What are sports fans thinking about all this political theatre going on in The Game of BLM.

Used to love sports, baseball particularly followed closely by football. Was never a huge hoops fan after the Jordan era.

I started drifting away from sports due to the strikes by millionaires crying about their lack of proper compensation. It pissed me off and the result was spiraling costs that have priced the average family out of the market to go to a game, which sucks IMO. I went to the ballpark all the time with my family as a kid and we weren't by any means rich. Very blue-collar, but we still went several times a year and it's what made me a fan, I am 100% sure. Now I don't see that as possible for similarly situated families and that blows, and it will also undermine their fan base going forward, IMO. Fans aren't made via TV. It's the crowd, the excitement, the event, the experiences and memories made that get into your blood and stay there.

For me, sports are entertainment. I do not like when politics are injected into it, any more than I'd like to have some type of protest shoved in my face every time I went to see a movie, or a concert or whatever.

I'm the consumer, it's my money and my time being spent and I get to choose whether or not to support it and, if the product is no longer what I'm after, I simply won't. This politically charged element is not what I want so it puts me off. I find I just care less and less....
These numbers are from a month ago before Wave 2 with work stoppages.

Highlights....35% of frequent sports watchers are less likely to watch BLM activism sports................Think of that. You lost 35% of your market............................BAWWWHAHA!!!

43% of males under 40 are less likely to watch BLM sporting events...2 percent said they would...................OK 43% of your 40 and under crowd is unhappy......................LOLOL

28 percent of blacks and 28% whites are less likely....................You lost near 30% of blacks and whites................LOL

This is astounding. And it was before the last violent felon who got shot 7 times.

This is a very accurate article
1000 police deaths this year....37% white, 23% black, 15% Hispanic and the rest unknown or other. Police arrests over 10 million this year so that is less than .0001% rating and certainly proves no racism. So the whole Baloney Lives Movement is just that.....baloney
Youre only using one stat like most retarded people. Its not just deaths. Its beating and harassment too.
More baloney. The beatings and harassment I see would be from your wacko lawbreaking rioters attacking innocent people on the street. Get a brain goofus at least I bring stats
You brought bullshit like most retards do. There is a reason most PD's in Black areas pay out millions to people attacked by the cops.
Statistics aren't bullshit, but I realize to a brainless wacko they can be confusing. And people get money from frivolous lawsuits all the time, its a great way for dregs to make a living
Only retards dont realize that stats are just data that can be shaped to fit your argument. Youre just another low information scrub that has no clue what you are talking about.
I don't have any problems with athletes participating in politics off the field. They are private citizens and have that right like everybody else.

But once they step on to the field, I don't want to see politics involved, including politics with which I agree.
If every employee/ contractor acted the way the athletes do our nation would cease to function and unemployment would be at 80%

This nonsense is ridiculous and serves no ones purpose.
Protests are supposed to make some people uncomfortable. Learn to deal with it.
Especially when they are supplemented with ALL the vast amounts of off field and off court events these super concerned athletes sponsor......
These numbers are from a month ago before Wave 2 with work stoppages.

Highlights....35% of frequent sports watchers are less likely to watch BLM activism sports................Think of that. You lost 35% of your market............................BAWWWHAHA!!!

43% of males under 40 are less likely to watch BLM sporting events...2 percent said they would...................OK 43% of your 40 and under crowd is unhappy......................LOLOL

28 percent of blacks and 28% whites are less likely....................You lost near 30% of blacks and whites................LOL

This is astounding. And it was before the last violent felon who got shot 7 times.

This is a very accurate article
1000 police deaths this year....37% white, 23% black, 15% Hispanic and the rest unknown or other. Police arrests over 10 million this year so that is less than .0001% rating and certainly proves no racism. So the whole Baloney Lives Movement is just that.....baloney
Youre only using one stat like most retarded people. Its not just deaths. Its beating and harassment too.
More baloney. The beatings and harassment I see would be from your wacko lawbreaking rioters attacking innocent people on the street. Get a brain goofus at least I bring stats
You brought bullshit like most retards do. There is a reason most PD's in Black areas pay out millions to people attacked by the cops.
Statistics aren't bullshit, but I realize to a brainless wacko they can be confusing. And people get money from frivolous lawsuits all the time, its a great way for dregs to make a living
Only retards dont realize that stats are just data that can be shaped to fit your argument. Youre just another low information scrub that has no clue what you are talking about.
How did I shape the data? Maybe mommy can look it up for you and read it slowly so even your brainless cranium could absorb the truth.
These numbers are from a month ago before Wave 2 with work stoppages.

Highlights....35% of frequent sports watchers are less likely to watch BLM activism sports................Think of that. You lost 35% of your market............................BAWWWHAHA!!!

43% of males under 40 are less likely to watch BLM sporting events...2 percent said they would...................OK 43% of your 40 and under crowd is unhappy......................LOLOL

28 percent of blacks and 28% whites are less likely....................You lost near 30% of blacks and whites................LOL

This is astounding. And it was before the last violent felon who got shot 7 times.

This is a very accurate article
1000 police deaths this year....37% white, 23% black, 15% Hispanic and the rest unknown or other. Police arrests over 10 million this year so that is less than .0001% rating and certainly proves no racism. So the whole Baloney Lives Movement is just that.....baloney
Youre only using one stat like most retarded people. Its not just deaths. Its beating and harassment too.
More baloney. The beatings and harassment I see would be from your wacko lawbreaking rioters attacking innocent people on the street. Get a brain goofus at least I bring stats
You brought bullshit like most retards do. There is a reason most PD's in Black areas pay out millions to people attacked by the cops.
Statistics aren't bullshit, but I realize to a brainless wacko they can be confusing. And people get money from frivolous lawsuits all the time, its a great way for dregs to make a living
Only retards dont realize that stats are just data that can be shaped to fit your argument. Youre just another low information scrub that has no clue what you are talking about.
How did I shape the data? Maybe mommy can look it up for you and read it slowly so even your brainless cranium could absorb the truth.
I already explained it to you retard. You took one stat instead of all the stats. Your stat was the number of deaths but you left out the other stats like beatings and harassment.
Its only 1000 people in the study. Prime time viewership for the NBA is up 16% over last year and its summertime when most the NBA playoffs would already be over.
This takes in account all 3 Major BLM sports teams. Not just the NBA. Football will be worse.

1000 respondents is a usual sample size.
These numbers are from a month ago before Wave 2 with work stoppages.

Highlights....35% of frequent sports watchers are less likely to watch BLM activism sports................Think of that. You lost 35% of your market............................BAWWWHAHA!!!

43% of males under 40 are less likely to watch BLM sporting events...2 percent said they would...................OK 43% of your 40 and under crowd is unhappy......................LOLOL

28 percent of blacks and 28% whites are less likely....................You lost near 30% of blacks and whites................LOL

This is astounding. And it was before the last violent felon who got shot 7 times.

This is a very accurate article
1000 police deaths this year....37% white, 23% black, 15% Hispanic and the rest unknown or other. Police arrests over 10 million this year so that is less than .0001% rating and certainly proves no racism. So the whole Baloney Lives Movement is just that.....baloney
Youre only using one stat like most retarded people. Its not just deaths. Its beating and harassment too.
More baloney. The beatings and harassment I see would be from your wacko lawbreaking rioters attacking innocent people on the street. Get a brain goofus at least I bring stats
You brought bullshit like most retards do. There is a reason most PD's in Black areas pay out millions to people attacked by the cops.
Statistics aren't bullshit, but I realize to a brainless wacko they can be confusing. And people get money from frivolous lawsuits all the time, its a great way for dregs to make a living
Only retards dont realize that stats are just data that can be shaped to fit your argument. Youre just another low information scrub that has no clue what you are talking about.
How did I shape the data? Maybe mommy can look it up for you and read it slowly so even your brainless cranium could absorb the truth.
I already explained it to you retard. You took one stat instead of all the stats. Your stat was the number of deaths but you left out the other stats like beatings and harassment.
Of course.....the police ONLY would be beating the 23% blacks and not the other 77% of the folks they deal with. And which one of us is the retard did you say?
These numbers are from a month ago before Wave 2 with work stoppages.

Highlights....35% of frequent sports watchers are less likely to watch BLM activism sports................Think of that. You lost 35% of your market............................BAWWWHAHA!!!

43% of males under 40 are less likely to watch BLM sporting events...2 percent said they would...................OK 43% of your 40 and under crowd is unhappy......................LOLOL

28 percent of blacks and 28% whites are less likely....................You lost near 30% of blacks and whites................LOL

This is astounding. And it was before the last violent felon who got shot 7 times.

This is a very accurate article
1000 police deaths this year....37% white, 23% black, 15% Hispanic and the rest unknown or other. Police arrests over 10 million this year so that is less than .0001% rating and certainly proves no racism. So the whole Baloney Lives Movement is just that.....baloney
Youre only using one stat like most retarded people. Its not just deaths. Its beating and harassment too.
More baloney. The beatings and harassment I see would be from your wacko lawbreaking rioters attacking innocent people on the street. Get a brain goofus at least I bring stats
You brought bullshit like most retards do. There is a reason most PD's in Black areas pay out millions to people attacked by the cops.
Statistics aren't bullshit, but I realize to a brainless wacko they can be confusing. And people get money from frivolous lawsuits all the time, its a great way for dregs to make a living
Only retards dont realize that stats are just data that can be shaped to fit your argument. Youre just another low information scrub that has no clue what you are talking about.
How did I shape the data? Maybe mommy can look it up for you and read it slowly so even your brainless cranium could absorb the truth.
I already explained it to you retard. You took one stat instead of all the stats. Your stat was the number of deaths but you left out the other stats like beatings and harassment.
Of course.....the police ONLY would be beating the 23% blacks and not the other 77% of the folks they deal with. And which one of us is the retard did you say?
Somebody needs to take a Midol and maybe change out their maxi-pad....very angry today...
I'm done with all pro sports! ALL! But understand...this was INTENTIONAL!

Pro sports give us entertainment & a RELEASE of pent-up hostilities...now we'll see more hostilities out in public.

Just another gift from the democrat filth!
oh i can't call it an attack on all of us. why would millionaires intentionally go piss off their base and risk their own fortunes? this to me seems more a case of over-valuing your skills and pushing people too far into ONE direction and totally ignoring the rest of us.

i was borderline but when the NFL made brees apologize for supporting police - fuck 'em. i was 100% done. i have played FFL for 20 years running and remember drafting joey galloway right after the cowboys traded far too much for him. i'd have 5 teams usually just to keep it interesting.

0. i just don't care. they want to preach, well to quote my friend jon butcher axis, "you must be confused if you're preaching to me".
These numbers are from a month ago before Wave 2 with work stoppages.

Highlights....35% of frequent sports watchers are less likely to watch BLM activism sports................Think of that. You lost 35% of your market............................BAWWWHAHA!!!

43% of males under 40 are less likely to watch BLM sporting events...2 percent said they would...................OK 43% of your 40 and under crowd is unhappy......................LOLOL

28 percent of blacks and 28% whites are less likely....................You lost near 30% of blacks and whites................LOL

This is astounding. And it was before the last violent felon who got shot 7 times.

This is a very accurate article
1000 police deaths this year....37% white, 23% black, 15% Hispanic and the rest unknown or other. Police arrests over 10 million this year so that is less than .0001% rating and certainly proves no racism. So the whole Baloney Lives Movement is just that.....baloney
Youre only using one stat like most retarded people. Its not just deaths. Its beating and harassment too.
More baloney. The beatings and harassment I see would be from your wacko lawbreaking rioters attacking innocent people on the street. Get a brain goofus at least I bring stats
You brought bullshit like most retards do. There is a reason most PD's in Black areas pay out millions to people attacked by the cops.
Statistics aren't bullshit, but I realize to a brainless wacko they can be confusing. And people get money from frivolous lawsuits all the time, its a great way for dregs to make a living
Only retards dont realize that stats are just data that can be shaped to fit your argument. Youre just another low information scrub that has no clue what you are talking about.
How did I shape the data? Maybe mommy can look it up for you and read it slowly so even your brainless cranium could absorb the truth.
I already explained it to you retard. You took one stat instead of all the stats. Your stat was the number of deaths but you left out the other stats like beatings and harassment.
Of course.....the police ONLY would be beating the 23% blacks and not the other 77% of the folks they deal with. And which one of us is the retard did you say?
I said you were the retard. Listen to what an ex police chief admitted to. Black people are not experiencing a mass hallucination for decades.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
- Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing
These numbers are from a month ago before Wave 2 with work stoppages.

Highlights....35% of frequent sports watchers are less likely to watch BLM activism sports................Think of that. You lost 35% of your market............................BAWWWHAHA!!!

43% of males under 40 are less likely to watch BLM sporting events...2 percent said they would...................OK 43% of your 40 and under crowd is unhappy......................LOLOL

28 percent of blacks and 28% whites are less likely....................You lost near 30% of blacks and whites................LOL

This is astounding. And it was before the last violent felon who got shot 7 times.

This is a very accurate article
1000 police deaths this year....37% white, 23% black, 15% Hispanic and the rest unknown or other. Police arrests over 10 million this year so that is less than .0001% rating and certainly proves no racism. So the whole Baloney Lives Movement is just that.....baloney
Youre only using one stat like most retarded people. Its not just deaths. Its beating and harassment too.
More baloney. The beatings and harassment I see would be from your wacko lawbreaking rioters attacking innocent people on the street. Get a brain goofus at least I bring stats
You brought bullshit like most retards do. There is a reason most PD's in Black areas pay out millions to people attacked by the cops.
Statistics aren't bullshit, but I realize to a brainless wacko they can be confusing. And people get money from frivolous lawsuits all the time, its a great way for dregs to make a living
Only retards dont realize that stats are just data that can be shaped to fit your argument. Youre just another low information scrub that has no clue what you are talking about.
How did I shape the data? Maybe mommy can look it up for you and read it slowly so even your brainless cranium could absorb the truth.
I already explained it to you retard. You took one stat instead of all the stats. Your stat was the number of deaths but you left out the other stats like beatings and harassment.
Of course.....the police ONLY would be beating the 23% blacks and not the other 77% of the folks they deal with. And which one of us is the retard did you say?
I said you were the retard. Listen to what an ex police chief admitted to. Black people are not experiencing a mass hallucination for decades.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
- Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing
Wow well that "statistic" certainly tops mine for sure....then that's it...the police are beating and harassing black people only, at will, because they are skeered of em. Not because they commit any crimes or EVER refuse arrest...just because they are askeered.
These numbers are from a month ago before Wave 2 with work stoppages.

Highlights....35% of frequent sports watchers are less likely to watch BLM activism sports................Think of that. You lost 35% of your market............................BAWWWHAHA!!!

43% of males under 40 are less likely to watch BLM sporting events...2 percent said they would...................OK 43% of your 40 and under crowd is unhappy......................LOLOL

28 percent of blacks and 28% whites are less likely....................You lost near 30% of blacks and whites................LOL

This is astounding. And it was before the last violent felon who got shot 7 times.

This is a very accurate article

The problem is very few people watched basketball game to begin with

only 2 mil people out of 330 watch your average playoff game

So the likelihood rasmussen got any % of actual NBA watchers is very low

The ratings have been going down for years relative to the trend it isn't that bad. Been trending down for years

Most of the downturn is just different scheduling, with some small part being people who can't stand the BLM stuff. It's so easy to mute and ignore I don't see how anyone could be bothered anyway.

Losing 30% on the pre/post/half time show I'd believe
These numbers are from a month ago before Wave 2 with work stoppages.

Highlights....35% of frequent sports watchers are less likely to watch BLM activism sports................Think of that. You lost 35% of your market............................BAWWWHAHA!!!

43% of males under 40 are less likely to watch BLM sporting events...2 percent said they would...................OK 43% of your 40 and under crowd is unhappy......................LOLOL

28 percent of blacks and 28% whites are less likely....................You lost near 30% of blacks and whites................LOL

This is astounding. And it was before the last violent felon who got shot 7 times.

This is a very accurate article
1000 police deaths this year....37% white, 23% black, 15% Hispanic and the rest unknown or other. Police arrests over 10 million this year so that is less than .0001% rating and certainly proves no racism. So the whole Baloney Lives Movement is just that.....baloney
Youre only using one stat like most retarded people. Its not just deaths. Its beating and harassment too.
More baloney. The beatings and harassment I see would be from your wacko lawbreaking rioters attacking innocent people on the street. Get a brain goofus at least I bring stats
You brought bullshit like most retards do. There is a reason most PD's in Black areas pay out millions to people attacked by the cops.
Statistics aren't bullshit, but I realize to a brainless wacko they can be confusing. And people get money from frivolous lawsuits all the time, its a great way for dregs to make a living
Only retards dont realize that stats are just data that can be shaped to fit your argument. Youre just another low information scrub that has no clue what you are talking about.
How did I shape the data? Maybe mommy can look it up for you and read it slowly so even your brainless cranium could absorb the truth.
I already explained it to you retard. You took one stat instead of all the stats. Your stat was the number of deaths but you left out the other stats like beatings and harassment.
Of course.....the police ONLY would be beating the 23% blacks and not the other 77% of the folks they deal with. And which one of us is the retard did you say?
I said you were the retard. Listen to what an ex police chief admitted to. Black people are not experiencing a mass hallucination for decades.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
- Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing
Wow well that "statistic" certainly tops mine for sure....then that's it...the police are beating and harassing black people only, at will, because they are skeered of em. Not because they commit any crimes or EVER refuse arrest...just because they are askeered.
Well first of all that isnt a statistic. Thats the experience of a police chief. Yes it tops your retarded stat because as a I said you cant offer 1 stat in a vacuum and present it as proof and think I wont catch you and expose you as a clown. Blacks have been dealing with over policing by racist cops for more than half a century. Its nothing new. We just happen to have video of the shit now. The reason why the pro sports players are backing the call out is because they have had the same experiences or know someone that has.
I'm done with all pro sports! ALL! But understand...this was INTENTIONAL!

Pro sports give us entertainment & a RELEASE of pent-up hostilities...now we'll see more hostilities out in public.

Just another gift from the democrat filth!

Everyone is going to laugh at this statement, but I’ll say it anyway. Sports is a civilized way of humans channeling their innate desire for war into athletic competition
I don't have any problems with athletes participating in politics off the field. They are private citizens and have that right like everybody else.

But once they step on to the field, I don't want to see politics involved, including politics with which I agree.
If every employee/ contractor acted the way the athletes do our nation would cease to function and unemployment would be at 80%

This nonsense is ridiculous and serves no ones purpose.

When you have the leverage NBA stars do, you will see some shit like this lol

THey could start their own league...Name another business anything close to that?

Goodluck with NBA broadcasts when the top 20 players leave and try their own shit.
These numbers are from a month ago before Wave 2 with work stoppages.

Highlights....35% of frequent sports watchers are less likely to watch BLM activism sports................Think of that. You lost 35% of your market............................BAWWWHAHA!!!

43% of males under 40 are less likely to watch BLM sporting events...2 percent said they would...................OK 43% of your 40 and under crowd is unhappy......................LOLOL

28 percent of blacks and 28% whites are less likely....................You lost near 30% of blacks and whites................LOL

This is astounding. And it was before the last violent felon who got shot 7 times.

This is a very accurate article
1000 police deaths this year....37% white, 23% black, 15% Hispanic and the rest unknown or other. Police arrests over 10 million this year so that is less than .0001% rating and certainly proves no racism. So the whole Baloney Lives Movement is just that.....baloney
Youre only using one stat like most retarded people. Its not just deaths. Its beating and harassment too.
More baloney. The beatings and harassment I see would be from your wacko lawbreaking rioters attacking innocent people on the street. Get a brain goofus at least I bring stats
You brought bullshit like most retards do. There is a reason most PD's in Black areas pay out millions to people attacked by the cops.
Statistics aren't bullshit, but I realize to a brainless wacko they can be confusing. And people get money from frivolous lawsuits all the time, its a great way for dregs to make a living
Only retards dont realize that stats are just data that can be shaped to fit your argument. Youre just another low information scrub that has no clue what you are talking about.
How did I shape the data? Maybe mommy can look it up for you and read it slowly so even your brainless cranium could absorb the truth.
I already explained it to you retard. You took one stat instead of all the stats. Your stat was the number of deaths but you left out the other stats like beatings and harassment.
Of course.....the police ONLY would be beating the 23% blacks and not the other 77% of the folks they deal with. And which one of us is the retard did you say?
I said you were the retard. Listen to what an ex police chief admitted to. Black people are not experiencing a mass hallucination for decades.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
- Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing
Wow well that "statistic" certainly tops mine for sure....then that's it...the police are beating and harassing black people only, at will, because they are skeered of em. Not because they commit any crimes or EVER refuse arrest...just because they are askeered.
Well first of all that isnt a statistic. Thats the experience of a police chief. Yes it tops your retarded stat because as a I said you cant offer 1 stat in a vacuum and present it as proof and think I wont catch you and expose you as a clown. Blacks have been dealing with over policing by racist cops for more than half a century. Its nothing new. We just happen to have video of the shit now. The reason why the pro sports players are backing the call out is because they have had the same experiences or know someone that has.
Waah waah waah poor mistreated wacko and blacks. They should be thankful they are in this country from the sacrifices made by their truly abused ancestors, but instead keep whining and crying and now attack our flag and national anthem...but do nothing else...except whine and complain. Sorry not buying your sack of biden today

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