What are Republican's plans to help uninsured Americans?



The reason Mitt Romney passed his one great achievement was so the taxpayer wouldn't go broke. When someone goes to the Emergency Room, the cost is triple or more the cost of visiting a doctor. If you are over 40, the cost is at least 10 times more.

Medical bills are the number one cause of bankruptcy.

When someone visits the Emergency Room and can't pay, the tax payer foots the bill.

What is the Republican Plan to help uninsured Americans? I'm sure they don't want to end "Obamacare" without replacing it with something. No one wants to see millions of Americans uninsured or going bankrupt.

What about those people who can now insure their kids attending college. You have to tell them that can't do that anymore.

It used to be a "pre-existing condition" could be an allergy. Or a previously broken bone. Or a mammogram within the last six months.
The republicans believe that you should go work for it and buy your own; meaning, Pay your own hosipital bills, buy your own house, wipe your own ass, ect on down the list. Republicans believe in self achivement and hardwork and family. NO GOVERNMENT CONTROL OVER YOUR LIFE.

That's what makes this country free. The right to make your own life the way you wish without big bad government in it. The right to make as much money as you please or to die on the street! Think about that for a second! True freedom!

If you're stupid enough, you may end up on the street, but that's your fault.:badgrin:
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Even if those without insurance could make small payments toward their bills every month, it would help tremendously and many hospitals would be better off.

The Republicans have talked a lot in the past about allowing insurance companies to compete across state lines. The government tied their hands and eliminated the chance for competition. If you look at the auto insurance companies, you see the deals getting better all the time because competition brings prices down.

Also, Obama made a deal with Big Pharms, which will keep costs high. It's been government involvement that messed things up. The experts agree that Obamacare will raise prices, not just costs of care, but premiums for health insurance will sky rocket. Obamacare is designed to put the insurance companies out of business.

It amazes me when I see insurance companies vilified. I have a family member who fell ill and had several years of surgeries and long term hospital stays. For the money he spent on his insurance for the ten years at his job, he had nearly 2 million in hospital and doctor bills paid and he made payments on his co pay, which was under $10,000. Obviously, without insurance, he'd never be able to pay the bill in his lifetime. The money insurance pays out compared to the premiums people pay in is a good investment for people. Before insurance companies existed, people were on their own.

It's not insurance companies that are the villians, though the premiums would be even lower if they could compete. We need to look at why costs are so high. I am aware that those without insurance pose a problem and the hospitals pass the costs on to those with insurance. Still, the costs of simple supplies and care are way too high to begin with.

Even low income people without insurance could pay something toward their bill. Most really low income people qualify for every government program, including Medicaid, so they usually have no worries about paying anything. Others could send something for payment each month, but they don't even try.

I know some are saying that Obamacare will solve the problems, but it'll just get worse. When they run the private insurance companies out of business and people are forced to turn to government. we'll see serious rationing of care and long waiting lists to see specialists and even doctors.

Why do people look to government to solve the problem instead of asking what each of us can do for ourselves? Government interference is often the cause of many problems and more government interference damn sure isn't the answer.

Deporting nearly 2 million illegal aliens would help, too. We can do that by not granting automatic citizenship to anchor babies, insisting on photo IDs and valid social security numbers to get a job or welfare. Cut them off all the freebies, like Obama's aunt and uncle get, and they'll deport themselves.
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BS, I just lost my father to cancer a month ago! He had great insurance, he also was a huge catalyst of the space program, from the Mercury Program to today.

to his death he supported Obama and told me and my sister to make sure Obama care comes to be.

and we will do as much. bet your bottom dollar.

After spending 4 trillion in Iraq for much of nothing, except for empowering Iran and allowing Iraq to fall even farther behind, why in the fvck should anyone listen to what the GOP has to say. Today's GOP is a true lesson in futility.
BS, I just lost my father to cancer a month ago! He had great insurance, he also was a huge catalyst of the space program, from the Mercury Program to today.

to his death he supported Obama and told me and my sister to make sure Obama care comes to be.

and we will do as much. bet your bottom dollar.

After spending 4 trillion in Iraq for much of nothing, except for empowering Iran and allowing Iraq to fall even farther behind, why in the fvck should anyone listen to what the GOP has to say. Today's GOP is a true lesson in futility.

Obama just gutted the man part of our space program.:mad:
What are Republican's plans to help uninsured Americans?

It's always government for you liberals isn't it? Help, help, help, help, help... always looking for the government to HELP.


Lazy fucking, big government, welfare queen, where's my hand out, freebie liberal, democrat trash.

BS, I just lost my father to cancer a month ago! He had great insurance, he also was a huge catalyst of the space program, from the Mercury Program to today.

to his death he supported Obama and told me and my sister to make sure Obama care comes to be.

and we will do as much. bet your bottom dollar.

After spending 4 trillion in Iraq for much of nothing, except for empowering Iran and allowing Iraq to fall even farther behind, why in the fvck should anyone listen to what the GOP has to say. Today's GOP is a true lesson in futility.

Obama just gutted the man part of our space program.:mad:
No time for that nonsense. You have nations to invade and Halliburton has bases and infrastructure(not yours) to rebuild !
2 more votes for Obama by people who cannot think for themselves.
" My daddy were a ______ and my granpappy were one too. So are I !"
Govt isn't here to take care of anyone.

Your supposed to take care of yourselves.

Funny that before the 30's people did just that. They took care of themselves. No one expected Govt, using taxpayer dollars, to bail them out in any way shape or form.

We had plenty of charities that assisted the poor and needy. Govt has taken it upon themselves to fill that roll today. Only problem is that they are using hard earned tax dollars to do it with. No one asked Americans if they wanted to participate in this. They, the Clowns in DC, made that decision.

Totay we have several generations that expect those that have to take care of them. BS in my book. Get off your ass and take care of yourself.
The republicans believe that you should go work for it and buy your own; meaning, Pay your own hosipital bills, buy your own house, wipe your own ass, ect on down the list. Republicans believe in self achivement and hardwork and family. NO GOVERNMENT CONTROL OVER YOUR LIFE.

That's what makes this country free. The right to make your own life the way you wish without big bad government in it. The right to make as much money as you please or to die on the street! Think about that for a second! True freedom!

If you're stupid enough, you may end up on the street, but that's your fault.:badgrin:

What did you do? Take an overdose of Rush Limbaugh stupid pills?

It's obvious you're simply spouting bullshit party points without having a clue as to what you're even talking about. Because if you did you would join me and agree with the following statements....

I don't want the gubmint involving itself in personal decisions such as abortion.

I don't want the gubmint involving itself in personal conversations between patients and doctors. If a patient doesn't want their doctor to ask about guns in the home they can simply not answer or change doctors.

I don't want the gubmint telling someone they can't get married just because they are gay.

I don't want the gubmint involving itself in personal decisions such as euthanaisia.

I don't want the gubmint involving itself in personal decisions such as recreational drug use.

I don't want the gubmint involving itself in personal decisions such as life and death decision like it did with Terri Schiavo's family.

I don't want the gubmint involving itself in personal decisions such as whether a woman (or man) chooses to sell their time and bodies for sexual services.

I don't want the gubmint involving itself in spying on me and support repeal of the so-called Patriot Act.

But I will tell you that if you do agree with those statements that will put you at odds with the conservatives who simply want more government control over our private lives.
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The reason Mitt Romney passed his one great achievement was so the taxpayer wouldn't go broke.
rdean I hope that you realize that your hero Mitt Romney is a Republican.

And as a Republican governor of Mass. passed the first Health Care Bill in the U.S. :cool:
The republicans believe that you should go work for it and buy your own; meaning, Pay your own hosipital bills, buy your own house, wipe your own ass, ect on down the list. Republicans believe in self achivement and hardwork and family. NO GOVERNMENT CONTROL OVER YOUR LIFE.

That's what makes this country free. The right to make your own life the way you wish without big bad government in it. The right to make as much money as you please or to die on the street! Think about that for a second! True freedom!

If you're stupid enough, you may end up on the street, but that's your fault.:badgrin:

So "nothing".
It's obvious you're simply spouting bullshit party points without having a clue as to what you're even talking about. Because if you did you would join me and agree with the following statements....

I don't want the gubmint involving itself in personal decisions such as abortion.

I don't want the gubmint involving itself in personal conversations between patients and doctors. If a patient doesn't want their doctor to ask about guns in the home they can simply not answer or change doctors.

I don't want the gubmint telling someone they can't get married just because they are gay.

I don't want the gubmint involving itself in personal decisions such as euthanaisia.

I don't want the gubmint involving itself in personal decisions such as recreational drug use.

I don't want the gubmint involving itself in personal decisions such as life and death decision like it did with Terri Schiavo's family.

I don't want the gubmint involving itself in personal decisions such as whether a woman (or man) chooses to sell their time and bodies for sexual services.

I don't want the gubmint involving itself in spying on me and support repeal of the so-called Patriot Act.

But I will tell you that if you do agree with those statements that will put you at odds with the conservatives who simply want more government control over our private lives.

Very good points, DaGoose.

Both parties have decided that they know what's best for us and they want to shove their agendas down our throats -- they just have differing lists of priorities. Then they both spout their simplistic and predictable talking points in support of those agendas.

Unfortunately, we're now dealing with a bunch of dittoheads on both sides who are too afraid and lazy to challenge their own belief systems.

After spending 4 trillion in Iraq for much of nothing, except for empowering Iran and allowing Iraq to fall even farther behind, why in the fvck should anyone listen to what the GOP has to say. Today's GOP is a true lesson in futility.
And then Democratic candidate Obama got elected to office by saying he was going to "immediately" stop the war and close Gitmo.

Once in office he continued to follow the Republican war strategy and only three years later he finally decided to wind the war down; but he has totally reneged on shutting down Gitmo. :doubt:
The reason Mitt Romney passed his one great achievement was so the taxpayer wouldn't go broke. When someone goes to the Emergency Room, the cost is triple or more the cost of visiting a doctor. If you are over 40, the cost is at least 10 times more.

Medical bills are the number one cause of bankruptcy.

When someone visits the Emergency Room and can't pay, the tax payer foots the bill.

What is the Republican Plan to help uninsured Americans? I'm sure they don't want to end "Obamacare" without replacing it with something. No one wants to see millions of Americans uninsured or going bankrupt.

What about those people who can now insure their kids attending college. You have to tell them that can't do that anymore.

It used to be a "pre-existing condition" could be an allergy. Or a previously broken bone. Or a mammogram within the last six months.

Most universities have health clinics for the students that are covered by student fees. I know that was the case when I went to UIC back in teh 1980's.

The "uninsured" aren't really the problem. For the most part, they are young, healthy and don't need insurance and are only without employer based insurance for a short time.

The problem is spiralling out of control health care costs, which makes the cost of insurance higher. The insurance companies have tried to reduce costs by fighting against making payments or trying to discourage treatments or encouraging less effective therapies before agreeing to the thing you wanted done to start with. Meanwhile, they "encourage" employers to get rid of employees who run up too many bills. (Last job I worked, first folks to get fired wre the ones who were older and had medical issues.)

Romney/ObamaCare closes off those redactions and makes it harder for them to control costs, and then tries to compensate by forcing EVERYONE into the system.

There are some very sensible Republican plans for controlling costs. One is to get Medicare and Medicaid to go after fraud vigorously. Another is to reduce the amount of preventive medicine being practiced through Tort Reform.

Until you get costs under control, everything else is kind of meaningless. Forcing people to buy a product they don't want or need to reduce the costs for those who do need it isn't the answer.
BS, I just lost my father to cancer a month ago! He had great insurance, he also was a huge catalyst of the space program, from the Mercury Program to today.

to his death he supported Obama and told me and my sister to make sure Obama care comes to be.

and we will do as much. bet your bottom dollar.

After spending 4 trillion in Iraq for much of nothing, except for empowering Iran and allowing Iraq to fall even farther behind, why in the fvck should anyone listen to what the GOP has to say. Today's GOP is a true lesson in futility.
$4 trillion? Perhaps you should check your facts.
After spending 4 trillion in Iraq for much of nothing, except for empowering Iran and allowing Iraq to fall even farther behind, why in the fvck should anyone listen to what the GOP has to say. Today's GOP is a true lesson in futility.
And then Democratic candidate Obama got elected to office by saying he was going to "immediately" stop the war and close Gitmo.

Once in office he continued to follow the Republican war strategy and only three years later he finally decided to wind the war down; but he has totally reneged on shutting down Gitmo. :doubt:

What's you point? Many, if not all politicians get elected saying one thing and then doing another. Remember when Bush said he would not "nation build"? Then he turned around and did that very thing in Iraq at a cost that was foolish and unbearable.

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