What are Trump supporters going to do?

Can any of you Trump haters at least say you like the chants at the Trump rallies.
If you love America, show us other Americans that you can also join us in saying USA,USA,USA. Try posting that it makes you fill good, if you can't then leave the country.

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I could have made the same argument about Republicans in 2009.
Or the same argument about Democrats in 2001
Or the same argument about Republicans in 1993
Or the same argument about Democrats in 1981
Or the same argument about Republicans in 1977.

One argument you CAN'T make is that Republicans have enjoyed such nationwide majorities in Congress, statehouses and governorship since Reconstruction.
Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but what are you going to do 3 years from now when:

* You find out there won't be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and the wall that is being built is being paid for by you.

* You no longer have any healthcare coverage at all, and one of your friends or family members have died for the lack of it.

* Very few of those jobs that were promised by President Trump ever materialized.

* Your 8 year old daughter is now walking 4 miles to school in a high crime area because there is no more bus service.

* Donald Trump's relationship with the Russians are dictating some of his policy's

* Donald Trump's wild claims, tweets, and abrasive behavior loses him so much GOP support that he won't be able to do much of anything

* You're poorer than you were 3 years ago.

* You find Trump's policy's are driven as much by his business interests, as much as his political one's

* The rich have become much richer in the last 3 years (and it's not trickling down)

* The terrorist threat Donald Trump talked about in his speeches was not nearly as horrible as he said

* The air stinks from industrial pollution, and you can no longer drink the water.

What will you do?

* Blame the Liberals? A nice idea, but they've been out of power for 3 years.

* Blame the Judiciary? Many of those judges are Republican appointed.

* Blame the GOP for lack of support? Turning nose on your own party is the ultimate admission of failure.

* Blame the Media? That's always fun, but the media doesn't pass laws or set policy.

What will you do.....? :disbelief:

I'll vote for Trump in 2020

Next question?

Their majorities in Congress are smaller than they were last year, so not so much...

Yes. in the US Congress, Republicans did lose a few seats but they had many more up for grabs than the Democrats who were supposed to retake the Senate and probably the House. This doesn't change what happened across the nation in state races where Republicans continued to gain ground. Only four states remain where they have a legislature and governorship controlled by Democrats. Meanwhile, if Republicans can gain control of just a few more states, they can ratify constitutional amendments without opposition.
What are trumps supporters going to do when China moves pass us in every way in science, tech and education??? When they start being able to build jet fighters that can blow our best out of the sky because of it.

What are you going to do??? Ask for more cuts? lol

Moves pass us?

Pay closer attention in your 7th grade language arts class tomorrow.

China stole the plans for the J-8 fighter and built a copy that cannot do anything comparable to the F-22.
Ignore every one of your biased and flawed prognostications and bet the house against you!


Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but what are you going to do 3 years from now when:

* You find out there won't be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and the wall that is being built is being paid for by you.

* You no longer have any healthcare coverage at all, and one of your friends or family members have died for the lack of it.

* Very few of those jobs that were promised by President Trump ever materialized.

* Your 8 year old daughter is now walking 4 miles to school in a high crime area because there is no more bus service.

* Donald Trump's relationship with the Russians are dictating some of his policy's

* Donald Trump's wild claims, tweets, and abrasive behavior loses him so much GOP support that he won't be able to do much of anything

* You're poorer than you were 3 years ago.

* You find Trump's policy's are driven as much by his business interests, as much as his political one's

* The rich have become much richer in the last 3 years (and it's not trickling down)

* The terrorist threat Donald Trump talked about in his speeches was not nearly as horrible as he said

* The air stinks from industrial pollution, and you can no longer drink the water.

What will you do?

* Blame the Liberals? A nice idea, but they've been out of power for 3 years.

* Blame the Judiciary? Many of those judges are Republican appointed.

* Blame the GOP for lack of support? Turning nose on your own party is the ultimate admission of failure.

* Blame the Media? That's always fun, but the media doesn't pass laws or set policy.

What will you do.....? :disbelief:
How many times can you laugh about left wing fantasies that apparently concede that Hillary wasn't such a good candidate but predict disaster in four freaking years after President Trump has accomplished so much in forty days? Are radical hysterical lefties completely insane or are they desperate to undermine the greatest Country in the world because they hate America?
Their majorities in Congress are smaller than they were last year, so not so much...

Yes. in the US Congress, Republicans did lose a few seats but they had many more up for grabs than the Democrats who were supposed to retake the Senate and probably the House. This doesn't change what happened across the nation in state races where Republicans continued to gain ground. Only four states remain where they have a legislature and governorship controlled by Democrats. Meanwhile, if Republicans can gain control of just a few more states, they can ratify constitutional amendments without opposition.
Unfortunately our state still has a Democrat Attorney General.
so your statement was wrong...

No... my statement was "Republicans haven't enjoyed such nationwide majorities in Congress, statehouses and governorship since Reconstruction." You pointing to a few seats in Congress that were lost when dozens were supposed to be lost, is not making my statement wrong. Sorry.
No, they really didn't. But when Trump goes into 2018 with a recession and a 22% approval rating, I expect they will.

Yes, they really did.

In 2016, Democrats defended 10 seats, while Republicans defended 24 seats in the Senate. In 2018, Democrats will have to defend 23 seats to the Republican's 9, with two independents. All 9 Republican seats are considered "safe" by every political analyst. In fact, the least safe seat is Senator Ted Cruz in Texas. In other words, the Democrats are fucked for 2018 in the Senate. You'll do good not to lose some seats.

In the House, you'll need to flip 24 seats. That's doable, but you need some kind of headwind to make it happen and right now, you don't really have any. Your party has no message other than HATE TRUMP and that's not going to win elections. Democrats might be able to pick off 6-10 seats on dissatisfaction with Trump, but that's really pushing the limits.
As to the original op, while I'm not much of a Trump fan, but I'll still probably be celebrating the fact that Hillary isn't president.
Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but what are you going to do 3 years from now when:

* You find out there won't be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and the wall that is being built is being paid for by you.

* You no longer have any healthcare coverage at all, and one of your friends or family members have died for the lack of it.

* Very few of those jobs that were promised by President Trump ever materialized.

* Your 8 year old daughter is now walking 4 miles to school in a high crime area because there is no more bus service.

* Donald Trump's relationship with the Russians are dictating some of his policy's

* Donald Trump's wild claims, tweets, and abrasive behavior loses him so much GOP support that he won't be able to do much of anything

* You're poorer than you were 3 years ago.

* You find Trump's policy's are driven as much by his business interests, as much as his political one's

* The rich have become much richer in the last 3 years (and it's not trickling down)

* The terrorist threat Donald Trump talked about in his speeches was not nearly as horrible as he said

* The air stinks from industrial pollution, and you can no longer drink the water.

What will you do?

* Blame the Liberals? A nice idea, but they've been out of power for 3 years.

* Blame the Judiciary? Many of those judges are Republican appointed.

* Blame the GOP for lack of support? Turning nose on your own party is the ultimate admission of failure.

* Blame the Media? That's always fun, but the media doesn't pass laws or set policy.

What will you do.....? :disbelief:
What will YOU do in three years when none of your bullshit "if" predictions haven't come true and President Trump's approval rating is in the high seventies?
In 2016, Democrats defended 10 seats, while Republicans defended 24 seats in the Senate. In 2018, Democrats will have to defend 23 seats to the Republican's 9, with two independents. All 9 Republican seats are considered "safe" by every political analyst.

Again, working on the fantasy that the dumb white Trash in Jesusland are going to still vote for Republicans Trump cancels their health insurance.
No... my statement was "Republicans haven't enjoyed such nationwide majorities in Congress,

which was wrong because they have less now than they had last year.

No, they have a few less in Congress but they gained a ton in statewide races. You truncated my quote and didn't include that part. That's because you're a dishonest little fucktard. I ought to report you for that because it's against forum rules but I'm gonna leave it so people can see how pathetically dishonest you are.
No, they have a few less in Congress

So your original statement was wrong. Thank you for admitting that.

No... Read my original statement again, retard. I included statehouses and governorships as well as Congress. You're trying to dishonestly chop my statement so you can be right. You're a liar and you're wrong. What's worse is, you don't really care. You're doubling down on your lie and deception. It's one thing to be wrong and say something that isn't true... it's a whole other dimension of psychopathy to continue telling a proven lie and insist you're right.

I guess you must think you're getting under my skin? To the contrary, I love it that you're illustrating for the entire USMB board what a fucking pathetic lying ass loser you are. And over something SO fucking trivial. At any time after I corrected you, it would have been easy to just slither back under your rock and nothing else would've been said about it. I wasn't going to ridicule you and beat you over the head with it... I'm not like you, Joey, I don't keep a record of things you say to throw back in your face later. We could've just moved on and forgotten about your gaff. BUT... you keep bringing it up trying to sell your lie. So, I am going to keep on pointing out that you're a dishonest little piece of shit who doesn't want to admit when he's wrong.


One argument you CAN'T make is that Republicans have enjoyed such nationwide majorities in Congress, statehouses and governorship since Reconstruction.
No... Read my original statement again, retard. I included statehouses and governorships as well as Congress. You're trying to dishonestly chop my statement so you can be right.

No, i'm pointing out that you made a statement about Congress that simply wasn't true. Despite gerrymandering, voter suppression and a lot of other tricks, you guys STILL lost ground in Congress. The people are getting wise to your shit.

Of course, what would REALLY impress me is that the next time the GOP drives our economy into a ditch, dumb ass white trash like you in Jesusland might finally figure out these people are doing you no favors.

I guess you must think you're getting under my skin?

Obviously, i am, since I can make you lose your shit this easily.

You spend a whole paragraph whining about me... which is hilarious and all, but frankly, doesn't bother me that much.

What bothers me is that you are so dumb and racist that you keep voting for people who screw you. You live in the poorest, most miserable state in the country where your philosophy has gotten everything it wants, and you pretty much rank last in the country in everything.

and when the country votes against more of that shit by 3 million votes, you babble on some shit about how you have more statehouses in states that are mostly just open land where no one actually lives.

Meanwhile, folks in your state are probably going to end up losing health insurance. I'll be fine.

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