What are the key factors that turn a city, state or nation blue?

Is it illegal immigration?
Is it a widespread desire for free stuff?
Is it support for homosexuality, feminism and the like?

Dems, stop for a moment, ask yourself why you vote Dem and post your reason here.....BE HONEST
(please no "Trump is mean" posts)
Simple answer, compassion for others. Dems show it and Reps don’t. Policy wise I think the Right are better managers but many of their representatives are morally bankrupt. Plus there are the dipshits like yourself out there making them look even worse
So FEELINGS drive your vote?
Is it illegal immigration?
Is it a widespread desire for free stuff?
Is it support for homosexuality, feminism and the like?

Dems, stop for a moment, ask yourself why you vote Dem and post your reason here.....BE HONEST
(please no "Trump is mean" posts)

What are red states for?

Restrictions on everything. A woman's right to terminate a pregnancy. Against people voting. Against unemployment benefits during a national crisis (to put it mildly). Against same sex marriage. Against , against, against. Against science. Against facts for damn sure...zero proof of any widespread voter fraud but multiple states are acting as if there was some--passing laws to "protect elections"....not quite explaining how handing someone a bottle of water is somehow threatening elections. And you highlight it in the OP...anti LGBTQ, anti-feminist.

And the red state folks are so angry. Look at this board. Anger everywhere.

Of course the silliness of the whole thread is what a "blue state" is and what a "red state" is. Trump got more votes in California (a blue state) than nearly every red state.

What will be hilarious is when you tell us what attracts people to states like Mississippi. I'm sure there will be all sorts of references to blue states.
Is it illegal immigration?
Is it a widespread desire for free stuff?
Is it support for homosexuality, feminism and the like?

Dems, stop for a moment, ask yourself why you vote Dem and post your reason here.....BE HONEST
(please no "Trump is mean" posts)

Eucation and civilization.
But isn't public education a joke in all blue strongholds?
Aren't blue communities / cities the least civilized with the most homeless? Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles..etc etc

That's what the hard right says.. They are very opposed to teaching the humanities.

They are very opposed to teaching the humanities.

And blue area students are very opposed to learning the humanities....or anything.

We don't talk much about honor or ethics or noblesse oblige these days... and we don't have good guy heroes like David Crockett or Roy Rogers.

Look at the people here who think Trump is a hero to be adored and emulated.
Trump proved that "Americans First" is a very powerful sentiment among good, real, core Americans.
It's quite sad that our once great nation is full of folks like you whom see no value in such a thing.
Our kindness and compassion has fucked us big time.
Immigration and when blacks to older suburban rings....the county becomes blue vs the city only. Hispanics, some, do seem to vote faster for the GOP than the Catholics of Ireland, Poland, Italy, who came to the USA.
The key factors line up uniquely for a particular city and state.
The major two are:
1) -a dumbed down electorate
2) -a politically captured liberal biased local and mass media.

Well, yeah.. Hitler shut down most German Newspapers.

Trump LOVES the uneducated.
We don't talk much about honor or ethics or noblesse oblige these days..
Liberals don't even want us to talk about Math, Science and English.

Who said America will cease to be great when America ceases to be good?

Who said math was racist and Ebonics was as good as English?

Do you actually care about that?

Personally, the education the Chicago Teacher's Union fails to give their black students doesn't impact me. Except for the billions of dollars wasted. And the gangs of unemployable blacks running around looting businesses and shooting up the city.
The key factors line up uniquely for a particular city and state.
The major two are:
1) -a dumbed down electorate
2) -a politically captured liberal biased local and mass media.

Well, yeah.. Hitler shut down most German Newspapers.

Trump LOVES the uneducated.
Yeah Trump was so successful in shutting down the globalist media and building concentration death camps, literally HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is Rubin, Reich and Olberman who want to genocide people, not Trump you lying scumbag.
Is it illegal immigration?
Is it a widespread desire for free stuff?
Is it support for homosexuality, feminism and the like?

Dems, stop for a moment, ask yourself why you vote Dem and post your reason here.....BE HONEST
(please no "Trump is mean" posts)
Simple answer, compassion for others. Dems show it and Reps don’t. Policy wise I think the Right are better managers but many of their representatives are morally bankrupt. Plus there are the dipshits like yourself out there making them look even worse
So FEELINGS drive your vote?
Haha, feelings drive most people’s votes.
The key factors line up uniquely for a particular city and state.
The major two are:
1) -a dumbed down electorate
2) -a politically captured liberal biased local and mass media.

Well, yeah.. Hitler shut down most German Newspapers.

Trump LOVES the uneducated.
Yeah Trump was so successful in shutting down the globalist media and building concentration death camps, literally HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is Rubin, Reich and Olberman who want to genocide people, not Trump you lying scumbag.

You excel at jumping to conclusions.
What are red states for?
Quality of life
Living among the likeminded
You know...all those things in life that actually matter to most legitimate human beings.

Possibly the first time I heard someone applaud the quality of life in a red state. There is a reason nobody lives in most of them...they are devoid of anything remotely resembling a quality lifestyle.

Living among the likeminded...that does make sense. Most of the red staters I know are not mentally secure enough to not freak out if they see someone who looks different than they do.

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