What are the effects of the Roe Overturn today?


So mostly only very poor women or very poor couples, are having children? Reproducing?

You have to have less than nothing to qualify for welfare or medicaid!

Wonder why there aren't more middle class women, deciding to have children?

Single parent families make up half of the US constituency.

People are not getting married.
So when there is no father....guess what?

Not always the case though....mothers are abandoning their children and leaving them with biological fathers and boyfriends more often than not anymore.

Single parenting is a leading cause of poverty. And a leading source of population for the next generation of taxpayers...or welfare recipients.

See how this worked out?

It once was less than 10% of the population...now it's half. Because the government funded it. It hasn't done a thing to reduce poverty...but it sure has created an addiction to government cheese.
Plan B is contraceptive therefore it's non abortive. It cannot be outlawed. And why would any sane person be opposed to it?
Plan B is contraceptive therefore it's non abortive. It cannot be outlawed. And why would any sane person be opposed to it?

Not yet, but give them time. That was on Thomas' list of things to go after next. It is within my lifetime that the SCOTUS ruled that states could not outlaw birth control.

Why do you assume these people are sane?
simply? that's even more bullshit. what if one has no car? what if one has no extra funds for gas, food, lodging - on top of the ability to take even more time off, on top of paying for the procedure?
Then they'll be stuck with a kid they don't want.

Either outlaw it by Federal mandate or state by state through state legislatures

Do NOT vote for Republicans on ANY level.

This is where that leads
And not just that.

Begging the question, what should be the Dem response? I think it begins with a realization of something Dems should have come to understand years ago. There is no abuse of power, no treachery, no lie, no availing themselves of the structurally undemocratic institutions of our governmental system too egregious for Repubs to use in their pursuit of imposing their beliefs on the majority. They have shown it over and over again. It's time for Dems to get in the game.

What does that mean? It means taking steps to ensure the will of the majority is recognized. So......if and when the opportunity arises......abolish the EC so that the prez is elected with a majority of votes. Make PR and DC states to diminish the disproportionate representation of conservatives in the Senate. End gerrymandering. Put in place national standards for election practices to prevent states controlled by Repubs from suppressing the votes of targeted demographics. Expand the number of seats on the SC.

IOW, start doing things to strengthen the democratic principle of majority rule. Get real about what it will take to fight back against the authoritarian impulses of Repubs. Stop naively thinking this is just a phase brought on by the Orange Skidmark. It's real, it's happening, it's not going to stop unless the majority stops it.
It is a great thing that America prevailed and Trump schonged that Crooked Hillary piece of shit so that he got three Supreme Count Justice appointees.
How quickly you forget, or perhaps conveniently ignore, that America was defeated since it voted for Hillary by 3M more votes. That Trump is the only person in US history to lose the popular vote in two consecutive presidential elections. Now that's American exceptionalism.
Abortion is an incredibly hot topic (Captain Obvious here). All the SCOTUS did was put the decision closer to the people of each state. That's exactly where it belongs. Women will still have access to abortion in this country. Yes, there may be added restrictions in their state and they may have to travel to a neighboring state. But right now its the closest arrangement you can make to give a little to both sides.
And not just that.

Begging the question, what should be the Dem response? I think it begins with a realization of something Dems should have come to understand years ago. There is no abuse of power, no treachery, no lie, no availing themselves of the structurally undemocratic institutions of our governmental system too egregious for Repubs to use in their pursuit of imposing their beliefs on the majority. They have shown it over and over again. It's time for Dems to get in the game.

What does that mean? It means taking steps to ensure the will of the majority is recognized. So......if and when the opportunity arises......abolish the EC so that the prez is elected with a majority of votes. Make PR and DC states to diminish the disproportionate representation of conservatives in the Senate. End gerrymandering. Put in place national standards for election practices to prevent states controlled by Repubs from suppressing the votes of targeted demographics. Expand the number of seats on the SC.

IOW, start doing things to strengthen the democratic principle of majority rule. Get real about what it will take to fight back against the authoritarian impulses of Repubs. Stop naively thinking this is just a phase brought on by the Orange Skidmark. It's real, it's happening, it's not going to stop unless the majority stops it.

So as a typical commie, when you can't win by the rules, find a way to cheat.
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) predicts that SCOTUS’s Dobbs ruling marks the end of the alliance between social conservatives and corporatists

What it ends is the institutional credibility of the SC. It's now nothing more than an extension of whatever party is able to seat the most nominees. It should henceforth be seen for what it is. A political entity, not a legal one.
I hardly doubt that. Justices usually don't talk about cases not brought before them.
Then you're an idiot.

Potential Justices are often asked about precedent when undergoing confirmation hearings.

All 5 of the "conservative" Justices that just over turned Roe...LIED
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