What are the effects of the Roe Overturn today?

They used arms because there were field guns, mortars, howitzers, pistols, and muskets.

When can I get an RPG?

You keep repeating the same stupid shit over and over, and I'm not about to assist you in hijacking this thread as you're trying to do.
When you recognize precedent...you're implying that you also respect it...dumbass

No, what he said is he'd consider it. But judges don't make decisions until they hear both sides of a case. Roe is an old case, but new arguments are presented. How can anybody say they'd make a judgement before hearing such evidence?
No, what he said is he'd consider it. But judges don't make decisions until they hear both sides of a case. Roe is an old case, but new arguments are presented. How can anybody say they'd make a judgement before hearing such evidence?
When a judge says he recognizes precedent...he's saying he will FOLLOW that precedent
There is nothing politicized about it. Abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution no matter how many times you wish to say it was. If it's in there, show me where.
Your first sentence has nothing to do with the second.

This is a BLATANTLY politicized Court
When a judge says he recognizes precedent...he's saying he will FOLLOW that precedent

If he'd follow precedent he would have said that, but he didn't

If you were accused of murder, would you want a judge to already make up his mind about your case before he even heard it?
Your first sentence has nothing to do with the second.

This is a BLATANTLY politicized Court

How? The Constitution says nothing about abortion period. There is nothing political about that. It's either in there or it isn't. Abortion was either debated or it wasn't. That's not political.
THIS ^^^ is definitely THE single stupidest thing I've heard in this forum today.

Congratulations, ignorant fucktard.

COMMUNISTS killed 120 MILLION PEOPLE in the last century.

They make Hitler look like a rank amateur.

Fucktard brainwashed lying sack of shit. ^^^

Own it, pal. You're tripping.
Hey moron communism itself is NOT the reason leaders killed millions of people. It was the people running those governments. And who are you including in this figure? Hitler? Nazi Germany’s economy was a mixed economy which is the same type of economy we have now. Obviously communism was not needed for fascism. Communism itself is a government and economic system. It has nothing to do with the philosophy of killing people. Have you even looked into the basic points about communism? Where does it talk about killing people?
Are you one of those folks that really, really believes communism can work if implemented properly?
No I do not. In fact, very few people actually believe that. You’re all just deluding yourselves into thinking it is rooted in American leftwing politics.
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No I do not. In fact, very few people actually believe that. You’re all just deluding yourselves into thinking it is rooted in American leftwing politics.
Oh not at all. Left wing politics in America is locked in a struggle between fascism and communism. We don't know which of the Marxist scum will win, but whoever it is bad news for America.
When a judge says he recognizes precedent...he's saying he will FOLLOW that precedent
No judge can declare and promise how he would rule on any given case prior to hearing the case. Thats just stupid and would be unethical.
Your first sentence has nothing to do with the second.

This is a BLATANTLY politicized Court
The left has weaponized everything, even children.

Your righteous indignation is bullshit.
You mean like the vaccine mandates?
And you still could not be forced get one, even under the state of a pandemic emergency....you could resist and not be jailed.....it was not a criminal offense to resist, ..... though if a doctor or nurse etc, you could lose your job.... :eek:
What's the real shame, is because of McConnell and him not giving Obama's constitutional pick for a SC justice a hearing and vote of the Senate, and gave that Obama pick to Trump a year later, this shitty partisan decision happened. Roberts was willing to compromise and let the Mississippi law stand, at 15 weeks, but not send all of Roe back to the States.
If he'd follow precedent he would have said that, but he didn't

If you were accused of murder, would you want a judge to already make up his mind about your case before he even heard it?
Following precedent or recognizing it means to use it to inform subsequent rulings

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