What are we to do with Klan Wizard and Senate Majority Leader Robert KKK Bird?

What is so hard to understand that Byrd repented and repudiated his Klan membership?
Byrd repented , voted twice against the civil rights act, terrorized blacks, but the worst part of all, he was a leader, recruiting more Klansmen to do his bidding. You stupid fucking liberals, without double standards, you liberals would have no standards at all....
Byrd did not fight for the Confederacy.
Neither did I, but does that stop you from claiming I am a racists, you piece of communist shit?


You are a racist. Your posts more than prove that. You are actually a hateful racist.
and now for the liberal playbook again.

Byrd renounced the Klan and apologized.
Yeah, always works for the suckers on the left....Hillary killed 4 US citizens, didnt apologize, but said "At this point what difference does it make", acknowledging her royal fuck up, but you guys just bent over and kissed her pussy.

Funny. Look up the word "context". Google is your friend...

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