What are the effects of the Roe Overturn today?

Do you realize how stupid and juvenile you sound being so obsessed guns?
Gee, and here I just thought he was giving the Left fair warning. You folks REALLY should consider that move very carefully.
Do you realize how stupid and juvenile you sound being so obsessed guns?
Do you realize how stupid and juvenile you sound by thinking anyone cares about your opinion as anything more than just a personal observation?
gettyimages-96218829-612x612 rush smiling.jpg

And today Rush is smiling, RIP. If not for Rush we probably wouldn't have had Trump.

So women are "fat smelly sluts" to you huh?
I think I am speaking for him when I say that all leftist women are "fat smelly sluts" either physically or spiritually, and that's especially true of those "fat smelly sluts" among them who have murdered their own flesh and blood without remorse. :cool:
And Justice Clarence Thomas hinted same-sex marriage will be next. Can't wait to put an end to that.
That will be an uphill battle too, but I'm willing to fight it. The Court had no business usurping the several states' purview over the matter, much less declaring that homo unions are intrinsically equal to the heterosexual marriages of nature and biological reproduction. It's the latter bullshit that suggests that the state schools can legitimately impose the ideology of homosexualism/transexaulism, also known as, homofascism/transfascism.
That will be an uphill battle too, but I'm willing to fight it. The Court had no business usurping the several states' purview over the matter, much less declaring that homo unions are intrinsically equal to the heterosexual marriages of nature and biological reproduction. It's the latter bullshit that suggests that the state schools can legitimately impose the ideology of homosexualism/transexaulism, also known as, homofascism/transfascism.
I agree with you 💯%

Either outlaw it by Federal mandate or state by state through state legislatures

Do NOT vote for Republicans on ANY level.

This is where that leads

Problem is that you have two choices to vote for, and both choices are bad choices. The US is screwed. It's extremes of both sides pushing their narratives for wacky politics. Most people just want to get on with their lives, but the "get on with your lives" party just isn't viable because of the ridiculous voting system

Your chart is wrong. There is never "no reason." That 92% is simply the lifestyle choice of young progressive single college age women who treat getting knocked up from their slutting around much the same as a Bulimic treats tonight's dinner. :smoke:

You see, having abortion on demand is the MECHANISM by which these girls have made single life without a husband so easy. :uhh:

Which means that the "choice" they are so unhappy about losing is THE CHOICE TO LEAD A LIFE WITHOUT BEING TIED TO MEN NOR FAMILY.
Problem is that you have two choices to vote for, and both choices are bad choices. The US is screwed. It's extremes of both sides pushing their narratives for wacky politics. Most people just want to get on with their lives, but the "get on with your lives" party just isn't viable because of the ridiculous voting system
The sanctity of human life, the foundation of liberty, is the stuff of extremism and whacky politics. No thanks, Karl, or is it Adolf? I'll stick with John Locke and the Founders.

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