What are the effects of the Roe Overturn today?

Well, I was trying to be nice about your breeding stock. I don't have any fat smelly sluts in my family tree, and can't really relate...

Why is the left using the word "woman" anyway? What about menstruating and pregnant "people"?

Was that just silly schtick?

View attachment 661996
Let's do that again:

Why is the left using the word "woman" anyway? What about menstruating and pregnant "people"?​
There ya go folks

So, Lesh old chap, is abortion your hill to fight and die on? Will you join other pro-choice freak-o-trons in taking up arms, donning uniforms and going to war for the right to kill unborn babies? Will you? If so, please bob up and down vigorously whilst running this way.
Your chart is wrong. There is never "no reason." That 92% is simply the lifestyle choice of young progressive single college age women who treat getting knocked up from their slutting around much the same as a Bulimic treats tonight's dinner. :smoke:

You see, having abortion on demand is the MECHANISM by which these girls have made single life without a husband so easy. :uhh:

Which means that the "choice" they are so unhappy about losing is THE CHOICE TO LEAD A LIFE WITHOUT BEING TIED TO MEN NOR FAMILY.

They never lost any choice. In fact the ruling gives them more choices since people have more control over their state legislatures than they do the federal legislatures.

All gun laws are unconstiturional. "Shall not be infringed" means shall not be infringed.

Correcting nearly a century of bullshit is glorious.

Machine guns or Valhalla!!
When can I get a nuke?

It's a right to bear arms, not a right to bear guns.

I would like a couple ICBMs, and a few cases of hand grenades. And some Javelins.
That will be an uphill battle too, but I'm willing to fight it. The Court had no business usurping the several states' purview over the matter, much less declaring that homo unions are intrinsically equal to the heterosexual marriages of nature and biological reproduction. It's the latter bullshit that suggests that the state schools can legitimately impose the ideology of homosexualism/transexaulism, also known as, homofascism/transfascism.

the commonality is that our Constitution doesn't once mention the words abortion nor marriage. At the time marriage was strictly a religious rite and was never a government right.
Guns are not arms, the only item that was considered arms at the time?
Gun are a sub-category of arms.

Since the Second Amendment clearly says the right to bear ARMS, when can I get a nuke?

I would definitely like some grenades, too. RPG's.
Gun are a sub-category of arms.

Since the Second Amendment clearly says the right to bear ARMS, when can I get a nuke?

I would definitely like some grenades, too. RPG's.

At the time guns were the only arms they knew about. Of course they meant guns when they wrote arms in the right.
At the time guns were the only arms they knew about. Of course they meant guns when they wrote arms in the right.
So just muskets then, eh?

You do know that cannons were around back then, right?

They meant more than guns, or they would have said guns.

So when can I get a nuke?
Yet Rush is still smiling.

I don't know if you have ever noticed my signature, but I am very pleased with the overturning of Roe v. Wade and have been defending the decision all day.

But as I have said many times before today, overturning Roe will have very little impact on the number of abortions in America.
One of the questions Biden addressed was, "What is Joe Biden’s stance on gun control?" He proceeded to answer that he favors outlawing assault weapons.

"They have no rationale for being owned by individuals on the street," Biden said. "They should be outlawed. … From the very beginning you weren't allowed to have certain weapons. You weren't allowed to own a cannon during the Revolutionary War as an individual."


Historians say they are doubtful that there were laws to bar individual ownership of cannons during the Revolutionary War period.

"It seems highly unlikely that there were restrictions on the private ownership" of cannons, said Julie Anne Sweet, a historian and director of military studies at Baylor University.

Soooo...when can I get an RPG?
They never lost any choice. In fact the ruling gives them more choices since people have more control over their state legislatures than they do the federal legislatures.
Indeed. This makes is much harder for the federal government to extract monies and impose mandates related to human sexuality and reproduction. Don't think for a moment that leftists aren't also pissed off over this.
I don't know if you have ever noticed my signature, but I am very pleased with the overturning of Roe v. Wade and have been defending the decision all day.

But as I have said many times before today, overturning Roe will have very little impact on the number of abortions in America.
Of course not. The number of abortions has been declining every year anyway. Killing babies is just not as popular as the enemy democrats thought it was.
Gun are a sub-category of arms.

Since the Second Amendment clearly says the right to bear ARMS, when can I get a nuke?

I would definitely like some grenades, too. RPG's.
Believe it or not, conservatives respect the regulatory role of government on a limited basis. Items like nukes fall into many categories beyond arms, due to the maintenance requirements and potential harm due to negligence. The average person simply cannot afford to maintain a nuke, nor store one. The regulatory limitations fall within the purview of the government so most conservatives respect that. Thus shelving nukes and other types of non- standard arms isn't an issue.

There are simply too many other issues at hand that take precedent over expanding the breadth of the 2nd in practical terms. Although with a few more rulings like today that will likely change.

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