What are Trump supporters going to do?


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but what are you going to do 3 years from now when:

* You find out there won't be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and the wall that is being built is being paid for by you.

* You no longer have any healthcare coverage at all, and one of your friends or family members have died for the lack of it.

* Very few of those jobs that were promised by President Trump ever materialized.

* Your 8 year old daughter is now walking 4 miles to school in a high crime area because there is no more bus service.

* Donald Trump's relationship with the Russians are dictating some of his policy's

* Donald Trump's wild claims, tweets, and abrasive behavior loses him so much GOP support that he won't be able to do much of anything

* You're poorer than you were 3 years ago.

* You find Trump's policy's are driven as much by his business interests, as much as his political one's

* The rich have become much richer in the last 3 years (and it's not trickling down)

* The terrorist threat Donald Trump talked about in his speeches was not nearly as horrible as he said

* The air stinks from industrial pollution, and you can no longer drink the water.

What will you do?

* Blame the Liberals? A nice idea, but they've been out of power for 3 years.

* Blame the Judiciary? Many of those judges are Republican appointed.

* Blame the GOP for lack of support? Turning nose on your own party is the ultimate admission of failure.

* Blame the Media? That's always fun, but the media doesn't pass laws or set policy.

What will you do.....? :disbelief:
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Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but what are you going to do 3 years from now when:

* You find out there won't be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and the wall that is being built is being paid for by you.

* You no longer have any healthcare coverage at all, and one of your friends or family members have died for the lack of it.

* Very few of those jobs that were promised by President Trump ever materialized.

* Donald Trump's relationship with the Russians are dictating some of his policy's

* Donald Trump's wild claims, tweets, and abrasive behavior loses him so much GOP support that he won't be able to do much of anything

* You're poorer than you were 3 years ago.

* You find Trump's policy's are driven as much by his business interests, as much as his political one's

* The rich have become much richer in the last 3 years (and it's not trickling down)

* The terrorist threat Donald Trump talked about in his speeches was not nearly as horrible as he said

* The air stinks from industrial pollution, and you can no longer drink the water.

What will you do?

* Blame the Liberals? A cool idea, but they've been out of power for 3 years.

* Blame the judiciary? Many of those judges are Republican appointed.

* Blame the Media? That's always fun, but the media doesn't pass laws or set policy.

What will you do.....? :disbelief:

I am going to save a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico!
Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but what are you going to do 3 years from now when:

* You find out there won't be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and the wall that is being built is being paid for by you.

* You no longer have any healthcare coverage at all, and one of your friends or family members have died for the lack of it.

* Very few of those jobs that were promised by President Trump ever materialized.

* Donald Trump's relationship with the Russians are dictating some of his policy's

* Donald Trump's wild claims, tweets, and abrasive behavior loses him so much GOP support that he won't be able to do much of anything

* You're poorer than you were 3 years ago.

* You find Trump's policy's are driven as much by his business interests, as much as his political one's

* The rich have become much richer in the last 3 years (and it's not trickling down)

* The terrorist threat Donald Trump talked about in his speeches was not nearly as horrible as he said

* The air stinks from industrial pollution, and you can no longer drink the water.

What will you do?

* Blame the Liberals? A cool idea, but they've been out of power for 3 years.

* Blame the judiciary? Many of those judges are Republican appointed.

* Blame the Media? That's always fun, but the media doesn't pass laws or set policy.

What will you do.....? :disbelief:

I am going to save a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico!

Good Answer.
What are Trump supporters going to do?

Trumpkins will do the same dumbass things they've been doing, and in the process, they'll make the rest of us suffer their doing so. That wouldn't bother me much but there are, much to my surprise and chagrin, so goddamned many of those nitwits.
Trump cannot win in 2020 unless the Democratic Party does everything in its power to help him win. He squeaked past the worst candidate in modern history; it's almost impossible that he will be offered that advantage again.

And, so far, nothing he has done with his presidency has served to make him look like he was the right choice, except to the people who would blindly vote for him over again anyway.

Oh and btw, don't discount the possibility that he might get a real, viable, competitive challenge from another Republican in the primaries.
If I were you (a clueless democrat), I would be more concerned with what YOU'RE going to do in 3 years after Trump fulfills virtually every promise he made in the 2016 campaign, or at least makes an honest attempt at doing his part. (He can't control Congress.)

Right now, you're getting your brains beat in. Although, curiously, you don't seem to realize it. Trump is converting people who had reservations, who were skeptical but willing to give him a chance. He's never going to convert die-hard leftists.

On the other side, we've seen nothing but one embarrassing meltdown after another. IF I were a "moderate democrat" there's no way I would admit that now. You've clearly gone off the deep end in your rage and anger over Trump defeating you and it shows. You're never going to win elections by doubling down on what failed in 2016.

The next thing is... who are you going to run against Trump in 2020? I see no one in the batter's box or dugout who can actually take this man on in any meaningful way. You need a real rock star of a candidate and you have none. Now sure, you're going to get the solid support of the 20~25% hard core left... they'd vote for anybody over Trump. But that's not going to win the election.
The Antichrist has risen.

The Apocalypse is inevitable.

Waiting. With baited breath, for the mushroom cloud.

It's the end of the world as we know it...

And I feel fine.
He squeaked past the worst candidate in modern history; it's almost impossible that he will be offered that advantage again.

I suspect he'll face strong challenges from within the GOP. He may even not win the GOP nomination. If he keeps up as he has been with his grossly hyperbolic and ill conceived tweets, he definitely won't.

Hopefully, for the country's sake, and for the sake of the GOP -- it used to be a respectable organization/party -- Trump won't make it past his first year in office. With any luck, something impeachable and convictable in the Senate will come up and we'll see the end of the Trump Presidency.
The republicans are just waiting for his approval rating to go low enough where they can vote for article IV of the 25th Amendment and not suffer any blowback.

LMFAOooo... That is NOT going to happen. I know a lot of unhinged lefties have hung their hopes on this... bless your hearts. There is actually a better chance of Trump resigning from boredom than this.

But it's really priceless to me that you will come here with a straight face and present this as if it's a valid thing that could happen. It's precisely an example of what I said earlier about the left becoming unhinged. Things like this are doing you more harm than good. You are alienating huge swaths of reasonable moderate democrats who just can't continue supporting your insanity.
Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but what are you going to do 3 years from now when:

* You find out there won't be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and the wall that is being built is being paid for by you.

* You no longer have any healthcare coverage at all, and one of your friends or family members have died for the lack of it.

* Very few of those jobs that were promised by President Trump ever materialized.

* Your 8 year old daughter is now walking 4 miles to school in a high crime area because there is no more bus service.

* Donald Trump's relationship with the Russians are dictating some of his policy's

* Donald Trump's wild claims, tweets, and abrasive behavior loses him so much GOP support that he won't be able to do much of anything

* You're poorer than you were 3 years ago.

* You find Trump's policy's are driven as much by his business interests, as much as his political one's

* The rich have become much richer in the last 3 years (and it's not trickling down)

* The terrorist threat Donald Trump talked about in his speeches was not nearly as horrible as he said

* The air stinks from industrial pollution, and you can no longer drink the water.

What will you do?

* Blame the Liberals? A nice idea, but they've been out of power for 3 years.

* Blame the Judiciary? Many of those judges are Republican appointed.

* Blame the GOP for lack of support? Turning nose on your own party is the ultimate admission of failure.

* Blame the Media? That's always fun, but the media doesn't pass laws or set policy.

What will you do.....? :disbelief:

I will say: "Holy shit! I'm living in a left wing fantasy world not based in any reality! Help!"
Pres Trump could fulfill none of his promises, and brag that they were ALL fulfilled beautifully, and his lemmings will believe him....

So, it matters not......once a cult, always a cult....It's black magic....imo. :eek:
I think the OP basically comes down to the question "is there anything Trump or the GOP can do that would make republicans regret their 2016 vote and switch to supporting Dimz?"

My answer is NO.

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