What are the effects of the Roe Overturn today?

So women are "fat smelly sluts" to you huh?

The ones in the protests?

Yeah, mostly.

I married one of the outliers. Skinny, doesn't sleep around, and smells somewhere between rose water and peach ice cream most of the time. :p
In my age group, broads are generally post menopausal and generally fat also unfortunately. This makes it easy to last indefinitely without releasing the sea men. :heehee:

I'm in the music business.

'Nuff said. :p
Lol good god dude you’re such a drama queen. Communism isn’t evil.

THIS ^^^ is definitely THE single stupidest thing I've heard in this forum today.

Congratulations, ignorant fucktard.

COMMUNISTS killed 120 MILLION PEOPLE in the last century.

They make Hitler look like a rank amateur.

It’s just a stupid, irrelevant system that very few people actually care about. It sure as hell isn’t related to the democratic party.
Fucktard brainwashed lying sack of shit. ^^^

Own it, pal. You're tripping.
bullshit. the effects will be devastating.

simply? that's even more bullshit. what if one has no car? what if one has no extra funds for gas, food, lodging - on top of the ability to take even more time off, on top of paying for the procedure?



Cry me a river.

Wouldn't it have been a whole lot less inconvenient to just walk down to the 7/11 and BUY A FUCKING CONDOM?
bullshit. the effects will be devastating.

simply? that's even more bullshit. what if one has no car? what if one has no extra funds for gas, food, lodging - on top of the ability to take even more time off, on top of paying for the procedure?
Shouldn't you folks be willing to help such people?

Either outlaw it by Federal mandate or state by state through state legislatures

Do NOT vote for Republicans on ANY level.

This is where that leads


Either outlaw it by Federal mandate or state by state through state legislatures

Do NOT vote for Republicans on ANY level.

This is where that leads
Damn right we’re not done. We’re going to make sure women can never win at their silly sports games and give up and get back to the kitchen where they belong.

Oh wait. You Leftards already did that.

Never mind.
If you have 9 children already that you and the hubby can't afford to feed and dress, and are pregnant again, and you and the hubby decide that you can't afford another child without harming the well being of your 9 living children, is it really ok for big government to force the woman or married couple, to bear another child? Her risks of dying in delivery is much greater in her elder years as she is in, can not be discarded either...

Now we can go in to, well she should have used birth control or the hubby should have used a rubber every time they had sex to prevent it....blah blah blah......

But that still doesn't answer the question of whether Big Government should have any say on this personal and private marital decision? Or even know the two of you are discussing your options?
Problem is that you have two choices to vote for, and both choices are bad choices. The US is screwed. It's extremes of both sides pushing their narratives for wacky politics. Most people just want to get on with their lives, but the "get on with your lives" party just isn't viable because of the ridiculous voting system
I don't know how people can be happy with this tribalism.

And then again, one tribe is winning its holy war against evil, so I'm sure it's very pleased.

We do appear to heading into a dark period. Religious zealotry is very, very powerful. Maybe the most powerful human emotion.
Unwanted pregnancies....
Such a term actually exists. And I never really thought about it much because being a guy I don't carry the baby. I do have a grown son and I'm always proud of him.

But another baby or children....accidentally made or not would be a welcome blessing.

The lines waiting for babies to be available for adoption are insanely long. And the prices they charge for infants are astronomical. $80k-150k.
If a woman can't wait for 40 weeks before she is rid of the child but instead chooses murder over the inconvenience....what does that say?
It's not like there's a stigma over having sex outside of wedlock anymore....not like there once was.

There's always going to be consequences for choices. Some of those consequences can be very severe.

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