What are we to do with Klan Wizard and Senate Majority Leader Robert KKK Bird?

In some European nations (such as England) many years ago, they sometimes dug up the graves of political enemies and desecrated their bones.

That is how strong hatred can be.

I can only hope that the haters in our country today do not go that far.

Hopefully, our haters still have a smidgen of decency left!
Show me a country that is ruled by blacks or browns, that actually(not science fiction) has a successful economy. You cant, because there arent any. Eliminate all the whites in the world, everyone would be living in shit houses then.....

This whole conversation is ridiculous. Blacks have never created nor sustained a civilization on their own. The whites have overcome slavery, tyranny, and oppression. They came to America with little more than the shirts on their backs and built the greatest nation in the annals of history. And yet, today's whites don't have a clue as to why or how that happened. The white peoples arguments are Tweets and a grunt here or there.

Meanwhile the blacks wage a war of genocide and there is an old legal maxim: that which is not denied is deemed admitted. Whites don't take the fight to the black supremacists. They're allowing them to win by default. So, if you don't stand up and defend yourself, you are the problem and need to be replaced.

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