What are Trump supporters going to do?

Trump cannot win in 2020 unless the Democratic Party does everything in its power to help him win. He squeaked past the worst candidate in modern history; it's almost impossible that he will be offered that advantage again.

And, so far, nothing he has done with his presidency has served to make him look like he was the right choice, except to the people who would blindly vote for him over again anyway.

Oh and btw, don't discount the possibility that he might get a real, viable, competitive challenge from another Republican in the primaries.
You really better hope Trump gets assassinated, because he is almost certain to win everything in 2020 and Democrats haven't got a clue as to how they can stop him.
Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but what are you going to do 3 years from now when:

* You find out there won't be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and the wall that is being built is being paid for by you.
I won't go through your whole steamy pile but you just copied it from some smear site anyway. The southern boarder? Is that the ole boy hanging out in Wally World's parking lot?

As far as the border goes it will save us from spending as much money on the illegals. It won't be built if Democrats are successful. They want the votes sneaking across the border. I didn't vote for "the wall" or any other single issue Trump ran on. I voted for him hoping he'd win so I can watch liberals writher in agony for at least four years.

Which, by the way, I must say I am a little disappointed in you guys. It was looking good for a while but where's the street outrage, the childish effigies and chants, the hate marches for peace and so on? Waiting for better weather?
LMFAOooo... That is NOT going to happen. I know a lot of unhinged lefties have hung their hopes on this... bless your hearts. There is actually a better chance of Trump resigning from boredom than this.

But it's really priceless to me that you will come here with a straight face and present this as if it's a valid thing that could happen. It's precisely an example of what I said earlier about the left becoming unhinged. Things like this are doing you more harm than good. You are alienating huge swaths of reasonable moderate democrats who just can't continue supporting your insanity.

Guy, you seem to not get that Republicans hate Biffenfuhrer more than we do.

After he FAILS to repeal the ACA, he won't have any friends left on your side of the aisle.

Amendment 25 is the way that you guys get out of this without having to prove he broke any laws. You just have to prove he's mentally unstable.
I think the OP basically comes down to the question "is there anything Trump or the GOP can do that would make republicans regret their 2016 vote and switch to supporting Dimz?"

I think you miss the point. YOu guys aren't the majority.

Will the hardcore Republican ever admit how badly they fucked up and put Trump into 'Well, he wasn't a real conservative, anyway' category? (You know, where they usually put their losers except for their imaginary version of Reagan).

Probably not.

But the Johnson, Stein and McCulloh voters who pissed away their votes on third party candidates, they know they fucked up.

The independents who voted for Trump as a protest vote or a joke or because he done had him a TV show, they know how bad they fucked up.
No... let's get this straight... We hate YOU, asswipe! We hate Chucky Schumer and Nancy Pelosi! We're messing YOU up... every day, in every way.

Yes, you are full off hate. You hate Schumer and Pelosi more than you love America.

But then again, if I had to live in Jesusland next to the Toxic Waste Dump, I'd probably not be too fond of America, either.
Has trump proposed cutting school bus services? Because I haven't heard of any such measure and the constitution doesn't give him power to control the local governments job.
I think the OP basically comes down to the question "is there anything Trump or the GOP can do that would make republicans regret their 2016 vote and switch to supporting Dimz?"

I think you miss the point. YOu guys aren't the majority.

Will the hardcore Republican ever admit how badly they fucked up and put Trump into 'Well, he wasn't a real conservative, anyway' category? (You know, where they usually put their losers except for their imaginary version of Reagan).

Probably not.

But the Johnson, Stein and McCulloh voters who pissed away their votes on third party candidates, they know they fucked up.

The independents who voted for Trump as a protest vote or a joke or because he done had him a TV show, they know how bad they fucked up.

The only people I see that screwed up were the ones who voted for hillary
No... let's get this straight... We hate YOU, asswipe! We hate Chucky Schumer and Nancy Pelosi! We're messing YOU up... every day, in every way.

Yes, you are full off hate. You hate Schumer and Pelosi more than you love America.

But then again, if I had to live in Jesusland next to the Toxic Waste Dump, I'd probably not be too fond of America, either.

Schumer and Pelosi are hardly america. Many hate them specifically because they love our country and hate what they have done to screw this nation over. Personally I don't see the point in hating. Why do you hate conservatives so much?
* Blame the Liberals? A nice idea, but they've been out of power for 3 years.

* Blame the Judiciary? Many of those judges are Republican appointed.

* Blame the GOP for lack of support? Turning nose on your own party is the ultimate admission of failure.

* Blame the Media? That's always fun, but the media doesn't pass laws or set policy.

What will you do.....? :disbelief:

All of the above. I have seen a critical lack of integrity from his supporters when it comes to taking accountability.
Trump cannot win in 2020 unless the Democratic Party does everything in its power to help him win. He squeaked past the worst candidate in modern history; it's almost impossible that he will be offered that advantage again.

And didn't even win the popular vote.

His unpopularity at day 60 is the lowest ever. He already lost all of his credibility with most of the country. The international community hates him. The rest of the world thinks America is a laughing stock.

He doesn't stand a chance in 2020.
Trump cannot win in 2020 unless the Democratic Party does everything in its power to help him win. He squeaked past the worst candidate in modern history; it's almost impossible that he will be offered that advantage again.

And didn't even win the popular vote.

His unpopularity at day 60 is the lowest ever. He already lost all of his credibility with most of the country. The international community hates him. The rest of the world thinks America is a laughing stock.

He doesn't stand a chance in 2020.

Who you going to run? Lieawatha, Biden, Chelsea, Sanders?

Face facts, your party is decimated, it has no real leadership and your agenda is despised by America
Face facts, your party is decimated, it has no real leadership and your agenda is despised by America

I don't support Democrats, and could care less who wins in 2020. That doesn't change the fact that Donald Trump is a pathetic excuse for a human being, and has made America a complete and utter laughing stock. Americans are a bunch of dumb fucks.
Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but what are you going to do 3 years from now when:

* You find out there won't be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and the wall that is being built is being paid for by you.

* You no longer have any healthcare coverage at all, and one of your friends or family members have died for the lack of it.

* Very few of those jobs that were promised by President Trump ever materialized.

* Your 8 year old daughter is now walking 4 miles to school in a high crime area because there is no more bus service.

* Donald Trump's relationship with the Russians are dictating some of his policy's

* Donald Trump's wild claims, tweets, and abrasive behavior loses him so much GOP support that he won't be able to do much of anything

* You're poorer than you were 3 years ago.

* You find Trump's policy's are driven as much by his business interests, as much as his political one's

* The rich have become much richer in the last 3 years (and it's not trickling down)

* The terrorist threat Donald Trump talked about in his speeches was not nearly as horrible as he said

* The air stinks from industrial pollution, and you can no longer drink the water.
That will probably affect a lot of people who voted for Trump, but not necessarily that many who post on here, and not to the extent that they would care.
Over here we will be fine however I predict a lot of ulcers and brain aneurysms coming from your side of the fence.
Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but what are you going to do 3 years from now when:

* You find out there won't be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and the wall that is being built is being paid for by you.

* You no longer have any healthcare coverage at all, and one of your friends or family members have died for the lack of it.

* Very few of those jobs that were promised by President Trump ever materialized.

* Donald Trump's relationship with the Russians are dictating some of his policy's

* Donald Trump's wild claims, tweets, and abrasive behavior loses him so much GOP support that he won't be able to do much of anything

* You're poorer than you were 3 years ago.

* You find Trump's policy's are driven as much by his business interests, as much as his political one's

* The rich have become much richer in the last 3 years (and it's not trickling down)

* The terrorist threat Donald Trump talked about in his speeches was not nearly as horrible as he said

* The air stinks from industrial pollution, and you can no longer drink the water.

What will you do?

* Blame the Liberals? A cool idea, but they've been out of power for 3 years.

* Blame the judiciary? Many of those judges are Republican appointed.

* Blame the Media? That's always fun, but the media doesn't pass laws or set policy.

What will you do.....? :disbelief:

I am going to save a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico!
Trail of Tiny Turd Droppings

Now I see the connection. Bugeyed Trumpophobe's rant desperately oozing scare stories>slimey libbie lizard>gecko>GEICO!
I don't support Democrats, and could care less who wins in 2020. That doesn't change the fact that Donald Trump is a pathetic excuse for a human being, and has made America a complete and utter laughing stock. Americans are a bunch of dumb fucks.

I didn't support Trump in the primaries and didn't vote for him in the general. I've cringed at things he has said and tweeted and I've called him out on issues where I disagree. I have a big problem with his alt-right supporters who are obnoxious little trolls for the most part. All that said, the man has impressed me in his first couple of months. He's had some stumbles but by and large, he is showing exceptional leadership skills and governing with balls. Unlike our last president.

I don't really care what "the rest of the world" thinks. In fact, I hope they hate Trump... it means he's doing something right. If the rest of the world thinks you're great it usually means the American people are getting fucked royally.
I think the OP basically comes down to the question "is there anything Trump or the GOP can do that would make republicans regret their 2016 vote and switch to supporting Dimz?"

I think you miss the point. YOu guys aren't the majority.

Will the hardcore Republican ever admit how badly they fucked up and put Trump into 'Well, he wasn't a real conservative, anyway' category? (You know, where they usually put their losers except for their imaginary version of Reagan).

Probably not.

But the Johnson, Stein and McCulloh voters who pissed away their votes on third party candidates, they know they fucked up.

The independents who voted for Trump as a protest vote or a joke or because he done had him a TV show, they know how bad they fucked up.

Yeah.... those independents who now regret their votes. . . where are they? Are they the ones marching in the streets , smashing windows and burning cars? The ones dressing up like two legged vaginas? Where are they?
I don't really care what "the rest of the world" thinks. In fact, I hope they hate Trump... it means he's doing something right. If the rest of the world thinks you're great it usually means the American people are getting fucked royally.

Right. Because clearly the feelings of the dumbasses in JesusLand are more important than being able to cooperate in the world community.
Yeah.... those independents who now regret their votes. . . where are they? Are they the ones marching in the streets , smashing windows and burning cars? The ones dressing up like two legged vaginas? Where are they?

Probably getting on with their lives, hoping Trump doesn't fuck up the economy before they get out of debt... which is what I am doing.

2018, though... bye-bye all you Wingnuts who got in during 2010, when those people won't be able to take out their wrath on Trump, but can on anything else with an R after its name.

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