to find.

The content of the memo was kept secret, as with all but a handful of PDBs, until it was leaked in 2002.[2] CBS Evening News reported on the document on May 15.[1][5]

The PDB was declassified and approved for release to the 9/11 Commission on April 10, 2004, and reported in the 9/11 Commission Report on July 22, 2004.

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US was the title of the President's Daily Brief prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency and given to U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday, August 6, 2001. The brief warned, 36 days before the September 11 attacks, of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, including "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for a hijacking" of U.S. aircraft.

In response to accusations that the Administration failed to act on the contents of the briefing, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and General Richard Myers emphasized that the CIA's PDB did not warn the President of a specific new threat but "contained historical information based on old reporting".

President Bush later claimed that if he had "had any inkling whatsoever that the people were going to fly airplanes into buildings we would have moved heaven and earth to save the country." The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) conducted a training exercise in the two years prior to September 11, 2001, in which it simulated a civilian airliner being hijacked and used as a missile to crash into buildings in the United States, including the World Trade Center. In October 2000, the U.S. Department of Defense had conducted exercises rehearsing a plane crashing into the Pentagon.

And where's the part that the intelligence community recommended actions that W torpedoed?

The CIA told Bush what was going to happen. Is it their job to tell him what to do with the threat? No. They told Bush/Rumsfeld and Chaney and they questioned whether these reports might not be deception on the part of al-Qaeda, purposely designed to needlessly expend resources in response.

So the Bush team thought Al Queda was bluffing.

Bottom line is you didn't even believe or know that the CIA warned Bush about the coming attacks. They did, and he did nothing, and we got hit.

Actually, yes, it is specifically their job to tell W what to do with the threat. What is wrong with you? You still think the President sits down and goes through thousands of threats and decides what to do about each one?

You're dumb as shit. No wonder you want a minimum wage increase
This isn't 1 of thousands of threats. This is a specific threat that the CIA warned Bush about.

Does the CIA tell Trump what to do? Nope. They tell him what they know and it's his job to do something about it. The buck stops there pal.

So you are saying it was the CIA's responsibility to contact the airlines? Why even bother going to the President?

And did the CIA go to the airlines? If it's not Bush's job, then who went to the airlines and what did the airlines say? Did they blow off the CIA like Bush did?

Forget it. You'll defend Bush/Trump no matter how damning the evidence is. We already know.

"So you are saying it was the CIA's responsibility to contact the airlines?"

The sort of stupid shit you completely make up that shows how pointless you are. I said no such thing. What is wrong with you? Seriously?

And yes, you stupid shit. There are THOUSANDS of threats, they are constant. You don't know that? How stupid are you?

You're a fart in the wind
Bush was warned almost EXACTLY what was going to happen. Why would they even tell the president if there's nothing he should do about it? They didn't go to him and tell him 1000 things. They warned him about planes being flown into buildings and he did nothing and it happened. He got hit on 9-11. Then he lied us into Iraq.

Don't believe me?

Maybe you'll believe Don

Trump did say Bush lied, and on more than one occasion.

In the Feb. 13 debate in South Carolina, debate moderator John Dickerson asked Trump about an October 2008 interview in which Trump said it would have been a “wonderful thing” if Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi tried to impeach Bush because he lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. Asked if he still believes that Bush should have been impeached, Trump called the Iraq war a “big fat mistake.” Pressed again for an answer, Trump went on to say, “They lied.”

Trump, Feb. 13: You call it whatever you want. I want to tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction; there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.

If you can't dazzle them with your wit, baffle them with your bull shit.

Still looking for your proof that W rejected the recommendation of the intelligence community. The rest of it is you pissing in the wind. The intelligence community picks up thousands of threats. That's what they are there for, to assess threats and make recommendations to the President. So did they? What did they recommend? And no making shit up, prove it
Hey mr president, things are crazy in Benghazi.

ok, thanks for letting me know but it’s not my job to do anything about it.
You just called me literally "partisan" because I said it was stupid to blame a virus on a political party and you said no it's not it's the Republicans.

I challenge you to produce any posts that state you aren't a Democrat with content demonstrating that
Sure, after you produce evidence that you're not a wife-beater.

OK, since you're stupid and you don't think, I'll DUMB DOWN my question for you.

Show any posts you wrote where it's clear a Democrat wouldn't have written that. Show any value not Democrat party.

And that Democrats aren't far left enough isn't it. That's just saying the only problem with Democrats is they aren't pure enough for you.

Show any posts where you said something a Democrat would say wow, that isn't us.

Something that CONTRADICTS you being a Democrat.

I mean my God you're a simpleton. Dude, think ...
But that's true. The problem with Democrats like Hillary are that they act too much like Republicans. We wish Democrats fought harder for universal healthcare, strengthening social security, unions, global warming, gays, abortion rights and common sense gun legislation. And we wish the corporate media would have had the balls to say Bush lied us into Iraq.

I will admit the black community needs to get it's act together. But the problem is, I also know we as a country need to provide these cities in these major cities with more economic opportunities.

Companies should come to where the workers are. There are a lot of people in Chicago and Detroit who need jobs. Instead of Mexico and China, send those jobs to Detroit.

Here is another one. I don't like illegal immigrants either. So lets go after the illegal employers who hire them. If illegal employers didn't hire illegal workers, they'd go home.

I like guns. I just also don't mind common sense gun legislation. And I don't want to block any and all legislation because I'm paranoid Kamala Harris wants to take my guns away.

Blue skies, rainbows and unicorns. Democrats are the most wonderful people on earth. I mean no one else wants everything to be perfect. And you have no plan to do it. But darn it, you want good things to happen. No one else wants that. So what if you have no idea how to do it? LOL. What a tool

Things were fine in 1999 we should have elected Gore and things were fine in 2016 we should have nominated Hillary.

So Bill, Gore Hillary then Obama would be president right now. That's the way it should have gone.

Yes, then the United States would be free and rich. There would be no crime, no poverty. Hangovers and hangnails would not exist. Pixie dust would cover the world. Oh hallelujah, save us oh wonderful Democrats!
No 9-11. No Iraq. No Great Recession.

Let me point out to you that in the 2000's you Republicans waged war on the middle class when you attacked unions. You said they were lazy and overpaid. You did this because you knew you were going to be sending all those jobs overseas.

But Union workers didn't suck. This is from 1997 to 1999

So what was the problem? No problem. But I remember back then you Republicans loved Toyota and Honda. You are ignorant mother fuckers. Jealous that us Blue states had it so good. Instead of getting it for yourselves you argued if you don't have it so good, no one else should either. Jealous fucks.

Now Trump gives you a $2 raise and brings a few manufacturing jobs home and you suck his dick for it? You Republican voters are stupid. I don't blame the rich for trying to con you. I blame you for being stupid. You're ruining America not the rich. For them America is great. And to be honest, you aint hurting me. But you are hurting yourselves and you don't even seem to care. You don't realize we took a huge step backward in the 2000's with all those manufacturing jobs going bye bye and you don't even remember you were all for them going bye bye.

You even nominated Mitt Romney Mr. Bain Capital. Bain would break up US companies and send those jobs overseas. You republicans don't remember because you have very short memories. Funny you have an elephant for a mascot.

The 9-11 attackers were in the US training for their mission under Clinton.

Democrats voted for the Iraq Invasion

Both parties did the 2008 Great Recession. Clinton started the policies to lower lending standards and Bush continued it.

No your stupid partisan shit is just that, stupid and partisan. You don't know what the hell you're talking about
They couldn't pull off 9.11 until Bush was in off because Clinton wanted to create a domestic terrorism team, which Republicans opposed. So the terrorists waited until Bush was president and sleeping at the wheel, to attack us.

An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen. Bush was busy planning how to start a war with Iraq and told the guy, “you covered your ass, now get. That was in Crawford texas.

Then bush lyingly linked 9-11 to Iraq and lied about them having wmds

Even trump said it when he was running in the primaries at a debate. When pressed he said there were no wmds and they knew it. They lied. They lied”

If trump said it youd nod. When I say it you’ll go into republican mode where you make shit up and say Hillary voted to invade.

You forget it was after 9-11. Bush said not going along was unpatriotic. Who would believe besides us liberals that he might be lying. Certainly not the corporate media which you think is liberal. And so what? It should be. Call out any liars democrats or republicans

"An intelligence person told bush exactly what was going to happen."

You're full of shit. No one told W the names, location or date or any actionable information. The government gets millions of intelligence tips. And to say they told "bush" himself is idiotic, which is what you are, a total douche idiot.

They were IN THE US training under Clinton. They had motive, means and opportunity. It was just random.

I'm not blaming Clinton for it, I'm saying your blaming W is the stupid ass hat partisan whore that you are. Go fuck yourself, you're just being a finger pointing dick
An intelligence officer went to Crawford, bush said yea yea you covered your ass now get. Then he went back to painting.

Youre not blaming Clinton because he wasn’t hit on 9-11.

Meanwhile, trump is not letting biden get intelligence briefings. You motherfuckers tried saying bush was new on the job when he got hit on 9-11 but bush was getting Intelligence briefings in November 2000. You might want to let trump know he’s making us less safe by not letting biden get ready for his taking over.

You read too many Clancy novels. Dude was a great writer, no doubt. But the President still isn't responsible for weeding out intelligence reports. Get your panties out of their bundle.

Intelligence officers don't report to the President, they report to their leadership who brief the President

God you are so wrong and it was so easy to find.

The content of the memo was kept secret, as with all but a handful of PDBs, until it was leaked in 2002.[2] CBS Evening News reported on the document on May 15.[1][5]

The PDB was declassified and approved for release to the 9/11 Commission on April 10, 2004, and reported in the 9/11 Commission Report on July 22, 2004.

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US was the title of the President's Daily Brief prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency and given to U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday, August 6, 2001. The brief warned, 36 days before the September 11 attacks, of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, including "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for a hijacking" of U.S. aircraft.

In response to accusations that the Administration failed to act on the contents of the briefing, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and General Richard Myers emphasized that the CIA's PDB did not warn the President of a specific new threat but "contained historical information based on old reporting".

President Bush later claimed that if he had "had any inkling whatsoever that the people were going to fly airplanes into buildings we would have moved heaven and earth to save the country." The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) conducted a training exercise in the two years prior to September 11, 2001, in which it simulated a civilian airliner being hijacked and used as a missile to crash into buildings in the United States, including the World Trade Center. In October 2000, the U.S. Department of Defense had conducted exercises rehearsing a plane crashing into the Pentagon.

And where's the part that the intelligence community recommended actions that W torpedoed?

The CIA told Bush what was going to happen. Is it their job to tell him what to do with the threat? No. They told Bush/Rumsfeld and Chaney and they questioned whether these reports might not be deception on the part of al-Qaeda, purposely designed to needlessly expend resources in response.

So the Bush team thought Al Queda was bluffing.

Bottom line is you didn't even believe or know that the CIA warned Bush about the coming attacks. They did, and he did nothing, and we got hit.

Actually, yes, it is specifically their job to tell W what to do with the threat. What is wrong with you? You still think the President sits down and goes through thousands of threats and decides what to do about each one?

You're dumb as shit. No wonder you want a minimum wage increase
This isn't 1 of thousands of threats. This is a specific threat that the CIA warned Bush about.

Does the CIA tell Trump what to do? Nope. They tell him what they know and it's his job to do something about it. The buck stops there pal.

So you are saying it was the CIA's responsibility to contact the airlines? Why even bother going to the President?

And did the CIA go to the airlines? If it's not Bush's job, then who went to the airlines and what did the airlines say? Did they blow off the CIA like Bush did?

Forget it. You'll defend Bush/Trump no matter how damning the evidence is. We already know.

"So you are saying it was the CIA's responsibility to contact the airlines?"

The sort of stupid shit you completely make up that shows how pointless you are. I said no such thing. What is wrong with you? Seriously?

And yes, you stupid shit. There are THOUSANDS of threats, they are constant. You don't know that? How stupid are you?

You're a fart in the wind
Bush was warned almost EXACTLY what was going to happen. Why would they even tell the president if there's nothing he should do about it? They didn't go to him and tell him 1000 things. They warned him about planes being flown into buildings and he did nothing and it happened. He got hit on 9-11. Then he lied us into Iraq.

Don't believe me?

Maybe you'll believe Don

Trump did say Bush lied, and on more than one occasion.

In the Feb. 13 debate in South Carolina, debate moderator John Dickerson asked Trump about an October 2008 interview in which Trump said it would have been a “wonderful thing” if Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi tried to impeach Bush because he lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. Asked if he still believes that Bush should have been impeached, Trump called the Iraq war a “big fat mistake.” Pressed again for an answer, Trump went on to say, “They lied.”

Trump, Feb. 13: You call it whatever you want. I want to tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction; there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.

If you can't dazzle them with your wit, baffle them with your bull shit.

Still looking for your proof that W rejected the recommendation of the intelligence community. The rest of it is you pissing in the wind. The intelligence community picks up thousands of threats. That's what they are there for, to assess threats and make recommendations to the President. So did they? What did they recommend? And no making shit up, prove it
Why make recommendations when the president doesn’t decide or weigh in?

Again, obviously you have no management experience at all.

1) What an adviser does

Provides observations and makes recommendations

- The President asks clarification questions on the information and recommendations. They may accept or reject them, may ask questions and change them, may ask for more information and defer a decision, ...

2) What an advisor does not do.

Provide thousands of threats with no assessment or recommendations and ask the president, so whatcha gonna do?

Get a real job and let's talk then. And note how butt stupid you are, Captain Hyperbole. Is said they make a recommendation, you came back with, "the president doesn't decide or weigh in." That's butt stupid, moron

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