What are the characteristics of an armed person???

I was stopped/stalked by police for -------------------------------------------------walking to work!
and another time for -----------------------------------------------biking home from work
another time a cop stopped me for --------------------------biking to work
Your resentment of being observed and/or stopped by police when you'd done nothing unlawful is perfectly understandable. It's a normal human reaction to an offensive action. But, presuming you are Black, the level of crime perpetrated by Blacks, possibly who dress like you and/or dress their hair like you, etc., is the reason you were stopped.
I'm white
point being whites are stopped by cops also
race is not a reason why cops shoot/stop etc all the time
Aww bullshit! That's the first thing they tell you here is that if the cops ask for your ID you have to show your CHL and inform them you are armed.

Who? The first thing who tells you? And where? Where is here?
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I've seen a black man get shot with an m16 by another black man.

One was a National Guardsman, the other had a Molotov cocktail in his hand. To me, as I was whizzing by, it looks like he intended to throw it at the squad of guardsmen on the corner.

It did not go as cocktail boy planned.

With reference to the above: Anyone holding or preparing to throw a potentially lethal missile, whether a firebomb, a heavy rock, etc., during a public protest, should be shot on sight. I believe snipers should be deployed for that specific purpose.

I don't understand why they are not so deployed. If someone is seen aiming or generally pointing a firearm he would be shot. But a firebomb, a large rock, or a bottle, can kill or seriously injure someone, so why not use deadly force to prevent its being thrown? It makes no sense.
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I've seen a black man get shot with an m16 by another black man.

One was a National Guardsman, the other had a Molotov cocktail in his hand. To me, as I was whizzing by, it looks like he intended to throw it at the squad of guardsmen on the corner.

It did not go as cocktail boy planned.

With reference to the above: Anyone holding or preparing to throw a potentially lethal missile, whether a firebomb, a heavy rock, etc., during a public protest, should be shot on sight. I believe snipers should be deployed for that specific purpose.

It was a NG squad stationed at the corner. They were on every other corner. Odd thing is, the store to loot had a huge parking lot and was way back off the road, these dudes were all on the sidewalk.
Gosh. There are very, very, very, few conservatives left in America. Most folks who identify as conservative in America today are rabid statists. The commentary in this thread by so-called conservatives clearly exemplifies it.

The Framers are probably rolling over in their graves right now.

At least the lefties are consistent.
That's how people get shot. But they can feel superior as they lay leaking in the street.

And that is OK with you? I don't want to assume anything, but it almost sounds like you agree with how our country is turning into a police state.

Police did not shoot people at the rate they do these days when I was growing up, it's a bad thing.

What is a bad thing… that they don't shoot people as often as they used to? So you have no problem with a police state, where law abiding citizens are losing their constitutional rights and are automatically treated like criminals?
He didn't say anything like that. I wish you trolls wouldn't twist spin and lie so much.

I wasn't trolling, the way he worded it, and the fact that a lot of people here see no problem with trigger-happy cops made me think he was arguing on that side. That's why I asked him that.
Why do liberals always play like they don't know what you are talking about? lol! The instructor in the CHL class!

I doubt you've ever met a real liberal until now.

Where may I locate reference to your CHL instructor in the Constitution?

I'll wait.

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You have to give the cops your CCL along with your drivers license when stopped.
Anyone with a CCL will cooperate because they are law abiding citizens.

You need to educate yourself about duty to inform laws and where the're applicable before you pop off about such things in such blanket fashion.

And for you to say the NRA has done more harm to the 2nd is ridiculous.

Now. This. The difference between you and I here is that I happen to know what I'm talking about.

Let's take the NRA spew about universal background checks, for instance. They love em. And so do most so-called conservatives in America. But the truth is that most so-called conservatives don't underzstand jack squat nothin about the role of government or conservatism or their rights.

Let's review what is wrong with the NRA spew about universal background checks.

First, universal background checks are a violation of the 1st amendment because it compels people to speak.

Secondly, universal background checks are a violation of the 5th amendment because it forces people to provide information about themselves in order to require a gun.

Thirdly, universal background checks are a violation of the 10th amendment because it isn't a specific power granted the government in the constitution.

Now. You and the NRA just pissed all over everyone's 1st, 5th, and 10th amendments. Why?

Do you feel good about yourself? Do you feel like a patriot? Why do you hate the 1st amendment? Why do you hate the 5th? And the 10th? Hm? Why? Why do you and the NRA feel that Americans should be forced by the federal government to relinquish their 1st, 5th, and 10th amendment rights in order to beg for their 2nd? Explain this shit, please. Thanks.

I could go on and on about the NRA, though. But let's clear those few tid bits up first.

You type so much and say so little.
Maybe you should have saved some space for something rather than your opinion.
You have to give the cops your CCL along with your drivers license when stopped.
Anyone with a CCL will cooperate because they are law abiding citizens.

You need to educate yourself about duty to inform laws and where the're applicable before you pop off about such things.

And for you to say the NRA has done more harm to the 2nd is ridiculous.

Now. This. The difference between you and I here is that I happen to know what I'm talking about.

Let's take the NRA spew about universal background checks, for instance. They love em. And so do most so-called conservatives in America. But the truth is that most so-called conservatives don't underzstand jack squat nothin about the role of government or conservatism or their rights.

Let's review what is wrong with the NRA spew about universal background checks.

First, universal background checks are a violation of the 1st amendment because it compels people to speak.

Secondly, universal background checks are a violation of the 5th amendment because it forces people to provide information about themselves in order to require a gun.

Thirdly, universal background checks are a violation of the 10th amendment because it isn't a specific power granted the government in the constitution.

Now. You and the NRA just pissed all over everyone's 1st, 5th, and 10th amendments. Why?

Do you feel good about yourself? Do you feel like a patriot? Why do you hate the 1st amendment? Why do you hate the 5th? And the 10th? Hm? Why? Explain this shit, please. Thanks.

I could go on and on about the NRA, though.
Aww bullshit! That's the first thing they tell you here is that if the cops ask for your ID you have to show your CHL and inform them you are armed.

It depends on which state you are in. Some states, some cities, have imposed a Duty to Inform a police office if you are armed. It is an obligation imposed on you by law.

Under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution states are empowered to confer certain powers on police officers called "police powers". They are different in each state. Make sure you know the limits of police powers in your state. For instance, in California you do NOT have to show identification if you are merely questioned by an officer. If you are driving and asked for your license you MUST show the license upon request. That is an obligation imposed on you by the state when you got your license. Failure to show your license is grounds for arrest. So forget all this nonsense about false bravado and make sure you know the laws of your state.
seems so
...I just renewed my license plates online...I did not have to scan/produce/etc my inspections/insurance/etc or anything...I guess they already had that info
...the damn inet already has all kinds of my information
...so if you legally have a weapon, it should be in Maryland's system??
but what about ''grandfathered'' weapons?
Actually I didn't notice anything about owning a weapon the site was just for concealed carry in Maryland which is one of the most restrictive states in the U.S. even moreso than California.

This is the url. And I misspoke - they're not scanners they're cameras:

Notice: Maryland has a unit called, “Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center”.
They have license plate reader cameras around the state that read license plates of vehicles. Some are connected to Criminal Background Check programs and Permit/License Holder lists from the different states that will supply them with that information. Do use caution when even driving through Maryland. They can know if you have a firearms permit/license without even stopping you. Other States most likely have a similar system.​
You type so much and say so little.
Maybe you should have saved some space for something rather than your opinion.

I didn't really write it for your benefit. You're not that important. It's clear that you're just another rabid statist who does not understand freedom. I see people like you as nothing more than useful idiots. For without people like you who have a love for the last word, people like me would not have a platform to teach liberty things. People need to see more liberty things. Not the confused ramblings of a bunch of rabid bootlickers who don't understand the very ism they attach themselves to. If you're going to call yourself a conservative, then, learn what it means. As it is, you clearly do not.
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another story about a jackass blown way out of proportion
more protesting for lies/bullshit
let's protest for turtles/ravioli/etc--anything
It depends on which state you are in. Some states, some cities, have imposed a Duty to Inform a police office if you are armed. It is an obligation imposed on you by law.

Under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution states are empowered to confer certain powers on police officers called "police powers". They are different in each state. Make sure you know the limits of police powers in your state. For instance, in California you do NOT have to show identification if you are merely questioned by an officer. If you are driving and asked for your license you MUST show the license upon request. That is an obligation imposed on you by the state when you got your license. Failure to show your license is grounds for arrest. So forget all this nonsense about false bravado and make sure you know the laws of your state.


Good post.

Invoking the 10th at the state level is still questionable, though, because even the states have their own 2nd amendments.
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You have to give the cops your CCL along with your drivers license when stopped.
Anyone with a CCL will cooperate because they are law abiding citizens.

You need to educate yourself about duty to inform laws and where the're applicable before you pop off about such things.

And for you to say the NRA has done more harm to the 2nd is ridiculous.

Now. This. The difference between you and I here is that I happen to know what I'm talking about.

Let's take the NRA spew about universal background checks, for instance. They love em. And so do most so-called conservatives in America. But the truth is that most so-called conservatives don't underzstand jack squat nothin about the role of government or conservatism or their rights.

Let's review what is wrong with the NRA spew about universal background checks.

First, universal background checks are a violation of the 1st amendment because it compels people to speak.

Secondly, universal background checks are a violation of the 5th amendment because it forces people to provide information about themselves in order to require a gun.

Thirdly, universal background checks are a violation of the 10th amendment because it isn't a specific power granted the government in the constitution.

Now. You and the NRA just pissed all over everyone's 1st, 5th, and 10th amendments. Why?

Do you feel good about yourself? Do you feel like a patriot? Why do you hate the 1st amendment? Why do you hate the 5th? And the 10th? Hm? Why? Explain this shit, please. Thanks.

I could go on and on about the NRA, though.
Aww bullshit! That's the first thing they tell you here is that if the cops ask for your ID you have to show your CHL and inform them you are armed.

It depends on which state you are in. Some states, some cities, have imposed a Duty to Inform a police office if you are armed. It is an obligation imposed on you by law.

Under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution states are empowered to confer certain powers on police officers called "police powers". They are different in each state. Make sure you know the limits of police powers in your state. For instance, in California you do NOT have to show identification if you are merely questioned by an officer. If you are driving and asked for your license you MUST show the license upon request. That is an obligation imposed on you by the state when you got your license. Failure to show your license is grounds for arrest. So forget all this nonsense about false bravado and make sure you know the laws of your state.
so how does that work??
you can just merely walk away from a cop and he can't stop you?
they can question you, but you don't have to show ID?
...if they want to question you, they are usually trying to investigate a problem--therefore needing to know and log in the person's ID/name/etc??
..they can still detain you, but you don't have to show ID--??
If you really haven't done anything wrong, knowing your identity could help police resolve their investigation in your favor, and refusing to provide identification could prolong it.
why would you not show your ID? this is just common sense
If you don't want to provide identification, you can politely say you do not want to do so and ask if you are free to go
If police reasonably suspect you of a crime, they can detain you to investigate that crime. Some states have what are called "Stop and Identify" statutes that require someone suspected of criminal activity to provide identification to police, making refusal a crime. California has no such statute, so if you refuse to provide an ID while police are detaining you, they can't arrest you just for refusing.
Daniele Watts, LAPD encounter raises question: When must you show ID?
this seems idiotic--if they have probable cause, they can arrest you--so showing ID is moot...if they don't have probable cause, asking for ID seems redundant
..I never carry an ID when running/biking/walking--but I don't commit crimes
..I did not have an ID when the cop stopped me for the evil crime of walking to work
I gave them my SSN, the issue was not a big deal/etc..they knew I was not doing anything, and off I went
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The incident began when patrol officers on foot saw a man exhibiting characteristics of an armed person.

"He looked like he may have something on him," Guglielmi said. "They go to question him and at that point a confrontation ensues and he is shot."

The man, who was armed, was taken to an area hospital where he died, Guglielmi said.

Officials: Chaotic scene erupts with angry crowd after fatal police shooting in South Shore

do they mean armed after they put a gun on him, or armed while walking down the street? Do investigate everyone who is exhibiting characteristics of an armed person.

What are the characteristics of an armed person???
There are no characteristics of an armed person. Clearly this is a case of a police officer who has magical mind reading powers, or perhaps x-ray vision. There can be no other explanation.
Oddly, there is such a thing as characteristics of an armed person.

U.S. Secret Service Training Guide: Characteristics of the Armed Individual | Public Intelligence

Recognizing armed persons is part of training. It must work because the person was certainly armed.

So they say he was armed, I'd be armed as well in that neighborhood. So anyone armed or suspicious of being armed can be approached by police???
Well yes. You should know that. Have you had any training at all? It was the first thing I learned. If you are armed and approached by police officer, you immediately inform the officer that you are carrying a weapon. You are required to inform the officer what kind and where on your person it is concealed. Same thing if you are stopped with a weapon in your car.

All praises to the NRA.

if I was merely walking down the street and the cops stopped me for walking down the street, could they check my purse? How about frisk me??

PS: I don't carry a gun.

Terry v. Ohio – one of the Court’s more regrettable decisions.

The Fourth Amendment prohibits the state from engaging in unwarranted searches pursuant to criminal prosecution, not in an effort to deter crime.

‘Stop and frisk’ is supposed to be done in the context of ‘reasonable suspicion’ that a crime has taken place or will take place – but absent arrest and detention, it’s difficult to establish grounds for a Fourth Amendment violation claim.
Oddly, there is such a thing as characteristics of an armed person.

U.S. Secret Service Training Guide: Characteristics of the Armed Individual | Public Intelligence

Recognizing armed persons is part of training. It must work because the person was certainly armed.

So they say he was armed, I'd be armed as well in that neighborhood. So anyone armed or suspicious of being armed can be approached by police???
Well yes. You should know that. Have you had any training at all? It was the first thing I learned. If you are armed and approached by police officer, you immediately inform the officer that you are carrying a weapon. You are required to inform the officer what kind and where on your person it is concealed. Same thing if you are stopped with a weapon in your car.

All praises to the NRA.

if I was merely walking down the street and the cops stopped me for walking down the street, could they check my purse? How about frisk me??

PS: I don't carry a gun.
Yep. All they need is reasonable suspicion. Maybe you resembled a suspect.
I thought they need probable cause?? is that what you mean?
Gosh. There are very, very, very, few conservatives left in America. Most folks who identify as conservative in America today are rabid statists. The commentary in this thread by so-called conservatives clearly exemplifies it.

The Framers are probably rolling over in their graves right now.

At least the lefties are consistent.

Conservatives in this thread, on this forum, and in general are indeed being typically conservative: authoritarian reactionaries who have nothing but contempt for citizens’ rights and protected liberties, rightists who seek to punish dissent and compel conformity with more government, bigger government interfering in Americans’ private, personal lives.

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