What are Trump supporters going to do?

No, i'm pointing out that you made a statement about Congress that simply wasn't true.

No, I didn't make a statement about Congress. I made a statement about Republican majorities nationwide. That includes Congress but also state legislatures and governorships. Hence the word "nationwide" in my comment.

I have posted the direct quote for people to read for themselves. You are just flat out telling a lie and doubling down on your lie, insisting it's true in spite of the evidence.

As for the remainder of your post, we can dismiss anything else you ever have to say on anything because you're a known and proven liar who doesn't admit he's lying even when the proof is slapping him in his goofy face.
No, I didn't make a statement about Congress. I made a statement about Republican majorities nationwide. That includes Congress but also state legislatures and governorships. Hence the word "nationwide" in my comment.

You made a statement that wasn't factually accurate. Republicans lost ground in Congress, and they lost the popular vote by 3 million votes.

The PEOPLE have rejected you, but you will insist on imposing your stupidity on the rest of us simply because this probably is your last chance before you run out of angry old white people.

Some day, Little Cleetus, you might even figure out that recessions that have been crushing the shit out of your middle class life style aren't a bug of Republican governance, it's a design feature.
You made a statement that wasn't factually accurate.

No, I made a statement that WAS factually accurate and you altered my statement to make it appear factually inaccurate because you're a dishonest piece of shit.

One argument you CAN'T make is that Republicans have enjoyed such nationwide majorities in Congress, statehouses and governorship since Reconstruction.
No, I made a statement that WAS factually accurate and you altered my statement to make it appear factually inaccurate because you're a dishonest piece of shit.

No, you made a statement lumping in largely irrelvent state positions in with the fact that you lost the National Vote by about 3 million votes and you lost ground in Congress.

And now you guys can't even get an ObamaCare repeal through Congress with your amazing new majorities...
No, you made a statement lumping in largely irrelvent state positions in with the fact that you lost the National Vote by about 3 million votes and you lost ground in Congress.

And now you guys can't even get an ObamaCare repeal through Congress with your amazing new majorities...

Thanks for admitting you've been lying for two pages. It's a little too late though.
No, you made a statement lumping in largely irrelvent state positions in with the fact that you lost the National Vote by about 3 million votes and you lost ground in Congress.

And now you guys can't even get an ObamaCare repeal through Congress with your amazing new majorities...

Thanks for admitting you've been lying for two pages. It's a little too late though.
Since when does a Trump supporter like you give a shit about lying? You both do it with almost every sentence
Since when does a Trump supporter like you give a shit about lying? You both do it with almost every sentence

Funny that you don't point out any lies.
Lets start with your ID, then who you voted for, then how many ID's you control, and then the fact that you are FOS.
But be proud honey bunch your trump care has a 17% approval, and thats after having 8 years to formulate a plan
Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but what are you going to do 3 years from now when:

* You find out there won't be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and the wall that is being built is being paid for by you.

* You no longer have any healthcare coverage at all, and one of your friends or family members have died for the lack of it.

* Very few of those jobs that were promised by President Trump ever materialized.

* Your 8 year old daughter is now walking 4 miles to school in a high crime area because there is no more bus service.

* Donald Trump's relationship with the Russians are dictating some of his policy's

* Donald Trump's wild claims, tweets, and abrasive behavior loses him so much GOP support that he won't be able to do much of anything

* You're poorer than you were 3 years ago.

* You find Trump's policy's are driven as much by his business interests, as much as his political one's

* The rich have become much richer in the last 3 years (and it's not trickling down)

* The terrorist threat Donald Trump talked about in his speeches was not nearly as horrible as he said

* The air stinks from industrial pollution, and you can no longer drink the water.

What will you do?

* Blame the Liberals? A nice idea, but they've been out of power for 3 years.

* Blame the Judiciary? Many of those judges are Republican appointed.

* Blame the GOP for lack of support? Turning nose on your own party is the ultimate admission of failure.

* Blame the Media? That's always fun, but the media doesn't pass laws or set policy.

What will you do.....? :disbelief:
Trump is the terrorist threat.

He's the American Caligula.
Since when does a Trump supporter like you give a shit about lying? You both do it with almost every sentence

Funny that you don't point out any lies.
Lets start with your ID, then who you voted for, then how many ID's you control, and then the fact that you are FOS.
But be proud honey bunch your trump care has a 17% approval, and thats after having 8 years to formulate a plan

Still no examples of anything I've lied about. More accusations you can't support.

I don't speak for the Establishment GOP... I'm not one of them.
I don't speak for the Establishment GOP... I'm not one of them.

we all thought you were one of those....

But to the point, you are more than happy to support whatever scratches your angry itches, without ever having to support the unpopular stuff.

That's not leadership, buddy.

Politics, and life in general, is as series of tradeoffs.
I don't speak for the Establishment GOP... I'm not one of them.

we all thought you were one of those....

But to the point, you are more than happy to support whatever scratches your angry itches, without ever having to support the unpopular stuff.

That's not leadership, buddy.

Politics, and life in general, is as series of tradeoffs.

Sorry, I don't listen to advice and wisdom from proven liars.
Nor sure what you are sweetie. You had dozens of ID's on the yahoo board, and the same on this board. Everyone with different opinions and different lies. You are one sick phyuck for wasting your life away on a keyboard

I've never been on the yahoo board... didn't even know they had a board. What are you with NSA or something? How the fuck do you think you know so much about me?

Now, you want to talk about changing IDs, I believe you're a fraud based one little habit you have of not ending sentences with a period. This tells me you are probably a previous poster who I shamed so badly that you had to create a new identity. It won't help you, you're still the same stupid little hick.
Since when does a Trump supporter like you give a shit about lying? You both do it with almost every sentence

Funny that you don't point out any lies.
Lets start with your ID, then who you voted for, then how many ID's you control, and then the fact that you are FOS.
But be proud honey bunch your trump care has a 17% approval, and thats after having 8 years to formulate a plan

Still no examples of anything I've lied about. More accusations you can't support.

I don't speak for the Establishment GOP... I'm not one of them.
Nor sure what you are sweetie. You had dozens of ID's on the yahoo board, and the same on this board. Everyone with different opinions and different lies. You are one sick phyuck for wasting your life away on a keyboard
You are averaging about 25 posts per day on this forum alone.
And you're accusing someone else of "wasting your life away on a keyboard".
Fucking loser!
Still no examples of anything I've lied about. More accusations you can't support.

I don't speak for the Establishment GOP... I'm not one of them.

Well you asked for examples of lies, ie things you know are false, but you post them anyway.

Well my beef is, higher tax brackets produce less revenue. Any time you tax something you get less of it... the more you tax it the less you get. If we started taxing bottled water, fewer people would drink bottled water. That's just a fact.

Subsequently, the less you tax something or the more you lower the tax rate, the MORE of something you'll get. So when we lower top marginal tax rates, we get more tax revenues because more people will earn top marginal incomes.

Even you know the Laffer curve refutes your "always" claim. So you were either recklessly in disregard for the truth, or ignorant of reality.
Even you know the Laffer curve refutes your "always" claim. So you were either recklessly in disregard for the truth, or ignorant of reality.

Except I didn't say "always" did I? No, I didn't.

Ergo: No lie told.

There is always debate on where the proverbial "sweet spot" is on the Laffer Curve. I agree with numerous economists who say it's somewhere around 20%. In any event, we'll know when we've reached it whenever we've cut top marginal rates and it doesn't result in more tax revenue. We're not there yet.

I'll be awaiting you apology for claiming I lied when I didn't.

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