What are Trump supporters going to do?

Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but what are you going to do 3 years from now when:

* You find out there won't be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and the wall that is being built is being paid for by you.

* You no longer have any healthcare coverage at all, and one of your friends or family members have died for the lack of it.

* Very few of those jobs that were promised by President Trump ever materialized.

* Your 8 year old daughter is now walking 4 miles to school in a high crime area because there is no more bus service.

* Donald Trump's relationship with the Russians are dictating some of his policy's

* Donald Trump's wild claims, tweets, and abrasive behavior loses him so much GOP support that he won't be able to do much of anything

* You're poorer than you were 3 years ago.

* You find Trump's policy's are driven as much by his business interests, as much as his political one's

* The rich have become much richer in the last 3 years (and it's not trickling down)

* The terrorist threat Donald Trump talked about in his speeches was not nearly as horrible as he said

* The air stinks from industrial pollution, and you can no longer drink the water.

What will you do?

* Blame the Liberals? A nice idea, but they've been out of power for 3 years.

* Blame the Judiciary? Many of those judges are Republican appointed.

* Blame the GOP for lack of support? Turning nose on your own party is the ultimate admission of failure.

* Blame the Media? That's always fun, but the media doesn't pass laws or set policy.

What will you do.....? :disbelief:
They're going to keep defending the indefensible because like their serial liar, they're incapable of admitting they were wrong.
It's easily defendable, dumbass.

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Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but what are you going to do 3 years from now when:

* You find out there won't be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and the wall that is being built is being paid for by you.

* You no longer have any healthcare coverage at all, and one of your friends or family members have died for the lack of it.

* Very few of those jobs that were promised by President Trump ever materialized.

* Your 8 year old daughter is now walking 4 miles to school in a high crime area because there is no more bus service.

* Donald Trump's relationship with the Russians are dictating some of his policy's

* Donald Trump's wild claims, tweets, and abrasive behavior loses him so much GOP support that he won't be able to do much of anything

* You're poorer than you were 3 years ago.

* You find Trump's policy's are driven as much by his business interests, as much as his political one's

* The rich have become much richer in the last 3 years (and it's not trickling down)

* The terrorist threat Donald Trump talked about in his speeches was not nearly as horrible as he said

* The air stinks from industrial pollution, and you can no longer drink the water.

What will you do?

* Blame the Liberals? A nice idea, but they've been out of power for 3 years.

* Blame the Judiciary? Many of those judges are Republican appointed.

* Blame the GOP for lack of support? Turning nose on your own party is the ultimate admission of failure.

* Blame the Media? That's always fun, but the media doesn't pass laws or set policy.

What will you do.....? :disbelief:
Calgon take me away!!!!
Sure you tell yourself that...

Just ignore all Biffenfuhrer's comments to the contrary.

Doesn't matter, the President has plenary Executive Branch power granted by Congress. IF he wanted to make it a "Muslim Ban" he could. But it specifically wasn't a Muslim ban or ban on anything... it was a 90-day delay. And it WILL be enforced when all is said and done.
And shot down TWICE for being unconstitutional but we all know Trumpies don't care about the Constitution. That comes in second to your loyalty to President Crazypants.
Watching a snowflake pontificate on the sanctity of the Constitution is like listening to a prostitute preach about the virtue of chastity.

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No. it hasn't been shot down twice. I know that's what you Rachel Madcow fans want to claim.... it's just another lie. There were two separate EOs, each of them had a TRO placed on them by a district court judge unconstitutionally. The court has no jurisdiction over executive branch plenary power. This will be settled by SCOTUS. You're wrong, Trump is right.

Actually it was shot down twice, once by a judge in Hawaii, and again by a judge in Maryland.

As far as the constitutionality of judges blocking executive orders, that was settled long ago.

Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803), was a landmark United States Supreme Courtcase in which the Court formed the basis for the exercise of judicial review in the United States under Article III of the Constitution. The landmark decision helped define the boundary between the constitutionally separate executive and judicial branches of the American form of government.
Sure you tell yourself that...

Just ignore all Biffenfuhrer's comments to the contrary.

Doesn't matter, the President has plenary Executive Branch power granted by Congress. IF he wanted to make it a "Muslim Ban" he could. But it specifically wasn't a Muslim ban or ban on anything... it was a 90-day delay. And it WILL be enforced when all is said and done.
And shot down TWICE for being unconstitutional but we all know Trumpies don't care about the Constitution. That comes in second to your loyalty to President Crazypants.
Watching a snowflake pontificate on the sanctity of the Constitution is like listening to a prostitute preach about the virtue of chastity.

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The above from a guy who doesn't think there should be a Constitution.
Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but what are you going to do 3 years from now when:

* You find out there won't be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and the wall that is being built is being paid for by you.

* You no longer have any healthcare coverage at all, and one of your friends or family members have died for the lack of it.

* Very few of those jobs that were promised by President Trump ever materialized.

* Your 8 year old daughter is now walking 4 miles to school in a high crime area because there is no more bus service.

* Donald Trump's relationship with the Russians are dictating some of his policy's

* Donald Trump's wild claims, tweets, and abrasive behavior loses him so much GOP support that he won't be able to do much of anything

* You're poorer than you were 3 years ago.

* You find Trump's policy's are driven as much by his business interests, as much as his political one's

* The rich have become much richer in the last 3 years (and it's not trickling down)

* The terrorist threat Donald Trump talked about in his speeches was not nearly as horrible as he said

* The air stinks from industrial pollution, and you can no longer drink the water.

What will you do?

* Blame the Liberals? A nice idea, but they've been out of power for 3 years.

* Blame the Judiciary? Many of those judges are Republican appointed.

* Blame the GOP for lack of support? Turning nose on your own party is the ultimate admission of failure.

* Blame the Media? That's always fun, but the media doesn't pass laws or set policy.

What will you do.....? :disbelief:

Be LMAO when 85% of your assertions are proven exactly the opposite. True Story. You have no clue as to what's really happening.
What are trumps supporters going to do when China moves pass us in every way in science, tech and education??? When they start being able to build jet fighters that can blow our best out of the sky because of it.

What are you going to do??? Ask for more cuts? lol
5 years from now ex-president Trump supporters on the right will be as hard to find as Iraq War supporters on the right have been for years now.
Trump supporters, I don't blame you for voting the way you did. Hillary Clinton was a sorry excuse for a candidate, but what are you going to do 3 years from now when:

* You find out there won't be much of a wall on our southern boarder, and the wall that is being built is being paid for by you.

* You no longer have any healthcare coverage at all, and one of your friends or family members have died for the lack of it.

* Very few of those jobs that were promised by President Trump ever materialized.

* Your 8 year old daughter is now walking 4 miles to school in a high crime area because there is no more bus service.

* Donald Trump's relationship with the Russians are dictating some of his policy's

* Donald Trump's wild claims, tweets, and abrasive behavior loses him so much GOP support that he won't be able to do much of anything

* You're poorer than you were 3 years ago.

* You find Trump's policy's are driven as much by his business interests, as much as his political one's

* The rich have become much richer in the last 3 years (and it's not trickling down)

* The terrorist threat Donald Trump talked about in his speeches was not nearly as horrible as he said

* The air stinks from industrial pollution, and you can no longer drink the water.

What will you do?

* Blame the Liberals? A nice idea, but they've been out of power for 3 years.

* Blame the Judiciary? Many of those judges are Republican appointed.

* Blame the GOP for lack of support? Turning nose on your own party is the ultimate admission of failure.

* Blame the Media? That's always fun, but the media doesn't pass laws or set policy.

What will you do.....? :disbelief:
I will celebrate the fact that the corrupt bitch and her sexually deviant husband never made it back into the WH then sit back and watch the DNC never win another election after the obstructionist tactics that blocked progress, the calls for military coups, the calls for assassination....I will celebrate the self-detruction of the Democratic Party, that put itself above country, and I will pi$$ on its smoldering ashes!
I will celebrate the fact that the corrupt bitch and her sexually deviant husband never made it back into the WH then sit back and watch the DNC never win another election after the obstructionist tactics that blocked progress, the calls for military coups, the calls for assassination....I will celebrate the self-detruction of the Democratic Party, that put itself above country, and I will pi$$ on its smoldering ashes!

Wishful thinking on your part.

The problem is, you've lashed your party to an unstable madman... you now own everything he does... and every failure he has.
Wishful thinking on your part.
Wishful thinking?

Joe, you remind me of the guy who jumped out of the 20 story building - as he passed a 10th floor open window a man in the window yelled out to him, 'How's it going?' The jumper yelled back, 'So good so far!'

Democrats have lost over 1,000 political positions in the last 8 years, have lost back-to-back 'historic record-setting' elections, and as part of their 'come-back campaign' they have:
Exposed the fact that they are cheaters
Exposed the fact that they are racists, sexists, anti-Catholic, homophobic, anti-Semites
Have engaged in riots, violence, intimidation, arson, looting, terrorism (firebombing a GOP HQ)
Used violence to eliminate Freedom of Speech
Paid agencies to beat / bloody Trump supporters
Attempted to intimidate / threaten Electoral College voters with violence to get them to change their votes
Openly called for Impeachment before the President was sworn in
Openly Called for military coups
Openly called for the President's assassination
Have illegally collected information against the President and have illegally leaked the information
Undermined the newly elected government
Affected the Political Assassination of Flynn
Attempted (and failed) to politically assassinate Sessions
Created the LIE / Conspiracy Theory of Non-Existent collusion between Trump and Russians
Claimed falsely that Russians 'hacked the election' because embarrassing DNC e-mails were hacked/released
Conducted 'Watergate 2.0' in the middle of an election based on the LIE of Trump-Russian Collusion

...AND OPENLY declared the Democrats have committed 100% to oppose EVERYTHING under the Trump administration, preventing the will of the people who elected Trump President from being done, preventing any progress being done, preventing anything that could benefit this country and its citizens from being done SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE DEMPCRATIC PARTY!
...and THAT means, by openly doing so, they have already admitted that they are committed to hurting this nation for the next 4 years and that all the bad that comes from their obstructionism and seditious acts IS ON THEM!


Good luck with that!

No. it hasn't been shot down twice. I know that's what you Rachel Madcow fans want to claim.... it's just another lie. There were two separate EOs, each of them had a TRO placed on them by a district court judge unconstitutionally. The court has no jurisdiction over executive branch plenary power. This will be settled by SCOTUS. You're wrong, Trump is right.

Actually it was shot down twice, once by a judge in Hawaii, and again by a judge in Maryland.

As far as the constitutionality of judges blocking executive orders, that was settled long ago.

Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803), was a landmark United States Supreme Courtcase in which the Court formed the basis for the exercise of judicial review in the United States under Article III of the Constitution. The landmark decision helped define the boundary between the constitutionally separate executive and judicial branches of the American form of government.
Petitio Principii

In MvM, SCROTUS interpreted the Constitution as giving it the right to interpret the Constitution. That is a fallacy in logic.

Besides, judicial review had nothing to do with solving Marbury's case against Madison. That makes it a digression (obiter dictum) and therefore, a non-binding opinion.

No court can decide a case based on its private opinion about the law the case falls under. John Marshall was a holdover from the dying Federalist Party and was using the Court to get it back into power through unelected judicial supremacy.
Democrats have lost over 1,000 political positions in the last 8 years, have lost back-to-back 'historic record-setting' elections, and as part of their 'come-back campaign' they have:

Okay, before we go through your boring list, here's the thing.

I could have made the same argument about Republicans in 2009.
Or the same argument about Democrats in 2001
Or the same argument about Republicans in 1993
Or the same argument about Democrats in 1981
Or the same argument about Republicans in 1977.

The fact is, your party has only one the majority in a nation-wide vote ONCE since 1988, and that was in 2004, where George W. Stupid Barely scraped out a victory because we all thought there was an Arab hiding under our beds.

The biggest problem you guys have got now is that you have no one to blame for your inability to get results. You have a president most Americans didn't want and that's what you have to run on.

And the fact he seems unable to get anything done isn't going to help you

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