What are the effects of the Roe Overturn today?

So just muskets then, eh?

You do know that cannons were around back then, right?

They meant more than guns, or they would have said guns.

So when can I get a nuke?

They used the word arms because they knew we would advance from muskets 25, 50, 100 years down the road. And when did anybody try to buy a nuke that was refused by government? No such case has ever been heard by the courts before.
They used the word arms because they knew we would advance from muskets 25, 50, 100 years down the road. And when did anybody try to buy a nuke that was refused by government? No such case has ever been heard by the courts before.
They used arms because there were field guns, mortars, howitzers, pistols, and muskets.

When can I get an RPG?
The Second Amendment says I can have one of these:


And one of these:

Oh hell yeah. I have a right to one of these, too. Howitzers have come a long way since 1791!






When can I pick up my Second Amendment protected hand grenades?
Time to fight for your rights then. Don't expect anyone else to do it for you.
Why isn't the NRA out there defending my right to own hand grenades?

What a bunch of pussies. They must think our Founders only knew about guns.
Why isn't the NRA out there defending my right to own hand grenades?

What a bunch of pussies. They must think our Founders only knew about guns.
Join and push the issue. The pussy here is you, expecting everyone else to do everything for you.
If you outlaw hand grenades, only outlaws will have hand grenades.

The only way to stop a bad guy with a hand grenade is a good guy with a hand grenade.
Join and push the issue. The pussy here is you, expecting everyone else to do everything for you.
I'm just asking questions. All these Second Amendment defenders are dodging the questions.

Their best attempt so far is that the Founders didn't know about any arms except guns. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

So do any of you Second Amendment lovers think I should be able to own a howitzer or as many hand grenades as I want?

I mean, is the right to bear arms a real thing for you people, or what?
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a hand grenade is a good guy with a hand grenade.

All teachers need to be armed with hand grenades.
Public schools are generally indoctrination centers featuring instructors who hate White people. They should probably be shut down. There are very few "teachers" since most cannot speak English or do math, etc. They simply promote the unscientific democrat talking points. :dunno:

Imagine for a moment if public schools presented the facts Whites, not Blacks, Brown, or Jews, invented everything that makes civilization something more than living in tents (Jews) or huts (Blacks and Browns).
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I'm just asking questions. All these Second Amendment defenders are dodging the questions.

Their best attempt so far is that the Founders didn't know about any arms except guns. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

So do any of you Second Amendment lovers think I should be able to own a howitzer or as many hand grenades as I want?

I mean, is the right to bear arms a real thing for you people, or what?
Most folks are content with self defense weapons. Although that Ukraine thing is opening some eyes. With Roe overturned perhaps more effort will go towards returning the 2nd to where it belongs. Seeing the rise of violent leftist terrorists in the country certainly makes a case for the need of better self defense.
with the left protesting the SC decision on Roe V Wade bringing abortion into the spotlight of the political spectrum... democrats outrage about the weakening of abortion on demand may cost them votes in the upcoming elections ! what many of us know is that many people are uninformed politically and they vote the way they vote because .... well its a tradition .. mom, dad,and grandparents vote a certain way and their children vote the way they do .. like it or not many voters are uninformed .. and what many of these voters dont realize is that abortion is pushed encouraged and promoted by one party ... the democratic party ... there are many religious demographics blacks , hispanics , and whites that vote democrat that didnt realize that abortion is supported by one major political party and one party only ! many said voters believed that abortion was the law of the land and no party had an opinion opposing or supporting said practice .. but that has changed now with the lefts outrage at the abortion decision . many of said voters will be shocked that the party they have been supporting upholds abortion on demand ! and many of these people will feel obligated through religious beliefs to no longer support the democratic party at the voting booth ! there are many [millions] of religious people that did not realize they were voting for a party that supports killing the unborn on demand . the more democrats scream and shine the spotlight on their support of abortion the more of those previously uninformed voters they will lose ... dont believe it ? if and when the lefts hits the streets in protests and violence they vast majority of said protesters will be white !
There isn't a poll put out in the last decade that doesn't say that the right to abortions is the majority opinion, within certain limits. This is what I'll think will happen from a political standpoint.

-First I don't think it will have that much effect in the short term. This election cycle has many more issues and abortion isn't that high on the priority list. Coupled with the upheaval this will cause, upheaval that will undoubtedly be exploited by the right. Whatever gains Democrats get from being on the side of the majority will be offset by these factors.

-In the longer term though it's a different story. Abortion is always been a wedge issue. By this decision, Republicans have gotten their way, more than likely this will create some marginal complacency amongst those for which abortion was the only reason to vote Republican. Undoubtedly the religious right, will, and in some ways have shifted their focus to other things like LBGTQ issues but it's doubtfull this will create the same vigor. On the other hand for Democrats this will increase it. It's simply easier to become enthused by feeling your rights are being taken away than it is to be entused of defending them.

This coupled with some states already putting in place extreme versions of abortion bans. Like forbidding it even in cases like incest, and rape. This will create some insanely heartbreaking stories that will, I suspect, become national. They will be exploited by the media and further put the Republicans on the defensive.

You can only take so many unpopular political stances, before it starts to show up in the polls. Gerrymandering and the fact the right is way better at grievance politics will help, but this will drag them down for the forseeable future.

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