What are we to do with Klan Wizard and Senate Majority Leader Robert KKK Bird?

Byrd renounced the Klan and apologized.
If David Duke did the same and entered politics as a democrat, would you extend the olive branch to him, all is forgiven, put up statues, no grudges held, no hard feelings, etc? Or would you instead try to run him out of town?
Byrd has been dead for years. Keep up.

So has his party. They just don't know it yet.

How so? The republicans have turned into a know=nothing party of bigots. There is no reason to support or speak for the republicans now. They are just right-wing, religious cult shit. Bye. Remember that you people CHOSE this shit and CHOSE your lifestyle.
What planet are you on? It can't be the same one as the rest of us.
What is so hard to understand that Byrd repented and repudiated his Klan membership?
He personally recruited hundreds of klansmen.

Here is his letter to a fellow Democrat:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.

— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[12][20]

He didn’t “repent”, he just got smart and figured out the best way to fuck over blacks is to promote modern Democratic Party ideas. Keep promising them handouts, keep them unemployed, on welfare, give them the shittiest education, promote drugs, attack marriage, and they’ll keep resorting to crime and find themselves in prison all the time.
Byrd has been dead for years. Keep up.

So has his party. They just don't know it yet.

How so? The republicans have turned into a know=nothing party of bigots. There is no reason to support or speak for the republicans now. They are just right-wing, religious cult shit. Bye. Remember that you people CHOSE this shit and CHOSE your lifestyle.
What planet are you on? It can't be the same one as the rest of us.

I am on the same planet as you are. I am an American citizen based securely in Virginia, USA, born and raised in New Jersey. I got the 35-year-award on my job. Worked, supported my family. Not one disciplinary infraction. But I am not a right-winger, I am not a cult member, I am a woman, I do not tolerate misogynists,, I do not tolerate religious cults, I work for my fellow human beings, including people whose skin shades are darker than my own, and, unlike me, are LGBTs. What planet are you on?
Byrd has been dead for years. Keep up.

So has his party. They just don't know it yet.

How so? The republicans have turned into a know=nothing party of bigots. There is no reason to support or speak for the republicans now. They are just right-wing, religious cult shit. Bye. Remember that you people CHOSE this shit and CHOSE your lifestyle.
What planet are you on? It can't be the same one as the rest of us.

I am on the same planet as you are. I am an American citizen based securely in Virginia, USA, born and raised in New Jersey. I got the 35-year-award on my job. Worked, supported my family. Not one disciplinary infraction. But I am not a right-winger, I am not a cult member, I am a woman, I do not tolerate misogynists,, I do not tolerate religious cults, I work for my fellow human beings, including people whose skin shades are darker than my own, and, unlike me, are LGBTs. What planet are you on?
Then you need to get out and meet real people instead of these cartoons you believe.
What is so hard to understand that Byrd repented and repudiated his Klan membership?

If he were Republican and repented/repudiated, that would not be enough for you people. What is so hard to understand that Byrd saw Blacks as votes, not people? He defied anyone in the Democrat party to call him out with his speeches where he would intentionally inset N-bombs. He got the last laugh on Democrats and Blacks.
Byrd has been dead for years. Keep up.

So has his party. They just don't know it yet.

How so? The republicans have turned into a know=nothing party of bigots. There is no reason to support or speak for the republicans now. They are just right-wing, religious cult shit. Bye. Remember that you people CHOSE this shit and CHOSE your lifestyle.
You are the racists. You speak of religious cults and God, when your gods are entertainers. media, politicians, sports players, and radical extremists. Your party is a mish mash of groups that many have no relation to each other. Black guys would just assume rape and maim Prog women and do at times. When the time comes they will expand it big time. The crazy thing is that Non Prog males protect those women more then the Prog males.
What is so hard to understand that Byrd repented and repudiated his Klan membership?


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