What are the effects of the Roe Overturn today?

If you have 9 children already that you and the hubby can't afford to feed and dress, and are pregnant again, and you and the hubby decide that you can't afford another child without harming the well being of your 9 living children, is it really ok for big government to force the woman or married couple, to bear another child? Her risks of dying in delivery is much greater in her elder years as she is in, can not be discarded either...

Now we can go in to, well she should have used birth control or the hubby should have used a rubber every time they had sex to prevent it....blah blah blah......

But that still doesn't answer the question of whether Big Government should have any say on this personal and private marital decision? Or even know the two of you are discussing your options?
Half of all live births are paid for by the Government and fed by WIC.

What you are proposing doesn't exist except as a fantasy in your head.
Well, I was trying to be nice about your breeding stock. I don't have any fat smelly sluts in my family tree, and can't really relate...

Why is the left using the word "woman" anyway? What about menstruating and pregnant "people"?

Was that just silly schtick?

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"Why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place".

George Carlin 1937-2008
Half of all live births are paid for by the Government and fed by WIC.

What you are proposing doesn't exist except as a fantasy in your head.

So mostly only very poor women or very poor couples, are having children? Reproducing?

You have to have less than nothing to qualify for welfare or medicaid!

Wonder why there aren't more middle class women, deciding to have children?
If you have 9 children already that you and the hubby can't afford to feed and dress, and are pregnant again, and you and the hubby decide that you can't afford another child without harming the well being of your 9 living children, is it really ok for big government to force the woman or married couple, to bear another child? Her risks of dying in delivery is much greater in her elder years as she is in, can not be discarded either...

Now we can go in to, well she should have used birth control or the hubby should have used a rubber every time they had sex to prevent it....blah blah blah......

But that still doesn't answer the question of whether Big Government should have any say on this personal and private marital decision? Or even know the two of you are discussing your options?
What part of "putting it to the states" do you not get?
If you have 9 children already that you and the hubby can't afford to feed and dress, and are pregnant again, and you and the hubby decide that you can't afford another child without harming the well being of your 9 living children, is it really ok for big government to force the woman or married couple, to bear another child? Her risks of dying in delivery is much greater in her elder years as she is in, can not be discarded either...

Now we can go in to, well she should have used birth control or the hubby should have used a rubber every time they had sex to prevent it....blah blah blah......

But that still doesn't answer the question of whether Big Government should have any say on this personal and private marital decision? Or even know the two of you are discussing your options?
This is not a ban on abortions. The decisions go from the power hungry in D.C. to the states. That is what they are really mad at.

So mostly only very poor women or very poor couples, are having children? Reproducing?

You have to have less than nothing to qualify for welfare or medicaid!

Wonder why there aren't more middle class women, deciding to have children?
Not to be snarky or whatever, but there is a link to poverty and birth rates. Not necessarily "mostly" as you state, but generally countries with lower poverty rates tend to have lower birth rates.

So mostly only very poor women or very poor couples, are having children? Reproducing?

You have to have less than nothing to qualify for welfare or medicaid!

Wonder why there aren't more middle class women, deciding to have children?
Taxes had to go up to put massive percentage of women into the workplace decades ago. Real wages did not increase as high also as the movement from the traditional family with one breadwinner was decreased.

Either outlaw it by Federal mandate or state by state through state legislatures

Do NOT vote for Republicans on ANY level.

This is where that leads
What a stupid thing to say, Democrats had the legislature majority many times and didn’t take care of business in Roe v Wade and now it is Republicans fault? This is why I don’t like either party, neither party is responsible for a damn thing and people just blame the other side. This is why nothing gets fixed in America because you don’t hold you own party responsible for anything.
Not to be snarky or whatever, but there is a link to poverty and birth rates. Not necessarily "mostly" as you state, but generally countries with lower poverty rates tend to have lower birth rates.
Is that why this country is forcing poor women, to have their babies? So the government has a future labor force to tax?

Do you think the government has been given the power under our constitutiin to regulate what goes on in your bedroom, and ones own medical decisions about their own bodies?
What a stupid thing to say, Democrats had the legislature majority many times and didn’t take care of business in Roe v Wade and now it is Republicans fault? This is why I don’t like either party, neither party is responsible for a damn thing and people just blame the other side. This is why nothing gets fixed in America because you don’t hold you own party responsible for anything.
The created filibuster by the Senate, has gotten in the way.
The created filibuster by the Senate, has gotten in the way.
It takes two to tango. If the two parties would have handled the issue back in the early 70’s like it should have, this would not be an issue 50 years later, Democrats and Republicans failed America and you will continue to vote for them.

They very definition of insanity, voting the same way over and over and expecting different result. America needs to wake up and change this country instead of dividing it.
It takes two to tango. If the two parties would have handled the issue back in the early 70’s like it should have, this would not be an issue 50 years later, Democrats and Republicans failed America and you will continue to vote for them.

They very definition of insanity, voting the same way over and over and expecting different result. America needs to wake up and change this country instead of dividing it.
Easier said than done!

The system has been rigged, for a two party system, by the two parties!

The electoral college has also been rigged by the States with Winner takes all electors, instead of it being proportionately allocated electors to the candidates by the votes they receive. A third party candidate doesn't have a chance, before they even start!
I don't know how people can be happy with this tribalism.

And then again, one tribe is winning its holy war against evil, so I'm sure it's very pleased.

We do appear to heading into a dark period. Religious zealotry is very, very powerful. Maybe the most powerful human emotion.

People like to win. They don't care that they're losing every time they win, as long as they get the image of winning.

Tribalism takes us back to our very primitive selves. That the Neaderthal are in charge, isn't helpful.
Easier said than done!

The system has been rigged, for a two party system, by the two parties!

The electoral college has also been rigged by the States with Winner takes all electors, instead of it being proportionately allocated electors to the candidates by the votes they receive. A third party candidate doesn't have a chance, before they even start!
A third party could stand a chance if America could wake up and just not vote for the lesser of two evils. I am disappointed in America and what we have allowed ourselves to become and I see no answers nor any hope for this country, we will continue to devolve.
Is that why this country is forcing poor women, to have their babies? So the government has a future labor force to tax?

Do you think the government has been given the power under our constitutiin to regulate what goes on in your bedroom, and ones own medical decisions about their own bodies?
First off, "this country" isn't forcing anyone to do anything. That's the whole point. There are some places that don't condone abortion and others that do. If "we" as a whole decide it's something "we" want then Congress should do something about it rather than looking to the courts to decide the issue. As of this this ruling and roughly 30 days after, abortion will only be illegal in maybe 14-15 states meaning the vast majority of women are free to have as many abortions as they want. If we are going to play the semantics game then what immunity does a bedroom give when ending a human life? Is it really "their own body"? Like I said, I'm not trying to be snarky. Your just making it hard.
And Justice Clarence Thomas hinted same-sex marriage will be next. Can't wait to put an end to that.

and then birth control.

That is the platform you all need to run on in Nov....ending same sex marraige and outlawing birth control.

Either outlaw it by Federal mandate or state by state through state legislatures

Do NOT vote for Republicans on ANY level.

This is where that leads
It is a great thing that America prevailed and Trump schonged that Crooked Hillary piece of shit so that he got three Supreme Count Justice appointees.

Because now we can have common sense abortion laws instead of that murderous bat shit crazy national "abortion on demand for the sake of convenience" bullshit that resulted in the deaths of a million children a year.

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