What are the effects of the Roe Overturn today?

What it ends is the institutional credibility of the SC. It's now nothing more than an extension of whatever party is able to seat the most nominees. It should henceforth be seen for what it is. A political entity, not a legal one.

No, what the SC does is rule on if something is constitutional or not, or if laws were followed as written. That's all they do. There never was anything about abortion in the document, nor discussions about it among our authors of the document. A leftist court just decided to put it in there, and now constitutionalist justices decided to take it out.

You people on the left are anti-American. You enjoy judicial legislation when it favors your position.
I hardly doubt that. Justices usually don't talk about cases not brought before them.

The honest answer to the question, "would you overturn Roe" was YES. But they chose to be dishonest.
No, what the SC does is rule on if something is constitutional or not, or if laws were followed as written.
Don't be ridiculous. The 6 justices gave an OPINION based on their religious objection to abortion. As we know from Scalia pretending rulings are based on constitutional principles is a farce.

The honest answer to the question, "would you overturn Roe" was YES. But they chose to be dishonest.

From your link:

Kavanaugh told the Senate at his 2018 confirmation hearing that the Roe decision "is important precedent of the Supreme Court that has been reaffirmed many times." Gorsuch, at his 2017 hearing, said of Roe that "a good judge will consider it as precedent of the U.S. Supreme Court."

He did not say he wouldn't vote to overturn Roe.
Don't be ridiculous. The 6 justices gave an OPINION based on their religious objection to abortion. As we know from Scalia pretending rulings are based on constitutional principles is a farce.
Where in the majority opinion does it mention a religious objection?
How quickly you forget, or perhaps conveniently ignore, that America was defeated since it voted for Hillary by 3M more votes. That Trump is the only person in US history to lose the popular vote in two consecutive presidential elections. Now that's American exceptionalism.
You Moon Bats don't understand the Constitution, do you? You are as ignorant on that as you are on History, Economics, Biology, Climate Science and Ethics, aren't you?

Here in the US it is the Electoral College that picks the President, not popular vote. I shit you not. Go look it up.

Besides the only reason Crooked Hillary got more popular votes is because the Commie states have no voter ID requirements to speak of and there were 3-5 million goddamn Illegals that voted.

We Americans are glad that Trump schlonged Crooked Hillary and that he got to pick three Supreme Court Justices that upheld the right to keep and bear arms, religious freedom and made it more difficult for shitheads to kill their children as a method of birth control.

You filthy confused Moon Bats can cry yoour Liberal tears all you want.
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From your link:

Kavanaugh told the Senate at his 2018 confirmation hearing that the Roe decision "is important precedent of the Supreme Court that has been reaffirmed many times." Gorsuch, at his 2017 hearing, said of Roe that "a good judge will consider it as precedent of the U.S. Supreme Court."

He did not say he wouldn't vote to overturn Roe.
When you recognize precedent...you're implying that you also respect it...dumbass
Is that why this country is forcing poor women, to have their babies? So the government has a future labor force to tax?

Do you think the government has been given the power under our constitutiin to regulate what goes on in your bedroom, and ones own medical decisions about their own bodies?

You mean like the vaccine mandates?
This is not a ban on abortions. The decisions go from the power hungry in D.C. to the states. That is what they are really mad at.

They hate the idea of voters making these decisions instead of some politicized court. They want their way regardless of what the majority want.

Before the court Fd up with the gay marriage ruling, there was a vote in many states whether they want to recognize it or not. Most all voted against recognizing gay marriage including mine. When they ran it to the SC, they ruled the will of the voters didn't count. You're going to accept gay marriage whether you like it or not even though nobody could find the word "marriage" of any kind in the document.

That's the way leftists want to rule this country--against the majority of people.
Then you're an idiot.

Potential Justices are often asked about precedent when undergoing confirmation hearings.

All 5 of the "conservative" Justices that just over turned Roe...LIED

What did you expect them to say about a SC ruling that had been on the books for nearly 50 years? Of course it is precedent, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t bad precedent and it clearly was based on the Constitution.
If you have 9 children already that you and the hubby can't afford to feed and dress, and are pregnant again, and you and the hubby decide that you can't afford another child without harming the well being of your 9 living children, is it really ok for big government to force the woman or married couple, to bear another child? Her risks of dying in delivery is much greater in her elder years as she is in, can not be discarded either...

Now we can go in to, well she should have used birth control or the hubby should have used a rubber every time they had sex to prevent it....blah blah blah......

But that still doesn't answer the question of whether Big Government should have any say on this personal and private marital decision? Or even know the two of you are discussing your options?

A responsible person doesn't make the decision to have a baby or not after she's impregnated, you make that decision before.
Overturning Roe was never about ‘abortion’ – it was about destroying the 14th Amendment caselaw that stood in the way of conservatives establishing the tyranny of Republican minority rule.

Just the opposite. State legislatures need a majority rule to pass law, and it's the voters that decide which party should hold that majority.
Lol good god dude you’re such a drama queen. Communism isn’t evil. It’s just a stupid, irrelevant system that very few people actually care about. It sure as hell isn’t related to the democratic party.

It is and I proved that it was to you in another post. You just refuse to accept facts.
It is and I proved that it was to you in another post. You just refuse to accept facts.
No. The D and R parties are both corporatist warmongering quasi Fascist political parties. They both do what their told by big corporations and billionaires.

This is as evident as the nose on your face, but somehow you’re blind to it.

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